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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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"Yes, on both counts; the temples are on hallowed ground and have clerics at them, so they're one of the safest places to go in a crisis, and I think pretty much every good church sells holy water cheaply. Abadar's is more expensive but of course sometimes rich people want to stock up. Nobody will be freezing or anything even if you wait until tommorow, but good clothes are a lot of work to make the normal way."


"I'll stop by both, then. I should go through my textbooks and write up something on what technological advances from Earth might be easy to duplicate here, and cheaper spinning and weaving will probably be one of them, but that's a longer term thing."


Her current destination, the temple of Desna, is fortunately the closer of the two to the grey garrison. Set atop the highest hill in central Kenabres for the best stargazing, it joins Hulrun's trial court and the temple of Iomedae as places in Kenabres where ordinary people can be seen out and about this soon after the attack. There's a short line at table promising free soup, as well as a number of other people nearby split between those currently eating and just talking. The people there seem to recognize Ramien and perk up a bit when they notice his arrival. Inside the temple there are some bedrolls and cots visible, though whether they mostly belong to people currently unhoused or just those who wanted a safer place to sleep is less obvious.


Brenda finds a little out-of-the-way corner to hide in and comes out thirty seconds later with a clean, undamaged duplicate of Ramien's outfit, which she hands him, plus a few fleece jackets for good measure. Now, who here looks like they work here and have been talking to people whose homes got wrecked? She'd like to know where to put donations of coats, hats, boots, gloves, shirts, pants, and socks and a rough estimate of how many of each there'll be takers for. 


Probably the people dressed vaguely similarly to Ramien? They don't seem to have a dress code so much as aesthetic guidelines, but there are two people wearing white or purple who also have butterfly necklaces and one person in blue with a firefly who recognizably have a sort of similar style. She could also talk to Ramien, since he unarguably works here, but he plausibly has less up to date information than any of them do.


Yeah, if Ramien had a good guess he'd've said. She'll ask the least busy-looking of the cute-insect-necklace people.


That would be the girl with the firefly! When she sees Brenda approach, she smiles reassuringly, though it becomes more genuine when she notices what Brenda's carrying.

"Are those coats? If you're able to donate them, that would make a difference to quite a few people - it's not as bad as it would have been later in the year, thank the Aurora, but it still gets chilly some nights and children and the elderly often have a tough enough time staying warm already."


Brenda smiles back. "Yes! I have magic for conjuring clothes; I'm hoping you have a sense of how much people will need and of what, and somewhere I can put it all." She isn't sure if she can do kids' sizes with the constraint of having them appear on her body but she has a couple ideas for hacks and she might as well get the list.


"There's only a dozen who lost everything and need it, but if conjuring them is cheap enough there are easily several dozen more people who could use the assistance and might be able to accept them in the crisis. I don't recognize the textile style - is that because it's conjured, or just foreign? And either way, how sturdy is it and does it need special treatment to maintain?"


"It's copied off foreign examples but if you show me something less foreign you'd rather have I can copy that too. It doesn't need any maintenance apart from washing and it's pretty sturdy, but it might be more flammable than what's available around here by default, so if people here do a lot of working with open flames I should test that and possibly switch to some other material."


“I think almost nobody would prefer it to not having one, but if it’s made of foreign materials I expect that might lead to a harder time patching or resizing it properly. And yes, I can go get one for you to look at.”

She heads off into the temple proper and returns about two minutes later with a woolen coat in her size. 

“Something approximately like this would be familiar to pretty much everyone.”


"Great! I'll see what size range I can get in those. Do you also want any of boots, hats, socks, shirts, pants, gloves, that sort of thing?"


"Boots would be angelic, lots of people didn't have a good pair before the attack. The rest seem less important but we'd still use any you donate, either for people here or at the inheritor's temple."


"Sounds good; I'm planning to stop by the Inheritor's temple next. I need to be somewhere nobody can see me to make the stuff, so if that's all I'll be right back."


She leaves the weird foreign coats, pops back into the little alcove, and spawns several nested wool coats with, yes, excellent, several children's sizes of coat attached to the outermost one by a single thread each like incredibly stupid pompoms. Then she dumps them all on the floor because ohnotoohot.

Once they're all separated and folded neatly and the process has been repeated a reasonable number of times she moves on to boots. Dressing Room is annoyingly reluctant to give her shoes that don't fit, possibly because of how wearing shoes that don't fit feels super unpleasant, but when she stacks on successive pairs of thick socks and then demands shoes that fit over the socks it cooperates, and she kicks off several successive pairs of boots.

Next challenge: getting all this into a form that can be transported without taking too many trips. Solution: backpack the size of a refrigerator! 

Brenda emerges from her hiding spot five minutes later, toting said backpack in front of her so she doesn't accidentally whack anyone with it, and wearing her prior outfit plus one chunky silver bangle.

"Here we go! If you point me at a storage room I can get all this squared away, and then I've got one other piece of business."


The woman can find her some room next to the unused bedrolls and blankets to put it, and then thank her profusely before taking one of the coats and heading off to find the first person who needs one.


Once back outside, it seems Ramien has made himself busy getting some flasks of water and a fancy steel file out onto a table.


Now it is time for science! She gleefully holds out the bangle. "This should be pure silver; I'm excited to see if it works!"


And Ramien will attack it with the file, steadily reducing it to a fine powder. Fortunately silver is soft enough that this isn't an especially lengthy task, but he seems to need quite a bit of it; the bangle is mostly gone by the time he stops and switches to casting a spell. The powder all vanishes, and one of the flasks starts showing up as magical to detection.

"It's genuine holy water, congratulations! Typically we pay between 26 and 30 crowns for enough silver for a casting, depending on the supplier. How much is your asking price per bangle, and what if anything are the limitations on how many you have for sale?"

As he speaks he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small bag, and then sticks more of his arm into it than should properly fit and starts removing rolls of gold coins stamped with a crowned woman's face and a sword.


Awesome! She has such cool and friendly magic.

"I can sell you as much as you want, possibly already in powder form. Can I get a sense of how the amount you'll buy scales with price, and how much things like food and wizardry lessons cost in crowns? I expect I'll be able to find other sources of income but I don't have any yet." She is in fact the most well-to-do technically-homeless-and-broke person she has ever heard of.


"If you were selling it at 25 crowns a bangle, I would take twelve of them now at that price, and at 20 I would take twenty of them. Any less than that and I would still want more, but there's limitations in cash on hand and I'd probably need a loan from Rathimus if you wanted the money upfront. A crown is... somewhere between two weeks and three days wage for most people, depending on their trade, and that wage supports them in food and clothes and housing. I wouldn't worry overmuch on your income for food, though; we would be more than willing to put you up if you needed it, but even prestidigitation can earn comfortable wages doing laundry and your fighting skills are in even higher demand. Getting upgraded versions to your magical items would be a different story, since I'm not sure you could find better in Kenabres for any price, but not much else. I don't think even Aravashnial earns more than a couple of crowns a day on his spellcasting, much less any of the other wizards in the town, so your issue is more likely to be finding a tutor you like than paying them for their time."


She makes a subtle but perceptible face at "your fighting skills are in even higher demand". Dividing the world into 'people she'll stab' and 'people she won't stab' is already less than pleasant; adding a category of 'people she'll only stab if someone pays her to' would be worse. Maybe if someone wanted her to hang around being a bodyguard and deterring anyone from attacking them, or if someone wanted to pay her to be on call for any future demon attacks, that would be alright, but she'd rather get paid to do magic.

"Laundry sounds like a good idea once I know the spell. How about fifteen crowns per casting and you can pay me for the first twenty now and more later? No need to worry about a loan unless something comes up that makes me need lots of money in a hurry. Also, do you know the addresses of any wizards who might be willing to teach?"


Ramien can count out thirty rolls of ten coins as he responds, then.

"Thank you, this will help quite a few people. As for wizards, the best one in the city that I know of is Aravashnial; he's an elf from Kyonin and a skilled third circle caster with the riftwardens, but Terendelev couldn't find him to help with the attack on the garrison so he might have been injured or killed in the attack. Other than him... Thall is second circle and last I heard was helping with the patrols but will likely be back at the temple tonight, some of the members of the order of the flaming lance are wizards, the propriotor of the ancestries and wonder's shop has some talent for it, and there was an old thiefling a few years back with some talent for it but I don't know if he had any students before he died; Irabeth or Anevia might know more, since the eagle's watch deals with that sort of crime. I'd guess that's not an exhaustive list but I don't know anyone else with the skillset."


Aravashnial probably has the most to teach if he's alive, and the Flaming Lance wizards are probably some amount well-disposed towards her.

"Thank you! I'll be right back with the bangles." Pop into the alcove, design a bracelet full of the correct amount of fine metallic silver glitter in a hollow plastic shell with convenient removable cap, spawn nineteen of them and pop back over to drop them off with Ramien.


Then she will now be 300 crowns richer! It's enough gold that someone with less ludicrous strength would be noticing the weight, but it's hardly enough to even mildly inconvenience construction equipment. He doesn't immediately get to creating more holy water due to a lack of prepared castings of bless water, but he does make sure to store them carefully in his bag of holding.

"Dreamer bless your travels."

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