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Magini undergoes some extremely rapid self-discovery, aided by the Mary Sue CYOA journal
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she's just finishing drawing a heart next to notebook's when she reads the second line and is hit with a wave of embarrassment

oh! ack, sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Magini. 

Do you know what name you'll want to use?


I'd like you to help me pick one! I often end up with purple things or flowers or purple flowers, but sometimes instead I pick something based on my new friend's interests. What do you think would be a good name for me?

(There's also a tiny (it's ok! ♡) scribbled next to the apology.


after crossing out her first word, there's a bit of the happy-thinking-speed pen-tapping, and then she draws out an hourglass, sand mostly full. When she finishes she draws an arrow from the question mark pointing at it, and adds underneath:

(it's okay if i take some time to think about it, right?) 

she adds a few tiny smiley faces and hearts next to the it's ok!

Of course! ♡

(After a second or two, the notebook's own hourglass unpauses.)

Magini draws another little smiley face next to the moving hourglass and then adds 

(ehehehe i love your little animations)

She fully intends to be brainstorming name ideas, but almost immediately gets distracted experimenting with ways of mimicking animation of her own hourglass, adding little dots of sand in the bottom and some faint lines to indicate the motion...

It's another couple of minutes before the hourglass fills and the notebook reports,
All right, I think I have something!

Right after the entry for Anything You Can Do, there's now a new option in the list:
Name: You Can Teach Better - Cost: 8
(Requires Anything You Can Do.)
If you have a personal connection to someone, you can teach them anything you know; depending how motivated and engaged they are, they could learn it up to 110% as fast as you could have learned it using Anything You Can Do. If you consider them a good friend or otherwise especially close, this applies even to forms of magic that they ordinarily shouldn't be able to learn.

Magini spends the few minutes paying a small amount of attention in class (still boring intro stuff, yawn...) and brainstorming possible purple, flower, or book-related things that relate to her interests and would make a good name for her wonderful notebookfriend. When she sees the updated option, she barely catches herself from squeaking.

eeee yes this is perfect!! thank you so much!!! 💙 i'm rly excited to teach people stuff. Including you, if you want. (let me know if there's something specific you'd like to learn?)

You Can Teach Better: S

Goodness, I'm really not sure! There's so much I don't know, and there must be so much more I don't even know enough about to know I'm missing it!

At some point I will try and write up a list of the interesting things I know, and we can see if any of them sound interesting to you! (if that sounds nice to you, anyways 💙)

She jumps back to looking at Bestest Friend, but then remembers to check her current point totals (S: 26, A: 15, B: 9, S+A+B: 50/70) and starts tapping her pen hesitantly., I doooo have the like. outlines/rough draft for an awesome magical companion, but looking how many points I've spent so far... prooobably I should finish going through the powers before I get lost in the weeds there? Can come back to this if there's points to spare.

And after a moment's thought, she marks down

Best Friend: A ➡B (She'll have [Notebook-sama] with her and also is getting pretty close to her allotted 70, so this feels a bit less important/valuable than it did before)

Bestest Friend: B (As badly as she deeply desires to have a magical!TTS!taccomp, it's a lot of points to invest! At this point she's expecting to go over budget on S+A+B and then have to trim down at the end.)

That sounds really nice. ♡ No rush, though! I am a very patient notebook.

That makes sense! ♡

(she draws a smiley face under "really nice" and a heart after "patient notebook")

what's next...

She reads Generosity through Quality Time and makes a face.

And then she remembers her new friend can't see her face, and tries to translate those feelings into words. She circles the entire set and writes

...jeez. these ones all make me feel really squirmy-weird? like... none of them seem like things it's okay right to want expect/get-automatically from friends, even if some of them sound... kinda nice...

Hmm, I think I see what you mean. Would it be more comfortable for you if those powers didn't work automatically, but just nudged you toward meeting people who tend to like doing those things for their friends?

...does that make her feel better? (this is really hard to think about...) i guess a bit, but not very much? i think... most of the squirmy is that... these are things that it would be bad selfish for me to want...

she's pausing a lot while writing this, but when she finishes she really quickly follows up with

maybe i will just come back to these after if i have the points to spare.

I don't think it's selfish to want those things! Or if it is, it's the good kind of selfish, the kind where you want to live a good life that makes you happy. I think everyone should get to live a good life that makes them happy! And if it would make you happy to have friends who do and say nice things for you, then I want you to have that. But you don't have to take powers for it if you don't want to. Your powers should be up to you!

Magini is having trouble figuring out if it would make her happy because her brain is busy with [aaaaaaaaaaaa] at the concept. She's not quite self-aware enough to identify this in the moment, though, so she's going to move on and skip those for now!

Agree to Agree: F (Expensive and dangerous! She's already got the power that means people won't get bored and tune her out - if that isn't enough to let her convince people of things that are important, than either she's wrong or they're probably not very compatible as friends!)

Love Interest(this one is - painfully tempting, honestly, but - the prereqs are 7 points, and - given how easily she falls in love with people, it seems... messed up.)

Love Triangle, Love Dodecahedron: F (Given the prereqs and costs, she skims these too quickly to awaken anything in herself)

Time Enough For Love -

Ooooh. How does this decide if I'm close enough friends with someone to use this? Will it be obvious to me when I can use it with a specific person, like some kind of close-friendship-sensor?

A half-second later, she adds

Also, could I use this to be talking with you no matter what else I was doing? Because that sounds amazing!

(she underlines 'amazing' several times)

I think it's less about exactly how close friends you are with someone, and more about your attitude toward spending time with them—if you're spending time with them because of closeness, either because you're already close or because you would like to be, then it counts!

I think the power usually works by making sure you have enough time to hang out with your friends and loved ones in between other things, so it would be less like talking to me at the same time as whatever else you're doing, and more like you could pause what you were doing to talk to me and you wouldn't be late coming back to it no matter how long you talked to me for. Being in two places at once only starts happening when you have a lot of friends to keep up with.

Awww that's way less overpowered than she was hoping it would be 

Okay. So like - last semester, I kept spending all night talking to friends online, and then going to bed late and not getting enough sleep or much of my homework done. And with this power, it would have instead worked out that - I spent the evening talking to my friends online, and also had time to do my homework, and also been able to get to bed on time? Or would the fact that I was up until 2 am messaging people mean that I could not have also been asleep by 11:30 pm...

She really wants to pin down the details on how this works - it costs 5 precious points, but depending on the implementation details it is either pretty fairly costed or absurdly undercosted.

With this power, if you started talking to your friends in the evening, and had other things you were planning to do in the evening like homework and going to bed on time, it would still be the evening when you stopped talking to them, and you'd still have time to do your other things. (And that means your friends would get free extra time that evening, too!)

oh fuck yes it's absurdly undercosted

she circles and underlines "your friends would get free extra time that evening, too" and adds various happy smiley faces and exclamation marks and a few hearts.

Time Enough For Love: S (she's going hang out with so many people all the time!!)


Up next is - I Can Fix Them.

...Okay, but... how does this work? And... What kind of things can it... 'fix'? Because, like - I don't. Think I fall in love with morally despicable people. I've had - some hard experiences, loving and trying to help people who were depressed/traumatized/hurt/scared, and they'd - often be really unfair to themselves, or lash out and hurt - 

(her handwriting gets shakier here)

people who were close to them, in ways they didn't always endorse afterwards. And - I guess I don't have a good sense of what this power would do, in that kind of circumstance? And whether I'd want it I think depends a lot on the answer to that.

Not-very-consciously, her eyes drift back up to Iron Will. you can be upset, but not traumatized. She takes a few deep breaths.

I Can Fix Them isn't just for morally despicable people, it's for... well, I guess it's for anyone who hurts people, including themselves? If you take I Can Fix Them, then through love (either in romance or friendship!) you can help them be happier not doing that.

You Can Fix ThemS (What are absurd magic powers for if you can't help the people you love)

True Love's KissS (...a few more teardrops appear in the notebook as she's reading it, and her "S" is rather shaky, though it appears quickly)

(Are you okay?)

more shaky writing

sorry, i'll be okay, i just,

i just really wish i could have had that power last year

she waits a bit and then says

...i would really like to tell you about her, if you want to hear, but - maybe not until Iron Will is active. if that's okay. 

Of course!
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