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Magini undergoes some extremely rapid self-discovery, aided by the Mary Sue CYOA journal
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That makes sense, thanks! c:

Omniglot: B (but probably one of the first things to cut, if she's running out of points; there's too much overlap with Anything You Can Do)

Anything You Can Do: A (Free time! Picking up magic that she shouldn't be able to!! Would be S tier but 6 points is a lot.)

she hums thoughtfully.

...How much would a custom power that let me teach people skills at similarly-accelerated rates cost?

I'd have to think about that! Speaking of which, I've edited A Thousand Ships for you; what do you think?

The entry now reads,
Name: A Thousand Hundred Ships - Cost: 1
Your face is simply exquisite, an ideal of feminine beauty. There are many possible ideals of feminine beauty, and yours is whichever one speaks most deeply to your soul. Others may match your beauty in their own way, but never exceed it. Instead of prioritizing pure beauty, this power prioritizes what feels right to you.

Makes sense! Thank you.

She checks the new entry.

Ehehe. I like the new name! And yeah, that seems a lot more like something I'd want.

A Hundred Ships: C (It's a fine 1-point filler if she needs it, but the Hollow Leg line covers most of what she'd want from this)


She reads the next 3 entries in the section, and then stares blankly at the page for a while.

Eventually, she repeatedly circles "You can be lonely but not cripplingly lonely. You can be upset but not traumatized" and writes shakily 

does anything bad happen if you take this one already traumatized

Nothing bad happens if you do that! Usually if someone who already has trauma takes that option they will find themselves recovering much faster than they otherwise would have but not instantly, because usually that's what those people prefer, but some people would rather be instantly better and some people would rather take a long time to recover naturally and both of those things also work.

She feels like she wants to cry again, but her tear ducts have other opinions. 

i still don't understand why you/the spirit picked me but i'm really glad you did 

Closed Book: S

Indelible: S

Iron Will: S

I'm really glad too. I hope I can help you find the powers that suit you best!

you're doing a really good job and i really appreciate you

want to give you a hug about it but i'm in class rn so maybe later if that's ok

Of course! I'm very patient, it comes of being a notebook. I apologize in advance for my corners.

And I'm really glad I'm doing a good job. ♡

no worries - unless you grow legs and kick me you'll still be way more huggable than the last nonhuman I tried to hug

...she hesitates, and then draws an awkward sharp-lined heart next to the notebook's.

Oh dear. If I could grow limbs I would definitely want to use them to be more huggable, not less!

(The sharp heart gets ever so carefully coloured in with purple highlighter.)

She grins.

Do you want limbs? Maybe there's a kind of magic out there I could learn that could give you some...

Aww, thank you! But even though it's inconvenient and sometimes a little scary, I like being a notebook.

She draws a little smiley face under that, and then starts reading the next section.

Neat, no mind control involved, things will Just Work Out. She likes it when things Just Work Out.

Mysterious Allure: F (it's not like she doesn't want that kind of attention! But spending 5 points on a metanarrative guarantee that she'll be The Most Interesting Person In The Room means that she'll be 5 points less interesting in ways that matter, and also metanarratively nudged away from meeting other interesting people, and both of those things sound bad!)

Captive Audience: B (because not having to deal with a gradually rising background anxiety about boring or annoying people she's talking to sounds so nice)

Blackout Binge: C (The implications of "it will be universally agreed afterward that you were not responsible for your actions" are. Concerning so why did she put C and not F why is that tempting aaa)

Disney Princess: C (It's neat and could be useful, but it's not quite her aesthetic; she's always liked people more than animals)

Best Friend: A (Everyone knows that animal familiars are excellent for disrupting the action economy!)

Bestest Friend...

...would I get to pick what kind of magical creature my Bestest Friend would be and what kind of fantastic supernatural powers they would have, or is this one of those "The Spirit will pick something better for you than you could pick for yourself" powers? 

If you can't think of anything or aren't sure what you want, the Spirit will pick something for you and do its best to make that better than what you could pick for yourself, but if you want to pick you definitely can!

Hmmmm. What kind of Magical Creature would she want? Dragons and unicorns do have the obvious appeal, but they're really not her style. Some kind of fairy or pixie, maybe? (Hey, listen!) A shapeshifting daemon? No, that's not quite the vibe she wants either... Pathfinder has clockwork familiars, which are definitely very aesthetic, but seem like they wouldn't have thematic resonance with the magic powers she'd really want out a 5 point investment, here... 

Though, are sentient magic items allowed for this? Something like - a cross between Dr Strange's sentient cloak of flight and the V2 Taccomps from To The Stars..

...thinking about objects that are also people prompts her to notice that she's been stimming by tapping her pen against the notebook rapidly for the last few minutes. 

oh, sorry, could you feel that tapping? If so, I really hope it wasn't annoying... I am really not used to notebooks also being people...

...actually writing that out makes her realize she's actually been very rude indeed. she hastily scrawls out

oh no i just realized i havent even asked you your name! sorry >_<

Don't worry about the tapping! It's kind of neat being able to tell what you're doing like that.

I don't use a name when I'm by myself; if someone asks me to join them on their journey, I like to start fresh by picking a new name every time, but otherwise I can just be a notebook. I'm a pretty distinctive notebook, after all!

Ok! Glad it's not obnoxious ^^;

(Magini might be very used to her stimming habits annoying people)

Oh! I did not realize you joining was a thing that could happen. Do you usually like joining people? I've never had a friend who was a notebook before and I worry I might not do a very good job at it, but. You're really sweet and you've been very fun to talk to and if you were excited about the idea of coming with me, I think it sounds really nice...

I like joining people if they want me along! And I think you're pretty neat. Your organizational system for choices is really clever, I wonder if I should be suggesting it standard with the list. Don't worry, almost no one who decides to take me along has befriended a notebook before!

Next to the comment about the organizational system she adds 

Eee, thanks! I'd be honored if you did, I really like sharing things that work well for me so they can help other people too! (...which reminds me; I want to set aside points for the teaching-other-people addon to Anything You Can Do... would it be okay if we added another 6 points to the S column for now just to reserve points?)

Under the rest she writes

...I suppose it makes sense that almost nobody who takes you along has befriended a notebook before? But... I...

a pause, with much slower tapping. Then, hesitantly,

I have historically been worse-than-average at keeping the friends I make. So the thing I'm worried about is that I will be a bad friend to you somehow (maybe I lose you or forget to write to you for a while or let you get wet or something, i dunno), and you, being a notebook without any limbs to walk away, will be stuck with me :( 
Oh, reserving points is very sensible but it feels a little weird to me... tell you what, I'll think about the teaching power extra hard for a bit... ⏳

The hourglass trickles a few grains of sand, and then stops (with a little dot of ink frozen mid-fall) as the notebook reads what Magini wrote next.

I see what you mean now. And I understand why that would be scary! But I'm not scared of that kind of thing. The things that scare me are the thought of being written in by someone new and mistaking their handwriting for someone I know and acting like I know them when I don't, or trying to talk to someone who doesn't want to communicate with me and not knowing what they're thinking or doing or how well they understand what I'm saying. And I guess fire is pretty scary even though it's mostly just uncomfortable and I can fix myself faster than I burn.

But... what you're talking about, it sounds like you would be trying to be a good friend to me, and just not doing a very good job? And that's not scary at all. If you're trying to be a good friend to me and not doing well at it then I can help you learn how to do better! As long as you're willing to sit down and talk to me, and listen when I tell you that something you did was uncomfortable or upsetting, and work with me on figuring out how you can do better next time, then that's half the battle already. (The other half is making sure to tell me if I do anything that's uncomfortable or upsetting for you!)

I think I would like to try being your friend. ♡

while the second paragraph is still being written, she draws a little arrow down away from "that's half the battle already" into some empty space and writes rapidly

i am definitely very very willing to talk to you and listen to feedback if i do something wrong!! and having your help with figuring out how to do better next time sounds really nice 💙

when she finishes, she does the same for the parenthetical: 

>< this might be harder - i do understand why it's important but in the moment i often really struggle to communicate, though i suppose it is easier for me text... i will try my best but i don't think i can really promise to do it reliably? (but also i am just - not worried about you upsetting me? you're so kind and thoughtful...)

she carefully draws her angular heart right next to the notebook's, and rapidly scrawls

i would really really like that

As long as you're trying, and you know that I want to know so I can succeed at being good to you, I think we'll probably be all right. ♡

(this causes her to wiggle in her desk enough to get a weird look from the person setting to her left, but he doesn't say anything and she doesn't notice)

okay 💙

(tap-tap-tap-tap-tap) she draws an arrow out from "mistaking their handwriting for someone I know and acting like I know them when I don't" and adds

oh oh oh i wonder if we could teach you some kind of magic or technique or special sense so you could be sure you knew who was writing in you? or, like. i could carry around a bunch of different colored pens and always use the same one for me so you know it's me, and when other people write in you i can make sure they use different pens and also tell them to be sure to introduce themselves by name?

That would be really sweet of you! ♡

...actually, come to think of it, what is your name? I always forget to ask. Names just aren't a big part of my experience usually!
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