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it's a beautiful day in fjerda, and you are a horrible thief
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"Yes. One moment."

She begins smashing up glasswork.


She can help ransack the lab. 


Breaking shit is easy. A little cathartic.


There's not much to it, in the end.




"Anything we need to grab?"


"No. I was brought here with nothing. I leave with nothing, having surrendered nothing."


Grin! "Then let's get out of here." Helvar luckily gave her pretty good directions for that hidden stairwell... She'll lead the way again. 


Gotta respect Kir-Bo's flair for the dramatic, at least.

Hopefully they don't run into any trouble.


The nice thing about using an ¿evacuation corridor? given to you by royalty is it tends to be extremely minimal on trouble.

They're able to avoid any guard patrols, though the door out is locked - not beyond Kaz's skills, but when it shuts behind them it settles with a heavy clunk as the lock resets. There's no way to open it evident from the other side. 

The hidden staircase takes them deep into the rock - the passageway pretty quickly turns from hewn to a rough staircase inside a natural and uneven crevace, with several steep drops including a few precarious climbs down, letting out eventually into a tiny platform overlooking a chasm - the entrance likely isn't visible from below, and they have to squeeze through a narrow crack for much of the final stretch. 

The chasm might be a problem, though. Inej could possibly climb down... But the climb ends in a river currently tumbling through chaotic rapids over jagged rocks. Large stalactites loom from the ceiling, several cutting off the views of their little platform.

"...That's going to be tough," Inej says, her brow furrowed. "...There were a lot of turns earlier, some of them might have been full paths. I can double back to check them out?" They have rope on them, too, but... Probably not enough for this, unless there are hidden platforms below them. 


"I can create a path. I think."


"There's got to be an existing path." Helvar wouldn't have told her otherwise. "And I don't want to leave evidence we came this way..."


"Better to leave a trail than actually be caught."


"Let me scout, first?"


"That is what I pay you for."


"Best to get your money's worth." She'll scout downwards first, actually - it'll be quicker than searching the numerous crevices and crannies of the cave system behind them. She flips over the edge, and scurries down the rock face. 


Kuwei would prefer not lingering here. But maybe if they are caught she will have the courage to jump, this time.


Inej returns quickly, at least, and says, "I've found a path that's doable with the rope. It might be tricky if your balance is bad, though." That last is directed at Kuwei.


"I will manage. And if not, Fjerda will not have parem."


"I can tie a guideline to you if you're at all unsure."


"Yeah, let's do that. That display was a little too much latent suicidality for my liking."


"...Very well."


Very secure guideline (with a knot Kuwei will have serious trouble getting off herself) it is, then. 


Let's see if they can get to the bottom without dying.


Inej is essential for the operation, but - they can. There's a series of thin platforms that'd be invisible if you didn't know where they were (or if you couldn't just clamber around like a lizard), and Inej can lower Kaz and Kuwei between them then scurry to catch up (with a few muttered complaints about wishing she had some climbing gear for the other two). (Kaz rarely gets to see Inej show off like this, but the ways she's climbing are genuinely insanely impressive - she's finding tiny cracks and lodging her body between odd lines a lot to keep momentum, and also many of the cracks are in locations Kaz flat out wouldn't be able to reach between - Inej is folding her body in half or crossing her limbs very oddly at a lot of points.)


Kaz has absolutely no idea how this constitutes a viable escape route, and is once again extremely thankful she has Inej on her side.

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