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it's a beautiful day in fjerda, and you are a horrible thief
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...Though in the meantime she should go find Kaz and Inej before they get too far. 


Good luck.


"I'll be back before you know it." And she sets out with Trassel.


Which leaves Nina all alone. Except for the guards, of course.

"So... what's the procedure here? Am I supposed to pretend to ignore you, or do we make friends, or...?"


One of them pulls off her helm.

She definitely looks like Jarl Brum. She doesn't look much like a proper Fjerdan woman, either - her dark hair is shorn close to her head, and her features are rough, and she's got a scar under her right eye that she wears proudly. 

"We can make friends," she says, raising one of her eyebrows. "I'd like to get to know you, anyways."


"Nina Zenik. And you?"


"I'm Hanne Brum."


"Good to meet you, Hanne. Ah, any relation...?"


"Jarl Brum is my father, yes."


"Must be a lot to live up to."


Shrug. "That's not something I really think about. He's my father. And he's tried to keep me out of politics - being an age mate to the princesses has been a bigger deal, there." She's entirely plausibly the same age as the Grimjer sisters, actually, maybe at most a year younger. And she seems comfortable in these rooms, beyond how the other guards hold themselves. 


"I suppose it would be. You've known them a long time, then?"


"Nearly as long as I can remember."


"Got any good stories?"


"Are you looking for embarrassing childhood stories to tease Kielo with, or insight into the fucked up interpersonal politics going on?"


"Both, if I can get it."


"Kielo used to tell everyone she spoke to that she's actually a wolf. And she'd act like it, too, whenever she could get away with it. My mother always joked she took people saying 'she belongs with the wolves' about her - something we say about girls who don't fit in with what's expected of them - a bit too literally. And my parents let her get away with it, whenever she was staying with us."




"And I don't think she's ever really grown out of it, just gotten more subtle."


"No, yeah, I can see it. I think Trassel just enables her."


"Trassel definitely enables her."


"How did they meet?"


"All members of the royal family - and all druskelle - have an isenvulf companion; traditionally with royals, they're introduced on their thirteenth birthday. Kielo was already - revealed, by then, as a grisha. My father took her in, and after she turned twelve - he decided to have her trained as a druskelle. So she met Trassel with the other young druskelle, when they go to meet and be selected by the new pups."

"Trassel wasn't one of those pups, though - from Kielo's story, Trassel had escaped from the area the young isenvulf are raised as a puppy, and had been injured by some local kids. She returned, but refused to let any humans near her, attacking anyone who tried to get close."

"According to my father... Kielo was rejected by the isenvulf puppies, and went off on her own. This is - pretty normal, when young druskelle get rejected, so he let her be. But as they were wrapping up, he went to look for her - and found her in Trassel's enclosure, sleeping curled up with Trassel."

"Trassel then bit him when he tried to wake Kielo up - he has a pretty bad scar on his arm, which he always shows off and laughs about when telling this story."


"Not sure I'd laugh about something like that."



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