The leader of the shortwave radio committee--it's actually more of a 'generally investigate the shortwave situation' committee rather than a 'build a shortwave radio' committee per se, because that is how science backs up and begins again after you become confused--regrets to inform the Market that if they were expecting a frantic effort to build a shortwave radio followed by a triumphant announcement that the plane is definitely no longer in dath ilan, that is not how this works. That is not how any of this works.
They are improvising tools to replace the untrusted multimeter, more than one of each kind of tool so they can check them against each other, and then ruling out a succession of possibilities for how a criminal mastermind could've sabotaged their radio reception.
It starts with seeing if they can verify that the primary and backup shortwaves were transmitting on a frequency anywhere near 3-30MHz, for example. And despite someone's bright idea about the criminal having changed the frequency spectrum on both radios, that is not how he would pull this off if he was a criminal mastermind because then he would get found out as soon as somebody like Mister Sparklord gets ten minutes to play with other onboard electronics. He'd have messed with the external antenna that the backup shortwave radio plugs into. Not as simple as unplugging it, then the backup radio wouldn't have transmitted to the primary radio or vice versa, but if he's allowed to hook up the antenna wire to complicated equipment it's not even slightly hard to--
Anyways, they're going to measure what look like properties of the external antenna, which isn't going to defeat a clever criminal mastermind who's arranged for the external antenna to look normal when anyone tries to use improvised equipment to measure it in the obvious way, and that'll detect or rule out the more casual possible criminal masterminds.
But mainly, the thing you've got to do at this point, is very carefully drill through some appropriate part of the aircraft interior until you reach metal, and then figure out how to use the external body of the aircraft as your shortwave antenna, as tapped at multiple points that the criminal mastermind can't predict in advance.
At that point the hypothetical criminal mastermind can still block you from receiving radio signals, for example by simply jamming your radio, but it'll be obvious and you'll know there is a criminal mastermind.