mirelótë in lotr
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"- I really do need the whole story."


"Of course -"

And she starts from the beginning.


When she is done a fairly appalled Varda informs her that mortality, those people trapped in torment under the mountains, and Sauron have been dealt with - oaths and the state of the dead look more challenging, we may have to ask Eru for help there -


"I have been hoping that my showing up here at all means he's amenable but that's not necessarily a guarantee. - The dead are kept conscious, that may or may not be a straightforward fix."


- that we could probably help Mandos handle -


" - they've all been dead thousands of years -"


"Yep. Including the ones who the Enemy had."


" - will they be all right?"


"I don't know."


Sigh. Hug. "Would we be helpful there, do you think."




" - why don't we go home and let the Valar do their jobs and think how to tell our Finwëans and then - and then drop all the magic on everybody, I suppose -"


"- Varda is this ring safe to just leave lying around -"


Hmm I suppose if we ended up with a very powerful squirrel it might do bad things to the ecosystem?


Giggle. "Is it safe to use?"


- it won't affect your motives. It is very powerful, one might accidentally do things that weren't what they intended because they forgot a consideration necessary for safe use?


"But I could wear it around so no squirrels got it, and learn to use it safely over some decorous period of time? Or return it to Celebrimbor but I suspect he might not want it."


"Yes, it should be possible to learn to use it safely and you might be more suited to that than the typical squirrel."

        "Have you picked up humor," Rúmil says.

"Humorous understatement! It's where you describe something which is obviously very big as if it is very small. But not like 'this elephant is the size of a mouse', more like 'this elephant is slightly larger than a mouse', and even then it only sometimes works."


Giggle. Her Valar are the best Valar.

She picks up the ring and looks at it consideringly in case it wishes to be obnoxious and inspire her to change her mind.


Here is a sort of sensory map of the world around her by whether it's abiding by physical law or not. She is, Rúmil is, the Ring itself is not, the fragment of Varda's attention is not, the portal is not, through the portal practically nothing is. She could tug on things and change whether they're abiding by physical law! It would be great fun!


Calm down, ring.

But she checks to see which finger it fits best and puts it on.


Now she can see farther and also there are a couple more overlaying sensory things and the ring informs her there used to be a mindcontrol one and it was the best one.


No it wasn't.

She giggles.




"The ring is annoyed that its favorite feature is gone. And look how far I can see -"

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