mirelótë in lotr
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What are humans like? How should humans best be aided? Why does she think the other Valar were so terrible? Does she have a magic ring? What does it do?


She only spoke to one human. They were in terrible health and intrinsically mortal to boot and this constrained them very much and she's looking forward to seeing what they are like under better conditions! She'd need to talk to more humans to have any details beyond that. The other Valar were confused and had fewer Elves available to help unconfuse them. She has a magic ring but she hasn't done any magic with it yet because it's complicated and she has to learn how, if she even keeps it, which she might not. It could have made humans immortal but the Valar beat her to it.


The ring is distressed she might get rid of it, why might she do that.


It's not actually hers. Celebrimbor probably doesn't want it but she should at least ask before making up her mind to keep it. And somebody else might be better at using it, potentially.


How does magic work?


She can demo magic songs!!!!


Magic songs are a huge hit!


And she has friendly emails from Tirion asking for more of the story.


And she can answer them, a bit delicately but still.


Lots of people want to know if they have alternate universe versions.


Many of them probably do, especially if they're more than about yea old.


It is broadly assumed that the Maitimos are comparing notes and will have a list out for everyone soon.


.......she writes Maitimo about that.



" - well. Is he - if they're conscious is there a way to talk to them -"


"Not by default but if their Mandos still hasn't figured out how to put them to sleep he could at least relay messages."


"Okay. Did you get a sense of what to expect in the long run -"


"They might copy our rollback solution and then you'd have an alt some thousands of years out of date. He might, I don't know - turn over key Maitimoing to you and then demand to sleep?"


"I have kids. But if he's going to be miserable -"


"It's not as though he's getting any key Maitimoing done while dead either, if there are any emergencies he was failing to handle they're already moot. I think he will probably be better than the average rescue fork from our Utumno but not by a lot."


"I'm sorry."


"It rather sounds like I should be thanking you."


"'You're welcome' would have been tonally inappropriate."


" - a bit. I can't imagine things falling apart that badly here anyway - though the parole, maybe - if it's possible to keep him asleep until everyone's back alive who died that'll do a great deal -"

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