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addition to the genre 'very silly threads' though I keep saying that and then writing fairly serious threads
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She contacts Altarrin and Bastran with news when she otherwise planned to do so (a few days later) so that her visit to the new planet doesn't look to the gods like something they should've tried harder to prevent. She's pretty sure it is something they should've tried harder to prevent but that's all the more reason not to let it look like it. 


She lets them know that the experiment was a success and caused her to meet another planet's, uh, relationship counselor, and also get some books they may not use yet.


That sounds like a new candidate for one of the most important events in Velgarth's history to date. And also kind of terrifying. And also...what. 

Altarrin has a planned visit a couple of days later. He doesn't reschedule any meetings; he also wants to avoid making it look to the Velgarth gods like he's significantly changing any of his plans based on this, which would hint that it's important and thus that They should probably be motivated to stop him. He'll bring Bastran, though, which he hadn't previously been planning on. 


Well that's discomfiting. Bastran has questions. Which he doesn't really want to ask, because pushing Caris on the matter of why he was particularly motivated to look for another world's relationship advisor sounds agonizingly awkward. 

He'll reschedule a meeting so he can accompany Altarrin on a visit to Caris' wizard tower, though. 


And two days later, Altarrin Gates both of them to Caris/Carissa's wizard tower. 

It's already ridiculously well shielded, but they're talking about a candidate for one of the most important events in Velgarth's history so far. He puts up a lot more shields before sitting down and asking Caris/Carissa to please explain. 


"It worked. Plane Shift never gives you much control over the destination, and I was unlucky but in a manner possibly characteristic of Keltham landing on me and me landing on you, in that I landed in a populated area and was immediately told I was probably looking for suite 905. So I ...went to room 905. No visible magic anywhere, lots of technological advancement, but it wasn't dath ilan because they were familiar with - not Golarion wizards specifically, I think, but lost interworld travellers more generally? Which makes sense, most places you land you shouldn't expect to be the only person who landed there. 

Anyway, 905 had a relationship counselor. Presuming this to be a work of the cosmic force that dropped Keltham on me and then me on you I told her my relationship problems, and she offered to attempt to address them in exchange for pay, that being what she does professionally. She wants to talk to Bastran as well. I said he'd probably have security concerns about me taking him worldhopping and offered to bring her here; she agreed. I figured I can use a lesser geas to confirm she's representing her relationship counseling priorities accurately and then you can use compulsions for secrecy, though we'll have to negotiate details. 

- the world is obviously far more important for its other qualities, and I did buy as many of their engineering books as fit in my bag of holding, but we can't visibly use that right away. I'll give them to Altarrin to stash in secret locations hard for the gods to interfere with on the condition that you don't do anything else with them until I'm immortal. ...or dead in a way that isn't your fault, I guess I want you to use them immediately and as splashily as possible if I end up dead in a way that isn't your fault."

Caris/sa looks quite relaxed and pleased with themself. There is no point in being dumbstruck by the enormity of the situation, and no one even tried to kill her so really it was a very relaxing and civilized trip.


...You know what, all of that is a really good point. Not enough that Altarrin is feeling relaxed, exactly, the cosmic force that dropped Keltham on Carissa and then Carissa on Velgarth doesn't seem entirely benevolent and certainly isn't harmless, but he had started out being a lot more baffled about Carissa's initial message, and he's now less confused. 

"That makes sense, about the books. I agree. I - would potentially wish to visit the other world at some point, I think. At the very least, it would be safer to read some of their books there, where I think our gods cannot see, and if necessary I could place compulsions on myself not to change any of my Velgarth plans based on their contents."

Sigh. "You are - fairly hard to kill, and we are taking substantial precautions. I think it is unlikely the gods will succeed at killing you now even if they attempt it, but I am still inclined to discourage attempts any way we can. I can put the books in a secure hidden location and commit not to reading them while in Velgarth, and definitely not to using their contents, unless Carissa dies in which case I will use them in very dramatic ways." 


He glances over at Bastran, then back at Carissa. "...I do think relationship counseling might help, assuming the person you met is good at it." 

There are other things he wants to say - like the fact that he's pretty sure Carissa could benefit a lot from talking to someone about Keltham, and untangling some of those feelings - but Bastran is right there, and he doesn't actually know how to say it. 

He suspects the 'relationship counselor' will figure it out, anyway. Based on everything they've seen so far, it would be pretty uncharacteristic of the cosmic forces governing the multiverse to direct Carissa to the office of a mediocre relationship counselor. 


Well this is humiliating. Bastran has no idea what to say and he's pretty sure he has to say something. He really wishes he knew what exactly Caris just told the - otherworldly relationship counselor - about his (their?) relationship problems? But he's not about to ask to hear more details in front of Altarrin

"...That seems like a reasonable plan to me," he says. "And, uh, you're right that I'd prefer not to travel to other worlds with you using your magic, at this point." He would have to either tell his personal guard (aaaaah!) or deliberately make a decision not to tell his personal guard, and face the fact that someone might learn of it later anyway (AAAAAAAHHHHH!!??). "I'd be willing to meet with this person, if you can - verify her intentions - before she knows where I am. And if she's okay with the usual compulsions." 

It would be safer if he also asked to have a guard there, probably. It would be safest to ask for Arbas, however, Bastran spectacularly does not want Arbas in the room when he's talking to Caris about their relationship problems. And it sounds agonizing in general.

He doesn't ask about guards. 


"I will send her a proposal for compulsions. She seemed pretty inclined to be all right with security measures that left her alive and in one piece and didn't endanger the confidentiality of her other clients. I think you could have guards, I'll need to give you Tongues to talk with her at all so the guards won't understand anything being said. Not Thoughtsensers, she had confidentiality concerns about mindreading though maybe we could assuage that with the right compulsions."


She'll hand Altarrin the books, then, and a Scholar's Ring so he can read them. "They had nonmagical elevators in the buildings! It was very cute."


Calling the non-magical elevators "cute" is so...Caris...this is objectively a ridiculous thing to have feelings about, but apparently Bastran has feelings about it anyway. 


...Altarrin is going to read the titles and first pages of the books, and write them down. (Transcribed in the Imperial alphabet so he can read them without the Scholar's Ring, just in case. He has to take the Scholar's Ring on and off a couple of times before he's sure that he's actually doing that.) And decide after that whether to read any more right now. He's not actually sure if he's in the right mental state to read books about technology from another world and definitely not make plans based off it; he's still slightly reeling from the whole "there's another world and we might have access to it" thing. 


Altarrin can read books. Bastran is going to...awkwardly sit here being vaguely and directionlessly sad, apparently. Maybe Caris will notice that he's being an idiot and order him to stop that.


"I think you'll like Ramona," she says to him instead. "She has purple hair and a way of talking that makes it hard to feel misunderstood."


"Purple hair? Huh. ...What was the way she talked that made it hard to feel misunderstood? That seems like it - shouldn't just work as a general way of talking, it'd have to be specifically making you not feel misunderstood?" 


"I don't know, I think there's a general skill, something like casting a wider net over the range of possible interpretations. Also a lot of writing everything down and then asking if it was right. - I'll have to make another Scholar's Ring so you can keep up with that."



(There are a lot of things he wants to say, but - it's probably just better to try to say them later, actually, with the "relationship counselor" in the room. Bastran is pretty sure he's demonstrated extensively that he's bad at saying things to Caris.) 


Caris was honestly fine with the state of things a week ago and is worried proposing the counselor made things worse. Whoever dropped Keltham on her was not exactly being nice to Keltham.



Nothing for it, though, but to come up with a security proposal she can deliver in writing to Ramona tomorrow. ....aaaaand another Scholar's Ring so Ramona can read it. There's no magic that lets you write in a language you don't know. 


This is welcome news, really, because time she's spending crafting will neither show up to gods as a threat nor involve any being stupid and weak.


The security proposal is four pages long and includes assurances that the air on Velgarth is verified to be breathable by humans from other places, that the gods are known hostile but believed to have limited capacity to act in Carissa's tower, that everyone present will be qualified to Teleport them out immediately in the case of trouble while a Teleport Trap prevents inbound interplanar transit (a footnote clarifies that even an ordinary Teleport between two locations on the same plane is relevantly interplanar transit), and that the compulsions they want Ramona to agree to be subject to which prevent her from attacking the Emperor or triggering magic items or obeying instructions from allies not so vetted etc etc etc are completely standard, are not substantially motivation-altering or cognition-altering and will be removed when she leaves, except the compulsion to not share details of the situation with anyone, which they want to leave in place. 

It also bothers to represent that all involved parties are Lawful to the best of their knowledge and haven't broken agreements in the broad reference class of this one and are willing to have all of the above formally verified by whatever truth magic or truth technology Ramona has available.


"Any further suggestions?" she asks Altarrin and Bastran.


“Is she familiar with the concept of Lawfulness? I was not until I met you, or - at least I did not have a word for it. It might be helpful to describe that in more detail.”


Footnote, Lawful is a dimension used by gods in Carissa's world of origin and is an observable feature of people and relates to their tendency to keep their word when they give it. It is not actually a sufficient condition for signing a contract with some people to be a good idea but it's often an important consideration and this contract doesn't really let them do anything they couldn't do anyway. 

"...does that come across as threatening?"


(It’s probably not more threatening than whatever Caris already said to Ramona when they met before. Caris is weirdly calibrated on what things come across as threatening.)


“I think that works fine.”


Great! Would Altarrin like to come with her to the other world while she drops this off for Ramona. Until they've identified the extent of divine-and-other surveillance in the other world Carissa wants everything they do there to be very boring but they can at least look around, learn more about how the world works, figure out if mindreading is illegal, that kind of thing. 


…Altarrin can accompany Caris/Carissa to the other world, sure. He maybe wants to make a Gate-trip to pick up some extra protective artifacts for both of them first. 


She certainly won't turn those down.

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