Not a terribly useful world, the girl decides. They have barely any magic, it's hardly likely they'll be able to help. She sighs. She should've stayed in that world with witches for longer, surely she'd have been able to find someone to help...? She makes sure she's gathered all of her things—not that there's a whole lot of them, they need to fit in a backpack—grabs her knife, closes her eyes, and feels. She sifts through the worlds, looking for somewhere inhabited, with similar footing... she tries remembering the world with the witches, maybe she'll find it again, or a similar one? Oh, here's a similar one, yeah, she could try it. She slices down just a little bit, to peer through it. No one on the other side, good, it's a similar spot to the one she's at. She widens the hole, steps through—
She nods, thanks the woman, and starts following her directions.
"So, no touching other people's spirit animals, then."
He nods. "And now we have a name for what I am. Should make it easy to figure it all out." He shivers again.
She goes to the library, and asks for books on daemons and 'magic in general.' The librarian gives her a funny look but tells her where to find those books, which seem to be in completely different parts of the library.
"So apparently they don't really see daemons as magic?"
"That's peculiar." She grabs books on daemons first, because that seems more immediately relevant, and starts reading.
She gets up and finds a book on animal meanings and looks peregrine falcon up. "This seems... broadly correct, but I wonder if this isn't just a case of horoscope-type meanings."
"It's a shame I never went through the shapeshifting phase. I'm sure that would have been interesting."
She giggles a bit, in a low voice because library. "Okay, you're definitely my soul."
"Well, I definitely want to read this book through at some point, but I think we got enough information out of it to move on to more general magic, yes?"
Books about magic! Reading reading.
"Well, this is a bit like that other world, isn't it."