Not a terribly useful world, the girl decides. They have barely any magic, it's hardly likely they'll be able to help. She sighs. She should've stayed in that world with witches for longer, surely she'd have been able to find someone to help...? She makes sure she's gathered all of her things—not that there's a whole lot of them, they need to fit in a backpack—grabs her knife, closes her eyes, and feels. She sifts through the worlds, looking for somewhere inhabited, with similar footing... she tries remembering the world with the witches, maybe she'll find it again, or a similar one? Oh, here's a similar one, yeah, she could try it. She slices down just a little bit, to peer through it. No one on the other side, good, it's a similar spot to the one she's at. She widens the hole, steps through—
"A very specific hallucination. Very vivid, too. Why would I hallucinate a talking falcon that knows everything I do up until the point I started hallucinating?"
"Okay, well, we could wait here for a few more minutes to see if the effect will... pass... But you could be a permanent hallucination, if you're magical, or something."
"In which case it's hardly fair to call me a hallucination, if as far as you can determine I'm enough of a person to meaningfully interact with."
"Well, yes, but at some point I have to stop doubting my senses and just take them at face value or I won't be able to do anything."
"Well... fine, I suppose. We can wait a few more minutes and then get back to that world."
She giggles. "I suppose that's true." She cocks her head a bit. "May I pet you? Is that a rude thing to ask? You look adorable."
Pet pet! "Okay, I like having a hallucination falcon or spirit animal or whatever." She tentatively moves to hug him.
She continues hugging him for a couple more minutes then determines she won't get any new information from just staying there. "I'm gonna reopen the portal."
She does, and steps through, then closes it after him. No new showers of gold. "I wonder if other people in this world have spirit animals, too."