Milliways: the bar at the end of the universe. It's a bit crowded today, with a group of brightly-colored lizard people taking up several of the tables in the main bar and a more usual assortment of patrons scattered densely around the rest of the room - well, except for by the fireplace, where one patron is being given a somewhat conspicuous amount of space - perhaps it's the intimidating all-black outfit, or the way she's muttering to herself as she reads from the book she's holding, or the almost feral way she looks up when anyone in her field of view moves too quickly, but no one seems to want to get especially close to her.
That sure is a face the kid is making. "Battle droids are the worst idea. Of course letting one slip the wipes and not socializing him at all is going to cause problems. DZ's not a risk."
"It's all right, ma'am," the droid says, just a little more firmly. "You won't let anything happen."
She scowls, and then shakes her head, just briefly, as if to clear it. "Yeah, I won't." She takes the droid's hand, and calms further.
"We have traveled through the darkness," she recites, slowly at first, with an air of feeling out the situation, but getting more confident as she goes -
" She and I, for many days;
Till we wondered at the sunshine,
When at length we felt its rays.
Chill and lonely is the pathway,
Only lighted by the snow,
With the cutting east wind only
To declare how we should go.
On our right, the frozen river,
Where the drowned lay asleep;
On our left, the rocky mountain,
So precipitously steep;
All around the gloomy shadows
Of the failures gone before;
While the leafless branches whispered,
We should do no less, no more.
We should falter and should stumble,
And should fail to reach the end;
And should die in the beginning—
Die together, O my friend!
Die together?—'twas a jewel
Which they threw us, for a stone:
Come what might, we could remember
That we should not be alone;
So, with hands entwined the closer,
We pressed on against the blast;
And we bided for the daylight,
And the daylight came at last.
First, the darkness grew to blackness,
And we shivered in the cold;
And we trembled, lest our fingers
Should not keep their faithful hold;
Then a strange grey veil fell on us,—
Was it darkness? was it light?
And we questioned each, "What is it?
Coming day, or coming night?"
Then upon the far horizon
Came the faintest tint of gold;
Then the cloud became a glory,
And the mystery was told;
Richer, deeper, grew the radiance,
Till our eyes could hold no more.
We had traveled to the eastward,
And our journeying was o'er.
Now the light is round about us,
And the sun to guide our feet;
And along the mountain pathway
Shine the flowers, pale and sweet;
And we pluck us each a blossom
To remind us as we go,
How we went, we two together,
Through the darkness and the snow;
And, whate'er may be the friendships
We may gain in after years,
None can come between the compact
Which has been annealed by tears."
"You two remind me a little of me and my best friend. We got to know each other... kind of in the middle of a war."
"I can go take another Infirmary shift if you don't need me for anything and don't want to go to my world right away."