Milliways: the bar at the end of the universe. It's a bit crowded today, with a group of brightly-colored lizard people taking up several of the tables in the main bar and a more usual assortment of patrons scattered densely around the rest of the room - well, except for by the fireplace, where one patron is being given a somewhat conspicuous amount of space - perhaps it's the intimidating all-black outfit, or the way she's muttering to herself as she reads from the book she's holding, or the almost feral way she looks up when anyone in her field of view moves too quickly, but no one seems to want to get especially close to her.
Her hand twitches toward her hip; her body language suggests that this is a threat. "Then you get his stuff; includes me and the other apprentices."
" - assume I get away clean, ship and droid and creds and all. Others'll fight, who gets seen as inheriting. Might try'n schism, might try for other masters - little war, worst case. Couple deaths, probably best. Might not get away clean, either."
"...I'm not totally sure I could improve on that by killing him myself. Or, well. I probably could but it, uh, might end in me ruling a small country or something. And you didn't seem like you preferred it."
"Okay," he says. "Hmm. If you were picking somewhere to go afterward, what would you want it to be like?"
" - alone. Quiet. Not - nowhere; close enough I can get books and things, but - no people, just the droid. And mine."
"Would it solve your problem if you could just walk out the door and go someplace in my world that fit your criteria?"
"...language. And the droid, but - " she stands, suddenly, goes over to talk briefly to the droid in question, and then approaches the bar. She comes back a minute later, napkin in hand. "Works, yeah. Need sun or something for a generator."
Vague hand gesture. "Enough? - like to grow plants with. I can -" another gesture, with a meaning in the vicinity of 'it doesn't matter much'. "Still have my bank account, I can get lots of solar panels."
"Well, leaves me with the job of making sure nobody bothers you, but I'm pretty sure I can manage that."
Handwave. "The place. Should, actually - " she goes and interrupts the droid again, bringing her back this time.