Milliways: the bar at the end of the universe. It's a bit crowded today, with a group of brightly-colored lizard people taking up several of the tables in the main bar and a more usual assortment of patrons scattered densely around the rest of the room - well, except for by the fireplace, where one patron is being given a somewhat conspicuous amount of space - perhaps it's the intimidating all-black outfit, or the way she's muttering to herself as she reads from the book she's holding, or the almost feral way she looks up when anyone in her field of view moves too quickly, but no one seems to want to get especially close to her.
"They get personey-er, longer they go without a wipe. Only just over the recommendation, this one."
The pause is different this time, like she's weighing, rather than just thinking.
"- I knew, even before the bar said. Or, guessed, but. Our magic doesn't - see, droids, because they're not alive. But - dumb to trust it."
"Might've, if - " headshake, shrug, and then she turns to the droid. "We might be able to go to Taliar's world, instead of going home. I want you to help me figure out if this is a good idea. You will come with me, and I will get solar panels from the bar to charge you, and we can bring my tools from home."
She thinks for a bit, cocking her head illustratively. "They're powerful, and they're about being powerful - most of them; Deskyl is a bit unusual. But all Sith have an element of that; the way to get things, for Sith, is to be powerful enough to take them, and if one wants something and is powerful enough, it's - against their nature not to. Deskyl is unusual in what she wants, not in how she goes about getting it."
"There's one inhabited planet with one inhabited continent with one country on it, so I just named the world after the empire - Nuime. I'm family friends with the Emperor. He's - the sort of person who has one thing that is the thing he does, and Emperor Esarkan's one thing is running his empire really well so that everybody has as much - happiness and safety and fulfillment and opportunity to thrive - as he can give them. And our magic system is soul artifacts," he gestures at his necklace by way of example.
She tenses at the first mention of the emperor, but keeps listening, squinting and then nodding at the rest of the description.
"- tech level?"
"Not high. Yet. You're going to be the first electronic device on the planet," he nods at the droid, "but Esarkan's got me figuring out how to get the infrastructure set up so we can have neat things like computers and an Internet and airplanes."
"- might want to help with that. I do - design; weapons -" she gestures to her hip, this time without the threatening body language "- but other things, too."
"I love tech stuff, it's so much fun. And it's - scalable - I've got this city-sized healing aura and people basically don't die of illness or old age anymore but if we had a hundred more planets there'd be too much for me to cover, tech stuff isn't like that, you can just teach people how to make it and then it works -"
"- healing. Technically alive, I think? But it's - patches, or you drink it, and, healing. Vats, for big stuff."