So here's a mental image of—a place that doesn't exist. There's a sort of attachment to it of it being part of a whole, plus a wobbliness of inaccuracy. More of the concept of an inaccurate place than the place itself. Then a door or a window or an aperture of some kind from that place to a plant, here. And an image of a desk followed by the same desk with a metal cube on it, and the time relation between those two is mediated by a different kind of relation related but not identical to "motion" from the abstract place through the plant to the desk.
Attached to all of that is a feeling of tiredness, referring to the plant. A small feeling, not too much of it, but there anyway. And then a feeling of multiplication, of multitude, that same thing a hundred times, a thousand times—but different, not always the same cube, not always a cube, not always the same amount. And the feeling of tiredness mounts until it becomes pain, and from pain it becomes injury.
The plant in the image now glows red instead of blue.
Injury grows and mounts and complicates, the aperture itself gets damaged and pushed farther open than it was, and the plant starts losing hold of its own shape and body. Grows grows grows...
...and the plant turns to dust.
Then back to the red plant, being floated through tunnels by Nai, with a determined expression on his face. The plant gets here, and it's suddenly surrounded by other plants, and the other plants have their own apertures and the red plant can lean on them and rest.
Nai comes back, and he also has an aperture, and his is bigger and stronger, it can grow or shrink on command, it can make lots of different things come through from the abstract place without Nai getting tired at all. And Nai joins the plant again and this time he shares his aperture with the plant and he controls exactly what comes through and how. He zooms into the injuries, and he selectively brings things over from the abstract place to heal those injuries individually, until they get better.
After a long time, over many such sessions, the plant is healthy again, and glows blue.