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"Waooo we can't lie to you anymore, can we!"


Zash actually likes them.


Zash likes everyone, that's not news.


Yvette likes them too, honestly. Even though they kidnapped her and this only seems to have worked out for her and the state of the world by sheer dumb luck.


"They can't promise anything for any of their other selves, and if another Zazi eats this set we're a bit shit out of luck, but making deals to offer the Zazi we're working with what they want will help keep us in their collective good books in the future. It's easier to just go 'Hey, I'm bored, entertain me' than start a whole domino plot about how to blow up the world to make it interesting."


"Can't lie to you, either, can we, Miss?"


"That's pretty fair, though. I assume this question doesn't have an answer but just in case I'm wrong, how many Zazis are there?"


"We prefer 'Zazie' for the plural, actually!"

It sounds the same as "Zazi".


"...were you relying on us picking up the spelling of that from your mind?"




"Alright, well, how many Zazie are there?"


"Dunno! More than one, less than a hundred million! Probably. It's not an integer number for sure. Or really a number. More a spectrum. Unless you count each individual bug as one Zazi in which case way more than a hundred million. But you probably didn't mean that."


"I did indeed not."


"We can make a promise for the local Zazie, how's that." Pause. "Actually not all of us, there's a Zazi having fun with Legato and we're not sure they'll take this deal."




They were literally just talking about him!


He wasn't keeping track of the name.

Anyway, he's managed to fetch the memory out of Zash's head though. That guy. He promised this human here that he'd kill that guy once the human delivered Zash to him.


Which... honestly, Morgan did. So. :P


"Anyway it's the best I can think of. Not a guarantee, just a good reason for Zazi to play nice. Your plans to save the world or whatever involves going after Legato, yeah? 'Cause not only does he need to die, but take it from an expert, the fucker will not leave you alone."




.... But hunting down annoying stupid humans is haaaaaaaard and she doesn't caaaaaaare.


He kind of did drop a ton of metal directly on Zash's face and then proceeded to kill a bunch of people on the sand steamer. Like, Zash also doesn't want to kill the fucker because Zash is just against killing in general but there definitely is any reason to care.


Yvette's not against the guy being hunted down and killed or anything, she's just not sure how she personally could assist with that!! And she thinks that numbers wise the ongoing refugee crisis is probably going to be responsible for more death than one telekinetic psycho. Admittedly she hasn't properly done the math on that, and is probably just retroactively justifying the choice she wants to go with, but. Still!!!!

She likes doing unquestionably positive things instead of morally grey hunt someone down to kill them things, okay.


Also, like, Nai did promise it. It may have been to a human but it still counts.



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