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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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"Okay I think the word rape not mean what I thinked it mean. What is the word for making someone have sex with you by being stronger than them or having a better knife."




"...that is rape. It's just a very rare kind compared to all the other kinds I just described."


All the other things he described were just - situations in which obviously someone will have sex with you because you weren't trying to stop them. Which is pretty different from situations where people will have sex with you even if you are trying to stop them. But maybe if there are lots of people around who will go off with random teenage boys or get insensible with drink around them then most people do not try to go after people who'll forcefully object. Maybe in America you really pretty much only get raped if you are without papers or astoundingly reckless. 

"I guess we will see how school is."



"That seems like it might work better than another lecture. Do you have anyone you can tell if you feel unsafe at school, or if something happens and you don't want to go to your foster mom about it right away?"




Iomedae beams at her. 


And does not say "God", because she is trying to NOT do the thing that Emily thinks is a hint she's an alien from another world. 


"I can take care myself. I very strong."


"I noticed that. Are you in any sports, afterschool activities, things like that?"


"No yet but Evelyn say some things maybe for me to learn fight people with no sword."


"I'm glad to hear it. Exercise is healthy, and it sounds like being able to know you can stay safe will - also be healthy for you, in a different way."


And he takes a deep breath. "Smoke any cigarettes? Shoplift from any stores?"


"What is a cigarette?

...I did not steal any things, is that what shoplifting mean?"


"Yep. I know it can seem harmless but it's a way to end up in a lot of trouble very fast. And a lot of things are harder if you're already in foster care. Even if your friends are shoplifting, I really recommend you stay well clear of it."


"Of course we not steal things. We are fed right now but even when that not so, we worked. You think we maybe have friends who steal things?"


"That is not a thing for worry about, we not have friends."


"I did but la migra stole their children and sended them to another country."


"We not have friends anymore." Actually maybe Lily might steal things when she's possessed but Alfirin does not know her to have done so and isn't going to report her to get her hands cut off about it even if she did.


"I think lots your advice for very stupid people."


"I think almost all of us indulge in a little bit of foolishness from time to time."


"Stealing and sexing and drugs is not a little bit of foolishness. It is not like pet a dog that is actually moonwolf and bite your hand off, bad luck. It is like rear a hundred moon puppies, never feed them, kick cage open, surprise they eat you."


"Pet a strange dog at night is also not a little bit of foolishness."




"Look, it's not my job to judge people. It's really not. A lot of people think doctors are judging if you cooperate enough, do what you're recommended, take all your medication on time, exercise, eat healthy - and that stuff matters, but our job is to meet people where they are, and make it a bit better. If that means they're going to get so drunk they can't see straight every night, it means helping them understand what that's doing to their body so they can stay alive. If it means they're going to pet strange dogs at night, I guess I'd look up how to identify normal dogs and moon dogs, whatever those are. If it means they have a lot of sex, I want them to be able to make smart choices about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. I'm not going 'are the choices that got you here reasonable'. I'm just trying to make sure you know enough for your choices, however good or bad they seem to me, to go as well as they possibly can."





The thing I want to do when I grow up, Iomedae suddenly wants to say, is conquer the Evil afterlives with America's ridiculous America things. She thinks it might even be a good idea to say it. She thinks he wouldn't have to believe Hell existed to try to give her life advice about how to conquer it. 


But 'it might help' is not actually good enough reason, for decisions of that scale. And she really, really, really needs practice at keeping secrets.


"Any more bad choices you think we should not do?"


"That's all I've got. There's a lot more they want to check about the two of you and how you're doing, but it sounds to me like you are in pretty good shape as far as substance abuse, sex, and crime go. And that's a big deal! Stay away from those, and you'll have a lot more options in life. - sex is fine when you're older, in a committed relationship with someone who cares about you."


Those criteria seem radically insufficient - this argument is not worth having. He's in any event packing up his clipboard to leave.


He calls Evelyn in before he leaves. "That's all done, then. The nurse'll be back in for the behavioral health screen. I have a lab order here for blood and urine. I would love to start getting the girls caught up on their vaccines, but that can be a lab order too if it's too nerve-wracking to do today."

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