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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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"I do not know the word in English?"


So he'll get the dolls out! "This doll is male. He has a penis and testicles. This doll is female. She has a vulva and a vagina. People say 'sex' to talk about the specific act where the penis enters the vagina, but there are also lots of other things people do using the sex organs - touching each other, licking each other, things like that."


"Oh, that. We know that. Nobody has tried very hard to do that to me."


"One man try pretty hard do that to me, so I stab him."




"Okay. No one should be trying to do that to you at all. You are too young, and it is -"


Oh AMERICA she bets it is ILLEGAL


" - illegal for adults to try to have sex with you, even if you agree. If you tell anyone, they will get in trouble and you will not get in trouble."


"I told the law about Martin and they take everything I own make me a foster child maybe call la migra on all my friends and steal their children."


"One man asked but I did not agree because I am not stupid, and he did not try after I did not agree because I am lucky. I will not tell you who." not least because she never learned his name.




"So, when I say that it is illegal, I mean that the man who tries to do that may go to jail, and that you will not go to jail. I understand that from your perspective the other things around an investigation might also be pretty lousy. I'm not asking you for anyone's name, but - a lot of young adults in foster care end up making decisions around sex that aren't good for them and put them at risk, and one of the best ways to protect yourself is to make it very clear that you know your rights and that you can report them if you choose to. People who go after homeless children, or foster children, do it because they think you won't report it. So I want you to know that what they're doing is illegal, and that you can always tell me if you want to do that. 


I also want to discourage you from having sex too fast in more normal relationships with your peers at school. That's different, that's not necessarily illegal, but it's still a bad idea and a fast track to wrecking your life."


If she were going to have sex voluntarily she'd obviously marry a stable established man to escape foster care, not - be a secret mistress to a random teenage boy? Why would anyone do that??



He's saying that like having sex with young men at school would be a choice, if it happened.


"I feel like you're not buying what I'm selling, here," he says, "but I gotta say I don't know what I'm missing."


"...what are you selling?"


"I think you should ideally not have sex until you're a little older, and if you're going to, you should think about how to make it safer, including options to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted diseases - some of which can have lifelong consequences - and to avoid pregnancy."


"Yes, yes, that we want. The avoid pregnancy."


"I am not stupid and will not have sex unless I get married or forced? I do want the drug for not I will get pregnant if I am forced, is that what you are selling?"



"- I can talk with you both about options for birth control, yes, though I'll need to talk with Evelyn and with your social worker as well, because they might see it as a worrying sign that you are planning to have sex - I believe you that you are not - or that you are, uh, going around the correct amount of nervous for a homeless girl on the streets and the wrong amount of nervous for a foster child in school about being subject to rape. I can't tell you it never happens, but it's rare and usually involves some of the other things we talked about - drugs, alcohol -"


"If a person who have to follow foster child rules went to the place I grew up - well, maybe beasts would eat them. But if that did not happen then someone would try them and learn they not allowed to have a knife."




" - I believe you, but in school no one is allowed to carry a knife. Because we don't want any of the students knifing each other. And there are school security guards."


"Boys are stronger. Stronger than me, maybe not stronger than Iomedae. No knives, they still win fight - "



(Boys are not stronger than Iomedae and she is pleased about it.)


(Some grown men are, but fewer every year.)


" - so," says the doctor, "if a boy tried to rape you at school, and you screamed, hundreds of people would hear, because there are a lot of people in a school, and the security guards would hear, and they would come, and he would likely be arrested. You generally do not need to personally win fistfights or knife fights to avoid being raped, unless you're homeless and living on the streets. And I know that you were, and I'm glad you were both able to protect yourselves, but - that's not how everyone else protects themselves."


"...Or he cover my mouth, or say 'If you scream I smash your skull' and - maybe boys in school are all very stupid, do not think of that?"


" - most cases of rape among students at school are cases of students who are already dating, and go somewhere private together on purpose but with different understandings of what will happen from there, or of a person getting so drunk or high they cannot meaningfully consent to sex and then someone choosing to have sex with them anyway, or of adults seeking out sex with people under the age of consent, which we call statutory rape."

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