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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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Iomedae didn't quite catch Lily's attempt to give an address mostly because she is unfamiliar with the entire concept of addresses. "You want me to go find him?"


....Yes, but also no, because Grandpa is scarybadawful and Iomedae is her big sister and maybe it's - bad - to ask her big sister to go fight someone scarybadawful??? 

Words are hard and Lily is - going to nod her head a few times and then curl up in a ball and cling to Iomedae. 






...Evelyn is pretty sure she just missed something here and it might have been important, but - well, she's not the person who either of these kids trusts, is she. (It doesn't even hurt, particularly, that Lily might have trusted Iomedae with - whatever it is - before she was comfortable bringing it to Evelyn. Evelyn is really used to that dynamic. Big sisters are safer than mommies, in a lot of ways.)

She'll just...stand here by the wall, making it clear that she's watching but also keeping her expression neutral and not acting like any of this is a big deal. 


"I will see if I can do that." Hug. "You no need to be scared for me. I a holy warrior."


Lily thinks that maybe she didn't say where Grandpa lives clearly enough and...she can write it down later? She's getting better at writing things, with school. She's still not very good but it's easier than talking, you can just do it really slowly, and she - thinks - probably - she knows how to write the whole address... 


- also it would be bad if Mummy worried about her, because maybe Mummy would make her big sister NOT go fight. 


It takes so much effort, but Lily lets go of Iomedae, and goes over to Mummy and smiles and hugs her. 



(Evelyn has...some concerns...but it's not like that's new, either for Lily or for Iomedae, and it seems like spectacularly bad timing to push either of them to answer questions about whatever just happened.)


- she will gently nudge Lily in the direction of the kitchen, and grab her a Dr Seuss book that they can work on reading together while Alfirin does her worksheets.


Lily will try UNUSUALLY HARD at reading Dr Seuss out loud. 


She'll wait for an opportunity to take Evelyn aside. 


Evelyn was not really expecting that, specifically, but she's both paying a lot of attention to Iomedae and Alfirin, and also looking for an excuse to leave this room for thirty seconds, and - yeah, okay, Iomedae looks like she wants an opportunity to talk to her privately - maybe? - and so Evelyn will make that happen

Lily wants Oreos for a snack, and maybe usually Evelyn would argue for something healthier or point out that it's too close to dinner, but right now she's delighted to give Lily a glass of milk and five Oreos on a plastic plate and then stroke Lily's hair and say she needs to go to the bathroom, and wander kind of slowly toward the stairs, glancing back to try to catch Iomedae's eye. 


"Do we know if Lily grandfather demon?"


...Okay what. 



"I - doubt he's literally a demon, I," don't think that's a real thing, "think that's not - why most people do bad things. ....Did Lily tell you anything about what her grandfather did?"

...She will perhaps not bring up anything about what sort of evidence would be useful to the police for a prosecution.   


"No. She ask I fight him. I think she try to tell me how to find him but I no understand. I can tell by looking if he a demon. If you no have holy warriors maybe it hard to check."


What are you even supposed to SAY to that. Lily's grandfather's address is presumably on file, and Evelyn does not even SLIGHTLY want Iomedae to know it and, what, turn up on the man's doorstep to demand that God personally tell her if he's a demon??? And then, when presumably God does not provide a divine revelation of demonhood, she can absolutely imagine Iomedae instead having an indignant confrontation. Hopefully without weapons involved. Just picturing the scenario is mortifying. 

"We...don't have a way to check if people are demons, but I think he's - just a person, who did some bad things. If Lily ever does bring up, uh, why she wants you to fight him, that would be useful to know, because we can tell the police and they can make sure he can't hurt anyone else." 


The police are absolutely not going to go after a respected adult on the word of a cursed seven year old who cannot talk comprehensibly.

"If Lily ask me do that, I do that."


"If she does tell you something we can report, I'll talk to her first and explain everything that's going to happen." Iomedae looks extremely dubious at the concept that involving the law would accomplish anything, and Evelyn isn't sure if pushing back on that is helpful, especially since...well, it's entirely possible that nothing would come of it, if all they have to go on is Lily's disclosures and no physical evidence is turned up. 

She takes a deep breath. "...Thank you for looking out for her. She - it means a lot to me, that you're - someone Lily knows she can trust, and talk to, when she's still too afraid to talk to me." 


"I think she not scared of you, but you no holy warrior. For some things, need a holy warrior. If he is a demon I am the only one who will be able to see."


The world would be a lot simpler, Evelyn finds herself thinking, if it were the way Iomedae sees it. A world where the worst evils come from literal demons, that God can point out for His holy warriors to defeat. She's...not sure she's actually looking forward to Iomedae learning just how many of the world's problems really cannot be confronted with a holy sword. 

None of that is something she can say, so she just ducks her head and goes off to make Lily an after-school snack. Lily is excited to meet the "big BIG girl" coming to visit, but maybe after they've exchanged greetings - and she's confirmed that Iomedae and Alfirin are going to be tactful about Emily's sexuality, and Emily seems comfortable supervising them - she can convince Lily to come to the park with her, and give the girls some privacy to talk.

(She's relieved that they cleared up the misunderstanding where Iomedae thought the two of them had been sold into slavery, and Emily won't have to be the one to confront that, but if anything, they might actually get more out of a conversation with a former foster child who had a long list of grievances with the system.) 


They can have cheese and crackers and juice at the table. 


Lily evinces curiosity about Alfirin's English worksheet and wants one too! 


Awwww. Evelyn is pleased that Lily wants to participate and will print her off her own copy and get her the special pencil that has a rubber thing on it to make it easier for her to grip. (Lily's fine motor skills are behind for her age.) 


Unlike Alfirin, she knows all the words on the sheet, but copying the letters out takes her much longer. 

(Lily has a SCHEME here. When Mummy isn't looking, she's going to very very carefully draw a house at the bottom of the page and write her old address and then try to sneakily show Iomedae.) 


Iomedae cannot read English yet. She cannot even reliably figure out all the letters and only knows the numbers that are on bills.


Well, she's making rapid progress, and they'll keep working on it every day! 


(Evelyn entirely misses Lily's ulterior motive. She thinks it's very cute and sweet that Lily wants to show off her progress to her "big sister".) 


And at 4:30, an old and slightly dented blue pickup truck pulls up and parks on the street beside Evelyn's house, and two young women get out and head up to ring the doorbell, which turns out to be unnecessary because Evelyn heard the car stop and was already on her way to the door.

Emily has her straight dark brown hair cropped to chin-length and tucked behind her ears. She's wearing cream-colored capri pants and a button-down plaid shirt over a white tank top, and carrying a sturdy backpack. She smiles at Evelyn. "Hey! Long time. Claudette, this is Evelyn, I lived with her back when I was a horrible little brat. - Don't make that face, I was." 


The girl with her is a head taller, her wavy light brown hair cut even shorter, and is wearing chunky boots and bell-bottom overalls over a striped turtleneck. She manages to make the ensemble look like she's about to step out for a runway model photoshoot. 

"Lovely to meet you," she says, with a hint of a French accent. 

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