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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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"No! To fight Hell and sword Asmodeus!"


"That work?"


"I do not know but I did not know people go to Moon either and sword Asmodeus more - if you tax everyone hungry to go to Moon you bad President but if you tax everyone hungry go sword Asmodeus you best President, should be a god, I serve you for all time."


"Need many lunar module, bring whole army Hell."


"So many! God take army to" switching to Taldane "Abyss" and back "to fight Ibdurengian, so it can be done."


THIS GIRL!!!!! THESE GIRLS!!!!! Both of them!!!!! Evelyn has FEELINGS and is honestly not sure what most of the feelings are, except that - you know what, yes, flying a fucking space shuttle full of troops into Hell itself to fight Satan is the most fundamentally American-patriotism thing she can imagine. 

...It's things work, actually...but she cannot bring herself to say that just yet. They'll - figure out in their own time that Hell isn't as simple as another planet. And the sentiment is one that she really very much doesn't want to stomp on. 

(Evelyn continues to spend way more time than she would prefer thinking about Hell, in Iomedae's company.) 



She listens and looks serious. 


"Abyss" then back to English "still there. Still full little hungry bread eaters."


Little hungry bread eaters???? What are they talking about, Jesus fought - who, where - what does that meaaaaaaaaannn– Evelyn is still not interrupting. 


"Abyss have many baby-gods. God kill only Ibdurengian who start a war with God. Hell, you sword Asmodeus, you win. I think. But also yes God not fix Abyss yet and He should. I will say to him when I tell him fight Hell, also go back and fight Abyss better."


"He listen you tell him fight Hell?"


"Well, he give me holy warrior powers. Maybe he saying, Iomedae, you fight Hell."


"So maybe he also saying, Iomedae, you fight - Abyss - better, sword little hungry bread eaters - Evelyn, what is word little hungry bread eaters?"


Why is this conversation happening to her. "...I don't actually know what you're talking about, love, I don't recognize the - person, or place? - that you said God was fighting. Maybe you can draw me a picture of the thing you mean?" 


"Little animal, this big?" - she holds her fingers an inch or two apart - "make big groups, eat all bread when bread plant." She can try to draw one too, but she's never actually seen one.


"- the Abyss have those? I no knowing that. I thinking it have -" Taldane again "demons?"


"I think Abyss have both, no have bread plant so bread eaters eat person forever."


"Eat person until we go sword the bread eaters and make everyone safe. No forever, unless we no do our war."


She nods, seriously.


Evelyn does actually know what she means, now! Probably! It makes sense...ish?...because there is that one Bible story about the plagues of Egypt. ....Evelyn is not entirely sure it makes sense. 

"I think you mean 'locusts'? - There's a story in the older part of the Bible, the part before God was a person, about God sending a plague of locusts to a country that was keeping slaves - making them prisoners and treating them badly and forcing them to work - to convince the leader of the country to let them go -" 

Possibly that was incredibly awkward to have just brought up. 


"Slaves is - foster child, but not child?"




...Oh no Evelyn is making a face, is the President going to be angry that they are not pretending well enough?


That.......possibly makes sense of kind of a lot of confusions and quiet notes of something-being-wrong, actually. Oh nooooooo. These poor children. 


"....No. I - guess there's some things - you aren't actually the first foster child to - bring up how it can feel sort of like being a slave. But it's not. I'm not allowed to hurt you - I would get in trouble with Diel and the government, and not be allowed to have other children again and if I hurt someone very badly I could go to prison - and I'm not allowed to make you do work for me - you do have to go to school but that's not a foster children thing, Jeremy had to go to school too, that's what children are expected to do in America. And once you're eighteen you'll be - adults, just like me." 



"- what happen if foster child not do things they have to do, like go to school, or obey."


"Some people - have slave, it not allowed kill slave or hurt so not work, if kill slave not get new one - still slave."

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