- she barely has time to meet his eyes before she hits the ground.
There's a discontinuity in time, and then - her chest hurts - she's lying down - can she breathe, one breath, another -
"I'll do that."
It's not far to the Tower of Estrod, and they're accosted along the way only by a single babau, which Lann and Anevia take out with arrows and Seelah with her sword as soon as it pops out from around the corner. The cultists are gathered in the courtyard of a ruined building, apparently having some kind of strategic disagreement. There are around a dozen.
Ember can do that. Everyone else watches warily to handle the response from the cultists once they start all falling asleep.
I'm going to need another break after this, Bella says, once they're all knocked out.
Disassembling an elaborate exhibition clockwork of some kind - this place was a museum before it was a war zone, apparently -
"So many great treasures of pre-destruction Kenabres were lost to history due to the invasion of Deskari's forces," Nenio says, in the tone of someone taking notes for her encyclopedia. Seelah takes her arm and tugs her along with them back towards the Defender's Heart.
She is really not right in the head but hopefully it's in a way that generally harms only herself! Back to Defender's Heart.
"If a channel doesn't fix it I am afraid she's out of luck until at least when the relief army arrives."
Yep! This one looks like it'll make it look like there are a half dozen illusory Nenios.
...she's trying to improve it.
...like, in a stupid crazy way, or in a normal way where she's scrolling something that maybe came to her in a dream to try once and give up on if it doesn't pan out.
Eight! What the fuck!
Bella learned to siphon mana in high school and never improved on it in the slightest and she is going to bap Nenio on the head and take ALL of hers before she blows up the whole building!