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I claimed this ship would work. We'll see.
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Possibly Urtho knows how to do that? Judeth certainly doesn't. She can add that as an urgent message to be sent to Urtho personally, though.

And she can very quickly organize an escort of a dozen Adept mages to accompany Iomedae there. All of them have Gate-locations within the Towert itself; that way, even if there's a fight at Jerfast, if Iomedae learns the Tower is in danger then probably someone will be able to transport her there instantly. 

They'll be ready to go within thirty seconds, which is not long enough to receive any response to the frantic messages now being dispatched to the Gate-station guards. 


:I would consider it a personal favor if you got some Healing to the soldiers from Predain: she says, and then off she'll go.


They'll Gate her to Jerfast. 



General Shaiknam has apparently not been warned yet that anything is wrong, and also was very clearly not expecting Iomedae to suddenly arrive. And apparently gave some kind of contingency-orders to his people, because one of his mages immediately starts raising a Gate (unscaffolded, not on the permanent terminus.) 


Angel wings, glowing sword, "No," she says to the mage raising the Gate, in the language she definitely didn't speak when they spoke yesterday.


Is she actually magically preventing him from completing this Gate, because having the terrifying otherworldly stranger threatening brandishing a glowing sword at you does not seem like a reason to want to stay where you currently are. 


She will kill him if he doesn't stop. She does not have a bunch of clever non-sword ways of stopping people, here.


In that case he is not going to complete the Gate because he’s very rapidly dead.


General Shaiknam…is apparently going to try to run away, on foot, which is possibly an even stupider response here.


Iomedae can fly faster than he can run. (She can also run faster than he can run, but flying is more intimidating.)

"None of the rest of you yet stand accused of betraying Tantara," she says fairly pointedly to Shaiknam's escort, and then lands in front of Shaiknam with the sword at his throat.

(Her sword arm is actually pretty sore at this point but she will literally never admit this to anyone.)



He trips and falls, hard, and looks up at her with a startled, frozen, and incredibly undignified expression. He has possibly just literally wet himself in terror. 


(She's going to have to try harder than this if she wants answers from him about what's going on, though.) 


She has absolutely no idea what Tantaran norms for interrogations are, does not want to accidentally blow right past them, and does blame this man for fifty-three people she has maimed or killed so far tonight so she is angry with him and not hiding it. 

"If you help me limit the damage from whatever idiocy this is, I will try to keep you alive. If you don't, I make no promises. Where were you going, what are you doing."


General Shaiknam's plan is probably not going to succeed anyway, at this point, and he is almost certainly not going to personally benefit from it like he hoped, but Iomedae has yet to make a convincing case that it benefits him to tell her what the plan is. 


...He doesn't want to die, though. Then he definitely won't benefit. 

"- I'll help you for a reward. More than just keeping me alive." 


"What do you want."


He could negotiate for something much better if he had more time, but - in fact they're kind of on a time limit, if he wants to actually give Iomedae the side of the bargain she's apparently asking for. 

(General Shaiknam, unlike Ma'ar, is not at all suspicious that Iomedae has an ulterior motive here. She's just like Urtho. Wants everything to be beautiful and happy and perfect, isn't necessarily that careful about how she gets there but it's not surprising, for her to want to save Urtho from an inevitable and horribly painful death. ....Not that she knows that's what she's saving him from, yet, of course.) 


"Two hundred gold." (He's giving her a standard weight in Tantaran terms, which should hopefully translate.) "And a Gate to the capital of the Ceej Empire." 


She looks over his shoulder at his entourage. "Any of you in the mood to speak up for just the Gate and not the gold?"


Apparently not, or at least not in the first ten seconds and presumably she's not going to wait around longer than that. 


(They're mostly pretty scared of Shaiknam, and know almost nothing about Iomedae, and also two hundred gold is an absurd number to think about and this entire situation is very confusing.)


"This man," she says calmly, "intends to escape a traitor's fate by telling me what plans he has in the works. But that is a deal I would rather cut with you. If you tell me what is going on here, I will protect you. He won't. You'll notice none of his demands were of safety for any of you."


It's worth the seconds, she thinks. It does a lot less damage to peoples' expectations about what they can get away with, to cut deals with all their underlings.


This is a much better pitch! Given this pitch, Commander Garber, who is (he thinks) the only other one who knows what the plan is, and who is well aware of Shaiknam's....traits, as a person (which to be very clear, he would not necessarily have described in any negative terms before this past week) - is perhaps willing to speak up. 


"He sent Mage-Officer Conn Levas through the Gate five minutes ago. To assassinate Urtho." 


Hopefully Iomedae's local mage escort doesn't in fact need orders, at that, to start Gating to the Tower or contacting Urtho themselves, but if they do need those orders she will TELL THEM TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW. Which gives her a few seconds, while the Gate goes up, to decide what to do about Shaiknam -

He is a mage. He's Gate-capable - not quickly, but sufficiently so that Tantara cannot realistically hold him for an extended period. He's probably much much less dangerous with the treason known, but it wouldn't be absurd for him to have five more plans like this one up his sleeve, or more allies he expects to arrive -

- the commander could be lying, but her gut says that he isn't, and the look of horror on Sheiknam's face says that too -


"I think I should kill General Shaiknam," she says to her escort, "but I'll hear objections."


Her escort is– well, there are a dozen of them and they vary widely in the extent to which they've ever interacted with General Shaiknam, and how they feel about the military leadership or about the nobility, and at least half of them did not previously have strong negative impressions of the man.

But. "A mission to assassinate Urtho" is a pretty awful betrayal, that should obviously be stopped, and - none of them are especially inclined to argue that Shaiknam definitely wouldn't have done that. Certainly none of them are going to get in the way of Iomedae's sword on his behalf. 

There are no objections. There is instead some very rapid back-and-forth on who has Gate-locations where and which one is closest to where Urtho is most likely to be working -



Within ten seconds there will be a Gate up to a Work Room door in a hallway on the fifth floor of the Tower. Urtho could be in any of these several locations which are being very rapidly relayed to Iomedae by multiple people talking over each other. 


Iomedae was most interested in objections of the form 'someone had an implicit expectation she wouldn't do that' or 'there's a law about that which arguably applies', but she knows full well that even if that's the case people can't necessarily produce it under crisis when most of their thought is quite obviously and correctly going towards finding Urtho and stopping the assassination attempt. 

Ultimately, she thinks that multiple people probably die if this man is free, and that, if this choice of hers is openly known, it will point people at an accurate understanding of her and what they can expect of her, and that no one who got her here will wish they hadn't.

She decapitates the man in a single clean stroke, says to Garber, "you're free to go, but if you stay I'll arrange for your safety", and then rushes through the Gate, looking for Urtho.


(There might have been any remaining implicit expectations that she wouldn't do that, right up until the point that she went and killed-or-maimed fifty Predain soldiers after - at least visibly - thinking about it for less than five seconds. Nobody is surprised.) 


- the mages with her are frantically searching as well, flinging out communication-spells aimed at both Urtho and several of his hertasi secretaries who should nearly always know where he is, and simultaneously they're coordinating to scry the top ten places where he's most likely to be, at this time of day, in the Tower... 



They have an answer within another ten seconds.

...It's not a happy answer. Four of his five top hertasi secretaries are impossible to find by any magical means. The fifth is cowering in a closet. Urtho himself is not answering the communication-spell. 

Scrying shows him in the throne room. It's not very high resolution because the throne room has partial shields against Velgarth scrying. They cannot actually tell if he's there and alive

It's down three floors and six hundred yards this way, or they can Gate her there if she wants? 


Gate's faster.


They'll raise a Gate. Five seconds, give or take. 


Urtho is sitting, not on the throne proper (he didn't even want a throne room in his Tower!) but in a comfortable armchair, one of a set of four arranged neatly around a low table, off to one side of the ostentatious throne that some of his mages probably had a lot of fun designing. 

He looks alive, and at least approximately conscious, but he's not registering their presence at all. He's instead staring into space and twitching. 


Two more lay on hands, or one channel, and then she won't have magical healing again until she dramatically alters the local god situation.

She steps forward and presses her hands to Urtho's face and heals him. This will, as it did with Ma'ar, probably dispel a bunch of his magic items. It also might or might not work, depending what was done to him.


"Please start searching the Tower for the assassin, if you haven't yet."

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