"Thirty miles is tiny, that's smaller than some demiplanes, though probably yours isn't dominated by a featureless desert. Speculation first, this language doesn't work amazingly with paws or such."
"So, when life in Suaal, including very simple life, does or experiences things, it produces 'quintessence', which is an intangible substance that contains meaning. So if an animalcule holds onto some chemicals it finds for future consumption instead of immediately expending them on an energetic task, that might create a tiny bit of quintessence of 'preparation' or such. More complex life and particularly more cognition-prone life produce much more, it's actually pretty hard to detect contributions like that and these days animalcules are of course part of a broader ecosystem. But maybe they historically weren't. Anyway, the thing with quintessence is that it likes to clump together and have more of itself, and it can act towards that. So maybe you end up with some tiny spirit of holding onto resources, or such, and it goes 'hmm, I will help life hold onto resources better', and then the life is stronger and does more things and has more experiences and such, and this produces more quintessence, et cetera. And if you keep running that for a while maybe that's how you get humanlike people and gods of humanlike things, like laws and slavery and agriculture and friendship."