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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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Sesh wants a tiny ecosystem in a sealed glass globe and a patchwork fur hat which is too big for her and an armillary sphere and a little box with a curtain over the front opening and a spyglass peeking in through the top which contains a special lightbulb such that objects inside cease to appear to have color.


Woahhhhhh.  Cyllene has about as much as she can carry but maybe she'll come back tomorrow or otherwise soon.

She rings the bell for human help with the transaction.


The human totters out from the back after a minute. "Yes dear?"


She gesture-shrugs with her armful of items.


"She's buying me presents!" says Sesh. "She can't talk."

"That's a lot of presents," says the proprietor. "You sure?"


Nod nod!


"Well, okay then." She will put all their things in a bag -

"No, this one!" exclaims Sesh.

- in a large basket, which she also rings up, and which is woven from various colors of grass and festooned with dried flowers.


Oh that's so much more convenient.  Cyllene runs over to grab a couple more pretty rocks that she'd previously passed over for the crime of not fitting in her fist, and now she also has the free hands to access her money card.


Sesh does a dance of joy while the bemused shopkeeper smilingly tots up all the prices. It adds up to kind of a lot of money - some of the rocks are pricey -but it squeaks in under the balance on Cyllene's card.


Yesssss she has so many things.  This is so many things to earn with just a few days of work.  She's going to have ✧even more✧ so many things someday.


Sesh does not help carry the basket at all and sings a made-up song about all the objects in it on the way home.


Cyllene can carry the basket fine and in fact prefers it that way, though this shape of body is much weaker than her previous one so she needs to stop and take breaks occasionally.


Sesh gets antsy while they're resting.


She doesn't need very long but if Sesh wants to walk ahead she won't mind.


Yeah, Sesh takes her fur hat and puts it on her head and runs off after a minute.


Cyllene and her basket arrive home a few minutes after her!


Sesh collects her Presents and screams "PRESENTS" and races up to her room with them.

"Presents?" says Paju, sticking her head in the room. "Or is it just for Sesh."


Cyllene has to think about that for a while, then picks out a few small things and lays them out next to the basket.  Four or five tiny stones and the least pretty bracelet.

'You can come next time I go and have more money but for now you can have one of these.'


Paju takes a stone. "Thank you!"


Nod nod.


Off she skips.


Cyllene will sit here with her pile of neat neat stuff and think about how she's going to have even more of it someday and how humans are so cool in case anyone else wants to come over and claim part of her pile.  Rocks are really neat to hold and touch and it's so convenient that on land you're always close enough to the floor that if you drop things you don't have to dive down after them.  It's funny, getting closer to humans always meant going way up high in the shallows but now she's just at the bottom of things again, only it's all amazing and wonderful instead of dull and terrible.

Also she puts on the rest of the bracelets and jangle-jangles them. Being able to jangle-jangle things is really great.  Maybe there are musical bracelets somewhere.  That she could own!


If she searches for this concept on her shiny new computer she will find that there are! Bracelets that have tiny ocarinas or kalimbas as charms on them, bracelets that have bells on, bracelets that go shooka-shooka or clack-clack in musically pleasing ways when moved, bracelets that unfold into string instruments. The reviews typically pan the quality of the instruments per se but they are wearable and will make notes.


Hmmmm well apparently she's almost out of money for today so she doesn't have to decide between these right this instant.  If nobody else comes over to ask for any objects she'll put most of her collection away in her room and then come back down to offer Shavan one from the group she set aside.


"- is this another one for Sesh that she forgot?" he asks. "She's been very excited about the stuff - poor Zian hates the hat -"

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