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a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
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Nodnod.  Email to appointments person:

I don't do appointments right now, but I can be free tomorrow afternoon if you pick a time.

I don't understand the difference between that an an appointment but how does 2 work for you?

Yes.  Meet me in the courtyard.

And now she'll see whether she has the skills to set up a fallback fund.


She can find something called the Easy Toast* Fallback Fund Form on a website called Fallback Toaster. It wants information about who she is and what people might be fallback-funding her in recognition of and her guesses about her future fallback needs and cost of living.

*Rhymes with "easy".


She is Cyllene and people she does magic for might want to pay her and right now she pays seven gross a month in rent?  She will need the money if something happens such that she's no longer doing lots more magic than everyone else.


Easy Toast is used to people who have more government records than she does but it is eventually able to set up a fund for her.


Cool!  She emails face burns person about this and then she thinks she'll head home, unless she happens upon someone who looks like a quick fix on her way out.


Broken finger? Constipation?


Hm, nah, those both seem more complicated than she feels like dealing with and pretty bad to mess up.

Is Sesh home yet?


Yup, Sesh is home and up to her elbows in paper mache.


Cyllene looks up a word and then asks, 'Do you want to go to a curio shop with me?'


"I don't have like any money left 'cause I had to pay for fixing the heat vent in my room."


'I have a lot of money.'


"Are you gonna buy me PRESENTS?!" squeals Sesh.


'I will buy you some things.'


Sesh attempts to fling herself out into the snow without her coat on and has to be chased down by her mother.


Does Zian also want to come?


She thinks about it for a couple seconds but then decides against.


Okay.  Cyllene still has her coat on so she just re-shoes and is ready to go.


Sesh is very excited about being purchased curios and takes flying leaps through the snow about it.


Ooh, novel locomotion method!  Cyllene will try this as well.  She falls after a few attempts and lands with her hands in the snow and the snow in her shoes, but she's glad she tried.


Sesh is making up a little song about curios. It kind of rhymes but not in any consistent scansion pattern.



Are there any new things in the shop since she last looked in the window?


An ultra-tiny tea set, a glass snail, a folded paper thing that forms pockets within pockets within pockets*.

*It's a zhen xian bao, pretty much.


Ooooh.  She wants both of the second two things, and also some of the big glass spheres and rocks and bracelets and plants she saw before.

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