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the seaweed is always greener
a little mermaid in a fantasy larp school
Permalink Mark Unread

There's one person you can go to, when your life sucks enough that you're ready to throw away everything about it in favor of something else.  Such as, for example, if you get into a terrible fight with your father and he wrecks all your possessions that matter and demands you be kept under constant guard, even if it's just by your other family members (who are also all the actual worst).

There's one person in Cyllene's family who isn't the actual worst, and quite conveniently it's the same one.



The witch runs a hand through his hair.  "You sure about this, kiddo?  I mean I'm all for sticking it to the man, but if anything's not how you like it you won't exactly be able to drift back to me and complain."

     "Uncle.  Please.  I'll be fine - or I won't; little matter.  I at least won't be here.  I'd take my chances if you'll let me."

"Yeah no sure, I gotcha covered.  You know I've gotta check, though.  Last call to bail out?"

     "I would say it was almost as if you hadn't known me since hatching, if the category's competition weren't so dismal."

He laughs at that, without much humor.  "Fair enough."


As it turns out, Cyllene ends up with several more opportunities to back out; figuring out how to order the spells is a small nightmare.  They have to do her legs and her lungs at the same time (and given the situation the two of them can hardly go up to the surface), but the language spell takes long enough that she would probably drown if they started there.  Under different circumstances it would be easiest to do language comprehension first, but the other two spells both require the use of her voice.  Ultimately the witch gives up and detours to find an air-creation spell, and Cyllene sings until she chokes and sticks her head into a little pocket at the top of the cave, treading water with her strange-wonderful-marvelous-perfect - but somewhat difficult - legs (legs legs legs legs legs!!!).  Her newly-webless hands aren't much help, sliding so frictionlessly through the water, but there's a little crevice in the rock where she can stick just two fingers, and by pressing her other hand in a different spot she can balance with her face in the air without needing very coordinated kicking from her confounding and delightful new limbs.

She runs her tongue over dull, rounded teeth while her uncle busies himself with the next set of preparations.

"You're real lucky we're pals, Llene," he sighs, and pulls out some ludicrously powerful little trinket which will allow her to sing two spells at technically the same moment, in some kind of time loop that Cyllene doesn't need to know the theory for to take advantage of.  The tunes clash and the tempos don't match at all but she's good at music and it doesn't matter that there's another Cyllene trying to pull her wildly off-key; she can hold her own line regardless.

Her voice - or voices- go out and for a moment she's terrified, that she's human and omniglottal but still here, that now she's not even stuck with forced supervision but stuck in this tiny crack of air - even if her father were agreeable she just wouldn't have time to make it to the surface alive - but then the tips of her fingers and toes start dissolving.

It is not comfortable, and it's in fact dread- and horror-inducingly not-comfortable; she tries to start screaming - but right, no voice - her grip falls away and she thrashes back into the water - there's a hand on her shoulder for the remainder of time her shoulder exists, a few seconds - and then there's nothing, she's nothing.


But only for a moment.

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She has landed in a copse of trees, winter-bare and snowy. In one direction there's a tall iron fence; in the other, a taller building, with stained glass in all the windows and a set of bells in a tower on one side and an open gallery with columns facing the yard she's sitting in. A human child is walking along the gallery, nose in a book; she's wearing a long, large-buttoned coat with upturned cuffs and a deep upturned hem which has been secured in place so it can serve as a kind of pocket, containing additional books and various other human implements. There's a snood-hood on her head and shiny shoes on her feet. The whole shebang is a dark phthalo green with gold detailing.

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Cold cold cold cold cold cold COLD COLD she had no idea human bodies were so weak about COLD

(But eeeee, she has a human body and everything is so pretty and intricate - )

She calls out to the human child - she does not call out to the human child, right; she wheezes slightly at the human child - she - smacks one of her hands against her other arm??  - She grabs a stick and hits it against a tree, trying to get it to be as loud as she can.  She sure hopes it works; Plan B is crawling on her belly naked through the snow.

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The human child glances up from her book! And looks in the direction of the noise! And yelps and breaks into a run, not remotely toward Cyllene!

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. . . Maybe she just magically knows how to walk.  She should try that; it's hardly going to hurt anything since she's going to end up on the ground anyways.

She lunges for the nearest tree, hauls herself up with great effort, and picks up one foot.  She's seen humans do this, both just now and before, sticking her head out of the water to catch snatches of their lives until she fell back under the waves, gasping - she puts that foot down, closer to the building.

That wasn't so bad.

She picks up the other foot, and can't really put it closer to the building than the first foot is without letting go of the tree, so she does that.  She immediately falls, and not even in the direction of the building or the right way up, and it does hurt because she hits the tree on the way down and the bark scratches her back all up.

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The small human is back a minute later, trailing an adult still in the process of putting on his coat, whose uniform is similarly constructed but red instead of green. "I told you it was a for-real-nonmagic emergency!" says the child.

"You sure did!" acknowledges the adult, doing up one button on his coat so it'll stop flapping open and leaving it at that as he takes long strides toward Cyllene. "Ma'am, what's your deal*?"

*More polite than it sounds but still kind of abrupt.

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She wraps a hand around her throat, teeth chattering.

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"- okay, well, obviously part of your deal is that you're freezing, come inside -" He holds out a hand.

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Cyllene smiles, big as she can manage, and extends her arm.

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He pulls her up but appears to expect her to be able to walk from there.

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Maybe if she clings to him very very tightly she can prevent herself from falling over again despite this misunderstanding?

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...sure, he will support her on the way into the building.

It's toasty warm inside, and there is a bench right next to a heat vent he deposits her on. "Sinzy, go get her a spare coat or one of the naproom blankets or something."

"Yes Preceptor," says Sinzy, and she runs off again.

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Whether or not these people have a gesture to indicate gratefulness is not something her uncle's spell was designed to teach her.  She does her best to convey it with her face instead; hopefully humans don't use their faces in wildly different ways than she does.  The ones she used to watch didn't seem to but who knows.

What a good human-cave, what good warmth, what a good invention this bench is.  Not only does it have warm, but she can sit without having to fold up her legs or stretch them out too much.  Ingenious.

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"Do you need some hot cider or something?"

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. . . blink blink.


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"Are you allergic to hot cider? You must be so cold and it's what we have in the hot drink department."

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. . . Actually her skin - especially her feet and fingers, and especially her toes - is stinging like she touched a jelly, and it's definitely Very Temperature but she's not quite certain it's cold anymore.  She pulls a foot up to investigate it, running her fingers over the toes (toes!!!  they're so stumpy and funny-looking).  But they don't dissolve even when poked at, and the stinging hurts worse than dissolving did but lacks the element of terror and fundamental wrongness.  And her toes are more of a sea-creature color right now than a human one but maybe that just takes a while.

She looks up and mouths, Cider?  There's absolutely no noise when she does so, not even a whisper, despite the fact that the rest of the time her breathing is a normal amount of audible.

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"...do you speak Kusan?"

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The gestures she's seen and the words she's heard so far don't leave much room for nuance - Yes, Preceptor.

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"Do you know what cider is."

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Drink?  Hot drink?

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"Yep. I'll be right back." He goes and gets her a paper cup full of hot cider.

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Apparently a drink is a very very very small really weird sea!!  It is indeed hot, and it makes the stinging in her fingers way worse.  Cyllene manages to hold onto it for a few seconds before half-dropping half-setting it down on the bench next to her.  Some splashes onto her fingers and she shakes out her hands trying to fling it off.

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"...if it's too hot for you now give it a minute, I guess. - Sinzy!"

"Sorry that took me so long, Preceptor and freezing lady!" says Sinzy, dumping two folded blankets on Cyllene's lap.

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Oh they're so soft!!  Wow!!!  She has never in her life felt anything like this!!!!

Cyllene curls up around them but still doesn't have any words for thanking people.

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"They'll work better if you put them around you," says Sinzy. "Preceptor, I have Sigils and Symbols now.."

"Yes, go ahead, Sinzy," says the Preceptor, and she runs off.

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Cyllene uncurls slightly and - okay yes this object is made of layers and can unfold, that's so clever - oh now she sees, it's a lot like a sail (only soooo soooooft).

One not-sail goes around her shoulders and the other one goes over her knees and she curls all up again.

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"Can you write?" the Preceptor asks her.

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Blink blink.

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...he will try handing her a scrap of paper and a pencil from his coat hem anyway.

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She investigates the pencil, and investigates the paper, and fails to experience any enlightenment about what she might be supposed to do with either.

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"You can hear, right?"

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Yes, Preceptor.

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"...okay. I'm not actually good at reading lips, can you just nod and shake your head when you're answering yes-or-no questions?"

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- Nod nod nod!

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"Great. Do you need me to call you an ambulance or are you warming up all right?"

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. . . Probably humans - or, people who have been humans longer than her - know more about how their bodies are supposed to work than she does.  She extends a foot out from under the blanket for him to investigate.

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He looks at her foot. "Okay, I don't think you're obviously frostbitten... do your toes hurt?"

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She nods, but just once.

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"...I'll get the school apothecary to have a look at you, wait here." Off he goes.

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She's capable of waiting here!  There's architecture and miscellaneous objects around her to admire so it isn't remotely boring.

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There are posters on the wall and the floor tiles are many-colored and form interesting patterns. A blue dog with a duster attached to its tail walks through the room and dusts a set of cubbies that hold various objects like hoods and lunchboxes and books. The wind clatters a treebranch against a window.

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What a strange creature!!!  She stays put, though, except that she startles enough at the clatter to fall off the bench, spilling her cider in the process.

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The dog sniffs the cider and sets about licking it all off the floor.

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- Oh that's very close to her, and all of the ways her body has changed are in the direction of making her smaller and weaker and softer.  But she can still haul herself back up on the bench and press herself against the wall, away from the dog.  And in the process she notices that her skin is stinging a lot less now; that's nice.

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The dog cleans up all the apple juice and then goes to the next room, duster wagging.

The Preceptor is back a moment later with a short plump woman in a different colored uniform accompanying him. She's carrying a bag. "Let me see that foot of yours," says the woman.

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Foot: procure!

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The apothecary takes firm hold of the foot and inspects the toes. "I believe you'll be quite all right," she says, "but here." She pulls out some chemical handwarmers and gives them a shake apiece before handing them to Cyllene. "And here's an infirmary gown to wear, it's hardly appropriate for the weather but should be better than nothing once you've called a ride to pick you up."

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Oh, cool magic.  Waaaaarm.  There are several probably-important words she's missing concepts for but that doesn't prevent her from accepting these objects.

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The apothecary puts more of the warmers on Cyllene's toes, feels her ears and deems them acceptable, and bustles off, leaving the Preceptor to demonstrate the hospital gown's workings and then try to convince Cyllene to wear it.

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She's perfectly exuberant about putting on the gown, although her attempt at doing so demonstrates a frankly shocking level of incompetence.

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The Preceptor seems confused about this but gets her into the gown with some ado and belts it shut and then reblankets her. "Is there someone I should call to come get you?" he asks.

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"...do you have... a house."

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"Can you tell me how you got here?"

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Headshake headshake headshake!  . . . Throat tap-tap.

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"Right. And you can't write either, are you dyslexic?"

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"...writing? On paper?" He points at the scrap he gave her, mimes a bit.

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With the help of the miming Cyllene can develop a pretty good guess about how to use these objects!  She's not so sure about which end of the stick thing goes up, though.

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...he will draw a little squiggle on the paper to demonstrate, though he doesn't look like he expects this to help.

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It totally helps!!  Oh wow.  She grasps the pencil in her fist and creates squiggles and lines and hatches of her own, filling up the entire scrap.

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But she produces no words at all, which is what he would have called the best case scenario.

"Do you have any way to communicate besides mouthing words for people to lipread?"

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Headshake headshake.

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"Well. I'm not very good at lipreading and don't know if anyone in the school is. Can you read?"

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"I don't want you to freeze, so you can stay here for now, but we're really not equipped to play host to an illiterate mute."

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Nod nod.

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"I'll go tell the rest of the faculty about you - as much as I know, anyway, which is hardly anything - have you even got a name -"

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Sssssssssai llllllllllleeeeennnnn.  Cyllene.

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Nod nod nod.

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"Okay. Cyllene. I'm assuming you have no idea how to spell that."

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Ssspell? she asks.

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"What letters someone would write, like on paper, to be writing your name."

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"Have you seen writing, ever?" He gestures at one of the posters, which says West Springs School of Magecraft.

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That's not doing anything for her but then she can't really see the poster very well; maybe it only works up close.  Cyllene wraps her blankets around her more thoroughly, tips off of the bench, and crawls/landswims/The Worms over to the poster.  And very shakily stands up when she gets there.

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Oh wow.

Oh, wow.  Okay, this explains a lot of her uncle's decorations, why he put these same(ish) sorts of squiggles all over everything - she runs her fingers across the lines of text, twice - that's so smart . . .


Cyllene hiccups, voicelessly but definitely audibly, and clearly finds it immensely startling.  She turns back to the Preceptor, hand on her chest and eyes wide.  And then after a beat she loses her balance and falls over.

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He sort of almost catches her, enough that she doesn't hit the ground at full force. "I think maybe you need a hospital, only if you don't have insurance or anybody to pay it for you that's a nightmare and a half and you don't seem to be dying... did you escape from a cult or something?"

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"Maybe you escaped from a cult. I didn't even know there were any around here..."

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She hiccups again and looks equally shocked.

Nnno, dyinng?

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"...you think you're dying? Or, uh, maybe dying?"

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Cyllene starts to mime hiccuping but is interrupted by an actual hiccup.  Point point point at her upper chest.  Dying???

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"...it just sounded like a hiccup to me. I'll get you another cup of cider since that one looks like it spilled, drinking something sometimes helps." He picks up her cup and goes to refill it.

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She tries to stand up and look at the poster again while he's gone.  Are there any other words on it?

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Established 2724

"An Enchanting Education"

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It's incredible.  And the material it's made of is so fascinating . . .

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The Preceptor comes back with cider. "If you're still wobbly sit down before I give you this," he says.

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She sits.  - She stands back up, with somewhat more effort, and points at 'Education' on the poster.  Cider?  Education education.

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"That says 'education', not 'cider'."

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Nod.  (Oh, of course they match up with spoken words, that makes perfect sense.)

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"If you don't want this I wish you'd said before I went to get it. Or, well, shaken your head about it. Are you going to sit?"

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Yes, she can re-sit.

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She . . . holds it??  It's nice and warm, but so are the handwarmers and those aren't even a little bit the sea.

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"Does your head hurt?" he asks her after watching her hold it for a while.

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She shakes her head.

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"Does your stomach hurt?"

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Another no.

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"Then... why aren't you drinking the cider."

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She . . . sticks a finger in the cider and stirs it around??

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"Are you one of those people who only drinks through straws?"

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She sighs, silently, and reaches up to tap the poster.  She doesn't quite land on the part that says education because it's too high up but she's definitely aiming in that direction.  Drinking?  Tap tap up at education.  Cider?  Tap.

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"So you don't know how to drink out of a cup?"

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Nod nod!!

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He goes and gets another cup of cider and demonstrates.

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Oh woah humans eat the sea??  She did not expect that; it's very surprising.  But she can totally copy it - this sea is incredibly delicious.  This sea is incredibly delicious???  This sea is solidly one of the best things she's ever tasted.

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"...glad you like it."

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Inaudible giggle.  - Oh hey the hiccups haven't happened in a while; that's nice.

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"Uh, my next class starts soon," he looks at his watch, "so I'm going to go tell the admin office about you... insofar as I have any clue what to tell them... and I can check on you end of the day."

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Nod nod.  . . . Nod.

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"Don't wander off. I mean, you can, you're not, like, being kept prisoner, but if you wander off I won't be able to find you."

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- Nod.

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And he disappears.

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Okay, probably this is the part where she learns how to walk.  The cider is long gone; she sets the cup aside.  And after some thought she tosses off her leg-blanket but keeps the shoulder one.

Hup, leaning on the wall, one foot in front of the other.  Between having something to hold onto and being able to devote her full concentration to the task it's not so hard to stay upright, although the going starts out pretty slow.  She makes it to the next poster without falling.

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The blue dog swings back through the room after a while of work on walking.

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The dog is definitely distracting enough that she shouldn't try and walk when it's too near; she waits it to go away before resuming her attempts.

But what does the next poster say?  Posters are so important and intriguing and potentially useful.

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It says:

A West Springs mage is prepared! Check: do you have your...
- spellbooks
- solo assignments
- reagents
- lunch
- personal elixirs
- pencils and other school supplies
- uniform
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There are so many words she's not getting there but what she does pick up is very exciting.  Writing is already so smart but using it as a memory aid like that is just impossibly clever; humans are the best.

She tries to rely less on the wall as she heads back in the other direction, and accordingly falls twice.  But she makes it back to the original poster with her hand mostly only brushing the wall, and from the original poster to the next one on the other side with only a few touches at particularly iffy moments.

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This one is an:

Event Calendar

with a bunch of dates, accompanying the Events:

Orientation Week
Exchange Student Signups
Exchange Student Week
Summer Jewel War Tournament
Astronomy Overnight
Sigils and Symbols Showcase
Nature Spirit Ceremony
Concert Week
Autumn Dance
Potions and Brews Showcase
Theater Week
Prospective Mages Visitation
Snowy Jewel War Tournament
Winter Dance
Awards Week and Graduation Ceremony
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It fits with what she knows of humans that they'd have wars but keep them neatly scheduled, although it's a little surprising that there's only two of them, and - she's not getting a lot of information from the dates but it doesn't seem like they last very long either.  That's got to be a big part of the obvious prosperity everywhere around her - it speaks so well of this culture that apparently everyone just holds to that - humans are so good.  And now she's one of them.  She hopes it's not too much to live up to.

She's not quite sure what counts as wandering and so resolves to stay within that three-poster range until she can competently run.  It's not too long before she can walk without touching the wall or falling - her uncle would not have given her bad legs, or at least he would have warned her if he did - but in trying to jog she takes a slightly nastier fall, so she decides to take a break and investigate all the cool surface stuff, the windows and what's beyond them, the flooring, the walls, the bench, the lighting, her gown, the cup, the blankets - anything and everything around her is worthy of fascinated scrutiny.

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The window is glass, stained on the top half in the image of a uniformed child raising a pen in a dramatic gesture to cause the tip to burst forth a white light, and clear on the bottom half. Outside is the yard whence she came, with the trees and the snow and the grey sky and the iron fence. The lights - wall sconces with colorful glass covering them - are a bit warm to the touch. The bench is made of varnished wood. The cup is stiff paper. The blankets are one fuzzy fleecy one and one patchwork quilt.

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It's all so beautiful, and so unlike everything back home; there are so many straight edges and smooth curves.  The outside is much more like home, but still strange and fascinating, and beautiful in a way that she can appreciate much more now that she's not risking dying in it.  She wishes she could sing to the lights and learn how they were done, see whether they use the same techniques as she does or if humans' magic is as smooth and straight and novel as everything else here.

The seams on her gown and on the quilt are the most interesting; she spends a good few minutes working out what's going on there with the thread and marveling at how neat and even it all is.

And then it's time to learn how to run.  It's a bit harder because she hasn't seen people do it as much, at least when she had close attention to spare, and because you have to do it faster, but it's easier because she already knows how to walk and really it's just an upgraded version of that.  She doesn't fall all the way over, but she does have to put her hands up and catch herself on the wall in the process of stopping at the next poster.

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Ruby Team:

Emerald Team:

Sapphire Team:

Diamond Team:
CAPTAIN: Naqualah
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Oh, so it's probably soon.  She hopes she doesn't have to pick a side, or at least that she'll have access to good information about what side to pick.

The spell doesn't let her know how to pronounce any of these words except Sinzy, but maybe she can pull the Preceptor over here to read them off later and then she'll be able to choose a way to write her name, if that's important.

Run run run - hop?  Fall.  Back up, jog.  To the next poster.

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8 in advance - 10 at the door - free for setup/teardown committee
Buy ahead of time through Aspen
Cast catering votes on Nibbler
Talk to Wikke to join the committee
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It looks like Wikke is probably expected to survive the war, if Cyllene is understanding the timeline correctly; that's tentatively good.

Even now that she can run it's probably good to limit her wandering to a five-poster diameter.  She does a few more laps, tries out a couple more ways of moving, and then gathers her items at the bench and lies down, enblanketed.  She didn't wake up that long ago - the sooner they sent her here the longer it would take her father to notice she's missing - but enough exciting and exhausting things have happened that she doesn't have much trouble dozing off and on until she's interrupted.

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She can nap on the bench as long as chattering students walking the halls when they change classes doesn't wake her.

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That does, actually!  She sits up to watch them.

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They peer at her and talk about her ("Who is that?" "I dunno! Maybe she's related to Omindo? He has hair like that." "He dyes it." "REALLY? Wow, that'll get my sister to shut up about having a crush on him pronto!") but nobody tries to talk to her directly unless she seeks their attention more directly.

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Well, she smiles at the people who talk about her.

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A couple of them wave at her, but they all have places to be.

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Hopefully that gesture means about the same thing here as it does among merfolk.  She waves back.

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And eventually they're all in their classrooms and she has more waiting to do.

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She's a little less tired now but she can still sit and pet the softer blanket and practice her pedestrianism.

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She will have plenty of practice with walking by the time school lets out, the students flow out the doors, and the Preceptor returns to collect her.

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Wave wave!!

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"Hi. I assume you haven't remembered how to talk, or write, or call your family, or anything like that, in the last couple hours?"

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She considers that for a moment before shaking her head.

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"Do you have a family?"

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She shakes her head and mouths maybe, but then shakes her head again.

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"Where did you come from?"

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"Is there... anywhere you want to go?"

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"Why are you here?"

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She walks to the closest poster and points at Magecraft.

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"You want to... study here?"

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A silent giggle.  She taps on School while shaking her head, and on Education.  Then she nods and tap-tap-taps on Magecraft.

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"You don't want to study here, but you're here because it's a magecraft school?"

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Headshake headshake.

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"...this is a very tedious way to communicate. Why can't you write?" he asks rhetorically. "You look at least, oh, twelve at the youngest, you ought to be able to write given that your motor control was good enough to draw those squiggles. Can you type?"

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"Tapping letters on a device to spell words -? I have no idea what to do with you."

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She walks (walks!!) back over to the bench and picks up the pencil from before.

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He watches her curiously.

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She shows him the scrap of paper, which is already entirely gray with scribbles.

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...he will grab her another piece of paper from the pocket on the outside of his thigh.

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She takes it, clutches the pencil in her fist, and draws.

She starts with the first figure, then has to walk back over to the poster to laboriously copy out 'Magecraft' letter by letter.  The second figure's next, and as an afterthought the squiggly lines for the mermaid and the straight floor for the humanoid.  Then the dividing vertical line and another back-and-forth as she writes (or draws, really) 'School'.

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"Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at there. Any chance you could write complete sentences?"

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"Why?" he says incredulously.

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Magecraft Magecraft Magecraft!

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"Are you claiming that you are magically unable to produce complete sentences?" he says, sounding deeply unimpressed with this explanation.

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Nod nod nod nod nod!!

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"That doesn't make any sense!"

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He sighs and sits down on the other bench opposite hers. "So you appeared effectively out of nowhere, stark naked, with a name but no family or home or money or plan, and while you can't talk you can mouth words and you can sort of read and kind of write and almost draw but sentences are out of the question. Have I got that about right?"

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Nod nod.

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"How old are you, Cyllene?"

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"Do you not know?"

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Headshake.  - Nod??  Not know.

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"Uh, let's see. Do you still have any of your baby teeth?"

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Giggle; headshake.  She adds a sharp zigzag at the first figure's mouth.

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"Okay, so you're probably at least twelve. Do you have periods yet?"

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"...I'm going to take that as a no, so you're probably less than sixteen. Does that sound right?"

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"Okay. I might be able to find you some kind of repository situation but child repositories suck, if you have any other ideas for where you could go and not immediately freeze before you have a chance to starve you need to figure out some way to indicate that literally at all."

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School, Education?

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"Yeah, the repositories usually have something that passes for a school or send the kids somewhere cheap."

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West Springs School of Magecraft?

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"- this place isn't cheap, unfortunately, it's actually one of the most expensive schools in town."

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"And if you have any money you either don't remember that you have it or do not have it on you, which means you can't pay for tuition."

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"Did whatever weird place you grew up not have money? Stuff you exchange for things so that the people you got the things from can go on to themselves exchange it for different things?"

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. . . Nod.  She starts to reach a hand towards her throat but reconsiders.

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"Well, here there's money. Some people work for the school to get their kids in, the groundskeeper does that and the librarian, are you hiding marketable skills?"

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"What skills do you maybe have that are maybe marketable?"

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This time her hand goes all the way to her throat, but then she shakes her head.

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"I can't tell if you're trying to tell me that you lost an expensive necklace in the snow, that you're worried for some reason that you will be beheaded, that you think your sore throat or whatever will wear off in a few days and you'll be able to use complete sentences at long last..."

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. . . She taps on her throat and Magecraft a few times simultaneously, and then separately.  Twice on her throat and twice on the word.

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"I haven't the faintest clue where you're going with that," he says, starting to sound kind of frustrated.

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She sighs heavily.  But inaudibly.

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"Okay. I'm going to let you stay in the nap room overnight, just this once, so you won't freeze, and I'll email around to see if you're a missing person or if there's a charity that covers your case or anything. And you can have leftover rice from the cafeteria, and cider."

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- Nod nod nod nod nod-a nod!

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He leads the way to the nap room. He brings to this room a paper bowl full of rice and a nearly-empty squeeze bottle of a condiment labeled Junna's Mild Herbsauce - "I don't know if you like this but it's the only one that was low enough that we'd have to chuck it before it made a kid mad tomorrow anyway -" and another cup of cider.

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Cyllene accepts these gratefully but can't unaidedly open the herbsauce.

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...he will flip the cap open for her exasperatedly. "Do you need anything else? The bathroom is across the hall."

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"Do you need anything else?" he repeats more slowly.

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Blink blinkblink Bathroom?  Blinkblink.

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"Across the -

- do you not know how to use the bathroom."

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"I'm going to go find the cleaners, they should still be in the building and some of them are women." Off he sweeps.

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Cyllene looks around the nap room.

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It has alcoves with mattresses in them and accordion doors that can close over each and lots of blankets and pillows. It has a door to the outside, but not a window.

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Oh the accordion doors are so cool!!  Slide slide slide slide.

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The Preceptor comes back with a woman who is not in uniform, just in cargo pants and a tunic, and the woman says, "He said you maybe escaped from a cult and don't know how toilets work?"

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"Okay, well, let's go transfer knowledge on that in the least embarrassing possible way," sighs the cleaner, motioning for Cyllene to follow her into the bathroom across the hall.

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Cyllene can follow.  (Cyllene can walk!)

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"This is a toilet," says the cleaner, gesturing dramatically at the toilet in the bathroom. "You sit on it when you need to pee, or poop, with your clothes out of the way, and all of that goes in there. You clean yourself off with this paper here, you tear off yea much at a time and follow up if you're not clean after. Drop that into the toilet too. Then you pull this lever here, and it all gets rinsed away. Sense?"

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She nods seriously.

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"Good. Then you wash your hands." She demonstrates this at the sink.

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Humans use water for a lot more things than Cyllene expected, which was zero.  But she can do that, yes.

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This task accomplished the cleaner returns to her work elsewhere in the school.

"Anything else you need?" the Preceptor asks.

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. . . Not anything that she knows how to convey, apparently.

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"Okay. I'm sure this will be boring but at least it will not be boring and freezing. I will see you in the morning."

And he departs.

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Cyllene waves after him.

She drinks the herbsauce, which is hard to get out of its container and very flavorful, and eats the rice which is kind of bland, and drinks the cider which is still delicious even when it isn't warm.

The alcove she picks is unbelievably cozy, enough that she happily spends maybe an hour or two there, but she kind of used up all her tiredness earlier.  And it sounded like she's going to be alone for the entire time the whole surface is dark, and the naproom is much less interesting to look at than the hallway, and she wasn't told not to wander this time.

So she wanders.

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It's quite dark in the school but there are some small lights that are on at night, or that activate when she walks by. She can find the bathroom, of course, and various classrooms with ensuite offices attached to them (locked, but some have windows in the doors), and the school library, and cubbies and filing rooms and the front office and the gym and the place where the blue dog sleeps.

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- The library??

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There are books in it!

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- She had one of these!  Years ago, when she was smaller - it didn't hold up in the water very well - now she understands what it was for -

She runs back to the naproom (tripping twice) and collects the pencil and paper and runs to the library - what is this book here about, what words does it have?

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It's really hard to read in the dark.

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She takes the book with her to one of the motion-activated lights.

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It's a novel about people who live on clouds and build a new cloud city in a windy area that makes this complicated.

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Oh wow, she had no idea there were people like that!!

She writes down words and phrases she expects to be helpful as she comes across them, trying to balance making them legible but as small as possible.  'Thank you', 'I don't know', 'silence', 'heal', 'music', 'what', 'help', 'food', 'water', 'voice', 'person', 'sort of', 'when', and 'how'.

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There is more paper lying around in the library if she looks for it!

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That doesn't occur to her.  She reads the whole entire book (even though the area near the motion light isn't very comfortable) and puts it back just where she found it.  The most exciting thing in it - or, one of them, and the most potentially useful - was that it implied there are ways of making music without using one's voice?  Maybe that's only for cloud people, but since she needs to stretch out anyways she directs her wandering to look for anything that could even possibly be that.

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If she opens enough cupboards in a gym she will find a clear plastic recorder.

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- The book mentioned something that was maybe a little like this object!!  If so, she should be able to hold it like so and put her mouth here and - blow?

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It's not really as satisfying to laugh maniacally when you can't make any noise directly but Cyllene tries anyways.

It takes her maybe half an hour to become satisfied with the quality of her scales; the recorder has notes at different intervals than she's used to and its tone quality is much more difficult to wrangle than her voice.  And after that it takes another hour or so to work out a simple little song that calls a ball of light into existence, shifting with rays.  She directs it to hover this far above her and this far away from her and in this cardinal direction.  (If she had her voice it would be child's play, a project of twenty seconds, to make it stay in front of her as she turned any which way, but at this point she's perfectly grateful to take what she can get.)

She doesn't have a spot in mind to take the recorder to the way she did with the library book, and it's not hers, so she puts it back, memorizes the location of the relevant cupboard, and goes a-wandering again.  Now with added visibility.

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Lunchroom. Auditorium with a projector screen. Cute little towers with reading nooks.

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Oooooh.  Everything is so pretty, and - the purposes of all the things are pretty, she can tell, even when she can't tell what the purposes are.

At what would have been a reasonable hour on her previous sleep schedule, she makes her way to the bathroom, uses it without trouble, washes her hands, and moves all her objects over to an alcove that's positioned so that her little ball of light will hover outside it when she closes the door.  And sleeps.

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The naproom doesn't get any brighter come morning. But students and faculty pile in.

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One of the nooks has a glowy thing floating outside of it, about four feet up.  It has no obvious mechanism for staying at that height and is intangible, though slightly warm to the not-touch.  Sometimes it shifts or bobs a little.

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The piling is mostly into other parts of the school, but there's often a couple students who didn't sleep well and need to crash after being dropped off at school. One doesn't even notice the light. The other finds it rather invigorating, though, and prods it.

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It doesn't react.  It's just warm.

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Batbatbatbat. The school has a no screen policy so he can't take a photo. He goes to get a teacher.

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The light is still there when he returns.

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"See I told you," whispers the student.

The teacher goes and gets the preceptor who decided to let a runaway cultist sleep at the school overnight. He goes and taps on her accordion-door.

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She blearily opens it, after a bit.

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"Did you... have something to do with... this light?" he asks her, waving at it.

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Nod nod?  She fumbles around for her index card.

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He waits, looking at the light as though worried it will leap into disagreeable action.

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Behold, the index card!  . . . It doesn't have any of the things she wanted to say on it; she really should have prioritized fitting 'good' and 'bad' on.

She settles for tapping on 'what' with the eraser end of the pencil.

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"... what do you mean, what, I'm here about the light like I just said."

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'I don't know'.

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"You didn't have something to do with the light?"

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. . . She sits up, and the light moves to follow the path of her head.  She stands, and it still moves with her, always in the same relative position.

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"It's following you and you don't know why?"

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Headshake.  She taps the eraser on her sternum.  'Magecraft.'  And then 'music', in case they do it differently here.

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"Sweet fuck," he says.

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She doesn't have a 'sorry'.

. . . 'Thank you'??

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"Is the light permanent?"

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'sort of'.

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"And it has something to do with music? I don't hear anything."

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She gestures for him to follow and starts to head for the gym, lightball tracing the rise and fall of her steps.

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...yeah. Sure. He will follow her. Fortunately most of the kids have made it into classes now and he doesn't have an uproar on his hands.

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Gym, cupboard, recorder.  Check on the Preceptor's general demeanor??  Does he seem mad at her?

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Not really? He looks tired and confused and frustrated and a little scared but not mad at her.

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Okay, then she can play.  Nothing notable happens for a bit except shockingly beautiful music produced by an instrument not typically associated with that, but then she picks up the tempo into a merry jig and the light starts to move, first in a flat circle above her head and then up and down combined with that, dancing around her on the surface of an imaginary cylinder.

And as she holds the final notes, it slows and comes to a stop in front of her before bursting out (still pretty softly, she made it for nighttime levels of brightness) and disappearing.

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"How did you do that??"

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She picks up her notecard off the floor.  Magecraft.

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"That's - that - this is a roleplaying school, the magic is pretend."

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"Magic isn't real! Except apparently your light music!"

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"What do you mean how?"

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"Everything proceeds in a fashion unaffected by magic of any kind, and some people wish there was magic so they go to school here and we all pretend, but - you -"

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She goes back out to the hallway and points at one of the sconces.

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"- yes, they get a fancy kind that looks like that, but they're still using electricity..."

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. . . Cyllene starts at the recorder again and tries to get the light to tell her about itself.  This tune is mostly looking for other magic but she should still get at least a vague understanding even if it isn't.

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There is no other magic. Nada. That thing that eels do is going through bits of metal in the wall into the sconce.

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She cuts off her performance.  Point point at the sconce headshake headshake Magecraft‽

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"The sconce isn't magic! - if we're going to talk about this we should go somewhere the kids won't hear us, some of them get very touchy about breaking immersion." He leads her up to one of the tower reading nooks.

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Stairs, let alone spiral ones, aren't something she's practiced yet, but with a little effort she can follow him.

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The reading nook has window seats and beanbags and a table that can fold down from the wall to reveal a whiteboard; he puts the table up and out of the way and sits in one of the window seats, face dropped into his hands.

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(It's so beautiful.)

She can't talk to him if he can't see her and she doesn't want to tap him on the arm or anything, so she just stands there until he's done with that.

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He does eventually look up. Is the light still there?

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No, she hasn't made a new one since she disappeared the first.

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"So. You're magic?"

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"And you got here by magic. Which would be why you showed up naked and alone with nobody in the world."

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Nodnodnod!  She pulls out her card and taps on the mermaid figure, then 'voice', 'water', 'person'.

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"- that I don't have a guess for. Maybe you should take a drawing class. Uh. Voice. Did something magical happen to your voice?"

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"Will it come back?"

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'Magecraft music heal silence.  I don't know when,' she taps out.

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"...okay. And then you'll be able to speak? - in Kusan?"

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Maybe 'sort of I don't know'.

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"You can understand Kusan but might not be able to pronounce it?"

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'Sort of'.

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"...okay." Deep breath. "What can you do, besides lights? Anything?"

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Nodnod.  Anything, 'sort of'.

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- not what he meant but a valid answer!!!

"And you need to make music? What kind?"

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"Like, does drumming do it."

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'Sort of', nod.

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"Do you need a real drum, or can you just pat any nearby object and make magic happen?"

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. . . 'Sort of'.

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"The recorder was better?" he guesses.

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"Are there better instruments than that?"

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'Voice'!  . . . 'Sort of'.

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"...are different instruments better for different magic?"

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Headshake.  Different 'person'.

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"Can humans learn your magic?"

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'I don't know'.

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"So, for you voice is the best, but for now you can do stuff with the recorder and maybe other instruments?"

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"Okay. Uh. This is... important, and I think probably you don't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future."

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'Thank you'.

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"I don't think anyone will need that recorder till the Jewel War kicks off and it can be replaced sooner than that, you can just have it unless you start doing anything bad with your magic."

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She nods seriously.  . . . 'Why'?

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"- so you can do magic? And people won't think I'm refusing to break character, if I talk about it."

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Headshakeheadshake.  . . . She takes a moment to think, then points at the Preceptor.  Headshake-'Magecraft'.

'Why music' war.

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"- the recorder's in the gym so that whoever's playing a role with music magic, like yours, has a prop, but it's not real in that case."

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"Because we don't have real magic."

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. . . War 'what what what'.

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"OH that must have been confusing. It's a game. It's a pretend war. The kids get jewels throughout the school year - glass ones - for various accomplishments and then they can use them in the game and there are teams and so on."

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. . . She giggles, and then it's her turn to bury her face in her hands for a minute, shoulders shaking.

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"A lot of things are pretend. It's just worse as pretend if you go around saying it's pretend all the time, so we don't."

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She nodnods, still holding her head.

. . . She peeks through her fingers to tap 'Thank you'.

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"You're welcome.

"Anyway. Welcome to Green, Cyllene, I'm Shavan."

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Wave wavewave!

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He laughs softly. "Do you want to keep sleeping in the nap room for now or would you rather live in an actual house?"

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'I don't know'.

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"Okay. Nap room is simplest, I guess, but it does leave you completely alone overnight, and complicates feeding you. Students bring most of their own lunch, only the rice and some condiments are provided by the school."

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Nod.  She yawns, passes over the pencil and card, mouths pretend? and points at one of the few remaining blank spots.

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She nods expectantly at him.  Taptaps the blank spot.

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"I'm really confused about your literacy situation. ...Also I only handed off my first class for the day and should probably spend the rest of this slot getting you real clothes. - would you like me to bring you to my class, and have the students try to figure out the nature of the translation magic you are using. They'll think it's pretend, but they'll have fun with it."

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Nodnodnod!  - She pinches the shoulder of her gown and tugs on it a little.  Real?

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"- I mean, it's not imaginary, but it's not really for wearing around in normal circumstances. There're probably some uniforms in the spares closet that'll fit you."

He will go scare up a uniform for her, like Sinzy's.

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She will need some instruction about how to put it on.

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This he is willing to do for her instead of locating a female staffperson! There's linen shorts and then long pants and then a tunic and then a coat and a hood for going outside. Shoes are a little harder to fit but it's not an immediate problem for just walking around the school.

He brings her to his classroom, which has two different languages up on the walls.

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Shoes seem important to humans and now Cyllene's a human so it would be great if she liked them too but she's Not So Sure About These.  She can cope for now though, and she likes the rest of the outfit.  It's - heavy, in a nice way.

Unless the two languages are in two very different scripts she can't really tell them apart.

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They use the same alphabet, in fact!

Preceptor Shavan's class of eight kids piles into the room a few minutes after they do. "Who's that?" says one loudly, pointing at Cyllene.

"This is Cyllene," says the Preceptor. "She's sort of like an exchange student, except she's using a translation spell, and it's not a very good one. Your job is to figure out how that translation spell works and how best to communicate with her."

The students are very excited about this and rearrange all their desks around Cyllene in a circle. "Hello Cyllene," one says.

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Wave wave wave.

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"I'm Vior! Can you pronounce that?"

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"You didn't make any sound..."

"Can you talk?"

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Headshake headshake.

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"Oh, maybe that's what he meant about it not being a very good spell."

"Can you write?"

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It's a little hard to tap her notecard where all the other kids can see it, but she tries her best, moving it around as needed.

'Sort of'.

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"Sort of," Vior says helpfully. "Huh, well, let's poke that -"

Someone hands her a sheet of paper and a pen. "Can you write your name?"

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"Can you write 'sort of'?"

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. . . Sure, she'll rewrite it on this paper, referencing her card for all the letterforms.

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"Oh, she's looking at the card..."


"Can you write the letter K?"

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She stares at the card for kind of a long time and then copies the 'k' out of 'thank you'.

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"Oh, the card doesn't have a Q, can you write a Q?"

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. . . Is there a Q anywhere in the wall writing she can see from here?

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"She's looking for one..."

"So she can recognize a Q if she sees one, but doesn't know how they are by herself?"


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She gives up at that.

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"Can you draw an ampersand?"

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Headshake.  - Is there obviously one around in the room?  No, headshakeheadshake.

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"There's one on the class schedule, by Preceptor Shavan's desk."

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Stare stare stare.


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"Can you write an S ten times in a row please?"

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Once she finds one to reference, ssssssssssure!

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The student who asked this is watching to see if she gets faster and neater as she goes.

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Only a little neater but definitely faster.  (She's still holding the pencil clutched in her fist instead of using a proper writing grip.)

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A student writes, Stand up and turn around three times, and shows it to her.

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Cyllene does so.  Her feet get slightly tangled on each other in the spinning part but she doesn't fall over.

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And then the same student writes Touch your nose.

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"Okay so she can read both languages!"

"Well, that makes sense, this is Chiark class."

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- Silent giggle.

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They look at her index card. "Can you write music," one says, only if she's paying attention they're saying the Chiark word for music, not the Kusan.

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She isn't, at least to that.

Write music?? she mouths, in the same combinations of languages.

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"Music," they repeat, in Chiark.

"Oh I tried to learn to read lips once but it was hard," sighs another.

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She passes the one who raised the topic the pencil and paper, expectantly, excitedly.

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"- oh, she thinks I mean sheet music, I picked a bad choice of word..."

"Okay, how about 'why'?" Why is in Kusan on her index card but the request has it in Chiark.

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She copies the version off of her card.

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"That's 'why', not 'why'. Can you hear the difference between 'why' and 'why'?"

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- Oh, nodnod.

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"Did you notice before I pointed it out?"

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"Can you write 'why'?"

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. . . She considers.  Headshake.

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"Could you guess how you might write it, if you think about it?" someone else asks.

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Someone else writes KUSAN and CHIARK in large letters on a fresh sheet of paper. "Can you point at which one you think I'm speaking when I talk?"

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. . . KUSAN??

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That's right! They will keep trying her on various things, often the same idea in each language.

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She does way better than chance for full sentences but much less so for individual words, though she improves with those over time.  When they switch languages within a sentence she almost never notices.

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It takes them a while to think of that but once they do they think this is very funny and mix up vocabulary from the two languages and apply each one's grammar to the other while giggling.

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Mixing up the grammars makes it much easier for her to catch them at it!  Otherwise she seems to be using more giggling-based deduction than actually being able to tell which words are from which language.

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They try keeping straighter faces after the initial humor has worn off. Someone is taking very responsible notes. One of them recites a six line poem, very fast, and then asks if she understood it.

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Could she write it down, having heard it?

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She can't write down any of the things she's heard unless she has example text of the same words to copy from, but she can try and verify that she understood it through mime and pointing at other words and whatnot?

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"Okay, so she basically can't spell without looking at stuff..."

"Is that the spell or is she maybe new at reading?"

"That would be an extra complication that the Preceptor didn't tell us about but maybe there is one of those. It's not my first guess though."

Can she match this student's little doodles of various fruit to the written names of the fruit?

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Nope!  But she can't match them from the spoken versions either.

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"Do you not know things about fruit or is this activity hard by itself?"

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"So it's not just a translation spell, she's also from a place where they don't have pears! Weird!"

"Preceptor this is a great activity."

(He laughs softly into his hand.)

The student tries again with doodles of things like chairs and pencils that are present in the room.

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Yes, she can match all of those unless any of the doodles are too similar.

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And can she do that in Chiark too?

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"Can you write down the name of..." Somebody's looking around wildly and comes up with one of their hearing aids. "This thing!"

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"Can you tell us if it's a shark," says one of the others.

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Headshake.  - Nod??  Headshake-shark.

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"- right, that wasn't very clear. Is it a shark."

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"Is it a -"

"OOH I have an ide-"

"You interrupted!"

Preceptor Shavan has to wade in to defuse this. Eventually when they have calmed down the one who had an idea says, "Can you tell us if that," the hearing aid, "is an assistive device?"

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"- I mean, is it one. An assistive device."

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She taps 'I don't know'.

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"Is that," someone else points at the Preceptor's desk, "furniture?"

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"Is it a chair?"

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"Is it a desk?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Let me finish!"

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"Is it from Desk Yay?"

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. . . 'I don't know'?

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"Oh well."

"What was that even about."

"I'm trying to figure out what she knows about stuff besides fruit, since it's weird to not know about fruit."

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She tap tap taps on the drawing of herself as a mermaid.

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"...what is that."

"I think the one on the right is supposed to be a person... and the top halves look similar..."

"You mean those are meant to be arms?"

"I guess? Her arms look normal!"

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Since she has more paper now she can try again, bigger and with more detail and having had more experience with putting pencil to paper.  Sometimes she pauses to look at her own body parts or the other kids.  She shades in the hair and gives herself eyes, clawed fingers, a pointy-toothed mouth, a nose - and fins on her tail, and scales all over her body.

It's still not good but it's much less abstract.

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"Oh, did you use to be this monstery thing?"

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Nod nod nod nod nod!!

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"Whoa. Like a lizard?"

"A fish?"

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"Okay! So some of the words you don't know are just because you used to be a fish. Is that separate from how you have a translation spell?"

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'Sort of'.

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"Do a lot of fish people use translation spells?"

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"Hey, do you know sign language? I don't know any but I could run and get a book out of the library."

"I know some because once my brother had a really bad teeth problem!"

"Oh, what do you know?"

"The alphabet, and like, 'water'..."

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She gestures for the one who knows some to show her.

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He signs "water"!

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Tap tap 'water water' sign sign "water water water"!!

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"I mean, you did just say that was one of the only signs you knew. Try spelling something."

"Okay... something she'll know since she was a fish person..." Sign: C-O-R-A-L.

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She thinks about it and after a bit writes down some letters.

C   AL

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"Do you know what that meant? Can you draw it?" asks the signing student.

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Cyllene signs the letters she remembered, moving her hand in a line and leaving a conspicuous blank space for the two she missed.

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The student signs again.

"Does that mean you didn't understand but you will once you have all the letters written down?"

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Well, she doesn't fill in the O and the R before trying to mime a big solid object, overall kind of a round shape but with scrunchy wiggly fingers for its texture.

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"Does that mean you just couldn't remember them all the first time?"

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Nod?  She thinks?

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The sign language kid will try spelling a shorter word: TRIANGLE.

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She thinks a lot, and draws an acute angle before pausing and then - setting down the pencil.

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"Wow, I have no idea what that means. Preceptor, how long is the waiting period for an answer if we bail out of the puzzle -"

"Haven't decided yet," says the Preceptor apologetically.

"Do you not know what a triangle is?"

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"Wow. Why wouldn't fish people have triangles?"

"Maybe they don't do a lot of geometry down there."

"I guess."

Sign kid signs SCALE.

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She points at one of the ones from her drawing.

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"There we go!"

"Okay, so maybe almost all the vocabulary stuff is just about what fish people have, and the translation spell is pretty good at its job actually."

"But she can't talk - at all! - and can't write well..."

"Well, she wouldn't have been able to use paper under the water."

"Cyllene do fish people write at all?"

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She holds up one finger.

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"...it happened once?"

"Only one person in your fish people town could write?"

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She points at the kid who said the second thing and nods.  . . . And then taps 'I don't know' repeatedly while holding up two, three, four, five fingers on her other hand.  She points to just the 'know' part and switches back to one finger.

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"You only knew one fish person who could write but maybe other ones could too who you didn't know?"

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Nod nod nod nod.

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"Why didn't you learn how?"

"I don't think she can really answer that till we solve the puzzle better."

"Okay. Were you learning how at all?"

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Headshake headshake.

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"Is the translation spell helping you with the idea of writing?"

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'I don't know '.

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"Could you read before the spell, if that's separate -"

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"Is it right to say that the spell lets you read and understand any language, as long as you know the ideas it's about, but doesn't help you produce any language at all?" someone guesses. "So you're doing all the writing you're doing by yourself, basically?"

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Nodnodnod nodnod nod!!

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"Is it part of how that works that you don't talk?"

"Or it could just be that fish people language doesn't work in the air."

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She points at 'voice' and mimes giving something away, then mouths language and mimes getting something.

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"...can you mouth the words again real slow -"

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"Language. Okay. So you did - something - to your voice? You could talk before?"

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Nod nod!  . . . Cyllene does a big breath in and out, which produces a usual amount of sound, and then sighs.  Which is completely silent.

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"- oh wow -"

"How are you doing that actually -"

"Shush! Ask after school!"


"So it was exchange magic? You traded your voice for the spell?"

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"Okay! Preceptor, I think we've solved it!"

"Have you?" he asks.

"- did you do the magic yourself or did someone else do it," another kid asks her hastily.

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. . . Nod.

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"Did you have to do it with someone else?"

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"So you and another - fish person? - did a spell together, and traded your voice for this language spell, which lets you understand all languages whether they are spoken or signed or written but doesn't let you produce any, and still wouldn't if you had your voice, except by learning how to do that the long way. Right?"

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Nod nod nod nod.

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"Okay, I REALLY think we're done now, Preceptor."

"Good job, kids. We have a couple more minutes, has anybody got a pending for me?"

They spend the rest of the class talking about a grammatical oddity in Chiark's handling of possessives and he sends them on their way.

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Cyllene shimmy-wiggles happily.

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"Are they missing anything important?" he asks, when they've gone.

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"Oh, good. I'm glad that worked." He sighs. "I have the next period free, if I put some things off, I'm half teacher half administrator, do you want me to treat you to lunch across the street since you won't have brought anything to go with the rice?"

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- Nodnod!

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"It's a bit early but you won't've had breakfast." And off across the street they go. It's still cold out but it's much less oppressive in actual clothes like she is wearing now!

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She's certainly more grateful for the shoes than she was a minute ago!  What is the street like????????

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The street has lights, hanging from strings that zigzag from building to building on either side of the street. It's being plowed by horses with bright lights on their harnesses lighting the way, pushing the snow to the side with their apparatus; a few dogs are digging paths in the resulting snow walls to admit people through them into their various businesses. There's a bakery and an office building and a hotel and a craft store. Somebody is poking along on their nyoom behind the horses. It's the bakery he is taking her to lunch at, right across the street.

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. . . wow.  Cyllene hugs herself around the waist as she follows the Preceptor.

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Shavan brushes snow off his shoulders as he holds the door into the bakery for her. There's warm air blasting straight down on them at the threshold.

The bakery case has two sections, one that is various kinds of bread and one that is more elaborate items like pies and cakes. Shavan points at a quiche with turkey and cheese and broccoli in it. "That look good to you?"

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She's a little distracted looking at ✧everything in the bakery✧, but once she manages to pull her attention over and identify what Shavan's pointing at she nod-nod-nods.

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He gets them each a slice of quiche. They have glass plates here, and metal forks. They can get a booth by the window and watch the snow fall.

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Cyllene had a thing like this fork back home, before her father wrecked it!!!  She'd just gotten it recently, too - everything smells so nice here - she watches closely to see how to use it.

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He notices her watching and makes sure she has a clear view of him stabbing his quiche and carrying the stabbed-off corner of it to his mouth.

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After observing him for a few bites she attempts it herself.  She drops her bit of quiche but only back onto her plate; on the next try she succeeds in getting it all the way to her mouth.

. . . Oh yum.  It's so delicious but that's not even as impressive as the way there are so many textures and flavors at once.

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"I hope you don't have any allergies you don't know about," he says wryly.

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Conveniently nodding is not a method of communication which suffers in legibility from having a big forkful of quiche in one's mouth!

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"Are you used to mostly eating fish?"

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"Any plants?"

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Eh, nod.

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Nod nodnod.

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"Huh. I'm a little surprised you're adapting so enthusiastically to human food."

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Human, she repeats, poking herself in the sternum.

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"Yeah, your tastebuds presumably changed with everything else, but people have different tastes and you haven't had years and years to try things and figure out which ones you like."

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. . . She thoughtfully counts to four on her fingers, pointing at the quiche with the fourth.

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"Yes, I'm assuming you've had cider, rice, herbsauce, and now this quiche. I think if most people your age had been raised on an almost entirely fish diet they would not be so excited to try new foods or like them so much."

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Apparently her reaction to that surpasses her available vocabulary.

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"It's certainly convenient that you're not picky, though! Fish can get expensive if you eat it all the time."

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"I mentioned money yesterday, right?"

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"Expensive is when you need more money to get something. - you don't have to worry about this, I'm covering lunch and whatever else comes up for the next while, I'm sure that one way or another magic will wind up bringing in money and even if it doesn't it's a bet I'm willing to take."

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Cyllene slides her card out of her hem pocket and 'thank you's him.  (She loves her hem pocket; it's so convenient and right on her body and she doesn't have to worry about any of her things floating or drifting out of it.)

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"You're welcome."

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She finishes her quiche pretty enthusiastically but not so much so that she isn't occasionally distracted by interesting sights outside the window.

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The sights outside the window are mostly pedestrians, nyooms, dogs, birds, and snow.

"Are you all done or still hungry?" Shavan asks when the quiche is gone.

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He will get them a small frangipane tart to split.

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It's less obviously to her tastes but she finishes it and doesn't at any point seem inclined not to.

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"Do you want to do anything in particular for the rest of the day or should I just park you in the library?"

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Nod nod nod nod!!  - She signs a few of the letters she remembers, not in any particular order.

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"- that's a yes to the library? I don't know any sign, sorry."

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Nodnod. I (she point-point-points at herself) don't know any sign.

(Or actually she mixes up some of the sound-shapes - that was a long string of words to copy - but hopefully she mostly got the point across??)

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"- oh, you want to learn sign? I guess that makes sense but if I were you I'd want to learn to write instead, practically everyone can read and almost no one can sign."

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Oh, nod nod.

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"Do you want me to try to explain you to the librarian so she can help you, or just puzzle it out on your own?"

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Cyllene holds up one finger.

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"Okay." So he brings her to the library and does his best to explain her to the librarian. He gives basically the truth but doesn't signal that it's out of character, so she accepts this with reasonable grace and presents Cyllene with some of the books aimed at kids younger than her, a dictionary, and some paper and writing implements.

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This doesn't warrant a maniacal laugh quite as much as discovering an avenue to do magic did, but regardless it's convenient for the other library-goers that she's categorically not in need of shushing.

She starts with a bit of handwriting practice even though that's not the most immediately useful thing she could be doing; it'll be helpful in the longer term.  After adjusting her pencil grip to one shown in the book she works at it until she can write all the letters mostly from memory and with reasonable speed, then moves on to full words and practice sentences, sometimes mixing up words in variations she thinks should probably be grammatical.

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The Delayed Writing Book has some practice pangrams and poems to play with and also includes various other symbols and numerals as things to practice with, as well as ways to notate emphasis and suchlike. (The book seems to assume that she found typing easier than writing as a small child and is catching up on that now.) It says that drawing is also a good way to build up the muscles and precision involved and has some how-to-draw-this guidelines for celtic-knot type stuff and suchlike.

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Humans are so clever and of course their books would be really good; she should have predicted this.  (It's not even a story or about something really important!!  They just make all of their books good apparently!)

She tries drawing two small celtic knots but it doesn't seem smart to frontload that much writing dexterity before she knows very basic vocabulary and can put it together herself, so she moves on.

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The dictionary has at least one small picture on each page. It has an explanation of how the pronunciation guides work in the front matter, since spelling is not invariably an unambiguous guide there. The words are in alphabetical order - that part isn't explained, though she may notice it on her own - and each has definitions, pronunciation, and example sentences. Sometimes several words on a page share an example sentence in a pull-quote.

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Oh huh.  The pronunciation guides aren't as helpful as they would be if she knew how to pronounce more than a handful of the example words, but that will probably be helpful later.  In general she thinks she's not quite at a level where the dictionary is going to be the most helpful; what's this other book like?

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This one is a book of madlibs. It's made of less glossy paper and some of them are already filled in.

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Some of them just confuse her but some of them have her wracked with silent giggles.  She writes down useful vocabulary as she comes across it.

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Shavan comes to check on her after she's been in the library for about three hours.

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By that point she's rested her head on her hand and her elbow on the table and half dozed off; she doesn't notice him approach.

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She picks up her head and blinks several times rapidly.

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"If you need a nap that's what the nap room is for. Do you remember the way?"

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She nods but then shakes her head.  The pencil is still in her other hand (the left); she sets it down to shuffle her papers around and show him one of the things she's accomplished.

My Name Is Princess

(and then several attempted spellings of her name cross-hatched out to the point of illegibility.)

I Was A Fish Person.  I Was Not Happy.  I With My Uncle Made Magic To Come To Here And To Be Human.  Because The Magic, I Understand All Language, To Speak Or To Write, But Must To Learn To Myself Speak and To Write.  I Am Happy To Be Here.

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"Wow, that looks great. Huh, your uncle... - Here's how I'd spell your name." He writes it out. "Uh, I do have a question."

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"Were you a fish person on this planet? Or from another one?"

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"A-N-O-T-H-E-R. How do you know?"

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'My Uncle'.

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"He knew the spell would take you to another planet?"

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Nod nod.

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"Are fish people the only people on your planet?"

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Headshake.  'Human'.

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"Huh! Do you know if you're an alien or a slider?" When he says 'alien' and 'slider' he holds out one hand, then the other, so she could poke one to reply.

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She points at the slider hand.

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"When you get your voice back will you be able to send people the other way?"

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. . . . . . She points at 'I don't know' but she's shaking her head.

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"Probably not?"

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"Will your uncle check on you?"

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"...I don't know what fish people are like, but here if I sent a kid on an adventure to another world I'd want to know they were safe, and, separately, if I knew how to contact other universes, I'd probably want to do that more than once out of sheer curiosity."

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'I Was Not Happy.'

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"I'm not saying he shouldn't have done it, you're clearly thrilled to be here, but he could still check on you or try to establish contact with other universes for trade and such."

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'I Was Not Happy'!

She starts paging through one of the books looking for something.

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"Did you and your uncle not get along or something?"

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She finds what she was looking for.

my uncle is not bad

(Her neatness suffers somewhat at this speed but it's still legible.)

my father the king is bad
bad with human

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"Oh. I see how that would complicate things."

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Nod nod.

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"Is there only one kingdom of fish people?"

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'I don't know'.

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"Okay. So as far as we can guess right now there is not going to be any further contact from any fish people."

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"Well, all right then. At the end of the school day do you want me to bring you home with me? I have a big family, so I'd have to explain you to a lot of people who won't think I'm pretending, but it'd be more comfortable in some ways than staying at school."

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your family is bad or not bad?

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"- my family is fine! Some of the little kids are difficult but just in the way that kids are - I suppose I don't know if fish people hatch already prepared to handle themselves as adults -"

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I am fish people   dult

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"You look about the same age as the kids who go to this school but I have no idea what that means in terms of your maturity in absolute terms or relative to other fish people or what. Anyway, kids can be a lot and there are four in my house at the moment but it's a perfectly good family."

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She nods, consults some of her books and papers.


if house is bad with me, nap room tomorrow?

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"Yeah. In the longer term I'd put you in an SRO unless the problem you have with the house is such that it'd still apply there, but the nap room is fine till that can be set up."

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"Okay. I go home in another couple hours. Please don't fall asleep in the library."

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"Because that's what the naproom is for. - it makes people nervous if they have to worry about being responsible for not waking people up in public places, things like that. I think this might be a cultural thing but it's why we have a nap room at all."

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"In case it was unclear, the things that the bathroom is for are also to be done exclusively there."

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Nod nod.

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"See you later."

And he returns to work.

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Cyllene gets some more practice in but gathers up the books and her papers to head for the nap room after not too long.

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Shavan collects her after school hours.

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She's reading one of the books instead of sleeping when he does so; she slides it into the coat pocket and dons the coat and follows him.

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More buses run in nyoom-unfriendly weather and this is how he gets home. There's a stop right in front of the school and he passes up the first bus to get an express one that will skip the odd-numbered stops. They spend twelve minutes on the bus and then get off where a block of rowhouses spikes off from the main drag. The houses are each four stories high and two or three rooms wide, though it's impossible to tell from the street how far back they go. Shavan's house is dark purple with gold trim and some spiraly designs in white added on top of the purple. There's a snow sculpture out front, though it's hard to tell what it's supposed to be. He takes off a glove to poke the door security pad and it doesn't open and finally he swears at it softly and taps out a number sequence instead, then lets Cyllene in.

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Everything humans build is so marvelous; Cyllene marvels at all of it.  The bus in particular is amazing, this must be at least a little like what boats were like and for.  She loves it.

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"DADDY," yells a voice from around the corner as Shavan steps in.

"Hi kiddo!" he calls. "Where's your mom?"

"She is fixing the guest room! I bred a purple horse in my game, come see -"

"I'll look at it in a bit, sweetheart, I -"

"- it's DARK purple with LIGHT purple spots on its BUTT and -"

"- how about you tell Cyllene about it while I talk to your mom?"

"Cyllene come look at the PURPLE HORSE!"

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. . . Cyllene knows that a horse is one of those big creatures from outside (which so far she's only seen outside), and she knows what games are and what breeding is, but she has next to no clue how all those things could combine to form a sentence like that.  But yes okay she will come look at the PURPLE HORSE.

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There is a drawing of a coltish PURPLE HORSE on a screen that a seven-year-old is gazing at. It has a bunch of text underneath it announcing that the horse's name is AUBERGINE and that its parents are PINKPINK and THE SKY ABOVE and that it has the following numbers associated with its age and speed and health checkup results and so on.

"See, its mom is blue and its dad is pink and so it's purple! It doesn't always work that way, it's got a brother who's white, but this time I fed the mom some lucky hay, which you get by solving puzzles and doing quests and stuff, and so this time I finally got a purple one! You start this game with only NORMAL horse colors and need a lot of lucky hay to get them to be colors like pink and purple."

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There's a lot to take in here.

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The seven year old continues chattering about it energetically. "So now that I have Aubergine, my new purple horse with the spots on his butt - it's a good thing he's a boy because that means he can have more foals, but this part of my score here will go down if I do too many - anyway I think I'm going to breed him with my paisley roan a few times, I think if I give her enough lucky hay they can have a paisley purple baby, and also my friend has a pink zorse and we are having a real bad time deciding who will get the babies if we breed them but I really want a stripey purple one... they might not even be able to have babies without a LOT of hay though, zorses mostly can't have babies in real life and that means in the game they need the lucky hay. My friend thinks she should keep all the babies and just pay me in tokens but I don't think that's fair and I WON'T breed Aubergine to her zorse if I don't get to keep any babies, but then she said I could keep any that didn't come out very pretty and I said that she was stupid and evil and now she isn't talking to me but she will again tomorrow. My cousin says I should offer to supply all the lucky hay for two babies and agree in advance that one of us gets the first one and the other one gets the second one but what if she changes her mind before the second one? So I want the first, because whoever has the mom horse gets to keep the babies unless they decide to send them to another player, but then SHE might think I won't breed them again if I already have the foal I want..."

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. . . Cyllene taps the edge of the screen twice with a questioning look.

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"That's my account profile!" She performs computing actions and a different screen pops up. "See, it has my screen name, woolquilt, and it has stuff like my birthday and my email and my scores and my barns - I'm really excited right now about Aubergine but I actually mostly do sheep -" She navigates to her sheep barn, where there are pictures of variously exotic sheep. "I'm trying to get their softness up to 75 but so far the best one I have is 66 and none of her lambs are that good, it sucks."

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Nod nod.

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She will continue in this vein basically indefinitely if Cyllene sits through it till Shavan's return.

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Yes, she does.  It's interesting enough and will presumably be much more so when some basic context gets filled in.

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Shavan shows up about fifteen minutes later with a short plump woman on his arm. "Cyllene, this is my wife Zian. And my daughter there is Sesh, if she hasn't introduced herself."

"It's short for Seshikarmia!" says Sesh. "But I like it short."

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Wave wave!

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"Sesh, can you lend Cyllene your keyboard?"

"No, it's mine and I DON'T have to share."

Shavan sighs. "I suppose. Cyllene, come upstairs with me and I'll find a music app on my computer, I suppose."

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Cyllene in her eagerness stands up a little too quickly and trips, but she walks fine the rest of the way upstairs.

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Shavan finds a virtual keyboard for Cyllene to make music with and turns her loose on it.

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Oh she can make more than one note on this at the same time??!!!!!!!

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She sure can!

They will wait patiently for about fifteen minutes before Shavan feels like he owes it to his wife to prod her about doing magic.

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That's not long enough to become proficient at this but she can switch back to the recorder.  It apparently takes more time to create a ball of light than it did to control an existing one; she plays for several minutes with no visible effect.  But then: yes, here's an intangible light source.  Hovering in front of her.

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Zian yelps and steps back into her husband's arms; he pats her. "Breathe," he tells her.

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Cyllene cuts off her playing mid-note.

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"One of the kids touched it," Shavan says. "It didn't hurt him."

"The kid probably thought it was a fancy light projection!"

"Probably, but he still touched it and it still didn't hurt him."

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Cyllene sticks a hand in and holds it there.

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"I grabbed you a spooked pill," Shavan mentions, pulling a small blue circle out of his pocket. Zian pops it into her mouth and dry-swallows and takes some breaths and looks at the light.

"I did explain," Shavan tells Cyllene, "it's just, well, there's no other magic, anywhere in the world. It's just you. So this wasn't something she expected could ever possibly happen in real life."

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Nod nod.  Cyllene takes her hand back and holds the recorder in her lap.

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The "spooked pill" seems to help Zian chill out. Eventually she tries bringing her hand near the light too.

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It's a little warm, but only very little unless it's touched directly.

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"Do you have enough vocabulary to say what else you know how to do, yet?" Shavan asks.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . headshake.

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"Do you know how to do other things?"

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with voice

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"Do you have a guess how long it'll take your voice to come back?"

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It takes her a bit to compose a response.

i with magic make and heal voice

1 not bad with not voice magic
2 voice

And then as an afterthought:

3 with voice not bad magic

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"Okay. So you need to get better at musical instruments? Do you want a tutor?" Shavan asks.

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"Do you have a preference about what instrument to focus on -" He can pull up an article with all the kinds of musical instruments and two-second samples of their characteristic sounds for her.

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Oooh.  She gets most excited about multiphonic ones with plucked strings.  And she mimes that she wants it to be something she can carry around.

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Okay, so like this lap harp?

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play and stand play and walk?

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...with a shoulder strap?

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Yes okay great!

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Then he will order her one! "Does your friend, what's her name, Pinjai, does she know harp?"

"I'm sure she's at least touched it, and she'd know somebody. I can have her over to get Cyllene started on reading music and so on."

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"In the meanwhile let me show you the guest room, Cyllene," says Zian. "Up this way." It's on the top floor, next to a bathroom that smells strongly of almonds. Zian demonstrates the space heater and warns her not to open the window because it will get stuck that way and wants her to check to make sure she isn't allergic to the sheets.

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The light stays put this time; Cyllene lets it pass through her chest as she stands up.  She wrinkles her nose at the almond smell but doesn't get out her paper to complain, and she's visibly very excited about the space heater (or possibly the concept of space heaters in general).  She doesn't have any problem with the sheets.

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"You'll share this bathroom with Sesh, who you met, and her cousin Paju, but if you hate it, you can go into the blue bathroom on the second floor, that's also fine. Cleaners come in every week, around midday, day after tomorrow and so forth, but you'll miss them if you're going to the school, leave notes if you don't want them to make your bed or anything like that. Just writing 'no' on a slip of paper and putting it on whatever they shouldn't disturb will do."

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Nod nod nod.  'Thank you'.

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"And dinner is chicken and potatoes with lemon sauce, does that sound like you can eat it?"

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"Great. If you leave that toggled up," she points out a switch on the wall, "which it is now, so just leave it be, then you'll get a light flash in here when dinner's ready."

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Woah!!  Cyllene peers at it curiously.

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"- if you're curious about lightswitches, that one just toggles the lights in your room, though if you're having a whole lightswitch rave you may not notice me flashing the lights to announce dinner."

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Switch?  Switch?  Switchswitch??  - Okay that's enough for now; nod nod.

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Zian giggles a little and disappears down the stairs.

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Cyllene follows and pokes her head into the room with Shavan's computer.  If the music app is still up she'll continue noodling on that and if it isn't she'll keep going downstairs (so many stairs!  She's going to get so good at stairs) to listen to more Sesh infodumping.

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Shavan's computer is not there anymore, actually, he has taken it with him to a secondary location.

Sesh is excited to infodump more! She has put down the horses for now and is now catching up with her goats and doing puzzles to get lucky hay for those. Would Cyllene like to help her (cheat) on these?

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What does it involve?

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The conceit of the puzzle is that she is training a goat to clean its own pen but the way she is supposed to do this involves breaking down the task into very tiny steps and making sure none of them wreck the progress of previous ones.

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Yeah, sure.  She's not really sure how to help very effectively at her current communication level but she can at least point at things that she thinks might be errors, and it's interesting just to watch.

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Sesh talks, constantly, sometimes raising her voice at her computer, while solving the puzzle, and when the goat cleans its pen and she gets the hay she promptly allocates it all to various animals and goes and picks up another puzzle, this one about the genetics of sheep.

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The genetics of sheep are much more acutely interesting!  Cyllene requests elaboration on certain subtopics via pointing and occasional writing.

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Sesh's chatter can be steered a little but not a lot.

The lights flash at dinnertime; the air smells lemony and savory. Sesh does not immediately stop her game till Zian's voice calls, "I am ticking down the counter!" and then she slams her computer shut and races off to the dining room.

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Cyllene got up right away but wasn't quite sure where to go; she follows Sesh.

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The table has some miscellaneous clutter on it and also a big dish of chicken pieces and potatoes in sauce. There is also a bowl of peas in a different sauce. Cyllene can copy everyone else - there are four kids, like Shavan mentioned, and seven adults - serving themselves some of each. (A non-Sesh kid, slightly younger than her, appears to intend to dine exclusively on peas.)

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Copy copy yummmm.

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Shavan sits next to Cyllene and gives her everyone's names - this household is him and Zian and Sesh and Sesh's little brother Lune, a friend of the family Asao, Shavan's sister Leivara, Leivara's wife Nashi, their boyfriend Shraun, and their kids Paju and Meec; and Nashi's friend Sallun. Meec is the one eating only peas. Paju is the oldest kid and is reading a book at the table. Lune is under the table, trying to steal people's shoes.

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wif and wif?
and kids?

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Sesh is sitting on Cyllene's other side. "Yeah - oh, you mean, genetically like with the lambs? Yeah genetically with the lambs they're Leivara's and Shraun's but Shraun works like all the time, he's usually not even here for dinner. So basically their parents are Leivara and Nashi. Who are wives."

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Cyllene nods contemplatively.


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"He does stuff with trains."

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"T-R-A-I-N-S. They're like busses but they go faster and on rails and there are lots of them all joined up."

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Oh, nod.  She writes down the corrected spelling.

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Sesh steals her pencil and also corrects other spellings on the paper.

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'Thank you', Cyllene taps.

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"You're welcome!"

Lune is grabbing Cyllene's feet and trying to remove her boots now.

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Ack!  She kicks on instinct - not very hard or well-aimed - but once she sees it's a smol she lets the smol do as smol will.

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Lune dodges the kick and yelps at her and tells her that We Do Not Kick People and resumes removing her shoes.

"Sorry," sighs Shavan. "It's not the fight we're prioritizing picking with him right now."

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Nod nod.  Shoes are useful and humany so she'll wear them when it seems expected but she's also totally not going to prevent this kid from accomplishing his important work.

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He makes off with her shoes.

"He always puts them in the same place, we'll be able to get them back after he goes to bed," Shavan adds.

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what persons here know with me?

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"I'm not sure what that means."

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only you and zian know me and music?  or all persons here?  what?

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"Oh, I told everyone else too and Zian confirmed, but said we should try not to make too big a deal about it. If you do want to show off you certainly can though."

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Oh, nod nod.  Yum yum.

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When everybody's finished eating, even Lune who has occasionally been sneaking up to his chair to grab bites, they perform a plate stacking ritual where one person passes their plate to the left and the next person puts theirs on top of it, and the same with cups (the top cup containing all the silverware) starting from a different person, and when both loops have come around those two people plus one for the serving dishes can get everything off the table. Zian goes and gets a cake out of the fridge, though she has to walk carefully because Meec is very very very excited about this and has chosen to express it by getting as physically close to the cake as possible. New plates are passed around for the cake.

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Humans are so coordinated and organized!!  Delightful!

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The cake is profligately caramel. Meec and Lune both have to be whisked off to the bath after they have finished with their slices. Sesh and Paju manage to keep reasonably neat.

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Cyllene finds the cake to be not quite as good as the main course, but still better than basically everything she ate as a merfolk.  She does her best to limit the mess even though it's only her second time using a fork.

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Nobody is going to insist she take a bath, anyway.

"Come with me to my room," Sesh tells her when they have both finished their cake.

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Yes okay.

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Sesh proceeds to introduce Cyllene to a toy where you put objects on your ankles and then dance according to its instructions; she has two sets and reserves the purple for herself because it's her favorite color and lets Cyllene have the red ones. The anklet things talk to Sesh's computer and match up with the music she puts on, which has a lot of thumpy bass.

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Cyllene is really not sure enough of her balance to flail more than one set of her legs or her arms at the same time but within those limits yes!!  She falls over anyways!!!  This music is really exciting!!!!

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Sesh sings along when it gets to the chorus loudly and badly and out of breath.

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Cyllene giggles her silent giggle.

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Sesh is tired after four songs but not in a way that shuts her up; she takes off her ankle things and flings herself onto her bed and comes up out of her froth of blankets with a stuffed sea slug and introduces it as Ruffles.

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. . . Okay?  This is slightly confusing.

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Apparently Ruffles the sea slug is now going to attempt to eat Cyllene's face!

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- Cyllene doesn't attack back.  She leans away, though.

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Now the sea slug is eating Cyllene's shoulder. And her hair.

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Much preferable to her face!  She still just kinda sits there about this.

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This doesn't deter Sesh basically at all. The sea slug will eat all of Cyllene before Sesh pretends to burp for it and puts it to bed under her own covers.

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Cyllene's not really sure what the point of that was and lacks the vocabulary to ask.

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Sesh now needs the bathroom and bolts out of her bedroom without so much as an explanation before diving into the bathroom across the hall.

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. . . Oh okay.  Cyllene can go out in the hallway and look for something else to do or another person to hang out with, then?

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Asao and Nashi and Zian are playing some kind of board game in the parlor! Shavan is up in his and Zian's room! Sallun is reading a book to Lune, who has finished his bath. Paju is bathing Meec.

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Ooh, she'll watch the board game.

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They are putting down tiles to try to build a path from various points to other points under constraints, mostly each other.

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This is delightful.  Like all the very best human things it's something she can see the cause of after a bit but most other merfolk wouldn't have bothered to.  It's so purpose-beautiful.

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"Ugh, headache," says Asao after a bit. "Cyllene, do you want to try it, I don't know how much you've picked up, you can have my spot."

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- Nod nod!

She's picked up enough to have some sense of strategy and only very occasionally accidentally try for an illegal move.

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Zian corrects her when she does incorrect things and ultimately wins the game; they pack it up to go put kids to bed.

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Cyllene goes upstairs and practices writing late into the night, then has a small lightswitch rave and goes to sleep.

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The house becomes lively again at about half past nine the following morning! Does this wake Cyllene?

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Not really.  Human beds are awfully cozy.

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Shavan knocks on her door at about nine forty-five.

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Cyllene mmf?s in response, or would if she weren't magic'd silent.

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He can't hear her. "If you want to come to school it's time now."

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- oh, okay.  She goes to the door, still wearing yesterday's uniform (including the coat and only missing her stolen shoes).

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"- I'm going to need to get you your own set of uniforms and some normal clothes - this will be fine for today though -" He collects both of their shoes out of the shoe hiding place and they can bus back to school, where he parks her in the library.

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Mooooooore writing-studying!

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He checks in on her at lunch, and has packed extra stuff-to-go-with-rice in his lunchbox (each of them gets a thermos-ful of broth and lentils) so she can have a cafeteria lunch.

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- OH strongly-flavored things go on the weakly-flavored rice.  Humans are smart!  Especially about food!!

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In addition to the thermoses Shavan also brought each of them an apple and a couple chocolate truffles.

She gets to observe the social dynamics of the cafeteria! The teachers eat among the students; often a teacher is the first to sit down in an empty area and then a bunch of students flock over to them.

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That makes sense and is probably how merfolk would do it if anything about how they ate was anything like this.

Cyllene is much improved at writing since her attempts at dinnertime.

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And does she have anything to write to anyone?

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Only in response to other conversation at the table!

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People are talking about... her, actually! Is she a new student? Is she related to the Preceptor? (He tells them she is not formally enrolled and they aren't related but she's staying in his guest room.)

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I maybe want to be enroled next time.

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"I can probably do that for you but it might take me a few days," says the Preceptor.

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How is it here?

she asks the other students.

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"I like it here! It's way better that my old school."

"There's too much solo work, I want them to bring back the afterschool coven thing."

"The bus ride is loooooong but there's nowhere here to park my horse in the winter."

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How is your old school?

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"My old school was boring. Lots of computer stuff so if I got bored I'd just play Align all day since they didn't have any good games. And I didn't have good friends."

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Are the friends here better or something else?

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"I like them better and that's kind of like them being better."

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She nods.

Better friends, not better people maybe.

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"Better friends for me. I think they liked each other fine."

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Nod nod.

I am the same.  People here are good.

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"Aww thank you!"

"It's weird that you can't talk but you're getting better at writing!"

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I was practicing.

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"How come you're living with the Preceptor?"

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He's nice.

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"Sinzy said you were homeless before."

"How would Sinzy know?"

"I dunno. Is she sick today?"

"I think so yeah."

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Yes I was.  Is Sinzy okay?

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"She probably just has a cold."

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Will she be more good?

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"Yeah, presumably."

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Is good.  She helped me.

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Lunch period ends. Everybody discards their bowls and packs up their nondisposable items and heads off to their various classes.

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- Cyllene tugs on Shavan's sleeve.

Want I to practice music now?

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"- yes, I have this period free, though I won't be able to keep putting off all my admin duties forever. Reading nook good?"

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Cyllene has done some reading on gestures.


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"- the spots up in the towers, where I brought you before?"

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. . . Nod.

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"I don't really have a better idea for a place you can be alone to make music for a while."

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Oh, nod.  She can start heading that way then.

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He accompanies her and makes sure she's settled in and has the recorder, and then absconds to do class things.

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Excellent.  She doesn't try any magic, just drills her scales and her intervals and bits of melody that don't play to anything's inherent harmony.

Well, for a few hours, before it occurs to her that the preliminary sort of magic, where you get the world to tell you about itself, isn't going to be something anyone here is capable of noticing; then she switches to that.  She learns many interesting things about her new human body, like that she's barely going to have any more teeth come in ever again, and that there are two bones in the bottom part of each of her legs, and that the inside of her chest is completely different now.  She doesn't improve as much as she did with straight practicing but she's glad for the information.

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Shavan checks on her once more before the end of school. "Doing okay?"

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She can nod without having to stop playing!  It's noticeably prettier than either of her previous light-controlling performances.

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He makes an approving gesture and goes back down the stairs.

He collects her at the end of the day.

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Does she have to stop playing to follow him?

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Not necessarily! She will have to stop on the bus though.

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Fine, that makes sense.

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They bus back home! Most everyone is there. Sesh has been apprised by now of MAGIC and wants to see MAGIC.

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Well, the quickest way is for Cyllene to drag her up some-stairs-but-not-all-of-the-stairs to the room where there's still a little ball of light, floating exactly where Cyllene left it.

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The ball of light is in... Shavan and Zian's bedroom, and they have chosen to intersect it with a coatrack, presumably so they could sleep in the dark.

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Cyllene budges the coat rack over a few inches.

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"Ooooh." Sesh pokes the light. Pokepokepoke.

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It's warm!  It's not anything else.

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"Why is it here?"

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I made it yesterday.

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"Can you do anything else?"

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Nod nod.

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"Can you show me?"

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With several minutes of playing Cyllene can make the light attached to Sesh the way the first one was to herself, and with several more she can make it purple.

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This does entertain Sesh, who goes tearing around the house to see if she can outrun the light, but then she wants to know if Cyllene can do anything ELSE else.

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What you want?

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"I dunno, what can you DO?"

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Cyllene takes off her coat and pulls her tunic aside to show Sesh the scrape marks from where she fell against a tree when she first got here.  Point point point point.

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"Oh no you got scratched! Do you need a bandaid?"

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Headshake headshake.  She picks up the recorder and starts playing.

For like 45 minutes, if uninterrupted.

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Sesh does eventually wander off and come back with her animal breeding game.

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Cyllene continues despite that.


And at the end of her performance (which is very pretty and not too repetitive; it has movements and themes that call back to earlier in itself but it's not just the same tune for the entire duration) she sets down the recorder and shows Sesh her unmarred shoulder.

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"- oh cool! Does that work if people are hurt really bad? You could be a doctor."

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When I am more good at music.

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"You sound pretty good already."

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I will be more good.
When I learn more of human bodies I will also be more fast at human bodies, and so on.

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"Oh! Do you wanna read my human anatomy book? It has pictures of EVERYTHING and explains what it's all for."

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Sesh runs off and gets that for her.

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Cyllene follows since maybe they should be in Sesh's room instead of Shavan and Zian's anyways.

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Sesh presents Cyllene with the anatomy book and then picks one off the shelf for herself which is about bugs.

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Reading!!  Most of what Cyllene needs to know for scrapes is at the cellular level but the big stuff is very interesting too!  She already learned a lot of this from playing the recorder at her own body earlier, but some of the things she reads add important context that makes what she'd discovered suddenly make sense.

After a fair bit of that she pauses and thoughtfully writes to Sesh,

Not all fish people are good at magic.

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"Because you have to be musical?"

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My uncle is more magic than me.  He is less musical than me.  Not all magic is music.
The father of my father of my father many times old, made a little magic to his children: they would be more smart, and more music, and more magic.  That again and again and again.  Now my father the king rules my old sea and all my family is very magic.

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"Oh... does that mean I can't learn how even if I get good at keyboard?"

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Cyllene thinks about this.


If I get very very very very more good, maybe I can more-magic other humans.  Not soon.

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"Huh. I think your harp will be here this evening."

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(It looks like she might be making an eeeee sound but of course nothing comes out.)

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"You have to practice a LOT to get really good. Mom says that most people only get really good at stuff they love so much that they'd do it even if they couldn't get really good at it by doing it."

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Music is my 2 important thing ever ever.

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"That's good then! What's the most important?"

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Unlike previous messages, Cyllene doesn't keep the paper in Sesh's view while writing, and sometimes she uses the eraser.


Fish people are not cold in water with ice, because they are not cold.  Humans are cold, but are not cold in snow because they have clothes.  They are warm.  There is snow but humans are not cold because humans have houses and schools that are not snow.  Fish people houses are as cold as not houses.  Fish people have sharp claws and teeth, and kill fish.  Fish people eat all they can, every time.  Humans eat a little and stop.  Humans have meals and do not eat all food because there is again a meal soon, they know.  Humans food is not all one thing.  Fish people food is all fish.

Fish people have strong tails.  Humans have busses.  Fish people have all fish as prey or threat.  Humans have horses dogs and sheep for friends help and soft.  Humans have soft everywhere.  Humans have straight lines and smooth and soft because humans make that.  Fish people only have what there is.  Humans can write, can remember anything by looking at writing, talk to anyone even far by writing.  Humans have no magic but still light.  Human light changes by touching a wall, right then, no magic, easy, call for food from far in the house.  Fish people have singing and drums but no keyboard harp or recorder.  Fish people need a choir to sing more than one note.  Humans have intruments, amazing, every thing to learn.

Fish people have no pretend long after egg.  Humans have pretend.  No magic, but pretend magic, for fun.  Pretend horse and sheep.  Drawing.  Electricity, a box with no magic but more good than magic. 


Fish people have magic: one wonder.  Humans have no magic, but wonders wonders wonders wonders, everywhere wonders, all wonders wonders wonders.  Because they are wonders.  Because they want more good and are more good at wanting.

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"...wow, fish people sound boring. I would've thought fish people would be....... cool. You know? Are they just not cool except for sometimes having magic?? That's so dumb!"

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Fish people are boring.

she confirms.

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"That sucks! You're not boring."

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Yes.  I comed here to be with not boring humans and not with boring fish people.

(My uncle is also not boring but all fish people but me and he are.)

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"Is he gonna come too?"

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"Why not?"

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I wanted to leave fish people.  He wants to make fish people more good.

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"Oh. How is he going to do that?"

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He wants to be king.

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"Ohh. That sounds like it might be hard because a lot of people really don't like it when somebody tries to get rid of an old government but maybe fish people are different like that."

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If it was not hard maybe I stayed with fish people.

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"Yeah. Then you would be the minister of not being boring or something."

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Silent giggle.

Minister of friends with humans.  My father hates humans.  He is bad.

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"Why does he hate humans? What'd we ever do to him?"

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Some humans hurt and kill some fish people but some fish people hurt and kill some humans.  Maybe if fish people have a minister of friends with humans, stops.

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"Oh. Is it because they want all the fish and you were eating them and vice versa or what?"

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I don't know.

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"Huh. - oh, right, it's new that you can understand any languages, you probably couldn't understand humans before, right?"

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"What other stuff do you need to learn to do more magic?"

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Stuff about the stuff I magic.  Most of my music today is to get the stuff to tell me how to magic it.
To do magic helps me learn but learning an other way also helps magic.

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"Whoa, what can you magically tell about stuff?"

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I learned the day I got here that your lights are not magic and are electricity which is small flash bright stuff.  I learned today that humans do not grow teeth forever.

It is not one song to make a magic light every time.  I must use magic to ask the air and the space what I should play to make a light there as I want it and then play that.  It is different every time.

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"OH let me show you a thing -"

Sesh has a little audio recorder-looper thing; it's throttled to a fairly low volume though when she fumbles and it replays some of her past experiments with it they are clearly 70% screaming by volume. She clears it and demonstrates, singing a song about the layers of the earth and atmosphere and sea, and then playing it back.

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"Isn't that good? You can borrow it!"

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After some instruction on how to use it Cyllene does so!!

Do you have a hurt I can test?

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"Uuuum I don't think so... does it need to be a small hurt? Asao has a bad knee."

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Small for now for a test.  How you want your light, any stuff different for a test?

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"Can it be turn-off-able?"

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I can try but I think no for how you want.  Change colors?

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"That would be cool too. My second favorite color is white."

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Cyllene gets to work on that!  It takes a long time to figure out how to ask the light what it wants in terms of an unchanging looping counterpoint, but eventually she works out a little ostinato and once that's going it's not long at all before the light is fading from white to light purple to bright purple and back again every ten seconds or so.

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"Awesome!!" says Sesh, jumping up and down and twirling.

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Cyllene agrees!!!

After a bit of kinesthetic celebration:

Now I want to see the game horses.

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"YEAH!" Sesh will catch Cyllene up on the last day of horse related developments.

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Cyllene starts out very enthralled but starts to drift off after a while.

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"You look sleepy. Do you need to go to bed early? Does magic make you tired??"

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She yawns.

I think fish people sleep different from humans.  But I don't want to have no food tonight.

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"How do fish people sleep?"

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she scrawls.

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"Huh. That sounds nice. Anyway dinner should be soonish. It's bean stuff."

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I don't know beans yet

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"They're like lentils. But bigger."

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Nod nod.  She sits up straighter and stretches and shakes herself a little more awake.

I don't know that fish people sleep less less or only more time between.

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"Human grownups sleep like eight hours but kids sleep more. I dunno if you count as a kid. How old are you?"

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I don't know.

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"Do fish people not count days?"

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The sea is dark.  Fish people have magic light but no sun.

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"Can't you swim higher up so you can see the sun? Like you saw humans?"

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Yes, but I am a strange fish person.
I saw the surface two times, I was small, with my father the king.  I saw it many many times alone and more big, cold weather and ice to warm weather to cold weather to not warm but no ice.

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"...seasons?" guesses Sesh after puzzling that out.

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She underlines the previous 'I don't know'.

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"Huh. Well, you look about the same age as the kids at Dad's school but that could mean anything. Maybe you're a thousand."

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A thowsand what?

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"Years. A year is when all the seasons go around once."

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From cold and ice to warm and to cold and ice again?

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"Yeah! Winter to summer."

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I think I am not a thowsand years.

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"How about a hundred, are you a hundred?"

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I don't know but I think I am not.

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"Are you... FIVE? Younger than me!"

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I don't know.

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"That sounds so confusing."

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"Well, you don't know how old you are! I always know how old I am since I was like a year old. I went around saying 'one one one' after I had my birthday, there's video."

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Why it is useful?  Or only fun?

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"Well, we know stuff like, most people who are this old can do that thing, so then if you're early you can be proud and if you're late you know to work on that special."

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The idea is clever.  Fish people do not do it.

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"How do you know when you're grownup, or getting old and going to die?"

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I killed a strong big fish and became grownup.  Some fish people look old when they are old.  My family dies only by trouble.

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Will you still only die by trouble?"

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I think yes.  I will learn how to die only by trouble magic.  If I do not die by trouble before.

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"Can you make OTHER people not get old and die of it??"

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I don't know.  I want it.

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"That would be SO COOL. You could unfreeze my grandpa."

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"He got really old and sick and sometimes when people get old and sick or whatever they get frozen, really ultra super cold, so in case if in the future we know how to fix both those problems they will not be rotted or anything."

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Maybe I will be the future and the fix.

She writes a period but her demeanor is pretty exclamation point.

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"Yeah!!!" Is it time to dance around, Sesh thinks so.

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Yeah okay!!  Dancing around and silent giggling.

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And they have dinner! Bean stew, bread hot out of the oven to be slathered in butter and dunked in the stew, fruit salad.

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Humans continue to make really delicious food, wow.  Cyllene knew they were great but she honestly wasn't expecting it this much in this way.

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They do their dish clearing ritual again. No dessert tonight, apparently.

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That's fine.

She woke herself up with all the dancing around so she doesn't feel like going to bed immediately.  She asks Sesh:

The person with the bad ni nee? is who?

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"K-N-E-E. Asao c'mere!"

Asao c'ms'ere.

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I should try to magic fix your knee?

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"- well, I don't know, should you? Does it have side effects?"

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"Does that mean it'll... take all night, or..."

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I will sleep nightily.
To fix the knee, I learn it with magic.  I can learn now and need less time later but still very time.

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"But it doesn't have side effects, it just takes a long time?"

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Fish people have no knees but I think more more more more time, not side effects.

More more time is being careful and making not side effects.

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"Okay. I don't mind if you - play the harp at my knee - while I read or whatever."

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I have a recorder.

Which she will happily play at his knee for a few hours!

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Shavan finds the harp package before she's been at it too long.

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That's so soon??  And it just comes here???  And it's hers and not one that was just around for her to borrow????  Humans are so goooooood aaaaaaaa.

In that case she will spend the evening learning how to play the lap harp in a not particularly kneeful way.  She plays a scale and then dives right into the wonders of ✧chords✧ and ✧counterpoint✧.

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Sesh finds her a video tutorial and will generously lend her computer to this project for twenty minutes!

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eeeeeee.  Some of this she's already worked out but there's also human cleverness that she probably wouldn't have figured out on her own for a long time.

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Sesh reclaims her device after she's out of the bath.

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That's fine.  Harp harp harp harp until everyone else goes to bed and then she'll follow their lead.

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Does she want to go to school with Shavan the next morning?

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Then in they go! The snow has stopped and it's bright and clear and cold out. He sets up her and her harp in a reading nook, and fetches her at lunchtime.

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When will we tell more people I am real magic?

she has pre-written when he arrives.

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"That's a good question. I wanted to give you a few more days to get better at writing and spelling so you'll be able to respond to all the questions we'll get, but if you want we can stop by a House of Truth after school today."

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I can wait.
Will people dislike if I bring my harp to lunch?

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"If you do it every day they might get annoyed but if you do it just today it'll probably be fun for them. You might get food on it, though."

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She nods, puts it in her hem-pocket, and follows Shavan to lunch.

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He brought leftovers of the bean thing and fruit salad for accompanying the rice today.

Sinzy is back!

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Oh good!!

Cyllene eats as quickly as possible and makes sure her hands are very clean and then starts playing quietly under the table's conversation.

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"What song is that?" Sinzy asks.

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Cyllene has two hands; she can play and write at the same time.

It isn't one.

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"Just making it up as you go?"

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Nod nod.

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"It's pretty!"

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Thank you.
You are well?

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"Yeah, I'm okay. Yesterday I had an appointment in the morning and then just spent the afternoon home instead of coming in for the last couple hours."

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. . . Cyllene nods and starts to reach for her pencil but just goes back to playing before picking it up.

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Sinzy tilts her head but doesn't follow up on that and lets herself get drawn into watching another kid do card tricks.

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Whaaaaaaaaat are thoooooose!!  What is that!!!

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The kid announces the names of each trick before doing them but does not explain how they are done!

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How to phrase it so she doesn't wreck anyone's fun -

What is this kind of magic?

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"You can look up the names of the spells after school if you want," Sinzy whispers under the card trick patter. "That's why he says them all, so nobody's upset about not knowing how to learn them."

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Oh, nodnod!

She stops playing to write them down because it seems hard to get them exactly right otherwise (and important that they be exactly right).

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Eventually the kid runs out of card tricks and everyone finishes their food and goes back to what they were doing.

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Cyllene decides she wants to spend this afternoon reading another book with a story; what's the selection look like now that there's enough light to see the titles?

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Hmmmmm mundane modern?

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Mundane modern has titles such as:

Summer in Cape Starfield
Dionel and Me
The Blizzard of 38
Apprentices of the Woodworker Sachun
Mirad's Garden
Lizzen and Carasli
Train Tour (A Traveling Family Book)

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Ooh, lots of those sound interesting but she wants to know what Summer in Cape Starfield is about.

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It is about a kid whose mom is very sick. To increase ambient household slack they send her and her two younger siblings to visit her grandparents in their house in Cape Starfield. She tries to help with the younger kids but most of the book is about her organizing things in her grandparents' attic and becoming able to open her eyes underwater and making friends with a local boy.

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Humans can swim but only sort of open their eyes underwater??  What sort of things does she organize?

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She's used to having goggles, but hers break and she doesn't want to stop swimming to go buy another pair, plus money is slightly tight and she feels bad about asking for purchases. She organizes their old photos and old clothes and knickknacks they never unpacked when they moved here.

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Huh.  Photographs seem interesting.

She rereads a few passages once she finishes and then goes back to harping until Shavan comes back.

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Here he is! "How're you doing?"

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I want to swim.

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"Oh, okay. The school doesn't have a pool but sometimes I take the household kids on the school downtime day. - do you want to keep coming to school, it doesn't seem like you're getting anything out of it you couldn't get out of being at the house."

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I maybe want to be a student here.  I maybe don't.  I don't know enough.

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"I think maybe you should practice music and read at home - the school doesn't have devices, it messes with the aesthetic, but the internet has more information about basic things than the library books aimed at kids who already know a few years' worth of how the world works."

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Cyllene . . . doesn't immediately respond.

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"- is something the matter?"

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She thinks for a bit.

I don't want some things.  I don't know if you want some things that I don't.  I don't know if you want some things that would make things I don't want later.

You and your family has been very kind and good.


A more simple thing I don't want is to be in the same place all days.

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"- I'm not saying you have to stay in the house? You can go for a walk or go to the library or the park or see if Sesh wants to bring you to a friend's house or whatever. I just don't know that it makes sense to have you here when you aren't ready to enroll and you've had a chance to meet more people than just the ones here."

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She bites her lip.

I'm mine.

It maybe the best thing but it also is maybe what a person who wants me to not be mine could want.

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"I - what? If you convince someone else to let you move in with them I'm not going to stop you, but as far as I know you haven't done that. The school's just... for students, and you are not at this time a student. I'm really confused."

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If As long as we both know these then it is good.

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I didn't know so I was conserned.

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"Yeah, I'm just not sure if there was something I did that made you feel that way."

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She underlines

It maybe the best thing but it also is maybe what a person who wants me to not be mine could want.

but additionally overlines the first five words.

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"Okay. Well. Ready to go home?"

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She nods.

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Home they go. Sesh wants to show Cyllene how her guinea pigs are doing.

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Well, how are they doing?

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She has successfully bred them to be huge and still tasty, in this one barn, and small and interesting colors, in this other barn! She explains why she doesn't interbreed the strains because they would just have babies that didn't taste good or look very pretty without a LOT of lucky hay and she can get better returns on her lucky hay by breeding more carefully within the two projects but if she really needs genetic diversity she will breed one with somebody else's guinea pig entirely since hers are all a little related if you go enough generations back, here is their family tree.

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Why is genetic davercity good?

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"Otherwise you wind up with mutant babies! But in this game they just don't have as many or they're less lucky, they didn't program in a lot of weird mutations."

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. . . Nod nod.

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"Lune sometimes says he wants to marry Mom but he can't do thaaaaaaat because of the mutant babies and also she is already married."

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Cyllene thinks for a second.

I don't know if fish people have no mutant babies, or my family used magic to make none, or if there were fish people mutant babies who I don't know.

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"Do fish people marry their relatives a lot?"

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The royal family does to make more magic.

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"Oh. Maybe magic helps, I dunno."

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Shrug.  (She learned about shrugs in the book she read today what a useful gesture.)

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"You weren't married, right?"

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The fish person I supposed to married is not grownup  up.

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"Oh so you were engaged? Did you like them?"

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He is a normal royal fish person so far.

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"Well I hope he doesn't miss you."

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"I want to marry a musician and have them sing me to sleep every night."

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Silent giggle.

What is human marrying like?

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"You find somebody you want to live with and probably have kids with and you move in with them and you complementarize all your chores and stuff and kiss like ALL the time when you think your kids aren't looking."

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Please elaborate on kising?

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"It's putting your mouth on somebody's mouth. I think it looks gross but grownups like it."

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I think fish people grownups don't like it either.  Or they are very good at knowing when the kids aren't looking.

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"Well it would probably be weird underwater."

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"...I dunno, maybe it wouldn't be if you breathe water. Did you breathe through your neck?"

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My mouth and nose, just water not air.

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"Wow, I don't think there are any animals that breathe water but through their mouth and not gills. Dolphins have blowholes!"

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I couldn't breathe air before I was human.

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"Fish can't breathe air but they have gills."

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Maybe I had gills on my inside.

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"That's not how gills work... I'm going to start a fish farm," she adds, going back to her game and paying some virtual tokens for a starting batch of salmon.

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Drawings fish!!  Cyllene will watch intently over Sesh's shoulder.

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Apparently she doesn't start with all their traits filled in and she will have to find out by experimentation which ones taste best and yield the most eggs and have the prettiest scales. Well, she can see the scales, but has to look at each salmon before it will add that information to her summary.

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Is there a way to tell how tasty they are before killing them?

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Nope! So she has to make sure she tracks which salmon are which other salmon's parents, and then harvest them and "taste" them, and then breed the children of the tasty ones.

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How much real time does a salmon generation take?

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A day, looks like, unless she does puzzles to speed it up.

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I want to read about what humans know about fish.

declares Cyllene after a bit of salmoning (and some ambient harping).

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"Okay!" Sesh will open the Wikipedia* article on fish.

*this is a cultural translation but a pretty spot-on one

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Okay humans know way more about fish than fish people do.  - Or, wait -

I think my uncle is not strictly a fish person.

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I had a tail and no legs, he has tentacles and no legs.

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"Whoa. This was your uncle? Maybe he was the mutant baby!"

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Other tentaclesy fish people are too.  I don't know if not royal fish people marry their relatives.

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"Weeeeeird. Even if there were two species of fish people it's weird they'd be RELATED."

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I was a shark fish person I think.  My father the king is a kind of fish I not seen your word for yet.

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"Well what's he look like?

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Cyllene gestures a bunch of rays or spines fanning out from her back and hips, and then a smaller rounded fin at her feet.

Orange.  More small tooths than Maybe now the same tooths as me.

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Sesh looks up "orange fish".

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Cyllene shakes her head at all of them.

Also white.

She mimes the spikes again, then pricking her finger on one.

Sick sick sick.

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"Poisonous orange and white fish"?

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She point-point-points at the lionfish that come up in the results.

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"Huh!!! Maybe you're just a magic species and part of the magic is that you're all just part TOTALLY RANDOM SEA ANIMAL no matter what other sea animals are in your family."

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My mother and sisters are different too.  One more shark sister, two the same but I don't know the word.

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"Are they all full sisters?"

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"Yeah I think that probably has to be magic. What kind of fish are the other sisters, like what colors and stuff, I can look that up too."

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With some searching the two of them determine that Cyllene has two ray sisters, a sea jelly sister, a leafy seadragon sister, a thresher shark sister - actually another shark sister, a catshark; Cyllene didn't realize because she was so small - and an arctic char mother.  Cyllene thinks she herself was a blue shark.

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Sesh becomes abruptly obsessed with leafy seadragons and sends fourteen pictures of them to the printer to put on her walls.

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Hee hee.

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The lights flash for dinner. It's fish tonight, actually, but they are eating it dipped in peppery egg batter and deep fried and smothered in garlic lime sauce.

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HUMANS ARE SO GOOD AT FOOD.  It doesn't even taste THAT much better than other human stuff she's eaten but the difference between this and what she ate as a fish person is WOW.

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"You like this recipe, huh?" giggles Sesh, who is separating all of her fish from the batter and eating the batter by itself and dipping the fish in the sauce.

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Fish people are so boring of at to for about food.

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"Well you can't really cook in the sea."

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Nod nod chomp chomp.

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Now Sesh has to go take a bath.

"You should take a bath too," she tells Cyllene while she's heading up to the bathroom she prefers.

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"You fill a tub up with water and soap and you wash off all your dead skin and sweat and dirt and stuff! And your hair! - you don't wash off your hair you wash stuff off your hair."

Permalink Mark Unread

Dead skin?

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"Skin is dying like all the time! The top layer of your skin is actually ALREADY DEAD. It's -"

"Sesh, this looks a lot like dawdling..."


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Well, if Cyllene has to wait for Sesh (and possibly Paju?) to finish with their baths then yeah, she'll check out the human anatomy book while she waits.  Especially since she can do that while plucking at her harp.

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The human anatomy book confirms that human skin is constantly dying and replacing itself.

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Woaaah.  She wonders if her old skin also did that; it didn't feel like it was but her human skin also doesn't.  She switches to harping at her skin to get it to tell it about itself but doesn't get super far before the bath is free.

Bath: What Is It Like??

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It is warm! It is bubbly! It doesn't taste good at all!

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Blechh!  Also ack water going in her nose is pretty bad as well, even though it smells good out of her nose.  She splashes some water out of the tub from shaking her head trying to get it out of her face.

Tubs are much much too small to swim in, in a way that's pretty disconcerting, but eventually she finds a comfortable position and then it's kind of relaxing.

It's kind of really relaxing.


. . . It's relaxing enough that she maybe dozes off a little.

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She is not three years old so no one is actually trying to supervise her in the tub and this will not be noticed! Hopefully she doesn't get any in her nose while dozing!

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She does not, and she's not out for long enough that the water goes cold either.  Baths are excellent she wants to take them - well, not all the time or she should have just stayed a fish person but frequently.  It's so warm and nice and not at all like the sea, anyways.  Only the good parts.

- There's something kind of weird about the skin on her hands though, she should go ask someone if that's normal.  She stands up and steps out of the tub and tries not to slip on the splashed water and fails with a painful thunk.

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"You all right in there? Uh, kick the door if I don't need to come in."

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She kicks the door.

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- She's not very experienced with kicking and so that hurts worse than the fall did; she clutches at her toes, swearing silently in her native language.

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"Okay, careful in there!"

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There is WET coming from her EYES and it's new, not from the bath, which is extremely concerning.  And it's salty like the sea is when she tastes it.  Hopefully she is not turning back into a fish person from having stayed too long in the water or something; she doesn't have a better guess at what could be happening even though she's pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work.


But eventually she recovers enough to put her clothes on her very wet body and hobble out the door.

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"Hey there! - are you okay -" says Leivara, who is holding a bundle of textiles in her arms.

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Her paper has some wet spots but there's enough dry to write on.

Are my hands and wet eyes okay for humans?

Here are her hands; they are wrinkly.

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"Your hands are fine, that just happens if you stay in the water for a long time, they'll go back to normal soon. Your eyes look like you've been crying? Did you hurt yourself, was that the thumping noise?"

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Yes and with the door.  Please explain crying.

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"- humans cry when we're in pain or sad or sometimes feeling other really strong emotions. It won't hurt you either but it can be kinda uncomfortable. Uh, I got your new clothes, and an LED tablet so you don't keep going through scrap paper, do you wanna change -" She holds out the pile of textiles. "This is actually three outfits but I didn't know how you'd want to match them."

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She tries writing 'Thank you.' on the tablet - oh that's pretty cool.

'How I unwet bathroom so it doesn't hurt more people?'

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"With the towel over there, probably after you've unwetted yourself."

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She walks very carefully over to the towel and??  Wraps it around her body?  With the wet clothes still on.

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"- you take the clothes off, rub the water off with the towel, put it on the puddle on the floor to soak it up, and then put on your new clothes."

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Oh okay.  She starts stripping and gets to that.

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Leivara sets the clothes down and leaves her to it but doesn't fuss about the door being open; it's winter, not nudity-taboo, keeping everybody's clothes on.

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Cyllene hasn't learned a very effective way of drying her hair but the rest of her is much less wet now.  Swipe swoop the water off the floor, towel goes back where she found it?  The tub is still full and she's not sure what the done thing is there so she'll leave it that way for now.

What are these new clothes like?

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They are lighter and softer than the school uniforms, which are more structured to make all the pockets work; this shirt, pale yellow, has a kangaroo pocket but no others, and the slacks, navy blue, are pocketless.

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Soft!  Nice!

She puts them on or tries to, depending on how difficult any fastenings are.

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The shirt slips on and the pants mostly do too though they have dangly bits of material at each hip to be tied in front if desired.

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They will dangle for now.  Is Sesh around or already in bed?

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Sesh is in her room and pajamas but still awake and taping up her pictures of sea dragons.

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'Tomorrow for you what happens?'

(The previous things she wrote on her tablet are still there.)

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"Oh, I have school."

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'How long?  Today and before you were here before me.'

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"Yeah my school day is shorter and my school is closer so if you go with Dad you won't see me leave or come back! But I do have it."

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'I will not go tomorrow.'

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"Oh. Well, I will, but then you'll be here when I come home!"

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'I may go somewhere else.'

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"Oh, like where?"

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'I don't know.  Where is good?"

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"Uuuum, do you have any money?"

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'No.  How I get' - she's running out of room on the tablet - 'some?'

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"I get it doing chores. Grownups have jobs or whatever."

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. . . Cyllene investigates the tablet for additional hidden pages or a way to change the screen or something.

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"- you erase those things with the button there."

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Oh wow that works so instantly.  'I think I can get a lot of money when other humans know I am magic.  But not before.'

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"Yeah, I think a committed of truth might come by soon. I don't like them, they're mean to me."

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"For NO REASON. So I'll probably hide in my room while you show them magic."

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'If they're mean for no reason maybe I don't want to talk to them.'

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"They might not be mean to YOU."

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She underlines the 'Why?'.

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"I don't want to talk about this any more," Sesh pouts.

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'Okay sorry.'  She clears the tablet once Sesh has read it; she can go faster when she writes bigger.  'Where you think I should go tomorrow with no money?'

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"With no money you could go to the park. You've probably never been on a swing before!"

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'What is it?'

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"It's a seat thing dangling from a high up bar thing and you sit on it and you swing back and forth on it." She can look up a picture.

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Buttonclick.  'Which way is the park?'

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"It's that way." Point. "You'll need to be all bundled up to play there in the snow."

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'Okay.  I want you to have good sleep.'

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"I want you to have good sleep too!" giggles Sesh. "Goodnight!"

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Cyllene waves and goes to bed (although not to sleep; she fits in another hour or two of quiet musical practice first).

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In the morning nobody wakes her to go to school because she does not attend school!

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In that case she'll sleep pretty late!  Is anyone else in the house still?

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Several people are! Leivara's around, doing prep work for dinner, and Lune's playing in the snow out back loosely supervised by Zian, and Sallun's sorting laundry in the living room.

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Hmmm.  Cyllene will go hang out kind of adjacent to Leivara while she wakes up a little more.

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"- oh, g'morning," says Leivara, sweeping a cutting board full of chopped onion into a container for later.

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Wave wave.  Huh, it makes sense that food which is made of multiple parts would have to have its parts made but she hadn't really been picturing how that happened.


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Lots of veggies getting chopped up this morning. In between steps Leivara's taking bites of her omelette-in-a-flatbread breakfast thing.

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Cyllene tries doodling things around her on the tablet for a while; drawing seems useful to get better at.  'Do you want any magic?' she wonders to Leivara at a mutual pausing point.

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"Well, what-all can you do? I haven't got another bad knee."

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'I can learn almost anything but I want to know what humans want a lot to know what to start.'

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"Can you give people superpowers?"

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'I think so.  Like what?'

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"Like teleporting or flying or super-speed or not needing to sleep."

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'I already have to do sleep less magic because some magic takes a long time but zero sleep is very hard and it is only while music so far.  Super speed is smart and maybe.  Flying is maybe and teleporting is maybe.'

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"Awesome. I'd take any of those for sure."

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'If I am super speed I think I am better at all magic too from better small notes.'  She starts warming up on her harp.

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"Ooh, good thought. Did you already check if recordings work?"

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'They work with me.  I don't know if alone.'

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"What do you mean?"

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'I recorded and played with the recording and it worked but I haven't tried if just a recording works.'

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"Oh, well, that seems like the obvious thing to try."

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'It will be hard I think because I can not comunicate with the thing I want to magic then.  But yes.'

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"So you're doing some kind of - interaction in real time, with the thing you do magic to?"

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'Yes.  Magic music is not songs it is always different.  But maybe I can find something to be the same.'

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"Huh, that makes me wonder if you could do something that's useful but not complicated, like generate unlimited electricity."

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'Like that is in human lights?'

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"Yeah, but we use it for a lot of things and it'd be cool if it were unlimited and free."

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Hmm okay.  Cyllene closes her eyes and starts playing at the nearest light to ask it to tell her about itself.  If no one interrupts her for the next hour or so she'll follow the power all the way to wherever it's being generated.  (Magically.  Her body stays put in the kitchen.)

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The house gets its power from underground wires, which go to the power station over there, which is fueled by the nuclear plant there.

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Huh woah!!  That's not what she expected.  She could tell from her first investigation that it was coming from somewhere but that's so far and so - continuous??  Humans are amazing.  She already knew that humans were amazing but they keep impressing her anyways.

She pokes at how that place over there gets electricity started to begin with.  Not the nuclear part, that would be out of her reach even if she knew to look for it and she doesn't, but what's happening that causes this thing that isn't a thing, right at its very first point.  Apparently something rhythmic and - back-and-forthy?  Or maybe spinny.  Hard to tell.


Is Leivara still around when she opens her eyes?  It's been a while and she hasn't really been listening to noises that weren't her music.

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Leivara is not still there, Cyllene is alone in the kitchen. Except for a cat, which is pulling the dishtowels off their hooks and carrying them away.

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Oh another dog, she didn't know there was one of those here.

. . . Surface animals are supposed to be a lot friendlier than fish not-people.  She waves at it.

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It flicks its tail and continues off with the dishtowels.

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A successful and satisfactory interaction.

She walks around again to see what other people in the house are doing now.

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Meec is napping on Leivara's lap and she is petting him absently while reading a book.

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Cyllene plays a light into existence in her room and leaves it there, puts on her coat and shoes, and heads outside in the direction Sesh said the park was.

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The park is only three blocks away, and the plows have been by recently enough that it's not too bad to tromp along. There are swings and slides and a roundabout and climbable trees and a sandpit.

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Well, swings are the thing Sesh mentioned.  Cyllene . . . sits on one?

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It sways with her!

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Huh, okay.  She pushes herself side to side a little, keeping her toes on the ground.

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Wobble wobble goes the swing.

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. . . Well no, not really that interesting, after another ten seconds.  Presumably there's something more to this but she's not in the mood to figure it out, especially since it's too cold to ask the swing about itself.  She should practice warming herself up later.

The rest of the park features prove similarly inscrutable, so she continues down the sidewalk in the same direction, looking for anything interesting.

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Restaurants, mattresses and bed linens store, horse and nyoom parking and rentals, curio shop, a Desk Yay, real estate office, art gallery, crow breeder, the corporate headquarters of a confectioner, small theater.

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Is there much to look at of the crow breeder without going inside?  What about the curio shop and the art gallery?

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The crow enclosure goes up to the window and some of the crows will come investigate her if she looks in through there! The curio shop has a window display with tchotchkes and little clockwork doodads and pretty rocks and fossils. The art gallery is presently displaying quilts.

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Ideal animal interaction!!  The crows are interested in her and the glass separating them means the amount things can go badly is pretty limited!

They're so cute too.  Hiiiiiiii birdies.

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Oh her gosh.

. . . If she repeats her action that caused the caw, does the crow do it again?  Is it at the same pitch or a different one if so.

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The crow doesn't do it again, just hops to a different perch to watch her from a new angle.

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In that case Cyllene will try More Things, based on whatever seems to get the most positive reactions from the bird.

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The bird is willing to play a game with her where it hops to a different perch depending on which one she has her face closest to!

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Awwwww.  She would like this game much less if not for the glass but since the glass is here it's very cute.

But this doesn't elicit any more cawing?  What if she plays a few notes on her harp for it.

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Another crow comes over too. CAW!

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It's worth her fingers getting a little cold to test whether they seem to have any sense of musicality.

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Nope not a speck.

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Aw, okay.  She waves goodbye to the crows (for now) and walks over to inspect the engalleried quilts.

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They are colorful and detailed and one says it was hand sewn and one is sparkly and one is a quilt that is also an overcoat!

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Oooooohh she likes the sparkly one.  She doesn't know enough about sewing to have an idea of what it means to do it with or without hands but it's pretty and pretty cool regardless.

Okay now the curio shop - neat tchotchkes, what are those like?

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Wire trees with amethyst or amber or lapis lazuli leaves. Fist-sized glass marbles with swirls of color inside. Strings of raw semiprecious rocks. Stacking bracelets in beaten copper and twisted gold and braided silver. Air plants and their accessories in unique little blown globes. Wall scrolls with calligraphy reading Perpetuity or Peace or Longevity. There's a cat in the store and a sign that says to ring the bell if the cat is unable to handle your transaction.

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Cyllene loves humans so much.

She wants so many of these things and if she understands correctly then in at most a few days she'll be able to do magic for money and in pretty short order after that she'll be able to buy as many as she wants.

She staaaaaares for a bit and waves at the cat when it passes by.

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"Mrow," says the cat politely.

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Will it play any games through the window with her?

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Nope. It is a very professional cat.

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That's too bad.

What's also too bad is that human bodies get cold very easily, and she hasn't yet learned all the human ways to keep herself warm in spite of this.  She heads back houseward, but if she sees anything else interesting on the way there she's willing to dawdle.

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Things are basically the same on the way back. There is a tiny horse in a horseblanket pulling a wagon through the plowed street full of packages, though.

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That isn't dawdle-warranting; Cyllene goes straight to her room unless someone catches her on her way and practices writing until interrupted.

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She is not interrupted at this. The family doesn't lock their doors.

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She's used to more hunger than missing breakfast and lunch elicits, so she only comes down when the lights flash for dinner.

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Dinner features all the veggies that were chopped this morning and also silken tofu and mashed potatoes.

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Cyllene will have lots!!

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Shavan mentions, "A Committed of Truth is going to come by this evening, are you ready to demo some magic for her?"

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'I don't know.
Are they mean?'

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"- what? I don't know this one personally, but probably not?"

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Cyllene looks over at Sesh.

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Sesh isn't paying attention to this conversation at all, actually, she is carefully sorting her vegetables and giving all her peas away to Meec.

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'Sesh said they were mean to her.'

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"- Sesh asked a question she didn't like the answer to. The Committed of Truth don't lie or mislead, ever, even when lying would usually be politer."

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'Okay.  How do you think I should get money once people know I'm truthish?'

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"Is there any magic you can do right now reliably besides the light?"

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'I can look at things fast if there isn't too much to look at.'

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"Okay. Can you find out things nobody knows, if you want to?"

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'I don't know what humans know.  Probably some things.'

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"It might be that the easiest way you could make money would be to prove that you're magic and then answer questions people want to know the answers to - does the magic work on math problems, engineering problems, lost objects, historical questions..."

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'What are math and engineering?'

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"Math is stuff about how numbers act. Or stuff that is like numbers but not them," Sesh volunteers.

"Engineering is how to build complicated and precise things," says Shavan.

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'I think math is no.  Maybe I can build complicated and precise things with magic but I don't know about learning how without magic without something to copy.'  Click-erase.  'Lost objects are maybe if there is a connection to them.  Historical questions are like if a book is hurt can I heal the book?'

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"That would also be good, maybe restoring old objects would be a good use, though I was thinking about things like, what did past languages sound like, what was this artifact used for, that kind of thing."

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- 'Wait.'

Cyllene gets up from the table and leaves the room unless stopped.

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...okay. They clear the dinner things and pass out fruit tart.

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She's back in as long as it takes to run and grab paper and a pencil from her room upstairs.  She nomfs her tart and writes 'FAST, EASY' at the top of the page and 'LONG TIME, RESEARCH' a the bottom and then fills in a list between them, not in order.

lost language reading translation
understanding objects
some human healing, book healing, object healing
losing objects

magic engineering

lost objects

language sounds

And she adds a 'Guessing' at an angle in the top corner.

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"Oh, right, you can read any language - that would be very handy for some things, I'm sure - what do you mean understanding or losing objects?"

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'Losing objects is like today I went for a walk but first I put a magic light in my room and if I'd got lost I could have played to it to find this house again.  Already lost objects are much harder but if I know an object will be lost I could magic it.'

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"What do you find out about something that you're finding that way? Like, where it is relative to the planet, or how you can get there, or what?"

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'It depends what I ask it.  But I can't reach any of my old magic things from when I was a fish person.'  C-click.  'Understanding is like I followed your electricity to where it starts' (she gestures over her shoulder in the direction of the power plant) 'and learned a little bit about how it does.'  Click.  'The finding and understanding are a little bit the same thing but I need a connection and all my magic is already connected to me.'

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"What other things count as connections?"

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'I would have to test more to know I think.'

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"Okay. Probably dead languages would be the most - confidently advertisable - option."

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'So I should practice Kusan even harder?'

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"Yeah, probably, so you'll be able to confidently translate a wider variety of things. Do you want, uh, vocab-builder books, I think Paju has some."

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'Yes please.  I think I can do better with writing that is writing and not talking because I can take more time, but not if I don't know the words at all.'

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Paju runs to fetch her vocab builder books, which are basically just normal science fiction novels that have been selected for having lots of words in them and making them pretty easy to understand from context.

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'Thank you!'  Click.  'Should I attach a light to something so the truth person will see that it moves with it and it will look more surely magic?  Or just bring a light downstairs before she gets here?'

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"I think you should create the light while she watches," says Shavan.

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She can just warm up with her harp until the Committed arrives, then.

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She shows up after dinner things have been cleared away and much of the household has dispersed. She's wearing a uniform, long bishop-sleeve robe-dress with a long vest over it; the vest has pins on it. "I'm here to investigate claims of magic," she says blandly.

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Cyllene resolves the harmonic tension in the line she was playing and waves. 

'I will play music to make a magic light,' she announces, and then she starts again with a tune in a completely different style than a moment ago, with soft crescendos and arpeggiated chords that give way to ones sustained over the start of the next line, fluttering and floaty.

And in well under a minute there's a glowing ball, grapefruit-sized, hovering in front of the Committed.

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The Committed blinks at this. "Is it safe to touch?"

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She touches it. Intersects her hand with it. Makes shadow puppets with it. Inquires if it does anything else.

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'I can make it do other things but if I didn't it would stay just there until I die.'

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"What can you make it do?"

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'Disappear or change colors or be attached at a distance to a person or object or move around or be touchable or be brighter or dimmer.  And more.'

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"Can you cause it to follow me?"

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She nods and returns to her harp, picking up what sounds like another movement from the previous piece.  After a few minutes the light starts twitching and bobbing with any movements the Committed makes, instead of floating in perfect stillness.

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She walks around the room a bit.

"May I take this outside?"

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Nod.  'Do I come too or stay here?'

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"Stay here, please. I will be back in just a few minutes if the walk goes within the range of ways I expect." And she takes it for a stroll around the block.

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The light follows her, although it stays in a consistent cardinal direction rather than moving to keep in front of her.  When she turns around it's closer to her back than her front; it seems to be keeping a constant distance of about two feet from the bottom of her sternum, wherever her sternum goes.

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She tries going up stairs and into a public bathroom and so on and eventually comes back to the house. "Thank you. I am done observing this light for the time being."

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'Should I get rid of it?'

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"I do not want it to be attached to me any longer. Its further disposition seems to me your business."

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After maybe thirty seconds of Cyllene playing some fade-y out-y lines the light disappears.

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"Is that all you wish to demonstrate to me this evening?"

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'I can understand any language.'

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"What are the details of this ability?"

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She thinks.

'If I hear or read any words I know what they mean as long as I know what the thing they mean means.'

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"How does this apply to homophones and homonyms?"

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'What are those?'

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"Homophones are words that sound alike, but mean different things, like 'winter' and 'plastic wrap'. Homonyms are words that are spelled alike but mean different things, like 'splinter' and 'Tuesday*'.

*Green has six day weeks, so this is a cultural translation.

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'I hear what they mean.'

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"Does that apply to sentences that can work either way, such as, quote*, 'I love the [sunshine/bread]?'"

*Committed of Truth tend to be pretty explicit about use-mention.

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'You meant that to not be either one.'

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"Do you have means of telling what people are thinking apart from distinguishing ambiguous verbal communication?"

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'Written maybe?  Maybe others with research.'

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"What kind of research?"

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'Getting better at music and playing it a lot to try and learn, or maybe with some learning how things work from humans.'

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"But you cannot do this now during the course of this interaction?"

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"Is there anything else you want to show or tell me?"

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'I don't know.  What will happen now because of this?  I want to be able to earn money.'

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"I would be moderately surprised based on the information I currently have if you found yourself unable to earn money with the resources I understand to be available to you. My intention is to return to the House of Truth and compose a release about the things I have observed here today, with my stamp on it. It will not contain the address. You will be able to make reference to this statement if you wish to convince someone that you are capable of magic."

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'Is there anything else you want to know?'

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"I was only asked to consult on your ability to do magic but I am also personally curious what allows you to accomplish it."

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'I was a fish person from a different world and part of the fish people royal family, who have done lots of magic for a long time to make us more magic.  Mine is music but there are other kinds.'

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"Apart from the fact that you can do magic, do you have any way to substantiate these claims?"

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'Not yet I think.'

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"Thank you for your cooperation with my questions. Good evening." And she departs.

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Cool!  That wasn't so bad.

Hmm, if she wanders around and visibly exists Committedless to Shavan does he have anything to say.

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"Hey! How'd it go?" he asks.

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'I think good.'

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"Good. Pinjai's going to be here just for a few minutes this evening, it's on her way home today, and she'll see where you are on the harp and refer you to someone who can give you real lessons."

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Yayy!!  She wiggles.

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In the meantime people are having hot tea in the living room while a movie plays with subtitles below.

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Oh that's so great for learning spelling and pronunciation!!  Wow it's like the best possible thing for that.  This is so cool she'll absolutely stick around to watch.

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It's a science fiction movie about meeting aliens who are embroiled in a war and having to figure out who to help and how much.

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Woahhhh.  What are they using to decide that??

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They're trying to figure out how the war started and which side has more palatable tactics and end goals.

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What makes tactics palatable or not?

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The characters have lots of arguments about that! They are concerned with things like bioweapons and perfidy and the use of concerning sci-fi techniques to extract intel from captives and stuff like that.

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Okay cool at least nothing she knows her family to have definitely done.  Bioweapons are a real scary concept even though she's never been sick.

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Ultimately a splinter faction from the first bunch of aliens succeeds at a bioweapon deployment against the second. The human protagonists are able to talk the first bunch into standing down from their more extreme demands and arresting the splinter actors in light of there being barely any survivors from the second bunch, and turn their attention to getting both species onto a postwar footing.

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This movie definitely makes her feel the ways that humans are so much - bigger, than fish people.  Even though the aliens aren't really humans.

ESPECIALLY with the soundtrack, WOW.  It's so overwhelming that it gives her the hiccups again (which aren't completely silent but mostly are, and at least this time she knows she's not dying).

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Pinjai comes by while they're going through the blooper highlights.

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Cyllene is staggeringly good at her lap harp for someone who's had it only as long as she has, but given that there are an awful lot of things she's doing not quite in the right way.  She's on track to probably give herself a repetitive stress injury if she keeps going as she is.

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Pinjai corrects her finger position, advises her on managing callusses, gives her the URL of a website to consult, and is on her way with the promise of a referral.

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'Thank you!'  Wiggle wiggle.

If there's another movie on Cyllene will definitely stay to watch it but otherwise she'll go to her room and apply what she's been taught to her practice.

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Nope, just the one. Nashi's staying up to read but most people are going to bed.

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In that case practice it is (quietly), then sleeping, and - waking up shortly after dawn from a nightmare where she disintegrates and doesn't go anywhere and she's just dust floating in her uncle's cave and he doesn't even know it didn't work, but her father does and collects all the bits of her in a bag and leaves her alone in a pile in the dark in her room forever.


Well, just a dream.  She heads downstairs.

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Meec is being difficult to get breakfast into, Shraun is wrapping a breakfast pastry in a napkin to bring with him on his way out the door, Sesh is trying to find her good hat and rejecting attempts to convince her to wear her bad hat.

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Does any breakfast seem public the way dinner is?

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There is a wokful of scrambled eggs on the stove that Paju is serving herself from.

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So no, then.  She finds whoever looks the least busy and holds out her tablet: 'Do you know how I can know when my release from the house of truth is?'

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"Oh, it'll be on their website..." Zian pulls it up on her computer. "Here it is! Wow, that's a lot of comments."

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What do they say!

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I'll buy this when Committed Absilen has a psych eval.

why aren't there photos?

Shouldn't the magic girl be in, like, government custody or something?

Magic!! Sounds like kind of lame magic but maybe she really can get better at it.
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Hm okay she's kind of done with being in government custody ever again thank you, good to know that's something to look out for.  Next?

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it's probably a holo thingy but what a dick move to call a Committed over to say it's magic for you

I think probably C. Absilen would have checked to rule that out!!


I mean I'd drop a twelve on a concert with bonus magic light just for the novelty and probably lots of people would so it's not like she can't make money off of it but I agree it's disappointing as magic goes
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Okay possibly she should have demonstrated more things, but hopefully it doesn't really matter.  She can just go do stuff for other people now that she has this to point to and then probably eventually everyone will understand.

Actually, what does the release proper say, that seems important.

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This message in its original unaltered form has been attested by Committed Absilen (see message security hash data).

I observed the following of a person of undisclosed identity in an undisclosed location.

- The person presented as a young female.
- The person played a small harp prior to the manifestation of an apparently sourceless light
- The light was roughly five inches in diameter, spherical, white, able to cast shadows, insubstantial, and slightly warmer than the ambient temperature to my touch
- The person was able to, following more harp-playing, induce the light to follow me at a fixed distance from my chest while I walked around in locations not previously announced to her
- The person was able to dismiss the light following more harp-playing
- While I cannot be certain that the harp playing was directly relevant to the production of the light, I am convinced that the light was magical in nature
- The person claimed the ability to understand any language but I was not able to devise a test to reliably distinguish this from the null hypothesis
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Okay cool!  In a way this will be kind of nice because as she powers up everything will seem more impressive probably.

She should go do something impressive.  . . . After reading some more comments.

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The photos wouldn't even be very interesting if it was just a blob of light but I want recordings of the magic music! C Absilen isn't a musician at all and didn't even describe it!

How hard is it to tell if someone can understand any language? You just get samples of a few hundred, more than anybody could reasonably have learned, and see how they do with that.

eh any readily available sample set of a few hundred languages is possibly going to be the sort of thing a dedicated prankster could have looked up themselves

Is there just one magic person? How did we wind up with EXACTLY ONE magic person?
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Oh, later today she should have somebody record her music and post it maybe!  Also it might be nice to post comments herself, but she kind of feels like it would be better to wait until she can afford her own computer.

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Indeed, Zian seems to want her device back nowabouts.

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Yeah fair.  Is Asao to be found?  She never actually got around to fixing her knee; she should do that.

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Asao is up in her room petting the laundry cat.

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Cyllene stands outside the door and plays a few bars on her harp.  Kind of loudly, in the same tune she played when using the recorder to inspect the knee, and with a sharpish cutoff.

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"- Cyllene? You can come in," says Asao.

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She does!  - Oh wow a person touching an animal very thoroughly.  She's heard of this but it's still kind of weird to see in person.  'Do you have a lot of hours for me to fix your knee today?'

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"Hm - yes, if I go refill my water and hit the bathroom and plug this in -" She puts the cat off her lap and goes to do those things.

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Cyllene loiters slightly uncomfortably with the cat and prewrites a 'Ready?' on her tablet to flash once Asao seems settled.

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"Yup!" Asao says. The cat sniffs Cyllene's leg and then brushes past her to go about its duties.

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That's fine, she supposes.


♫ Heeeeeyyyy, this here kneeeee, what's wrong with youuuu? (Also what's right with the other three knees in this room by comparisooooon, how can she make you more liiiiiike that?) ♫

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Asao's good knee is actually worse than Cyllene's knees.

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No surprise there, her knees are very new and good.

Hm, if she tweaks that like so - painlessly, painlessly, though it might feel a little odd - and this like that - and takes a detour to energize herself and boost her concentration, two hours in, and then again every once in a while - she can be done in a clean nine hours, assuming no interruption.  Good as new, definitely better than the other one but hopefully not different enough to cause any new problems.

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Asao does at one point in the next nine hours order takeout. The cat brings it to her.

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That's distracting but only mildly; she's not thrown off.

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In that case Asao can in fact sit there for nine hours, though toward the end she types in large letters WILL I BE ABLE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM SOON? and turn it so Cyllene can see, in case saying it aloud would mess things up.

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Cyllene spends a substantial amount of time playing with her eyes closed, grooving along, but once she sees she goes for a nod-shrugwiggle combo.  And twenty minutes after that is the big dramatic obviously-final chord, after which Cyllene sets down the harp and starts stretching out her hands and rubbing at her fingertips.

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Asao gets up to go to the bathroom, says, "Wow," and then doesn't comment further because she is doing the need-to-pee dance en route to the toilet.

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Cyllene flops on the floor and stretches out her shoulders and back.

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Asao comes back. "That's amazing," she says. "It'll stick?"

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Nodnod!  She fumbles around for her tablet and rolls over to write on it - 'You can hurt it again but otherwise.  I can do the other one too in less time.'

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"The other one? Is my other one starting to go too? - how much less time, that was practically all day. It'll be dinner any minute."

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'It's worse than the one I did now and worse than mine.  It would be tomorrow I'm tired.'

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"Right, but how many hours?"

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'I don't know.  How long was that?  Maybe a fourth.'

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"Looks like nine hours. So a quarter've that is two and a half, that's not so bad, that's a longish movie."

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"I want to watch more movies!  But not while magic.'

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"Yeah, no, I can read or something, just as a gesture at how long that'd be."

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Nod nodnod.  She rolls back over and reflops.  Does a little noiseless giggle and throws her arms over her eyes.

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The lights flash for dinner.

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Dinner is lamb chops and couscous and roasted broccoli with garlic butter. Also there's dessert tonight, lemon curd cookies.

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Ooh!  Yum!!  Does Asao mention what she did today?

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Yup! It is the primary topic of dinner conversation! "Will all healing you do take about that long?" asks Sallun.

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'I think other things may be harder and longer but doing that same thing will be faster.'

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"But anybody with a really dire problem, life-threatening, you're not fast enough for that particularly?"

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'Maybe to help some but probably no until I get very very good at all healing problems.  I might need my voice first.'

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"What'll let you get your voice?" asks Sesh.

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'Doing so much magic about it for ages.'

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"Well you should do that then."

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'I think I have to be better at harp before I try.  If I mess up it might mean I don't know languages anymore, it was a trade using not music magic.'

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"Oh no!" says Sesh. "Would you still be able to write?"

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'I would still be able to learn unless I messed up very very very badly but not as fast as I do now.  A lot of my learning is imagining words and pretending to read them so I would not be as good at things I already learned even.'

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"Oh no! You definitely shouldn't do THAT then," says Sesh.

"If the harp works, would a vocaloid work?" asks Paju.

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'A what?'

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"It's like an instrument but it makes voice sounds."

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'I want to try.'

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Paju finds a vocaloid webapp. "I'm not like good at it or anything," she cautions, but she demonstrates how you input notes and lyrics and it sings them to you.

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Ohhhhh.  Ooooooohhh.

'I don't think that will help much more than recordings but recordings might help a lot once I learn to do more with them.'

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"We should get her a computer!" says Sesh.

"Computers are expensive, dearheart," says Zian.

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"I will go start earning money tomorrow or the day after.'

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"Ooh, how are you gonna do that?" asks Sesh.

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'Go out and find somebody who looks like they need something I can do.  And tell them about the release.'

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"That sounds - risky," says Shavan. "It'll probably be fine but going up to unfiltered people might not be a great idea."

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'What do you think I should do instead?'

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"Maybe go to a hospital and get the staff there to show you patients? Even if it takes you all day to fix one person you could probably take in money at a substantial clip, particularly if they have something chronic or really dangerous."

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'Some things might take more than one day.'

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"Can you tell in advance which things would take how long, about?"

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'Sometimes, about.'

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"So I still think your best bet is to go through a hospital - a big one, with lots of patients to sift through - and find ones that are a good combination of speed, skilling-up, money, and irreplaceability though that will track with money."

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"Something that's hard to treat without magic, like cancer."

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'That makes sense.

I think Asao didn't believe me almost nearly enough about it being lots of hours.  Maybe someone could come too to explain some things that I and the hospital people maybe don't know about each other but they maybe do?'

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"It would probably help if you gave... a number," says Asao. "Even if it's not going to be exactly right. You could have said "about eight hours" and I could have guessed it might be nine or ten."

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'I don't know how long hours are very well yet.'

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"Yeah, that's fair, but you could give an estimate in terms of... whether you'd want breaks, and how many?"

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"- like, you looked pretty tired after fixing my knee, which, by the way, thank you so much," says Asao, "so probably you wouldn't have wanted to keep going for twice as long without a pause in there?"

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'A lot of the long time is making the magic stable.  Breaks are bad because I must end stably every time.  I don't think I should try to fix anyone with a big enough problem I need a break yet, because it is much longer and what if I make things stably bad since I am not fixing everything at once?'

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"Oh, that makes sense," says Zian, "so maybe your first day or two at the hospital you should only do the magic that lets you learn things, to get an idea of what things are easiest?"

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'Okay.'  Nodnod.  - 'Or someone with many small different problems maybe.'

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"Maybe, if they have one in at the moment."

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Nodnodnod.  'A comment wanted to hear my music, will someone help me record tonight and comment it?'

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"Sure," says Paju.

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Yay!  Cyllene turns her full attention back to her cookies.

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After dinner Paju will make Cyllene a Soundhome account and record some music for her!

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Hmmm, she'll do five minutes of something inspired by what she played about six hours into knee-healing, she really liked that part - a selection of two-to-three-minute clips of songs from back home and what she played to the electricity and ditties she makes up on the spot - and one about fifteen minutes long, preliminarily asking her voice what general sort of thing she might eventually need to do to bring it back.

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Paju can then make a nonce account on the release comment section and post the links.

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Do any comments about it come in quickly?

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Not right away! Presumably anyone who wants to reply to a comment full of links to music has to go listen to them first.

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Tragic.  Hopefully tomorrow she'll have enough money to buy her own computer.

Does it look like anyone's going to watch a movie tonight?

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No movie appears to be getting queued up.

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Aw.  Well what's Sesh doing?

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Sesh is breeding rainbow sheep. "Hi!" she says, when Cyllene appears.

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Wavewavewave!  'How are the sheeps?'

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"They're good - not any softer since last time you saw them but I got a great color morph -" This one makes the sheeps ombre and that one makes them tie-dye and if you get both in a single sheep with enough latent color genes you can get some very impressively colorful sheep.

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These are some great sheep!!  After some more catching up it occurs to her: 'If I did a little magic for your friend do you think she would let you keep some babies from your purple horse?'

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"Oh, we did Paju's idea about the horse babies and her horse is pregnant with the first baby now."

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'Do you get that one or the next one?'

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"I get the first one and she gets the second one."

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'Good.  Maybe tomorrow I'll have a computer and I can play too.'

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"Ooh, that would be great! You get lots of starting lucky hay so you'll be able to catch up."

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'What kinds of animals can you have?'

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"You can have lots and they keep releasing new kinds! You start with three barns though so you should decide what three to start with."

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'I liked some birds I saw yesterday.'

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"Oh, what kind?"

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Cyllene tries to draw a crow but clicks it away.  'They were black.'

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"Oh, crows! Yeah, you can breed crows in this game."

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'Are any birds better at music?'

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"Most of them, crows suck at it a lot."

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Oh good.  'Which are best?'

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"Uh... I dunno. Just most of them don't go CAW and they at least like chirp."

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'Is there a best one in the game?'

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"It doesn't really have sounds so I haven't bothered breeding songbirds, I dunno. You can do parrots, I know that."

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'What's a parrot?'

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"There are lots of kinds, it's a whole bird family. I have some rosellas but I'm not breeding them for singing at all."

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'What do they look like?'  In case she's already seen one.  - If she had she'd probably already know the word, wouldn't she.  Oh well.

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"Real ones..." Sesh can image-search a crimson rosella.

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Ooohh!!  Oh those are great.

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"Aren't they pretty? Mine are lots of colors now..." She can show Cyllene various rosellas.

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They're very nice!  Cyllene's pretty tired so she heads off to bed after only half an hour or so of looking at pixel birds.

She doesn't have any nightmares and is up two hours after dawn.

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She can observe the breakfasty bustle of the house as people who need to get out the door do that.

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Does any of THIS food look public domain?

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There is a bowl of pancake batter getting steadily depleted as people tell Leivara what they want on theirs.

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Ooh okay!  She'll hang out in this general area and wait for her turn.

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And does she want blueberries, apple slices, chocolate chips, or nothing?

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Hmmmm she points at the apple slices.

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Apple pancakes for Cyllene coming right up. Here they are in a stack with butter and brown sugar on them.

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Pretty yummy!  What sort of dish ritual are people doing when they're done?

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Stacking up like dishes with like by the dishwasher.

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Cool, she does that, and flashes a 'Thank you' to Leivara.

'How can I get to the hospital?' she props up for whoever's walking by as she runs through some warmups.

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"Oh, let me look that up -" says Zian. "You want the green line bus, and it stops right at the hospital. Five stops on the express and ten on the standard."

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Cyllene gets dressed to go outside and puts a light in her room and heads off to see whether which bus is the green line is obvious.

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It's the one with the green lights on the side!

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Yay!  Hello the hospital.  She chills outside for a minute and makes a light to follow her in - is that a good idea actually?  Ehn, she'll make it kind of small and dim and close to her chest, about where a nametag would go.

And then bounces in.

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The hospital has an information desk with someone to give directions and look things up for you in the system, that's probably where she wants to go if she isn't distracted by the commissary or the sign about under what conditions you are allowed to bring which animals where or something.

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She's only a little distracted.  Hm, but she should write her thing before going up to the desk - she starts over several times but eventually presents, in her neatest writing:


'Hello.  My name is Cyllene and I'm the magic person.  Yesterday I healed someone's bad knee in nine hours and I want to heal more people.  Ideal problems for me to heal:

  • aren't too complicated for me to heal in much more than nine hours (I can't take breaks yet)
  • are ones lots of people have (I get faster at the same thing the more I do it)
  • are something that maybe doctors can't fix.

Also I would like to earn enough money with this today to buy a computer.'

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"- oh gosh - oh is that your magic light, can I -" He reaches out.

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She leans forward.

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Poke! Eeee.

"Um, so what things are complicated for you, like, are injuries easier than infections, or what?"

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'I healed some cuts on my back in I think less than an hour.  But they were small.  I may have to look at things with magic music to guess how long they would be.'

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"How long does looking take?"

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'Some minutes?'

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"Okay. Uhhhh, I'm going to text... several people, because I don't know which one can best handle this. In the meantime I have diabetes if you want to see how hard that is to fix!"

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She strums at this person and at her own body looking for differences between them.  Hm, is it that - or maybe it's - OH it's super definitely that thing, huh.  Probably fiddly enough that she shouldn't try it today, but she can keep on learning about it until she's addressed again.

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Text text text.

"Mysha is on her way."

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'I think I should not try to cure your' (she's cross-hatched something well out of readability) 'today.'

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"Diabetes," supplies the receptionist. "It was a long shot."

Mysha appears! "Hello! So cool to meet you in person! Want to go on a little tour and see what there is to see?"

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Nodnod nod!

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Mysha takes her on a tour of the hospital! Here are people who fell off things or were kicked by horses or dropped stuff on their feet. Here are people who have the flu or something diarrheal. Here are burns. Here's the neonates. Here's cancer patients. Here's sections specializing in various organs.

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Cyllene plucks at the patients as she and Mysha go by.  - Oh wow human babies look REALLY different from fish people babies.  Also it's really incredibly amazing what people are managing to do here without magic.

Infections seem really complicated although maybe she could do some symptom management; organs are probably not going to happen today or this week, for the most part; some of the cancers seem maybe tractable.  Injuries seem the easiest, especially recent ones and especially ones more on the surface of the skin than within the body.  She relays this to Mysha.

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"So maybe burns?" suggests Mysha. They can find a burn patient.

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Eesh, burns aren't pretty.

♫ Heyyyyy there burns, how severe and big are you, and also are you one big burn or are there smaller unconnected patches that could be taken care of separatelyyyyyy? ♫

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The people in the hospital with burns have pretty bad ones! Some of them are contiguous but there is one patient who was splashed and has many small burns.

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Well, she'll start with that one.

It takes her almost an hour to do the first one, and forty minutes for the next, then thirty-seven, thirty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-one, and then she wants a break.

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Mysha gets her a commissary card.

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Ooh!  What's there that she can get?

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There are various packaged foods and also a sandwich station where she can fill out a list of tickyboxes about what she would like on hers!

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Hmm she hasn't tried most of the sandwich fixings so that's hard to make informed decisions on; she'll take something packaged and savory.

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A little bento thing with a hardboiled egg and crackers and cheese and dressing?

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Yum!  And the container is cool, and the concept of putting food in a little container like that is so cool.

When she's done she stuffs it in her kangaroo pocket and goes back to playing for her patient.  What are they like, anyways, aside from burnt?

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Asleep and wearing earplugs. Female, fifties, works in an industrial kitchen, had an accident with the hot oil.

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Thirty-four, twenty-one, eighteen, eighteen, twelve for a minor one.  Fourteen for a regular one, then fifteen, fourteen again, eight. Ten five four four six four three four four five.

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Mysha isn't hanging around the entire time and has instead assigned Cyllene an orderly in case she needs anything.

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'Do you know how I will get money?' she writes as she rubs the fingertips of her right hand together.

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"Mysha can pay you, are you done for the day?" says the orderly.

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'How much can I eat here?'

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"- uh, you have to eat it here, no taking it home or sharing, but you can eat as much as you want to eat till the card expires at dawn tomorrow."

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'Then I will keep working.'

And she does!  Six four four four four three four four three two three two two two two two one and a half, sub-minute.  Six of those and then two burns at once in fifteen minutes.


She keeps alternating between a bunch of singles and trying to bring her time down on the doubles (with an occasional triple in there) until this person has no more burns.

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The person wakes up eventually and her husband explains what's going on and then she's very cheerful about it!

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Cool!  'Is there anything you want me to know?' Cyllene asks the lady.

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"Well, I feel a whole lot better!" she says. "I don't know how you picked me but I'm really glad!"

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'Lots of small burns are easier than big ones.'

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"That makes sense. Wow. I feel so much better. Will I have scars?"

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Headshake headshake.  'I made your skin the same as the rest of your skin.'  It looks like she was never burned, except that any freckles, moles, and scars which were previously under the injuries are gone now.

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"Amazing! Thank you so much!"

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'What's your name?'

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Nodnod!  She waves and walks off to the commissary, where she picks up two packaged savory things and snarfs them.

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They are a salad with lettuce and chickpeas and tuna and nuts, and a bag of crispy cheese things, and very snarfable.

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Yum yum - oh WOW crispy cheese things.  Wow she loves these especially.  She'll take another pack of those with her to crunch on as she presents her tablet with (the local equivalent of) '$?' written on it to the orderly, or Mysha if Mysha is to be found.

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Mysha has been summoned by the orderly while she's been eating! She has brought cash on the assumption that Cyllene may not have a bank.

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She indeed does not!

'Is this enough to buy a computer?'

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"Yep! The insurance scheme estimates you saved us this much in assorted costs for that patient and it should cover a laptop."

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'Where can I get one?'

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"- I don't know, I order mine online."

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Nod nod.  'I'll come back tomorrow.'

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"We'll be delighted to have you!"

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Wave wave wave wave and out to the bus and back home!

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The bus gets her home somewhat after the family have already had dinner but they left a plate out for her and it's okay cold (seared tuna in some kind of sauce and plenty of rice).

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She doesn't notice it; she goes straight to the first adult she can find with a fistful of cash and a tablet marked 'Computer?'

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"- oh! Yeah," says Shavan. "Do you want me to just order you one, it'd be here tomorrow?"

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Nod!  Nod!  Nod!  Nod nod!

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Then he will order her a computer like the one Paju has - Sesh's is a different more ruggedized model - and shell out for the next-day arrival and count out most of her cash to pay himself back for it.

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She doesn't accept the remainder.  'Food and room and things.'

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"- oh! I mean, I haven't been intending to charge you back rent -"

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'Why not?'

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"- because I invited you here without expecting that?"

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Cyllene drafts several messages before showing one to Shavan.

'I thought humans use money for important things.  Is this not important or do you want something else important?'

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"If you want to pay rent you can, Sallun does, but I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't expecting it."

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Nodnod.  She doesn't take her change back.  (Oh hey, some fish and rice on the table when nothing else is, that's kind of weird.)

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"- that's for you, by the way, we weren't sure when you'd be back so we set aside a plate for you, but if you don't want it we can put it in the fridge for someone to have tomorrow."

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Ooh!  She could have gotten by with just the snack packs but this is better; she starts in on it.

'Is there a gesture for 'thank you'?' she scrawls.  'It's annoying to write every time.'

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"People sometimes do -" He puts his palm on the side of his neck.

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She mirrors it.

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"Yeah, like that."

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Nod nod.  'Is there a movie tonight?'

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"There usually isn't, but you can put one on if you like and people will show up if they want to see it."

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She wiggles!  'How?'

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"Oh, I can show you -" He will go demonstrate how to pull up the streaming menu.

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Woah neat!  What sort of things are on here?

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Lots of things. He can make her a profile; everybody else in the house has one with to-watch and recommended lists and watch history.

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She picks whatever has the brightest colors and looks at least moderately exciting.

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That's this kids' cartoon adventure about dinosaurs.

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WOAH.  How are these images happening??  Has anyone joined her for her to ask how these images are happening?

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Meec wanders in and pulls out a package of TV snacks from the box at the end of the couch, but whether he will be able to explain is not obvious.

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Well, she can try.  'How are these images happening?'

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"The TV," says Meec, giggling.

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- She's not gonna dig into that while the movie's going; nod nod.  What kind of adventures are the dinosaurs having?

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The dinosaurs are trying to get across a river so they can explore the other side and eat the plants there. Various subgroups of dinosaurs think they should look for easier fording locations, wade it right there in the most convenient spot, or attempt to rig up a catapult with trees.

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Cyllene has seen a lot of most incredible things the past few days and this is definitely one of them.  It looks drawn but it's presumably not magic - hm, she wonders whether she could take a drawing and animate it magically; that's not something she's ever tried anything like.

Hmm.  She plucks along with the soundtrack in the more predictable places, asking how the movie is doing that.  It doesn't work; all she can get is from the TV itself, which uses electricity and is very complicated on the inside and has so many squares.

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Ultimately a wade-right-there dinosaur gets caught in the current and a catapult-dinosaur saves her and the find-a-better-fording-spot dinosaurs are very smug as they lead the other dinosaurs across at their chosen point.

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(She really needs to try swimming in this body soon.)

The particular way the find-a-better-fording-spot dinosaurs are smug is kind of cute.  Does it seem like they'll be able to get back over the river eventually?  Do they seem to want to?

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Yup, the fording spot is bidirectional. They might go back sometimes.

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Oh good.

When it wraps up she finds someone to ask about How Cartoons.

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She can find Zian, organizing the linen closet. "Oh, cartoons are - well, television in general is actually a lot of still pictures shown very very fast, bunches of them per second. If you have actors, you capture their movement and store it that way. If you have cartoons, you just make it that way in the first place."

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!!!  'It's all drawings?  That's so many!'

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"Yup! A lot of cartoons now have computers helping but they used to just literally draw a picture for every single frame."

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Wow.  'What are dinosaurs?'

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"Dinosaurs are a bunch of extinct megafauna from millions of years ago; we only have guesses what they looked like apart from their bones and such."

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"Yup! I don't know exactly what show you watched but a lot of people, especially kids, are really into dinosaurs. - a lot of kids' media is cartoons, because children are terrible at acting."

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"Less practice, I suppose. And worse impulse control?"

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'I probably can't try to act to see whether I'm terrible and more like a human child since I can't talk.'

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"There's probably some niche form that doesn't involve talking, but yeah."

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'It it very important if I am more like a human child?'

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"- I don't think I understand the question."

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'Fish people adults and children are d' - She click-clears that sentence.


'Fish people adults and children are supposed to be different.  I was a fish people adult but some people seem to think I'm a human child.  For fish people the difference is important and it would be important to know which you were.'

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"Oh. Important for what?"

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She thinks on that one a while.


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"- children matter."

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'Fish people children matter less to fish people adults than fish people adults.  A lot.'

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"Children have somewhat less freedom? Because they largely do not know what they're doing and it's impossible to get them safely to adulthood with no coercion at all. But they're simultaneously less dispensable, if there were a runaway truck coming for Sesh I'd jump in front of it to shove her out of the way."

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'I think I don't know who of fish people is more dispensible because my father is king and I have six older sisters.'

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"Anyway, you look like an older child - knowing more about what you're doing than Sesh, modulo what universe you're in, but still working on it. Which sounds about right to me at least considering that you are in fact still learning about this universe, so it's not a bad conceptual space to hang out in while you're getting surer on your feet. So to speak."

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Silent giggle.  'Today at the hospital I healed a lady with lots of burns.'

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"Oh, congratulations! Are burns easy?"

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'Against some other things yes.  There were a lot of little ones and I got so much faster at them.  Maybe tomorrow I'll try bigger ones.'

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"And they paid you? Wonderful."

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'Yes.  Should I get a bank soon?'

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"Probably, yes. They're open fewer hours than the hospital so you may have to schedule it."

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'What are they for?  I know money things, but what kind?'

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"Your bank can connect to all kinds of stuff that let you pay for or get money for things, so you don't have to carry cash. They also do more complicated things but most people never need to think about those."

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'That sounds useful.  Should I go tomorrow morning?'

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"Sure, do you want company or nah?"

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'Will it help?'

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"Probably not, you got to and from the hospital alone."

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'The hospital was easy but will the bank be harder?'

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"Nah, anything that doesn't have a bus stop right by it might be but there'll definitely be banks on the bus route."

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Nod nod.  'Goodnight?'

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"Goodnight, Cyllene!"

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She goes upstairs for a bath, assuming it's free.

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The bath is available although someone appears to have spilled soap on the floor.

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Well, she'll be very caref - okay, even more careful than that; good that she noticed the inadequacy before she fell.


Mmmmmmmmmm hot water.  Cozy.  This time she does fall all the way asleep in there.

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Nobody feels the need to check on her this time!

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It's cold when she wakes up, and feels a lot colder than it is because she's human.


She spends a few minutes in the cold water before getting up to dry herself off, draining the tub, putting on her pajamas, and going to bed.

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The morning proceeds as mornings do.

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Unless someone is passing out clearly public breakfast Cyllene doesn't take anything.  Does anyone around know how to get to a bank?

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Breakfast continues not to be passed out though someone has brought in a big box of assorted pastries and left it on the counter and people are drawing from that.

Asao is around and can look up directions to the nearest bank for her! Usually Shraun does household finance stuff and this isn't the one he goes to but that's because he goes to one near his job, this one seems probably fine too.

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Hmm okay that does look pretty public; Cyllene will partake of pastry before she heads off to the bank.

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The pastry has pecans and a lot of sugar goo in it.

The bank is half of the first floor of an office building.

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Neat!  She goes in and examines the interior.

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Potted plants, individual offices, a few desks in the open where people are lining up to see the staff behind them.

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She inspects the plants a little and then picks the line with the friendliest-seeming staffperson.

'My name is Cyllene and I want to be able to not carry cash, I think,' she writes.

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The staffperson blinks at it. "Okay, so you want a debit card?"

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Shrug!  . . . 'I am the magic person and I don't understand much about money because I was a fish person and fish people don't have it.'

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"- oh! Can I see?"

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Strum strum light light!  She's pretty quick at it now.

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"Beautiful! Okay, so I do think you want a debit card. I can help you with the form..." There ensues some bureaucracy to verify that Cyllene is, if not a legal identity, at least a verifiable one, and they can take any cash she kept as a deposit and connect a card to her account.

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She gave all her spare cash from yesterday to Shavan; can she start an account without any?

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...not usually but it's not hardcoded into the system and they can make an exception.

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'Thank you!'  And will the hospital people be able to give her money this way?  How does that work?

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To get money from the hospital people she should be able to just let them examine her card, yep.

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Oh good!  Is that all she needs to do right now?  Is there any reason she might need to come back later?

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She might need to come back to verify her identity if they're ever concerned that the account has been compromised - most people can do that remotely but she kind of can't, though she could designate another person as authorized to make basic verifications for her.

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Nod nod!  And off to the hospital.

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The hospital is where it was last time! What would she like to see today?

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Hmmm she'll start with someone burned and see if she still has time to try and learn how to do something else.  Is there anyone with one that's moderate and moderately sized?

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There's a guy who burned his leg working with hot metal; it's a long line of a burn down the thigh to slightly past the knee. There's a lady with steam burns on both hands and they will pay extra for that one because hands are important and tricky.

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Are the burns in the same spots on both hands?  She's been doing a lot of copying from one side to the other, and she probably shouldn't rely on that in the long term but since she's still new at this . . .

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Not identical, but pretty close, yeah.

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She'll think about it while she checks for anyone else who has something new that she'd be able to do in maybe four hours or so.  Any cuts or small and simple broken bones or anything like that?

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Those tend to be outpatient but they can show her down to the urgent care if she likes.

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That sounds like a good idea assuming the people will still be here after she finishes with the burns; she wants to try those first.  If there's a steady supply of small injuries and a high turnover rate she'll just start with the hand burns and check out the urgent care later.

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The supply is pretty steady, yeah, except for a bit of a rush first thing in the morning when people who wanted to sleep first wake up and come in.

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Hand burns it is, then.

She starts with some investigation, nothing she can't interrupt.  If she does the smaller one first then she can just copy that for the other hand, of course - she flags down an orderly; how would this sort of thing be treated without magic?  Also can she have more snacks today before she gets started.

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They have various topical medicines to prevent infections, and bandages, and eventually physical therapy to make sure the skin has adequate elasticity.

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Nod nod.  She noms some cheese crisps with one hand while she sketches out some preliminary motifs with the other.  Is the patient awake this time?

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Yes, and she's VERY CRANKY about it and doing her best to completely immerse herself in the opera loudly blasting into her headphones.

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Howwwww loudly.  Can Cyllene hear it?

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Juuuust barely.

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Wave wave?

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Cranky glare.

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'I am going to try and heal your hands with magic music but hearing the other music makes it harder.  I can start by making them not hurt.'

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"And you would like me to turn the volume down how?"

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'?'  - She should elaborate more than that.  'I don't know how that normally works.'

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"I can't use my hands!"

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Hm, should she just go to leg guy?  She's kind of considering picking leg guy instead.

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An orderly, having heard the raised voice, rushes in. "Do you need something?"

"Apparently the magic girl needs my music turned down but I certainly can't do it!"

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Cyllene shrugs.

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The orderly can turn the music off and look at Cyllene for confirmation.

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Nod nod nod.  What's the patient's vibe now?

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Cranky and also bored! Looking out the window!

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Well this isn't the most inspiring of moods but she's worked with worse.

She starts with the pain, as she wrote; that's a sustained effect and therefore easy, she just has to work the motif for it back in every once in a while.  The stuff she needs to stabilize is the hard part, and it takes her a little over two hours to finish the first hand.

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The patient cheers up a lot when the pain goes away and starts trying to type on her computer.

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Maybe it'll help with the elasticity??  No, this isn't really workable - Cyllene reduces the complexity to a one-handed ostinato and scrawls 'hold left still'.

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...okay, fine, she will type one-handed.

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Just a little over two hours to finish, then.  The pain relief doesn't immediately cut out when Cyllene stops, but it does start fading.  (Only in the right hand, of course.)

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Ow. She grumpily stops trying to type.

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Cyllene stretches out.  'Your left hand is fine now.'

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"- thank you!!"

A nurse comes in to take off the bandages and confirm, and then she moves her computer over and starts merrily typing left-handed.

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And after a walk around and a 'Keep your right hand still.' Cyllene begins her work on the other side.  Any trouble this time?

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This one's bigger and more severe, but since she's warmed up and has a better idea of what she's doing it only takes an hour.

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The lady is much more cheerful once she has both her hands again and thanks Cyllene with what sounds like possibly recited song lyrics of gratitude.

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Oh very cute actually.  Cyllene nods and then - it feels like she could do leg guy pretty quick, where's leg guy?  Hi leg guy there you are have some magic music assuming there's not anything preventing that.

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Leg guy is over there and much less cranky since he is able to play video games. He can turn the sound off no problem.

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Cool cool.  She's done with him in forty-five minutes, which is longer than she'd expected since the burn was more severe.  But thigh skin is easier than hand skin and she has the other leg to copy from so it's not too bad.

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He appreciates this a lot and the nurses are all very impressed when they come to take off his bandages!

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Perfect!  Then Cyllene will take her lunch and go check out the urgent care.

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Urgent care has, in addition to everybody's company/transport/parents, a broken arm and a twisted ankle and a bump on the head and some road rash on one side of the dividers, and a nasty cough and a guy with a barf bag and a worried-looking pregnant lady and a person with no visible problem who nonetheless looks very unhappy, on the other. While she is assessing them somebody with a ton of bee stings comes in, sobbing.

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Cyllene finds an empty chair and strums.  What's up with the no visible problems person?

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No visible problems person has a vicious UTI.

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Eesh.  Well, bee stings person seems pretty tractable; Cyllene flags down an orderly to claim them.

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The orderly explains to bee stings person who confirms that they are not allergic and do not need to be fixed in the next five minutes lest they die. She's clear to heal them.

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Do any of these still have stingers in them or is it just the venom?

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Some of them still have stingers.

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Okay, she'll start by disappearing all of those, which is easy enough because they're discrete objects that aren't too small but also definitely aren't too big.

Fish people ever get burns but she'd never healed any of them personally; this is a lot more like jelly stings which she definitely has experience with.  She zips through the wounds in a couple minutes apiece, getting somewhat faster but definitely not improving as much as she did with the first day's burns.

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The bee sting patient sighs in relief as the number of stings is reduced.

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Good.  Hmmmm she should find an orderly and make sure everyone she's been healing is getting kept track of.  Also how much money has she made compared to yesterday, about?

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She has made more today than yesterday! Their insurance scheme is happy to pass on most of the savings from not having to treat these people to her.

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In that case she'd like to spend the rest of the day looking at a person with a disease, maybe the coughing urgent care person or maybe someone else depending on what the staff think.  She probably won't actually be able to heal them today; she just wants to learn about how it works and get some ideas for the future.

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Like an infectious disease? Does she care what kind?

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She doesn't know!  This isn't something she did a lot of reading on in Sesh's anatomy book and it was other fish people's job to handle because the music kind of magic isn't comparatively very good at it.  She hasn't even ever been sick, herself.  Maybe someone could give her a crash course??

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Sure, they can go hang out with somebody on a ventilator suffering from a flu. The coughing person is getting their prescription and leaving now. The flu is caused by a virus; other infections can be caused by bacteria. Or macroscopic parasites or protozoans or fungi but these are less common.

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Good to know.

She plays at the ventilator person for a few hours and determines that if she tried to fix this herself right now she probably wouldn't be able to keep herself awake long enough to make progress that wouldn't just undo itself, because it would involve destroying every instance of the virus and there are so so many of them.  BUT maybe she could learn about what humans do and replicate it with magic, or replicate something similar???  And affect all of the virus at once that way.

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Sure! The nearest nurse can list books and websites that are good introductory references to the immune system and how antiviral drugs work and how viruses work and stuff.

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Hmmmmmm okay she doesn't think she can do better than antivirals at what antivirals do but the idea of replicating a fever seems promising.  She explains to a doctor that making all the instances of a virus hot while protecting the healthy cells around them would probably be a lot easier than disappearing them, but she wants to try it on something that isn't a person first.  Also it would be great if they could get her something that's at the temperature which would kill the viruses, since she doesn't have a good feel for how numbers attach to heat yet.  But she wants to go home earlier than it would take to try this so can they just get her these things for tomorrow?

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Sure, she can come by the lab tomorrow, they will let them know to expect her there.

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Alright!  She can still do a few more people if they're quick ones; who's in the urgent care now?

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Nasty cut on one hand, pinkeye, allergic reaction, sprained wrist, bad reaction to a medication, asthma attack, testicular torsion, stomach bug, croup, poison ivy, infected puppy bite.

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Hello nasty cut person, can she steal you away?

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- yeah, sure, apparently the guy whose balls hurt is a HUGE EMERGENCY and so she's not getting seen right this second.

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Does it seem like they need her help with that?  They definitely know more about what they're doing than she does but she supposes there could exist huge emergencies that she might be useful at helping with even not knowing very much.

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They are not petitioning her for help with the guy whose balls hurt.

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Cool okay.

Eesh, that really is nasty.  She can fix up the skin no problem but the deeper stuff is going to take a while.  Hmmmmm.  She wants to go home kind of soon and see if her computer is here yet, and she should practice doing stuff in steps anyways - but maybe not with someone she hasn't asked and on such an important part as a hand is.  She follows through with the whole thing and wraps up after three hours.

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Hand person plays phone games with their other hand and asks if they can hug her afterwards.

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Oh!  Okay, sure.

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Hug! And off they go.

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Huh.  That was . . . nice.

- However everyone was kind of busy with balls guy when she started this; she chases after nasty cut and shepherds them to a staffperson to make sure she gets paid for her latest healing (and also for the whole day she would like that now please).

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Yep, sure, does she want cash again?

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No, she has this rectangle actually!  She's not really sure about how it works so hopefully they do.

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Sure! Money on rectangle, thank you for your help.

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Well if they're lying about this somehow Cyllene doesn't have to come back tomorrow.

Home home home home!

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Dinner is ground beef and rice and beans in a cheesy casserole.

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Yum!  And is her computer here yet??

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Yup, it is in its box on her bed!

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She's pretty hungry so she still has a lot of casserole, but then computer!!

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The computer requires some setup. It does have a lovely instruction manual though.

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Cyllene is capable of following directions!  Except when she isn't; is there anything here that relies on knowing something that someone of her background wouldn't?

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There are helpful diagrams covering gaps like that. She should plug it in, and name the computer and her partition (helpful sidebar: most people have only one partition on their personal computers, but for technical reasons it is required to have them anyway with this operating system, and this way you can set up a guest account if you loan someone the device later), and it comes with these apps, and she can get more at this centralized location.

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Cyllene thinks about spelling for a bit and then names her computer Taygete and her partition Cyllene.  Will someone downstairs show her how to get to places online where people are saying things about her?  In particular she wants to see reactions to the music she posted and if there's anything from any of the people she healed.

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Sesh will set up Cyllene's messaging app and then send her links!

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Oh right she also wants a link to the pet sim!!  But she'll set that up later; right now she wants to look at people's responses.

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The comment thread is over here and very very long now.

She's at DEER CREEK HOSPITAL if you want a shot

yeah but she's doing burns and stuff, it's not really worth hanging around to see if she'll fix your brain cancer, wait till you can make an appointment
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Scroll scroll scroll read read.

Hmm so she thinks the thing she wants to do is to write some comments of her own.  Are there any questions or misunderstandings that are popping up a lot?

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They're trying to figure out where her website or contact information is, though the moderator keeps objecting to them doing this and sometimes deleting comments in threads about it.

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Hello everyone!  I just got a computer, so I don't have a website yet but I have this account now.

She's very slow at typing but it's a lot better than her tablet for staring at her words and rearranging them until they seem fluent to her.  She shows the message to Sesh to get an opinion before she sends it.

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"They're gonna send you like a BILLION emails so you shouldn't talk on there," says Sesh.

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'What is getting sent a billion emails like?'

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"- well, then you have a billion emails and can't find the ones that are good."

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'But if no one knows it then I won't get sent any good ones at all?'

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"Yeah you just give it to people you know."

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She sigh-lents and reads some more.


'Can I have two?' it occurs to her.

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"Yeah but if you're not going to check the one with a billion emails because of how it has a billion emails why bother?"

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Will Sesh help her set up a pet sim account?

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Sesh will do this so enthusiastically that she kind of starts playing the game on Cyllene's account.

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The first time Sesh tries to do something that definitely isn't something Cyllene wants, instead of something that maybe Cyllene just doesn't know how to do yet, she puts her hands in between Sesh and her computer and takes it back and writes 'Goodnight!'

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"- hey! - oh - well FINE good NIGHT," grumbles Sesh, and she scampers away.

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Cyllene goes to her room.

Hello everyone!  I just got a computer, so I don't have a website yet but I have this account now.

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How do we know you're really her

We don't, if they had proof they'd lead with that

@mod can you confirm?
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How should I prove it?

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video of magic?

anyone could do the lightball thing in Effects 4

just get House of Truth confirmation that's simplest
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How do I do that?

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Same way you got them to sign off that you're magic.
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Somebody else set that up for me.

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Well ask them then.
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I will tomorrow.

And she goes to bed.  In the morning starts by asking Shavan if there's a way to check and make sure she got paid yesterday.

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Sure, she can check her balance on the bank website here.

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She makes sure she understands it well enough that she can do it herself going forward.  'How much more of this is good for rent?'

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"Sallun pays seven gross a month, if you want to just anchor on that. She deducts house expenses from it if she does a grocery run or replaces a window screen or something."

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Does Cyllene have enough to pay that (minus what she forked over yesterday) today?

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Yup! The burn victims were going to be expensive to conventionally treat.

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And does Shavan know how she can give that to him?

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Yeah, she can authorize a payment from her card on the bank website.

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Cool!!  'How can I get the house of truth to say that things about me are true?'

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"You can go to them or ask them to come here and then ask them to publish their statement."

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He can help her find the House of Truth website home.

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Great!  And if she wants to go there in person, then - oh there it is, good.

'When can I go swimming?

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"Uh, there's an indoor pool, six gets you as long as you want to stay in, twelve at peak hours..." Directions to there.

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'Thanks!'  She checks for public breakfast.

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Nothing today, people are doing toast and instant oatmeal and freezer pastries.

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Alrighty.  She'd feel better about taking some now that her rent is squared away but eating breakfast here is not actually necessary.  She goes upstairs to change; had she acquired a billion emails yet?

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Just 477.

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What do they say!!!

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They are almost all requests for magical healing for the person writing or for someone of their acquaintance.

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From skimming the titles do any of them seem to be both stuff she knows how to do and from people nearby?

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Not all of them have conveniently listed that information in the title but she can find a couple!

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I will be at the hospital today after I go to the House of Truth, but I'll be learning how to do something new and I don't know how long it will take.  If it's not very long I'll heal you today and otherwise I can do it tomorrow.

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Which hospital? They keep deleting the location information!
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Deer Creek.

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Thank you! I'll be there!
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How will I recognize you?

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They attach a picture. They have burn scars on their FACE. It's pretty horrifying and they look sheepish about it in the picture.

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Okay, see you.

And to the House of Truth!  With her laptop!

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The House of Truth is full of people in the same uniform that the one she met wore. Plus people going in to do their paperwork and get certified photos taken and stuff.

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Is the person that she met around, that she can see?  If not she checks the signage for whoever looks most able to verify her account.

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The person that she met is not milling about visibly. There is a sign pointing to HOUSE OF TRUTH WEBSITE CONSIDERATIONS.

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Cool, she'll get in line there!  And awkwardly pull up her logged-in account while she waits.

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The line isn't very long; the first Committed she opens up can see that she is herself with a bit of light magic to verify it and then put a badge on her account which leads to a statement that a person meeting her description and able to perform the described light magic demonstrated access to this account.

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She thanks them and heads to the hospital!  Is the location of the lab obvious?

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Nope, usually people who don't work at the hospital don't go there, but she can be met in short order by a short orderly and taken there.

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And do they have a hot thing and an infected nonhuman for her?

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They have petri dishes and test tubes! She should not touch anything without permission in here! The autoclave is over there!

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She'll triple-check before doing any magic to anything and not touch things she's not doing magic to!  (Except this chair, can she touch this chair?)

She ends up frying all the cells in the first petri dish; hopefully they have a lot of those for her?

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She can sit in the chair.

They have lots of petri dishes.

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Oh good!  She takes way longer on the next one, well over an hour, but still ends up heating everything.  The third she manages some unevenness with but she can't get the virus parts quite hot enough and she ends up chilling the healthy cells.  The fourth one she gets, (eeeee!) after another hour, and then she wants food and a larger sample to work with.

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She should not eat in the lab but when she is done eating in the commissary she can come back and they can give her more dishes.

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Fine by her!  She deviruses larger and larger groups of cells faster and faster - with only occasional fumbles, less and less frequently - and eventually asks if they have any animals she could work on.

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Not here but they can direct her to a vet down the street?

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Sure!  Hello the vet can she try and cure one of your animals, she's pretty sure she won't kill them but like not completely??  - Also she's the magic person here's her light.

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"Uh - most of the animals we have here are client animals - but there's one we were going to put down, you can try that one? I can't pay you much for it though even if it works."

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Nod; she'll take a look.

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Here is an elderly dying dog, waiting for his human to be available to come in and be with him as he dies.

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Well, if he has any viruses in him she'll try to get rid of those.

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He has viruses in him, yep!

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If uninterrupted for about an hour and a half she can burn all the virus without also burning the dog.

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She can have her hour and a half!

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Well that's good.  Anything else she can do here?  Killing all the virus is definitely not going to undying this dog on its own.

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The dog is asleep at this point, but she can maybe clear up some lung gunk and accumulated aging damage if she wants to invest the time.

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Most of the aging damage is stuff she can probably safely practice on humans but sure, she'll try disappearing some lung gunk.


By twenty minutes in she's pretty sure she's killed it; she's keeping it alive with magic - for now - but she has to spend more and more time holding it that way with brute force, and eventually she doesn't have any spare with which to try and improve things.  After another half hour the pattern she would need to play surpasses her current ability, and it dies.

She heads back out to the vet with the news.

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The dog owner is actually waiting out front now so if the dog is in fact dying after all he'll just come in and pet the dog and tell him he was a good boy and not to worry about anything back home because his pup is doing great taking over for him.

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That makes Cyllene lose focus slightly quicker.

Do either the vet or the owner want money in exchange for the use of this experimental subject?

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If she would like to pay the dog's vet bill that would be fine by both of them?

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Sure, she can do that as long as someone else knows how to work her card.

She heads back to the hospital.

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The hospital is basically as she left it.

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Is the person with the burned face visibly hanging around anywhere?

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In the courtyard, if she checks there!

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She does!  She walks up to them and waves, harp in hand.

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"Oh! Cyllene? Am I pronouncing that right?"

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Nod nod.  'Where do you want to sit?'

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"Is here fine or do we need to go inside?"

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'Here is fine,' she confirms.

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"I like the cold," she confesses. "And the snow, it makes things quiet. Do I just - read, while you're working, or -?"

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Nodnod!  Cyllene starts in.  She's gotten quick enough at burns that she barely has to waste any time using magic to heat up her hands throughout.

(The new face comes out looking different from the original version but only slightly.)

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The woman looking in her pocket mirror is in no way good enough at faces to notice the difference! She no longer looks like a burn victim! "Oh my god, thank you so much!" she exclaims, starting to cry. "Oh my god - how much do you charge for this -"

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'The hospital decides I think.'

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"- oh, uh, have they just been - giving you what they would've spent on treating people - they don't actually have great options for facial burn scars so I'm not sure how they'd price it?"

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Cyllene shrugs.  'I don't understand money really well yet.'

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"Okay... how about I just give you, like, five gross, and if you have a fallback fund, email me and I'll sign up for it?"

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Nod nod!  'What's a fallback fund?'

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"A fallback fund is, if you're doing something cool, and you aren't sure you'll be able to keep doing it forever, you set one up, and people who you've done the cool thing for sign up, and then nothing happens until you actually need money for something but then you get everybody signed up to give you six or twelve or whatever and it adds up if you've got lots of subscribers. So I guess in your case if everybody learns spontaneously how to do magic next week, or you have a... hand injury? Then you'd use it."

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At first she was going to write that she was definitely going to be able to do it forever but now she just nodnods.

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The lady is able to look at Cyllene's bank card and transfer her five gross. "And you have my email if you set up a fund!"

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Nod!  - She's getting kind of cold now and heads inside, holding the door for the lady if she follows her.

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She does, to go through the building and out to the exit. "Thank you again!!"

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Wave wave wave!

She grabs some food and checks her computer while she eats.  Have any of the other people who she reached out to for having tractable-seeming email titles responded?

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I'm all the way in Pear Valley but I can come in if there's a way to make an appointment?

What's your pricing scheme / do you take standard insurance?
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Hmmm she'll go talk to a doctor before responding to those.

'I took all of a virus out of a dog and I can help keep people alive while I play even when I can't fix the problems.  So if there's something where you can fix problems but it's dangerous then maybe I could help.'

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"- there are a lot of surgeries like that," says the doctor.

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'I couldn't keep the dog alive very long, but I was,' she pauses.  'holding it.  What I needed to play became too complicated for me and it died as I stopped.'

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"There are a fair number of surgeries where we need to go in, do something, and then close the patient up, keeping them stable the whole time, and if that last constraint were relaxed it could help a lot."

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Nod nod.  'Any tomorrow?'

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"Let me check." Compute compute. "- there's a heart surgery, yes."

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'I will help.'  And she pulls up the two emails and shows them to the doctor.

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"Uh, we can process standard insurance claims no problem. Do you want to be in our appointment system, you seemed to be a bit more - drifting around -"

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'An appointment is,' she thinks for a bit before crossing out the last word and writing a 'What is' at the front.

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"Oh, an appointment is an agreement to meet at a certain place and time. It's how a lot of specialist medical care works, and some non-specialist non-emergency care."

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'How does the system work?'

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"Let me have Mysha show you -"

Mysha can be dug up and get Cyllene an appointment booking account as a provider in their system.

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Oh, she's not sure that she actually wants that - it's true that she likes drifting around - but it's good that she sees how they work now.  She drafts a confirmation about the insurance and tells the appointment person that she isn't doing appointments but intends to be at Deer Creek hospital tomorrow from a while after dawn to a while after sunset.  She shows them both to Mysha before sending them.

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"How is this person supposed to find you - do you want, like, an office, or - you'd be mobbed, but -"

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'I found a person in the small outside today.  If they want a spot I can pick a spot.'

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"I can assign you an office. I think 33 is available."

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'I don't want to be mobbed.'

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"You can tell the person to wait for you in the courtyard or in a specific part of the waiting room or down the street, whatever works for you."

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Shrug-nod.  "Will that make me not mobbed?'

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"The hospital is already getting high intake volume - we can handle it, we're a high-slack facility for disasters and so on - and we're pretty sure it's because people want a shot at getting magic healing. But if no one knows when or where to expect you that will help with not getting mobbed."

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'So I can have an office and then not have an office if it gets bad to?'

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"- yeah, sure. You can have 33 till you don't want it any more and then we can fill it with spare equipment so people don't hang around there."

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Nod nod!  'Where is it?'

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Mysha shows her to office 33.

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What precisely is an office, anyways?  What's in here?

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It has a desk and a chair and some bookshelves with random junk on them and also somebody who appears to have chosen it as a location in which to eat their lunch. They scurry out when Mysha shoos them.

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Cool!  Does Mysha think devirusing one dog is enough practice to try it on humans?

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...not if the dog died??

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'It was already dying and I killed all of the virus fine, I tried to fix its lung badness and that didn't work.'

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"Okay, but, if you have tried this once and the patient died, it's not very reassuring."

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Nod nod nod.  'How can I find more animals for this?'

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"You probably want an animal testing lab, not a vet. I don't know where to find one, but you can probably look online and send some emails and find one."

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Nod.  She'll search for that right now.

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There is a labful of mice a train ride away!

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Hello, I am Cyllene the magic person and I would like to use some of your mice to practice healing magic on.  Is this possible?

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Is there a reason you want to use ours instead of buying some from the same supplier? We get them from continentalmice.com
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I didn't know I could do that, but I don't want to have to spend time taking care of mice.

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OK, what sort of mouse population do you need?
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I'll need some of them to have the flu or another virus.  I'd like to try with a somewhat small number of mice to start but I might want a lot of them eventually.

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OK, I can set aside one cagebatch of mice and incubate them with V1180 (default test mouse respiratory illness that doesn't jump to humans) and they'll be ready for you in a couple of days. That's 4 gross 24 for the space, labor, mice, and data handling.
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When do I pay you?

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Typically it would be in advance but you can also authorize a pull from your account to Sunriseville Mice Lab and then we'll collect on the 12th.
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She looks up how to use her rectangle to pay in advance and attempts to do that.

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This is figureoutable with some investigation.

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I have paid in advance.

She responds affirmatively to the person with the insurance email and asks Mysha what time the heart surgery she'll be assisting with tomorrow is.

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The surgery is scheduled for 9:00 in the morning.

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'How long will it take?'

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"It's usually about four hours but sometimes runs longer or goes quicker than expected."

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Nodnod.  Email to appointments person:

I don't do appointments right now, but I can be free tomorrow afternoon if you pick a time.

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I don't understand the difference between that an an appointment but how does 2 work for you?
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Yes.  Meet me in the courtyard.

And now she'll see whether she has the skills to set up a fallback fund.

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She can find something called the Easy Toast* Fallback Fund Form on a website called Fallback Toaster. It wants information about who she is and what people might be fallback-funding her in recognition of and her guesses about her future fallback needs and cost of living.

*Rhymes with "easy".

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She is Cyllene and people she does magic for might want to pay her and right now she pays seven gross a month in rent?  She will need the money if something happens such that she's no longer doing lots more magic than everyone else.

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Easy Toast is used to people who have more government records than she does but it is eventually able to set up a fund for her.

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Cool!  She emails face burns person about this and then she thinks she'll head home, unless she happens upon someone who looks like a quick fix on her way out.

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Broken finger? Constipation?

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Hm, nah, those both seem more complicated than she feels like dealing with and pretty bad to mess up.

Is Sesh home yet?

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Yup, Sesh is home and up to her elbows in paper mache.

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Cyllene looks up a word and then asks, 'Do you want to go to a curio shop with me?'

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"I don't have like any money left 'cause I had to pay for fixing the heat vent in my room."

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'I have a lot of money.'

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"Are you gonna buy me PRESENTS?!" squeals Sesh.

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'I will buy you some things.'

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Sesh attempts to fling herself out into the snow without her coat on and has to be chased down by her mother.

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Does Zian also want to come?

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She thinks about it for a couple seconds but then decides against.

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Okay.  Cyllene still has her coat on so she just re-shoes and is ready to go.

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Sesh is very excited about being purchased curios and takes flying leaps through the snow about it.

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Ooh, novel locomotion method!  Cyllene will try this as well.  She falls after a few attempts and lands with her hands in the snow and the snow in her shoes, but she's glad she tried.

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Sesh is making up a little song about curios. It kind of rhymes but not in any consistent scansion pattern.

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Are there any new things in the shop since she last looked in the window?

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An ultra-tiny tea set, a glass snail, a folded paper thing that forms pockets within pockets within pockets*.

*It's a zhen xian bao, pretty much.

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Ooooh.  She wants both of the second two things, and also some of the big glass spheres and rocks and bracelets and plants she saw before.

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Sesh wants a tiny ecosystem in a sealed glass globe and a patchwork fur hat which is too big for her and an armillary sphere and a little box with a curtain over the front opening and a spyglass peeking in through the top which contains a special lightbulb such that objects inside cease to appear to have color.

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Woahhhhhh.  Cyllene has about as much as she can carry but maybe she'll come back tomorrow or otherwise soon.

She rings the bell for human help with the transaction.

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The human totters out from the back after a minute. "Yes dear?"

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She gesture-shrugs with her armful of items.

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"She's buying me presents!" says Sesh. "She can't talk."

"That's a lot of presents," says the proprietor. "You sure?"

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Nod nod!

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"Well, okay then." She will put all their things in a bag -

"No, this one!" exclaims Sesh.

- in a large basket, which she also rings up, and which is woven from various colors of grass and festooned with dried flowers.

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Oh that's so much more convenient.  Cyllene runs over to grab a couple more pretty rocks that she'd previously passed over for the crime of not fitting in her fist, and now she also has the free hands to access her money card.

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Sesh does a dance of joy while the bemused shopkeeper smilingly tots up all the prices. It adds up to kind of a lot of money - some of the rocks are pricey -but it squeaks in under the balance on Cyllene's card.

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Yesssss she has so many things.  This is so many things to earn with just a few days of work.  She's going to have ✧even more✧ so many things someday.

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Sesh does not help carry the basket at all and sings a made-up song about all the objects in it on the way home.

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Cyllene can carry the basket fine and in fact prefers it that way, though this shape of body is much weaker than her previous one so she needs to stop and take breaks occasionally.

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Sesh gets antsy while they're resting.

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She doesn't need very long but if Sesh wants to walk ahead she won't mind.

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Yeah, Sesh takes her fur hat and puts it on her head and runs off after a minute.

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Cyllene and her basket arrive home a few minutes after her!

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Sesh collects her Presents and screams "PRESENTS" and races up to her room with them.

"Presents?" says Paju, sticking her head in the room. "Or is it just for Sesh."

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Cyllene has to think about that for a while, then picks out a few small things and lays them out next to the basket.  Four or five tiny stones and the least pretty bracelet.

'You can come next time I go and have more money but for now you can have one of these.'

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Paju takes a stone. "Thank you!"

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Nod nod.

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Off she skips.

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Cyllene will sit here with her pile of neat neat stuff and think about how she's going to have even more of it someday and how humans are so cool in case anyone else wants to come over and claim part of her pile.  Rocks are really neat to hold and touch and it's so convenient that on land you're always close enough to the floor that if you drop things you don't have to dive down after them.  It's funny, getting closer to humans always meant going way up high in the shallows but now she's just at the bottom of things again, only it's all amazing and wonderful instead of dull and terrible.

Also she puts on the rest of the bracelets and jangle-jangles them. Being able to jangle-jangle things is really great.  Maybe there are musical bracelets somewhere.  That she could own!

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If she searches for this concept on her shiny new computer she will find that there are! Bracelets that have tiny ocarinas or kalimbas as charms on them, bracelets that have bells on, bracelets that go shooka-shooka or clack-clack in musically pleasing ways when moved, bracelets that unfold into string instruments. The reviews typically pan the quality of the instruments per se but they are wearable and will make notes.

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Hmmmm well apparently she's almost out of money for today so she doesn't have to decide between these right this instant.  If nobody else comes over to ask for any objects she'll put most of her collection away in her room and then come back down to offer Shavan one from the group she set aside.

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"- is this another one for Sesh that she forgot?" he asks. "She's been very excited about the stuff - poor Zian hates the hat -"

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'You can have one if you want.'

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"Oh - I appreciate it but actually don't collect rocks, if I start collecting things it winds up being kind of anxiety-producing about what goes in the collection and how it's displayed."

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Headtilt-shrug.  'Does anyone else?'

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"Leivara does!"

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Nodnod!  Off Cyllene goes to find Leivara.

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Leivara and Nashi share a room but apparently have bunk beds. There is a curio cabinet, in fact, right by the window. Nashi's in the room alone but can direct Cyllene to Leivara where she is shoveling the rear walk ("I keep telling everyone we should get a garden dog").

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Does Nashi want anything?  (Oooh cool cabinet.)

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Nashi declines. The cabinet's all Leivara's.

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Well, plausibly Leivara doesn't want to be interrupted so Cyllene'll do a bit of music till she's done.  - Actually she'll specifically do music about her fingertips, ouch.  They're already callusing up a bit; can they do that faster?  Cool.

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Leivara comes in after about half an hour muttering about how long it could possibly take to train a yard dog.

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Maybe she'll cheer up when presented with a selection of three pretty rocks and a bracelet?

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"- ooh! Where'd these come from?"

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'Curio City.'

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"Oh, I love that store, it's one of my very favorites - I know the owner's granddaughter, though not well -"

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'You can come with me next time I go.'

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"Oh, I try to hold myself down to whenever I have extra spending money."

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. . . Probably if Cyllene feels like doing another round of gifts next time she can say that then, and that would be better than saying it now for as many as several reasons even if she'll most likely feel like it.  Nod nod.

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"Thank you for showing me your haul, though!"

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'Come upstairs to see the rest,' Cyllene offers.  'There's more.'

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Leivara will come ooh and ahh at the haul!

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'You can have one of these.'  She holds out the selection from before.

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"- oh! Thank you." Leivara chooses a rock.

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Cyllene passes some of her pretty rocks back and forth between her hands.

'Your place for keeping your pretty things was nice.  Where can I get something like that?'

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"I got my cabinet out of the Perfectly Good hutch but you can't count on finding one there, if you want to buy new you can get something like it at Furniche*. Or just buy self-assemble shelves online, if you can't get Jio from down the street to drive a Furniche box here for you or don't want to pay fancy prices."

*Cultural translation.

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Nod nod nod nod.  She'll probably have to ask about this again once she has more money but nod nod.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You might actually really like checking out the Perfectly Good hutch if you haven't yet, it's the yellow and pink thing at the corner if you cross the street and turn left then right."

Permalink Mark Unread

'What is it?'

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"It's a little outbuilding - most neighborhoods have them, though my sister studying in Westerly says there they just leave things on the side of the road, since it so seldom rains - where people put things that are a little too potentially valuable to just throw away, in case someone could use them."

Permalink Mark Unread

Humans are so greaaaaat, that they have so much stuff that they can do that with it instead of being always possessive or transactional.  'I will go there sometime.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's wonderful, there's often clothes there, knicknacks, books."

Permalink Mark Unread

'How would I get something big like a cabinet to my room from there?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"You'd bring something with wheels, usually, or someone to help you haul it. Easier when it's not snowy."

Permalink Mark Unread

'When will it be not snowy?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of the time in a month, all the time in two or three, most likely."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod.  'I know how long the snowy time was where I was a fish person but I didn't know when in it I came here or if it's the same.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, it varies place to place, too, so even if you were used to a certain amount of winter where you lived it'd probably be different here. Some places don't get winter at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Yes!  I travelled as a fish person and the underwater places were sometimes very different.  But that was before I went to the surface.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably the way the underwater places were different is completely separate from how surface places are, anyway - like, it'd be nearly all about currents, down there, right? And up here it's about things like humidity and latitude."

Permalink Mark Unread


'Huemidity' click-erase 'Humidity is how wet things are?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"How wet the air is."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod.  'I was very surprised to learn about how much wet there is on the surface.  I had seen snow and the word you said a while ago that I forgot for warm clear snow but I didn't know humans used it for anything.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rain," she supplies. "And yeah, we need water, we die without it, just in a few days rather than right away."

Permalink Mark Unread

'And baths and swimming for fun.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup, those too!"

Permalink Mark Unread

'I like baths but not because I miss being a fish person.  If I got turned back into a fish person I think I would still miss them even though there would be so many things to miss.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess it would be sort of hard to take a bath if you're a fish person, huh."

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Nod.  'There aren't very many places where there's warm water right next to cold water, or enough of it with enough difference that you can be just the right temperature by moving across the border of it like with bath water and air.  Fish people bodies care less about being just the right temperature so it wasn't as nice even when there were spots."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there things fish people care more about that you can't appreciate much as a human?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She has to think about that one.

'I am not sure how different or the same singing will be with air instead of water.'  Pause.  'I was better at sleeping as a fish person.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, better at sleeping how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

'Fish people have no clocks or sunlight but I think we did it less often, and didn't care about being away from other fish people for it.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, noises and so on didn't wake you up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

'Noises wake us up sometimes.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"So what do you mean you didn't care about being away from other fish people?"

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Shrug.  'I didn't mind it.  I don't know if I don't mind it as a human or if people were being very quiet the time I didn't know it was wrong to sleep in the library.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Libraries are usually pretty quiet anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I hope that is the most wrong for humans thing I do.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- are you worried about violating some norm -?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that happens sometimes when you're new to a culture, let alone a species, I think we can probably roll with a few surprises."

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'I think that is a way that humans are better than fish people.'

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"Did you have issues when foreign fish people came by?"

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'Never that I saw but I didn't meet a lot of fish people.  There were important to my father rules about some ways to act.'

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"Well, there are important rules here too but you seem to be doing okay so far."

Permalink Mark Unread

'What things might happen if I mess up?'

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"Uh, I suppose you might wind up breaking a law, that could be bad but I think you being an alien would at least be a mitigating factor as long as you didn't hurt anyone. I guess you could come across as rude short of that and then you might offend people."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Tomorrow I will try and keep someone alive at the hospital.  Is it hurting someone and breaking the law if it doesn't work?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I don't think so but the doctors will know better than I do where the boundaries are on that."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods seriously.  'I tried to keep a dog alive today and it did not work forever and this was not breaking the law, but dogs aren't people?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're not. But people die, people in hospitals especially, and if you can't save them that's not the same as attacking them."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I'll ask the doctors about this.'  Nod nod.  'And if you come to the curios shop with me next time I go I'll buy you some things.  This has been a useful conversation to me.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aw, that's sweet of you, though actually it's not customary to buy people presents for having conversations with you."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I was probably going to buy you presents anyway.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right," she laughs, "I'm not complaining."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I am going to earn so much money and buying things is more fun for now than having things even though having things is also very great.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Buying things is fun! You get to pick which thing is best out of all the things and make plans for it and then it's almost never quite that nice actually having it."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I think I like different things about it, or else I wouldn't like letting people buy their own presents.


Buying things means I can get things, because of who I am and what I do, instead of because someone gives them to me because I am in his collection and neatly organized.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- huh. I guess that's also a nice thing about it, though I think most people get pretty nervous that one day who they are and what they do won't be enough to get the things they need."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod.  'I set up an Easy Toast fund today.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's smart."

Permalink Mark Unread

'If I ever need it I will probably not like buying things in the same way.  It doesn't seem like many humans would have reason to like buying things the same way I do, because even if they are new to having money, they aren't new to buying things at all?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, people start buying things at least occasionally younger than Sesh."

Permalink Mark Unread

'What other sort of things do people mostly buy?  Food of course.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Clothes, games, art supplies?"

Permalink Mark Unread

'I should get more of those!  Except the animal game is enough game for me now I think.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"The one Sesh plays? I never saw the appeal personally but I'm glad you're having fun."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"You'll probably want to try lots of kinds, there's a ton of variety in computer games and you're new to all of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

'What do you like?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like roleplaying games, ones with lots of complicated dialogue trees."

Permalink Mark Unread


'What do those words mean?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh - do you want me to just show you?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Leivara produces her device, finds a convenient arrangement for the two of them to sit in, and loads her save of something called "Star Prince*". She controls a character, dressed in a fancy sunset-colors robe with a pointy hat, and directs the character through the fantasy landscape - it looks like it's night, and everything except her clothes is jewel-toned or black, spangled with constellations of white flecks or stars or diamonds or nebula patterns or in a few cases gas-giant-like swirls. It's a sidescroller. She approaches a green-and-purple-and-black creaturepersonthing with starry freckles across its face and a fluffy comet tail, and proceeds through a dialogue tree, answering the NPC's questions with options from a menu and asking her own:

- "You're back early. Did you get all the way to the Vault?"
- "Not yet. I think I might need to run some other errands first."
- "Oh, for who?"
- "For Giond, have you met?"
- "No... I saw her perform once, but from afar..."
- "Maybe one day I'll introduce you."
- "That would be a great favor... but it won't get you out of going to the Vault."

Then the conversation is over.

* This word is gender-neutral; a more literal translation might be "Star Heir" or "Heir to the Stars".

Permalink Mark Unread

'It's pretty!'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah! Not all RPGs go hard on the graphics but this one does. So the roleplaying part is that I'm playing this character, and I can make some choices about her personality though I'm limited to what the game developers give me to work with, in the menus for the dialogue like you just saw." She saves the game and quits.

Permalink Mark Unread

'What other sorts of games are there?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, there's task management games, where you're running a restaurant or managing a garden or something like that and have to allocate your time among all the things you need to do; some of those also have limited resources like, uh, cheese or seeds or whatever, I don't really play them, and you have to get those resources by playing the game well. There's puzzle games, a little niche, and there's stimmy games which are like puzzle games but not too hard so you can do them kind of continually and mindlessly if you just need something for your hands and eyes to do. There are games where you mostly just explore and you collect things or take pictures or tame animals in all the locations. There are games that are practically just art mediums by themselves where you build virtual houses or whatever. There are games where you race other players or fight them. There are games where you try to do something at just the right time, usually to music."

Permalink Mark Unread


'It seems like maybe I only can play one game for now because I am already a task management life and my harp is already a stimmy thing.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ha! Well, nobody's going to stop you from only playing one game for now."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I like the one Sesh plays because I and she can like it together and I have learned many things from it.  Where is a good place to buy more clothes?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mostly get mine online from Swatchbuckler* but Nashi likes going in person to Fiber Aisles."

*cultural translation

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene gets out her device and attempts to locate Swatchbuckler!

Permalink Mark Unread

Swatchbuckler is easily found! They do a range of drapey relaxed-fit stuff with drawstrings and, yes, buckles, to cinch it to fit in various depicted ways. Skirts, wrap dresses, poncho-esque shirts, culottes, in solids and prints, available with embroidery. If you buy enough of their clothes they will throw in your choice of socks or underwear in matching colors from their sister company Silk Hug which uses the same range of dyes.

Permalink Mark Unread

'How many clothes is a good number for a human to own?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, good question. At least a week's worth of outfits? Twice that if you might forget to do your laundry every week - we do have a laundry cat but you have to let it in your room and it has to get an idea of your schedule and so on and it has trouble with sheets and other big stuff, so sometimes we have to do it. And more if you like clothes."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Human animals are so much better than fish animals.  I don't know how to do laundry yet.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"You carry it to the basement, or you use the dumbwaiter - that's what the cat does - the cat's name is Do Not Iron but it'll answer to Iron - and there's machines there, with diagrams and instructions on them but you can ask anyone including Sesh if you get mixed up."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Can it read?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"The cat? No, it was trained, but you're not a cat so you can read the instructions for people on the machines."

Permalink Mark Unread

'So it won't answer to anything for me,' she clarifies.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh, right, yeah, you will not be able to call the cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I would not have been very surprised if it could read.  At least that much.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think people who can't talk teach their animals sign commands but Iron doesn't know any."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Does it need to be talked at to do my laundry?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe a little to start out. Sesh should be learning how to train animals anyway, have her bring the cat to your room and she can probably get it started."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I can after dinner, unless I need more clothes first.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think it's urgent."

Permalink Mark Unread

'If humans are supposed to have one different outfit for every day then maybe it is a little urgent.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. You probably still have time to hit Fiber Aisles if you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Could I miss dinner if I try that?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but I can set a plate aside if you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Or I could learn laundry?'

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"Or you could learn laundry - do you have anything to wear while it's going, we don't keep the house that warm in the winter."

Permalink Mark Unread

'I have the two others you gave me still.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Stairs to the basement are behind the pantry."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene will gather her two spare outfits and go check it out!  After a parting wave to Leivara.

Permalink Mark Unread

The basement has motion activated lights and they flicker on when she goes down the stairs. There are laundry machines. The dryer is running but not the washing machine right now, that's empty. The cat is napping on a cat bed on a shelf above the machines, right next to the detergent. There are indeed instructions on the washing machine she can probably finagle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Finagle!  And then back upstairs for some music until the lights signal dinner.

Permalink Mark Unread

Flicker flicker. Dinner is mashed potatoes with a creamy stroganoff sort of situation on top full of mushrooms and cauliflower and beef and black eyed peas.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yummyyyy!  What are people talking about today?

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Paju is going to be in her school play and pretty well dominates the conversation with that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh what a cool thing to exist.  Humans are so good in so many ways that she'd never thought of and even knowing there would be a lot of things like that she's still impressed with this.

How's her laundry looking, afterwards?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's on the final spin cycle. Do Not Iron has awoken and is in the process of tipping the dried clothes into a hamper; there are cunning cat-accessible features of the machine to allow this without the cat needing to pick up anything in its teeth unless it falls on the floor.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene will watch Do Not Iron for a few minutes while she waits for the washer.

Permalink Mark Unread

Clothes go in hamper. Hamper gets wheeled to the dumbwaiter shaft. Do Not Iron presses a button to make it go up, and it goes up. Then it goes and pops open a hinged compartment with a lint trap and scritches the lint out of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene should maybe read up on how to interact with animals so she can be less wary of doing it the wrong way.  She searches for a guide once she's back in her room and her load's dryering.

Permalink Mark Unread

There aren't guides to animals in full generality but if she reads a guide to cats for dog people and a guide to dogs for corvid people and a guide to corvids for parrot people she will probably have her bases covered.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, she'll check all of those out!  But with particular attention towards the cat one.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cats are a little harder to train than dogs, and weaker and sleepier, but they're great at schedules and fine manipulation by comparison and most breeds don't need as much exercise or space. They should be clicker trained; this is also favored for dogs but is not as essential. Etcetera etcetera.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe this is something she should just ask people about.  But not tonight!  She goes to bed, wakes up, gets breakfast if there is breakfast, takes her clothes up to her room, changes into one set of them, and heads to the hospital.

Permalink Mark Unread

Breakfast is seedy toast with one's chosen combination of apple butter, regular butter, and/or almond butter.

The hospital is as she left it with different set of patients!

Permalink Mark Unread

Mm, almond butter.

She went to bed early enough to have a little spare time before the surgery; she flags down one of the people she's talked to before and shows them: 'I am going to buy some more clothes soon.  Does it matter if I have any that are more like what people who work here wear?'

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"Oh, these are easy to clean but if you don't care about that you can wear almost anything that doesn't dangle or shed."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod nod.  'Where do I go to help with today's heart surgery?'

Permalink Mark Unread

Directions to the operating theater and the prep rooms that adjoin! They will want to put her in a moon suit but it goes on fine over her clothes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does it leave her fingers free for plucking?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, she has to wash them and they want to wave the harp under the UV lamp but she can play.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, that's fine then.  She starts off with a bit of light asking-the-patient's-body-about-itself music, assuming that doesn't bother the medical people in a way that won't apply during the surgery itself?

Permalink Mark Unread

It is OK for there to be light background instrumental music while they do preparatory things. The guy needs heart surgery and is not in fantastic health besides that either!

Permalink Mark Unread

She's just gonna go ahead and ignore all that so she doesn't mess up anything for the surgeons.  Only ♫investigation♫ and ♫keeping this guy alive for the duration of her playing♫ (and occasionally ♫boosting her own concentration and precision♫).

Permalink Mark Unread

And they will very coordinatedly haul him into the operating theater and get going on his surgery.

Permalink Mark Unread

Where Cyllene will hopefully be unneeded but is very ready just in case!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh he's going to try to die a couple times.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well he ♫shouldn't♫.  ♫Hey this heart, keep beating; and if you can't the rest of the body should just pretend you are!♫

She definitely couldn't keep this up all day but the doctors are really helpful at making sure she doesn't have to, both overall and in the short enough term that she has time to slip in a few bars of self-enhancement here and there without much trouble.  And in some ways it's easier than other healing, because she doesn't have to stack the cognitive work of making everything balance out at the end on top of the moment-to-moment difficulty of playing the music that wants to be played.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually they have him all closed up and he stops trying so hard to die!

Permalink Mark Unread

That's sure a relief.  She gets kind of giggly (silently, of course) once he's stable and the final arpeggio's done ringing out.

Permalink Mark Unread

And now time to get him into a recovery room! One of the nurses smiles gratefully at Cyllene on their way out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Smile!  Wave wave!

How long did that take; she wasn't tracking time as opposed to tempo basically at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

It was a six hour operation.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh NO her appointment!!  She rushes to the courtyard.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a person there who has fallen asleep on one of the little umbrella-tables who might be her patient!

Permalink Mark Unread


Well, she starts pre-writing a note and if they aren't up when she's done she'll go a ways over there and start playing her finger pain away.  Starting very quietly but working in a gradual crescendo.  (Also ooh, this is the warmest day she's been here for so far; that's interestingly new.)

Permalink Mark Unread

The person sits up when the music gets loud enough to hear from where he's at. Blink blink. "...Cyllene?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nodnod!

'Hello I am very sorry to be late. I was helping a person not die in surgery and I was told it might take longer than they said but I didn't realize that much longer. You can pay less or have more magic or something else as a way of saying sorry.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh, it's okay, there's waits at hospitals sometimes because people are having emergencies left and right, I was just napping because I got up early to catch the train before it was too full..." Yawn.

Permalink Mark Unread

'Do you want to come to my office or stay out here?'

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"Your office is probably warmer, I like sleeping in the cold but like it way less when I'm awake." Up!

Permalink Mark Unread

To 33!  'Why?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- just doesn't feel as nice?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrugnod.  'Do you mind that I get food first?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fine by me."

Permalink Mark Unread

She swings by the commissary and grabs a bento box which she munches on en route.

What's up with this guy, medically?

Permalink Mark Unread

Keloids. Lots of them, big bad ones, in inconvenient places.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, at least it's something she'll have the opportunity to get faster at, even if learning it is going to be really annoying given the amount of effort she's already exerted today.

She ♫heyyy, skin bumps, stop it with that why don't you♫ for like two hours before the first one is gone, largely because she has to spend a fair bit of time upping her concentration.  How many is 'lots of them', more like ten or like forty?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, they sort of blur into each other when they're next to one another but that's about the right order of magnitude.

Permalink Mark Unread

Alright.  Does this guy want anything if she runs and grabs another snack?

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"Oh, yeah, I would love an egg sandwich, I don't have any food allergies so whatever else on it is fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

Two sandwiches!  Cyllene tries turkey and cheese on a whim; it like all human food is pretty good.  She eats half and then gets back to it, doing the next one in half an hour and the one after that in only a little over ten minutes.  After sandwich break part two things go faster still and she's done with him within another hour and a half.

Permalink Mark Unread

The patient has brought a portable gaming device and is gaming on that with the volume off, perking up and straightening gradually as he's freed of the scars.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aw, that's nice.  She flashes him an 'All done!' once she's finished with massaging out her fingertips.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh! Oh, wow, you really are, that feels so much better - will I still get new ones next time I get hurt -"

Permalink Mark Unread

'Maybe not in the spots I fixed but maybe, and probably everywhere else.  I can maybe learn how to make that not happen but not today."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Even a reset is great. Maybe I'll start going around in armor, try to avoid scratching the newly buffed chassis. Thank you so much."

Permalink Mark Unread

'You're welcome.'  She pulls out her money card.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- how does this work with insurance -"

Permalink Mark Unread

'We can ask.'  Time to flag down the nearest and most-available staffperson!

Permalink Mark Unread

The nearest and most available staffperson is competent to put in the insurance bid with Cyllene listed as the practitioner!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good.  Once that's settled she asks, 'And what about the surgery I helped with today?'

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"I think that's already in the system but I can check for you! - yup, you're listed on there right after the surgeons."

Permalink Mark Unread

How much money was that compared to other things she's done?

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For the surgery she's sharing, but it's a lot of money; it comes out to slightly less per hour but still a lot compared to other individual procedures.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good!  'I will not come here tomorrow.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's your day off? Okay, I'll put a note in your personnel file."

Permalink Mark Unread

'What does that mean.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anybody who looks you up on the hospital system will see you're out that day?"

Permalink Mark Unread

'Have people been using the system about me so far except for money things?'

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not very much? It has your office in here so we know not to give someone else that office."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene thinks for a bit, and then starts writing much smaller than her usual.

'I will try very hard to do all the things I say I'll do, but I did not ever mean to say that I will be at this hospital every day and I might go other places for a long time if my magic is better at them.  For now I will probably have more days on than days off and I will tell people my plans but that's all it is.'

Permalink Mark Unread

"- yeah I don't think anyone ever put in the system that you will be here some particular day. I just put in that you won't be here tomorrow, since I couldn't think why else you'd have bothered to mention it if you didn't want that to be known."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Okay thank you.'

She looks up how to get to FIber Aisles and heads that way.

Permalink Mark Unread

Fiber Aisles is a bus ride but not a complicated bus ride, and then a bit of a walk because it's a warehouse-type building set way back behind the more picturesque shops around it (beads, sewing accessories, bags/pouches/backpacks, ice cream place with heat lamps, noodle soup restaurant). The outside of the building is just aluminum siding with a big mural reading Fiber Aisles with each letter a different color and plaid, and backgrounded with flowers and curlicues and ruffley shapes and whatnot. There's a big sliding door leading inside, currently open but not all the way to keep out the worst of the winter chill.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oooohh.  Maybe she will check out some of that on the way back but for now her priority is clothes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Clothes! Fiber Aisles is organized like a giant chart of color, with light neutrals on the left and the rainbow in the middle and dark neutrals on the right, and warmth, with the toastiest wooliest items in the front, though the racks are on wheels so they may rearrange them by season. Each island of a particular range of warmths and hues has separate racks and shelves - eclectic and some of them clearly not originally intended for displaying clothes - showing off tops and dresses and pants and shoes and hats as applicable.

Permalink Mark Unread

That makes sense!  She'll look for, hmmm, stuff that's soft, and not dangly or sheddy like the hospital person said, and looks like it will probably fit on her body.  She likes her existing clothes fine; other than that she doesn't have a great sense of her tastes, although she does notice herself staying much more towards the middle on the left-right axis than either side.

Permalink Mark Unread

Most of the clothes are soft, though they vary in kind of soft, from warm-fuzzy to cool-silky and from dense drapey rayons to light crinkly linens and cottons. She could get this robin's-egg-blue wrap dress with embroidered vines on it. She could get these drawstring pants in cranberry red. She could get purple and grey plaid flannel pajamas. She could get this violently green-dyed pair of sheepskin boots. She could get this ruffly blouse in pink and gold tie-dye. She could get this fluffy sweater that ombres from lavender on top to indigo at the hem.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes she will take all of those actually, and enough similar items to fill out a little over a week's worth of outfits.

She also wants to hit the bags store.  Fish people have some bags, but humans are probably a lot better at them and they'll work so much better overwater, if her experience with pockets is anything to go by.

Permalink Mark Unread

Humans have bags! Crossbody purses and messenger bags and backpacks and hip bags and handbags and shoulderbags. Leather and cloth and weird plastic triangles held together by chain links and net. With buttons and zippers and hooks and velcro and magnets. In every color and pattern and print, though heavy on the neutrals.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cyllene wants one for her harp and one that looks like it'll be good for whatever stuff she might decide she wants to carry as she learns more about what stuff there is.  So, maybe a crossbody for her harp and some sort of big bag with lots of pockets that she doesn't have to use her hands for - that backpack looks good, the purple one.

Sheeeee has objects and can get more objects and right now she's getting objects for her objects~.  Being a human is fantastic.


It's good that food stores exist but she doesn't have any reason to expect them to be better than heading home for dinner, so that's what she does.

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Dinner at home is mussels in garlic, homemade bread, peas for the exclusive pea-eater and some for everybody else too, and eggdrop soup. There's dessert tonight, brownies with cherry syrup on them.

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'Today I helped a person not die in heart surgery,' she informs the table.

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"Ooooooh," say Sesh and Paju. "Was there lotsa blood?" adds Sesh.

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'Not a lot.  It was weird for it to be flat.'

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"Flat?" asks Shavan, craning his neck to see the writing.

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'On land everything wants to go to the floor.  In water things move around more including blood.'  She tilts the tablet obligingly.

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"Oh, I see. Yeah, things sink in water but they have to be a lot denser to do it and they'll do it a bit slower. In air things will only float around like blood would in water if they're gases or vapors too."

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.......'What is the difference between a gas and a vapor?'

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"Gas is something warm enough to act like air and vapor is something in tiny enough droplets to do the same. So water vapor as opposed to steam, for instance."

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'I don't know what that means.'

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"- so you know about water and ice, yes?" says Shavan. "If you get water very cold, it freezes."

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She nods.

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"If you get water hotter than that, it turns into a gas. Air is a mix of several different gases. Mostly nitrogen, some oxygen, a carbon-oxygen compound, little bits of other stuff. Most simple materials can be solid or liquid or gas at some temperature. But if you get something very small, like a fleck of dust or a tiny drop of water, it can drift around in the air almost like it's a gas particle even though it's not hot enough to really be one."

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She takes a few experimental breaths, paying attention to the way she can feel something going in and out.  How it's different from how water used to; thinner, easier.  'Air is the land water?'

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"- you could put it that way, sure."

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'And vapors and gasses are both air.'

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"- there's probably some technical distinction to be had but I'm not a science teacher, so sure."

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Nod nod.

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"Anyway it makes sense that you'd be surprised by blood flowing the way it does in air the first time seeing it."