"I ran into Yamada the other day," says Subaru, failing to sound casual. Tōkan hasn't said anything about it so Subaru assumes that Yamada must not have told him for one reason or another.
The front door opens and closes then Kuroji emerges at the entrance of the dining room. "Hey, I forgot some—oh, good morning Inori-kun."
Kuroji looks at both of them for a second then sighs, walks over to Harutsugu, and pulls him in for a kiss.
But then Kuroji pulls away and says, in a soft voice, while he pushes some hair away from Harutsugu's face with a finger, "Don't you want Inori-kun to have this in his life?"
Kuroji turns to look at Inori, who's been regarding this whole interaction with great suspicion, and says, "What do you want to know?"
"It's almost as strong a commitment, if you're doing it for the right reasons," he says. "You'll be his special person and he'll be yours. You can't undo it if you regret it. There'll be no one else you'll be able to pair with, forever."
Which rings a warning bell in Inori's head. Tōkan wouldn't just... want to be monogamous like that, would he?
"We started dating when I was a sophomore in high school and Haru was a freshman at college, and we paired a year after that then got married two years later."
Kuroji lets go of his husband to walk over to the stool next to Inori and sit on it, facing him. "What do you need help with?"
Kuroji looks at Inori for a few quiet seconds then sighs, puts his suitcase on the floor, says, "I'll finish what I needed to tomorrow," to Harutsugu, and wraps his arms around Inori, who squirms a bit but doesn't protest. He lets go and asks, "Tell me about it?"