"I ran into Yamada the other day," says Subaru, failing to sound casual. Tōkan hasn't said anything about it so Subaru assumes that Yamada must not have told him for one reason or another.
"Anyway. My point is that I, I'm not. I wasn't. I don't know if I am. Mad like you, I mean. Yamada is one of only a handful of omegas I've talked to since I was little, and I know very few betas, too. It's so easy to, to rationalise. To side with your friends. And being in rut is still a legal defence, and if the omega claims they weren't in heat who's gonna believe them? And maybe they weren't but then the alpha can just claim they smelled someone else's pheromones and tried to hold back but lost control."
"If an alpha rapes a beta, they'll claim they got in rut earlier and lost control. It's almost literally a get-out-of-jail-free card." He looks up at Subaru, more seriously. "This world is fucked up. 'Course I'm mad about it all the time. I still have to see Karato's fucking face every other day in algebra and pretend that I don't want to punch it in. The history teacher's revisionistic bullshit gets on my nerves every time, I will someday lose control and stab the P.E. teacher, I will someday lose control and reduce Hakeru-san to pulp when she calls me to her office to tell me I need to portray a better image because I'm bad PR."
"And I... want to be. Mad about it. Like you. I want to, to get it, to understand how much all of this sucks, on a, a gut level. To get rid of this bullshit programming this school and my family keeps writing in my brain, to not have all the excuses ready-made and then have everyone around me agree with them."
"They'll still think it," Tōkan says, leaning back. "For as long as you're in an alpha school, anyway. And it'll make you stand out, make you another thorn in everyone's side. And you're not popular enough that you can afford it, or so you think; you're gonna get shunned, your friends will leave you, you'll get bullied again. Being Kokonoe's best friend won't help. Right?"
"And I can't sweeten the deal for you, that might actually happen! Although I don't think it will, the school has many decent people in it, and the fact that I've already had all of those fights myself means that it's no longer really new, and if anyone would agree with Kokonoe, well, it would be Kageyama, right? But that might still happen. And... and I knew it could, when I realised how much every alpha around me sucked and how I wasn't going to just let them suck. Maybe I didn't quite know the scale of it, but I back all of my choices, here. If the price had been being alone then... I'd have been alone. Better alone than surrounded by unrepentant rapists."
Inori isn't sure why he's dithering.
He thought about the thing Subaru said long and hard, and found something that almost made sense in it, and he thinks... that he's in love. He thinks so. He does. And that was what Tōkan had asked for, wasn't it? Before he'd agree to pairing, Inori had to be in love. And he wants to be paired. Right?
But still he's dithering.
And this is the kind of shit that Tōkan would be great at figuring out but he can't well ask, can he? He's all... compromised.
This is confusing and he hates being confused and he wants to hit the thing he's confused by but he likes the thing he's confused by so he can't go punch it and that's extremely irritating and just makes him want to hit something even harder.
"...he said we should talk about it rather than me trying to just get him to do it, and... I said that that was stupid, it's just hormones, who cares about hormones, and he asked me if I liked having sex with him," (strangled dying cat noises from Harutsugu), "and I said yeah and then he asked me if it felt like just getting off and getting it over with and..."
"That he... was afraid he'd hurt me or push me away and if he did that after we were pairs he'd have taken something important away from me that I couldn't have again." That note of discordance is back. "And he told me he wanted me to like him... and I didn't know what that meant so that's why I asked you and Haru."
"Your father fell in love with me," Kuroji says quietly, "when he saw me fight off this alpha who was harassing a girl in heat. And then he took three weeks to say anything or even introduce himself, not until I did it again to someone else." Kuroji is flushing slightly and Haru's gone bright and perky and smug.
"And that's good! A healthy relationship is one where you want to be together! But the world isn't always so kind as to give us what we want. Each new day you spend with him gets you to know and understand him better. You don't know everything there is to know about Kokonoe Tōkan and he doesn't know everything there is to know about Yamada Inori. And the best world is one where you both love everything new you learn and always want to be together, but there's still a chance.
"So maybe the reason you're waiting is that you want to wait. That there's a part of you that noticed that this could still go wrong."
He doesn't punch anyone, just stays there, breathing heavily, clutching the air in his hands tightly. Not completely wound down yet, apparently.
But he lifts a hand to his face to lower his mask and looks up at Tōkan. "She meant what I think she did. Didn't she. I'm not—not—"
Inori storms away from the bench and turns around to glare at Tōkan. "Fuck the video game!!!!" Thankfully they're on a pretty deserted small park so people are not going to show up to make a scene about him making a scene. "In real life that bitch thought that I, I, I belonged to you or something!!!!! And I saw everyone else just, just looking at me like I'm a crazy bitchy omega and, and I must be so much work for you to keep in line and why couldn't you find someone nicer to settle down with, another alpha even, not a crazy, unpredictable omega!!!!!!!"
"It's the beginning of the night," he corrects. "And we're in a cute out-of-the-way park in the middle of nowhere so we're going to have a nice, cute picnic together. No rude staff making seventeenth-century assumptions about our relationship."
And he slowly lowers down to a cross-legged seat, holding one of Inori's hands and lightly pulling on it.
Inori spends the next short while leaning on Tōkan's shoulder in silence, wondering if he overreacted. Which is a first, honestly, he's usually pretty on board with yelling at people who are being shits and maybe breaking a couple of their bones.
She wasn't even an alpha, she was just a beta, doing her job. Probably indoctrinated into the whole stupid worldview, but still. She only said the one thing... which he could've misinterpreted...
Except he didn't. Tōkan is never wrong about these things. She totally meant to say that Inori needed his permission to order whatever he wanted, and... he's not sure how other couples would've responded. Normal people are weird and don't get mad even when other people insult them to their faces. So they wouldn't have gotten mad.
And there's couples that would've agreed, he knows that much. And couples where the omega wouldn't even have been allowed to order anything by their partner. Which sends his blood boiling to just think about. He needs to distract himself
...oh. "Tōkan-kun..."
"And once you're paired you can only get in heat again around the alpha you paired with. Or, probably not only but a lot less often otherwise, your heats are irregular but some people do just stop having heats away from their alphas altogether.
"So you could get paired with someone else, after pairing me, but... I'd need to be there, around you, to induce heat in you to let the other alpha bite you, but I'd also get in a worse rut than I've ever had at the same time which... I don't want to say anything about me here but I'm pretty sure most alphas get really possessive and jealous. So even if you had an alpha that was willing to stay with you for however long it took for you to heat again to get your new partner to bite you, they'd probably change their mind when it happened.
"And since you're much much much less fertile while not in heat..."
Tōkan catches some of what Inori's thinking because he says, "For what it's worth, alphas are also a lot less fertile if they're not around a heating omega, that's another reason why alpha/alpha couples have so much trouble having kids. But, um, yeah, omegas got the short end of the stick there."
"That's me, thank you." And they get an honest-to-god picnic basket wrapped in a blanket. He starts setting it all up, and he's included stuff Inori likes: burgers, pies, cakes, lots and lots of sushi, much more food than Tōkan would've thought two people could get through if one of them weren't Yamada Inori.
Tōkan is still a teenage alpha so he's just absolutely not going to complain at all. He's not even particularly mindful of decency, Inori isn't in heat so they aren't really in danger of crossing the line all the way to illegal.
After Inori's had enough of it that he's kind of slowed down and no longer has his hand any places it shouldn't be Tōkan pulls away for a second and asks, "What's the occasion?"
Okay! He guesses it's his turn to tackle his boyfriend and make out until the fire dies down.
...or until he decides to stop because it's actually quite likely that the fire won't die down, he's starting to have dangerous thoughts about risk likelihood of being caught while in a wide open park right next to a road not so empty that cars haven't been showing up every now and then. Dangerous thoughts which he should leave for later when they're at his place.
"I like you too, Inori-kun," he says after he manages to finally wrestle his thoughts away from that. "Is that why you were asking about pairing?" He had an inkling, after Subaru talked to him, but he didn't want to try to pursue it very far.
"Yeah." He leans close to Inori to kiss his temple. "I like you. We don't need to pair anytime soon. Your parents didn't until one year in, right?" And Tōkan's parents never did, he doesn't say. "We can wait. And until then you're still the strongest and you can still kick the asses of any dumb rapists who thought it was a good idea to exist in public in the same city as you."
They don't run into any shitty alphas on their way back to Tōkan's apartment, to Inori's chagrin. Inori has barely taken his shoes off and dropped his pipe by the door before he's on his way to the master bathroom, and Tōkan follows on his heels after locking the door and leaving the picnic basket in the kitchen.
You know you're in love when you find the most minor, dumb, ridiculous little eccentricities of your partner's endlessly lovable.
He follows his own words and gets in, making sure to grab the soap and the bath salts on his way. Then he positions himself so that he can watch Inori and gets to doing that.
Once he's all the way in he reaches back to where Inori had been perching to find the water controls and make the tub stop filling up, then turns on the massage jets.
"You always feel so good around my cock," he breathes into Inori's ear. "Maybe I should keep you there all the time."
That's fine, Tōkan is not in any rush. He seems to be in a patient phase.
His mouth gets more aggressive, bites getting more frequent as his movements get a bit faster and more forceful. And every time he licks close to the nape of Inori's neck Inori shivers and tenses, but doesn't pull away.
But then he starts actually kissing and sucking and even lightly biting there and Inori jumps every time, takes a quick ragged breath in, whimpers a bit. "Sensitive?" Tōkan whispers.
Oh, ouch, why would you say that in front of Subaru, Tamiki, that's insensitive as fuck. He glances at his friend for a second, who is keeping an impassively nonchalant face, but he can see the note of tension. "It's complicated." It's really not, not objectively, but this is fucking Kokonoe High, anyone dating an omega is news.
In any case, he has a pretty good guess about what the next question is going to be.
Which he has to respond to with a kiss that makes Subaru squeak. Tōkan feels satisfied enough that he continues. "Anyway, he needs his heir to inherit something, and I'm pretty sure he's not even trying for another one. It would not be like him to cheat on his wife or even get a kid on the side with her consent, I existed already before they got married is the only reason she tolerates me, and she doesn't want to have any kids of her own. Plus she's getting old.
"So the old man's stuck with me, and even if I'll forever be a brat in his eyes it'll still be better if I have something to my name."
hey <
> sup?
wyd after school <
> no particular plans
> mb study (⌐⊙_⊙){ಠʖಠ} <
dont do that <> got a better idea? ♥‿♥
ye <
lets meetup <
u can bring satoru ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <> subaru
⥀.⥀ wtv <
> so... not a date?
? <
idc it could be a date <> love, dates are between people who are dating
ur fucking satoru <
subaru* <
so it's like dating <> ...
> I like you but no it's not :Pidc <
> well, fine by me
> you come over to the gates?ye <
> ( ˘ ³˘)♥
> why are you typing like that anyway
> doesn't your phone have autocorrect?not on my phone <
im at the school library <> what for?
studying <
> 𓏗𓏗
stfu <
"Oh, has the rumour mill made it official?" he replies lightly, but now that he's paying attention he's noticed Hōji standing nearby, her arms crossed, sporting a venomous glare. And a couple of other kids seem to be paying undue attention to this while a lot of others are standing back. Tōkan does not like where this is going at all. He stops walking.
"Fuck you, Tōkan," says Hōji. "That's what I mean, you just talk like you're above all that, well guess what, you're not! You're just trying to play politics, the Kokonoe heir is so modern, he's on the side of the oppressed, never mind that thing in the sports room, never mind everyone you beat up. You're an alpha, Kokonoe, you're one of us, no matter how much you like to pretend you're not. You're just better at pulling strings and hiding it, 'dating' Yamada my ass you just figured out how to make it look like you're not betraying your principles, you sanctimonious asshole."
Okay he's been waiting outside far too long now. And he doesn't tend to pay much attention but the volume of people leaving school today seemed somewhat less than usual? Maybe something happened.
Also he's been waiting outside far too long and wants to go find his boyfriend. So he swings his pipe up to rest it over a shoulder and stalks into Kokonoe High.
At the end of the day they are alphas, so the scene Inori sees when he walks towards the commotion he spotted in the distance is a fight.
Well, kind of a fight.
Subaru's not very good at fighting at all and is being held in a headlock by someone. Meanwhile Tōkan is being held by two people and rather severely punched by a third.
The crowd that had been watching and not helping at all and taking pictures and videos also do not interfere when the demon appears and singlehandedly kicks the asses of six different people. At least he broke enough of a sweat that they can say he's probably mostly human.
"You're pathetic, Kokonoe," says Hōji from where she's on the ground nursing a big enough bruise on the side of her torso she'll probably not be able to wear a bikini for a while. "Can't even take it like an alpha without your little boyfriend saving you—"
He sighs and does, and... yeah, the other kids only split his lip a couple places and gave him a black eye but the extent of the damage covered by clothes is rather telling. It seems like over three quarters of his skin is covered in bruises, and there's a bit of swelling around the lower right side of his ribcage.
They go to Tōkan's apartment because his house might contain his father (well, technically so might his apartment, but his father actually does in theory live in their house) and once they're up there Subaru gently but firmly places Tōkan on a sofa and glares him down.
"So, about that pampering."
"Look, it's complicated. Words are an imperfect medium to translate information between people, and the ideal is understanding what the person means regardless of the words they used to try to communicate it. When Inori-kun said I was acceptable, what he meant was that it seemed like I had my priorities straight and I actually cared about other human beings for real and not just as a political maneuver or in a sort of abstract way that goes away as soon as it becomes inconvenient, and that I was willing to back that up."
"That you have a kind of rough exterior and probably some unexamined instincts influenced by the society you grew up in but despite that you're managing alright in terms of trying to shake them off and work past them, and you do have some good qualities hiding under the surface that you seem to sometimes actively try to hide."
"By which you mean you don't really understand why this from Inori in particular is doing it but it is making you feel very warm and fuzzy inside and there's a part of you that is a little bit embarrassed by it, like, how silly is it to feel proud of something so small, but on the other hand you are kind of proud of, if not the actual place you're at right now, the long-term trajectory of the life you're aiming for, and this is a sign you're succeeding at least right now."
Subaru tries to strike up conversation a few more times, but his attempts are all met with grunts or barely any acknowledgement (and with Tōkan's insufferable mirth) so eventually he just settles into working in silence with only the occasional request exchanged. Which... actually works pretty well, to be honest. Inori does not act like a feral boy when they're just companionably sharing silence, and Subaru is getting the impression that a lot of the barbs in Inori's speech patterns can be mostly ignored; he's (mostly) not actively trying to hurt people with his words. Subaru thinks if he wants to hurt people he'll use his fists (or his lead pipe) and otherwise the words are just kind of a different way to converse. Sort of.
It does seem like Inori is kind of angry nearly all the time but Subaru can honestly not fault him for that.
What Subaru can fault him for is just how much he uses the "chef's perks" excuse to eat half of the ingredients they're working with before they even get to be used. How this boy isn't twice his weight is a complete mystery to Subaru.
Eventually they're done, though, and they bring the food and bowls to Tōkan and kneel around the sitting table to eat.
It's been a pretty long while that they've been dating and it still throws Tōkan every time Inori says things like that. It's not even surprise, really, it's more something about how he doesn't say it in the way someone says "I like you" to their partner, usually; he says it in the same way he says "I like cats". It's just a fact about the world that explains his actions and there is nothing more to it. And it feels very nice.
"Not exactly the same. America is a lot less hierarchical than us so the way it presents there is less about how alphas are definitely above betas who are definitely above omegas and more about... Well, the people who try to appeal to the Western progressives talk about specialisation of labour, the people who don't talk about how an omega's place is in the kitchen. They don't have nearly as much in the sense of alphas only being with alphas, though, at least not in the official discourse. Even though American politicians—especially but not exclusively right-wing ones—mysteriously almost all come from all-alpha families, they don't actually say that this is a good thing in public. And the left-wings ones even say it's bad and publicly act ashamed of it." Tōkan snorts again. "But there's still gender bullshit everywhere, in general, yes."
Oh, right, omegas have a vagina under their shaft instead of balls. Another advantage how about instead of twiddling his thumbs being jealous he... joins them.
Or, at least, enjoys himself while watching.
Clearly Inori is entirely unselfconscious, there, so after another moment of hesitation (and spurred on by Tōkan's incredibly sexy moans) he unbuttons his pants and pulls his own cock free to start playing with it.
Subaru freezes. Was that... an expression of interest?
...no, Inori was literally just stating a fact and is now back to pleasuring Tōkan. What a peculiar boy.
Also, fuck this is hot. And Tōkan looks so damn attractive like that, being pleasured by someone else, someone else who is apparently doing a really damn good job. He wants to help.
So he leans forward and puts his hands on Tōkan, anywhere on Tōkan, one hand on his lower stomach and another on his neck and face, his lips and tongue drawing patterns on Tōkan's chest, biting his nipples, just touching.
Inori's got Tōkan's dick almost all the way down his throat, which is making Tōkan quite literally curl his toes, and he stays that way while working his tongue and throat around the shaft for a few moments longer before he finally pulls it all the way out and coughs to get air back in.
And he looks up at his boyfriend, face and shoulders flushed, a silent whine in his lips while he breathes heavily. He doesn't say anything, just looks at him for a while, but then he gets back to licking and rubbing and worshipping Tōkan's cock like he's literally starved for it.
This is so hot this is so hot this is so hot—
The sofa doesn't have arms so he moves around and positions himself so that he's behind Tōkan, so that Tōkan has to look up to see him. Then he fully gets rid of his pants and puts his cock right on top of Tōkan's face, the tip just barely touching his lips.
"Are we making you feel good?" Subaru says in a low voice, looking down at Tōkan. "Not that you can answer, with your face stuffed with cock like that. But I'm sure you like it, right? Look at your hands, you're almost pulling the cushions apart. You're moaning so much, it makes me so hot... This is the life, isn't it? Two men fucking the life out of you like this."
Inori gets his wish soon enough. This is extremely stimulating, Subaru's balls hitting his face, Inori doing all those things he's learnt to do...
Tōkan gets fully knotted just a few seconds before he's crying out around Subaru's dick and coating Inori's throat with his own cum.
Inori squints at what Subaru's doing for a bit but decides it's acceptable.
Well, no, he doesn't really, what he does is have a long string of incoherent thoughts guided by the cock inside him and how much he wants to get the knot through and how much it's gonna hurt and how he might come from that alone, and a small part of his brain registers that Subaru's doing something that will make Tōkan happy and that's all Inori cares about. Other than the cock.
So Subaru can pull Tōkan onto his lap—he may not be Yamada Inori the demon from Yoshikiri High but he's still an alpha and he has enough upper body strength for this—while Inori himself wraps his legs around Tōkan's torso and starts trying to wiggle himself further down onto Tōkan's knot. Subaru isn't knotting yet, but it's mostly because he's doing his best to hold it back; he knows that as soon as he gets inside Tōkan he'll lose control.
And he does.
(Oh fuck oh fuck oh shit oh fuck that hurts Inori feels so good he's in fucking heaven he might come again—)
Inori wants his knot. He's wiggling that way he does. But he can't do it on his own, can he? "Tell me how much you want it," he says to Inori. "Say what you want to do, what you're trying to do. Let Subaru know just how filthy you are, just what a slut for my dick you are."
Inori is committed to the bit and so they will not in fact let Tōkan walk, so the rest of the evening (and actually an unreasonable amount of time into the night) is spent fucking in the living room. They end up sweaty, exhausted, with cum everywhere, their clothes thrown much farther than it makes sense for them to have been thrown, and various items of furniture pushed wherever they needed them to be.
And then Inori decided that the next step in pampering threesome night is bridal-carrying Tōkan all the way to the bathroom so they can take a nice relaxing scented bath together. Now they're here, Tōkan has one arm around each of Inori and Subaru, and Inori in particular is still kissing Tōkan's skin sometimes and being overall amorous and a little bit horny.
Subaru meanwhile is having some rather conflicted and confused feelings. He liked that. He liked that a lot. And... and part of what he liked was... Inori. Kind of. He thinks. As he steals glances in Inori's direction he does feel... nice. The fact that Inori could break him in two like a twig helps. But Inori doesn't look like any of Subaru's interests, at all, up until this point. He's short and small and kind of twiggy, himself, even if he's covered in wiry muscle that is very attractive on its own. And objectively speaking, Subaru hadn't actually ever been with an omega in bed. And he did date one omega once even if they didn't go all the way then... So maybe he just... actually... isn't gay?
He does like dick, though. Beta females and omega females just don't do anything for him, at all.
So maybe he's just... the other kind of gay. Phallosexual, rather than alphasexual.
Ugh this is probably the kind of thing he'd want to talk to Tōkan about but the person who brought these feelings about is Tōkan's boyfriend. Who does like alpha guys, demonstrably—but who seemed so uninterested in Subaru it was like Subaru was just a piece of furniture, or a sex toy, enhancing the sex but not really being a target of sexual attraction.
He lowers himself into the water further, until only his eyes are above its surface, and bubbles.
Man, maybe he should just stop fucking Subaru. Maybe he is just being a greedy horny teenager about it and actually Subaru will be better off if they reduce to just friends, completely, and he has a clean break to find someone who will actually love him.
Before he'd met Inori, Tōkan had thought that he was aromantic, and that maybe he never would reciprocate Subaru's feelings but that'd be okay, they could be together anyway, that's the best he could do. But now he knows exactly what it feels like to be in love and to be loved, and the thought of Inori not loving him and just liking him as a friend and fucking him makes him want to die. He wants Subaru to actually have this. Not being third wheel in a very imbalanced vee. He feels like Subaru would not be content with this if he'd tasted the other thing.
"Yeah, it's nice," he agrees blandly, bringing his hand back to pet Subaru on the head. "Not gonna be so nice when we get to school on four hours sleep, though."
Tōkan manages to convince Inori to just jerk each other off in the shower before sleep, and then, finally, to bed. He's really not sure if Inori was feeling actually that horny or just projecting something. And to be honest Tōkan isn't one to say anything about that, it's not like those two things are super distinct for him anyway. Plus, he's still a teenage alpha so his boyfriend becoming hornier overall is just not ever going to go on his list of cons of this relationship.
Tōkan also made enough food that Inori is actually full at the end of it, which fills Inori with love and affection, too. He has the best boyfriend, even if his boyfriend is also an asshole and a jerk.
He has a key to the apartment, Tōkan had a copy made a while back, after the first time Inori slept over and skipped class, so he's just fine. He finds his mask and starts making his way to the door but freezes when the handle starts turning. He glances at his pipe, right next to the door, and wonders if he will have time to dive for it in case this is a home invasion or something.
...wait, home invasion of a penthouse from the inside?
.......oh no.