"I ran into Yamada the other day," says Subaru, failing to sound casual. Tōkan hasn't said anything about it so Subaru assumes that Yamada must not have told him for one reason or another.
All three of them come at nearly the same time. Inori first, just from the impact of the knot going in, then Subaru from the force of Tōkan's impact when pulling Inori in, and finally Tōkan himself as he feels himself get covered and filled with cum like that.
They spend a while not doing anything more, not really moving, just breathing and orgasming. Inori pulls Tōkan in for a kiss as soon as he has enough brain space for that, but that's about all he can do right this moment.
And Subaru pulls himself closer forward and starts kissing and biting the side of Tōkan's neck. Not very aggressively, yet, but it's definitely a "yet".
Tōkan lifts both hands up to place them around Inori's neck. "I am not done with you. Either of you."
Inori is committed to the bit and so they will not in fact let Tōkan walk, so the rest of the evening (and actually an unreasonable amount of time into the night) is spent fucking in the living room. They end up sweaty, exhausted, with cum everywhere, their clothes thrown much farther than it makes sense for them to have been thrown, and various items of furniture pushed wherever they needed them to be.
And then Inori decided that the next step in pampering threesome night is bridal-carrying Tōkan all the way to the bathroom so they can take a nice relaxing scented bath together. Now they're here, Tōkan has one arm around each of Inori and Subaru, and Inori in particular is still kissing Tōkan's skin sometimes and being overall amorous and a little bit horny.
Subaru meanwhile is having some rather conflicted and confused feelings. He liked that. He liked that a lot. And... and part of what he liked was... Inori. Kind of. He thinks. As he steals glances in Inori's direction he does feel... nice. The fact that Inori could break him in two like a twig helps. But Inori doesn't look like any of Subaru's interests, at all, up until this point. He's short and small and kind of twiggy, himself, even if he's covered in wiry muscle that is very attractive on its own. And objectively speaking, Subaru hadn't actually ever been with an omega in bed. And he did date one omega once even if they didn't go all the way then... So maybe he just... actually... isn't gay?
He does like dick, though. Beta females and omega females just don't do anything for him, at all.
So maybe he's just... the other kind of gay. Phallosexual, rather than alphasexual.
Ugh this is probably the kind of thing he'd want to talk to Tōkan about but the person who brought these feelings about is Tōkan's boyfriend. Who does like alpha guys, demonstrably—but who seemed so uninterested in Subaru it was like Subaru was just a piece of furniture, or a sex toy, enhancing the sex but not really being a target of sexual attraction.
He lowers himself into the water further, until only his eyes are above its surface, and bubbles.
He bubbles some more then pulls himself back up and tilts his head to the side to lean on Tōkan's shoulder. "This is nice."
"...threeway sex followed by snuggling in the bath." He blushes and looks down. "I could get used to it."
Man, maybe he should just stop fucking Subaru. Maybe he is just being a greedy horny teenager about it and actually Subaru will be better off if they reduce to just friends, completely, and he has a clean break to find someone who will actually love him.
Before he'd met Inori, Tōkan had thought that he was aromantic, and that maybe he never would reciprocate Subaru's feelings but that'd be okay, they could be together anyway, that's the best he could do. But now he knows exactly what it feels like to be in love and to be loved, and the thought of Inori not loving him and just liking him as a friend and fucking him makes him want to die. He wants Subaru to actually have this. Not being third wheel in a very imbalanced vee. He feels like Subaru would not be content with this if he'd tasted the other thing.
"Yeah, it's nice," he agrees blandly, bringing his hand back to pet Subaru on the head. "Not gonna be so nice when we get to school on four hours sleep, though."
...that was deflection. Tōkan is deflecting him. Honestly he didn't really expect any different, just hoped that...
...it's not gonna happen. He's not gonna be with Tōkan. Stupid stupid stupid.
"—hey, uh, Inori-kun, did you... message your parents to let you know you were staying over?"
"I can go grab your phone," says Subaru, pulling away from Tōkan to get out of the water and go do that.
...okay something else is going on in Subaru's head.
This is not the time.
"Grab Inori's, please."