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portals to the 16th century are kind of a big deal
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"Yes. These dried 'potatoes' were a blessing. A thousand thanks, my lady."


Well, at least he's appreciative. And polite! Nice change of pace.

"You're welcome. I'm Kagome, and he's Inuyasha. Do you want to tell us who you are?"


"You may call me Nobunaga."


"...what, the Nobunaga? Oda Nobunaga?"

It... is the right time period for him.

Man, she's really not sure how she's gonna go on existing if Oda Nobunaga stole her clothes one time. There ought to be a law or something. A time travel law.


" - what? No! Amari Nobunaga. Retainer of the Takeda clan, in the land of Kai. Please don't confuse me with that idiot from Owari."


"Oh." Well, she can put off having that particular crisis, anyway. "Sorry."


He clears his throat. "Thank you for the food. Now, I have an important mission to complete."

"Can I please have my sword back."


Inuyasha is sort of zoned out, because this is loads of talking about stuff irrelevant to him.

"Whatever." He'll toss it over onto the ground by Nobunaga.


"Thank you. And with that, I take my leave of you."

He turns, and... immediately walks off a small nearby cliff.


"... Should I have mentioned that?"


"...are you okay?" she calls down.


"Fine!" he calls, although given how he landed (ie, badly), this is kind of questionable.



"Maybe we should... walk him to the next village, or something."


"C'mon, this idiot? He'll be tripping over every branch there, it'll take us weeks."


"It can't be that far. And we don't have any leads, yet, so any direction's as good as any other when it comes to finding jewel shards."


"Fine, but just until the next village, OK?"


"Yeah, agreed."

"Hey, Nobunaga, do you mind if we tag along?"


...well, he doesn't mind, exactly, if they want to. Not that he needs help, or anything. 

"The next village", if you're following Nobunaga, is not the closest village, because Nobunaga is going straight to his destination and not bothering with things like "roads" or "hitting any intervening villages with food in them", but he's only about a day out.


Inuyasha will GRUMBLE but mostly he will just look for demons. Demons are interesting. Demons can be cut. He's good at cutting demons.


Kagome will set as fast a pace for them as she can without using her bicycle (which won't carry two people, and can't be ridden off-road anyway) and will try not to look like she's anxiously checking her clock. She is, in fact, anxiously checking her clock. She doesn't think they're getting further from the well, but they're not getting any closer, either, and she still has a test on Thursday. This is - kind of an unimportant thing to leave a guy in need for, but it's still important to her.

They hit the right village just before sunset on Tuesday. (Well, maybe not Tuesday here. Future Tuesday.)


They can, you see, tell that it's the right village because topknotted samurai with spears are leading a chain of young women, hands tied behind the tail of the leader's horse, off towards an off-in-the-distance castle. The non-tied-up villagers are protesting, but the unarmed kind of protesting, and it isn't accomplishing much.


....oh man, is this a human sort of evil? She really doesn't want to have to deal with a human sort of evil, that sounds really upsetting. And she was going to go anyway, but...


"So the rumors are true," mutters Nobunaga, watching from the bushes instead of entering the village. "Thank you for accompanying me, but now I must make my way to the castle."


The peasants are gossiping.

"They say that no girl taken to the castle returns alive," says one man old enough that he's probably seen worse, who appears to be at the center of the grumbling. He's quiet enough that the soldiers are distracted, but not so quiet that the three of them can't hear him.

"The heavens may strike me down for this, but to do this our Lord must be possessed by a demon!"

Someone else angrily adds, "A dreadfully hungry demon, that devours the girls taken for it alive!"



"...well, that could be a newly empowered demon," she says to Inuyasha.

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