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portals to the 16th century are kind of a big deal
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The Higurashi property is large, by modern standards; there's an open, fenced-in area containing the house itself, the main shrine building, the shed where the well is, and the sacred tree, plus an open pathway and some stone lanterns. Beyond the fence is an archway, exactly like the one at the shrine in Kaede's village, a stairway down to a paved road, and a tiny, almost pathetic patch of what might, at one time, have been a forest.

Beyond that lies a city of multi-story buildings packed more tightly together, bleeding into taller buildings beyond that, ultimately progressing into a skyline defined by neon lights and skyscrapers. 


It might, perhaps, surprise people, that Inuyasha's response is not shock and horror. It's that he wants sightlines.

SUPERJUMP to top of tallest building within SUPERJUMP distance oh ow he pulled a muscle maybe doing all this SUPERJUMPing after being stabbed multiple times in the torso is not the best idea too bad he's committed now.


The property is large enough that the tallest building within jumping distance is, in fact, Kagome's two-story house, so at least she can wheel around and see where he's gotten to.

"Can we please talk about it for one second, before you run off?"





...all right, Kagome, you gave yourself one second, better figure out what it was you wanted to say real quick, here.

"The people out there have never seen a demon before."





" - well, I don't know what's going to happen if they see one! Maybe it'll be fine! Or maybe it'll create another emergency! Or maybe something will come through the well while you're gone, and I won't be able to do anything about it!"


"Fine, I guess you're useless enough you need me to keep an eye on the well." Grump grump grump.

"So where is the river anyway?"


...well, she's been tromping all around his side of the well, and you can't really say that this hasn't had disastrous consequences for everyone over there, either. 

"Over that way, past a bunch of streets," she says, pointing. "But it's not as clean as it was four hundred years ago. We have clean running water in the house."


Fine, he'll follow her inside, though he doesn't like it. "Your own stream? Fancy."


Oh, good. She can show him how the sink works, then.

"Everyone over here has one of these, actually. I think they get the water from the river and then clean it up somehow, and then it passes through a bunch of pipes underground to get to everybody's houses. It comes out in the tub over there the same way, too, whichever you wanna use."


They have HOT WATER AT WILL in their HOUSE 

He is going to get the cake off and then he just wants to soak in hot water. Can he do that?


Yep! He can do that!

Kagome will leave him alone and go work on all the algebra homework she didn't do before.


Inuyasha's program for the rest of the night is to soak until he gets bored, when he will put his old clothes back on and go to sleep on the roof, leaving the tub damp and bloodstained.


That seems like a good program. 

Ayako will get Sota to bed, clean the blood out of the tub, and then go check on Kagome, quietly.

"Can I ask what happened over there?"


"We mostly just destroyed the comb."

She doesn't think that's what she's asking.

"He saved my life again."


"Mmm. You figure that's a wash?"


"Not... exactly." It's not like it's a math problem. It's - he protected her even when there was nothing in it for him. He caught the child when the crow dropped him. He protected and retrieved Kaede, even though Kaede wanted to leave him in the tree.

He told Sota that he wasn't really trying to kill her, and thinking on it, that's - kind of obvious, after the other fights she's seen him in? But it's not the main thing, not really.

"I guess I just feel like I know him a little better now. I don't think he actually wants to hurt anyone. And if he did, it wouldn't be Sota or someone. I'm sure if it. He's just..."


"A superpowered feral child who was raised by wolves?"


"Little bit."


She tousles her sister's hair. 

"You can keep the puppy," she says, mock-seriously. "Don't stay up too late, okay?"


"I won't." 

She does. She has a lot of homework. But eventually she goes to sleep.


And she gets woken up in the morning by Inuyasha going "HEY KAGOME" like six inches from her face!


"The well's broken," he points out, his tone suggesting this is Her Fault.


She starts awake with a confused squeak, blinks a couple times, and seems to remember what's going on.

" - right. Of course. You want to go across now?"

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