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Siva has a less questionable bad time in Nuime
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"It didn't, though," she says. "I mean, it's not even that it was the kind of pain I like, I mean it didn't hurt."


"...then what did it do?"


"It was amazing," she breathes. "It was--it was more intimate than my name, it was scary but--not in a way that's your fault, it wasn't scary like you were scary when you were choking me--it was like falling--"


Well that doesn't make any sense. He experiences a flash of irritation - almost moves to shake some sense into her - remembers that he doesn't want to do that - kisses her instead, briefly and gently.

"What do you mean, more intimate than your name?"


"'Siva' is short for 'Alissiaverene,'" she explains. "I don't like most people knowing that, it's--it's mine, I don't want it in the mouths of people who I haven't chosen to give it to--and anything else intimate I can stop, I can stop having sex with someone or kissing them or having them hurt me but if I tell them my name it's forever. It's one of my--weird boundary things."


"" He smiles. "Nentiane Alissiaverene."


She blushes, and ducks her head a little, and then kisses him again.


Kisses. Definitely kisses.

"...want me to do it again?" he asks, glancing at her soul.


She shivers a little bit. "Yes."


So he reaches over and picks it up.


She collapses again. Onto the bed this time.

On her face is an expression of breathtaking awe.


...that's a nice expression.


He sits over by the pillows and pulls her into his lap, keeping hold of her soul the whole time, and pets her hair, and runs a flame-touched hand down her back, and puts her soul down again.


Once he puts down her soul she takes a little while to collect her thoughts, and breathes, "I love you."


He grins.

"I like that."


"Good," she says, snuggling up. "It wouldn't do for me to offer undesired affections, that would be entirely counter to the point."


Hugs. Kisses. "You are very delightful."


"I did tell you so," she says, a little bit smug.


He giggles.


Hug. Kiss. Squirm.


Ooh, squirming.

He wraps his arms around her and kisses the side of her neck and pours gold-edged red fire over her. It's prettier than it used to be, but it still has just the same effect.


~squirming intensifies~

Also have some noises.


They are such great noises. He is so happy.

Yeah they're going to fuck all day aren't they.


Probably yeah.




And, eventually, snuggling her: "Do not let anybody know I'm in the habit of touching your soul. Kelora would probably give you a chance to explain, my father would probably think it's funny, but if it becomes common knowledge no soulbearer will ever trust me again."


"...Yeah, fair. I'll probably want to tell my boyfriend, because I want him to try touching it too, but, like, I don't think there's a serious risk that he'll go around telling people."

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