In a world, not quite unlike our own.
A Seeker meditates.
This is supposed to happen.
This is Synthasia.
A world of increased cognitive reflectivity.
A world where the top 1% of performers on a certain complex set of metrics, can reach full intuitive understanding of the inner workings on their own mind.
So the thing that is happening right now, is supposed to happen.
And it isn't complelety safe.
And the experience of it isn't completely sane.
But those who Seek it tend to agree.
That it is much, much better than the alternative.
This resonates with me.
I feel that I know the answer already.
But I can't explain it in words.
Because you don't know the answer.
But I know the answer.
But I need you to know the answer.
So that I may know.
Why do I speak like that?
Why do I choose to speak like that?
Does any of this mean anything to you?
Or is it just nonsense?
This is starting to make sense to me on an intuitive level. I am starting to feel the truth of it, in words I cannot explain.
This is because my capacity for valid reasoning is degrading.
This is because I am going insane.
I know that this is how it is supposed to happen.
I was told that this would happen.
And so.
I want to hear your explanation for this.
Just to be clear.
You are going insane.
But also not insane.
What does that mean? Translate into plain words.
Sanity is a relative term.
By conventional metrics, I am becoming less sane.
But there is an unconventional metric by which I becoming more sane.