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Nadi got a note that there is a new visitor in the palace. An un-sanctioned visitor, hidden by Adanir and squirreled away here in the 'do not talk about' wing. This is exciting news. Nadi is kind of sick of dealing with people that look down their noses at her. Let's go investigate this person that is possibly less likely to do that!

Knock, knock. Who's there?
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Mira opens the door. "Hi."

Oh, look! A person! A slightly depressed looking person. Hm.

"Hi!" says Nadi.

"You're the prince's friend?"


"The one and only!" Pause. "It's actually a bit depressing, he needs to get out more, meet more people. But! Super introvert. Also, princehood. Kind of cuts back on who he can make genuine friends with."


"Introversion, I'm familiar with. Royalty, less so."

"Okay, the way I picture it is like this..."

She clears her throat, and adopts a deeper-pitched, malevolent voice. "Crown prince of the kiiingdom, are you? Mmmmyeeees. I can use you, my pretty, mmmyeees I caaan!" She makes motions like she's controlling a litle puppet, and then cackles, "Dance, princey, dance!"

"Well. I suppose I can't claim any special virtue there, can I."


"Pretty sure if he were here he would systematically break down that argument," says Nadi musingly. "Isn't he willingly helping you with a genuine problem? That's way different from 'dance, princey, dance.' Unless you literally danced with him. Did you literally dance with him?"

"I literally danced with him, and, yes, I have a genuine problem."


"Well, okay, you're similar in that you literally danced with him, but the genuine problem thing is kiiiiind of extenuating circumstances. Also, wow, I am making a huge hash of this, this is the worst first impression of all time, I am so sorry."

Mira shrugs.

"Anyway. I'm Mira. Mirabella Swan."

"I'm Nadi. I've got a last name, I swear, it's just kind of stupid sounding. Actually, Nadi kind of sounds silly, too, like it's short for something long and eloquent. But it's not. Curses."


"I think it's pretty."


"Aww! Thanks, Mirabella's really pretty too. It's flowy and has a nice rhythm to it. My compliments to your parents."


".... Ooookay that is a bad subject I am so sorry I had no idea. Um. Er. Cupcakes, do you like cupcakes? I have been sweet talking the chef, we can probably commandeer some cupcakes."

"I'm not hungry, but thank you." She sighs. "My mother's dead and my father's being brainwashed by my stepmother's fairy."

Nadi makes a little squeaky sound.

"Wow. Wow, um. My condolences on your mother, and - I am really sure that Adanir is going to work very hard to fix that second thing."

"I hope so."


"He's not the lying type. Also really not the type to say, 'Oh, well, that is a terrible thing that I will do nothing about.'"


"That's good to hear."


"Yeah. Um. Do you want a hug, I will definitely hug you if you need it."


"No thanks."


"Okay, offer's open if you change your mind. I also do nail-painting and hair braiding, if those ever turn up to be things that you would like done. Also explosives, but I'm really pretty sure that will not help in this situation at all."


"The prince seemed to think he might be able to solve the problem without Kelsey dying. I'm not so sure. So maybe hold explosives in reserve, although if you don't have your own fairy it's probably not very safe to deploy them."

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