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This is possibly something approximating a snuggle. "It... causes your hands to be cleaner?"


If it isn't one yet, Bun is making it one. "You need your hands to be clean so you don't get sick. Or if you're a doctor, make other people sick."


"You know, Bun, I must have been drinking twice as much as you have."


"Well, it's your family's wine. I wouldn't want to be a poor guest."


"So now I do have to be worried that you're going to take advantage of my helpless state."


"Aren't I taking advantage of you already?" By using him as a very cuddly couch, naturally.


"I still have all my clothes on and not a single bruise."


Why would... Why would bruises be involved?


Sober Bun cares about professionalism, and being polite, and not over stepping the boundaries of security personnel.

Drunk Bun has found something that sounds like an excuse to kiss someone very pretty, which is the best idea ever and he should do that right now.

Drunk Bun wins.


Tanidio's desire to advance important Bun corruption plans is replaced with some incoherent desire related to the bright warm thing which in turn is replaced by overwhelming horniness.


Bun had kissed once before: he was fifteen and it was incredibly awkward, enough that he had basically sworn off the activity. (It was made worse by the fact it happened on week two of what turned out to be a three week relationship.)

Kissing Tanidio is good.

He should do it LOTS.


[Here begins the gay sex scene! If you would like to skip ahead please click here.]

Tanidio agrees strongly with this assessment!

...also this is weird kissing. He isn't sure at all who is winning at this kissing, or using it as a way to show off how much more powerful they are, or even just taking their pleasure without regard to the other's subjective experience. Presumably he's losing because of the whole taking advantage thing, and also he's arguably Bun's employee. But there is really quite a lot of gentle cupping of his face for a situation where he's losing at sex. Maybe it's supposed to be condescending?

Anyway, he can think about this or he can nibble Bun's lip and one of these is much more interesting.


Ooh, lip nibbling is inspired.


Tanidio wants very badly to rip Bun's clothes off and fuck him on the floor of his father's stupid wine cellar. But the memories of Chrisor's more inspired punishments are staying his hands. The whole idea here is that Bun learns to take what he wants without caring about whether other people are feeling. Even Good people have sex with people who want them to. So with a great effort of will he's passive and he keeps his hands to himself.

If he's so turned around by a pretty boy with a nice smile who says odd things about babies that he forgets his goals, then he's weak and he has no self-control. There are many pretty boys in Cheliax. He can go work out his frustration on some of them at a brothel.

See, this is how torture improves people. He wouldn't have the strength to do this without remembering some of Chrisor's more inspired punishments.


Oh for fuck's SAKE Tanidio.


Tanidio has stopped kissing him??? This is very unfair??? Do hairpets solve this problem????


This is a nice prelude to having his hair pulled.


If he kisses him now, does he get his lip nibbled again?



He is kind of confused by the absence of hair pulling and also if he doesn't get fucked or hit soon he is going to explode. Instead of communicating this in any way he's going to kiss back with exactly the amount of passion Bun kisses him.

... Slightly more. The warm bright thing is persuasive.


They might be at a risk of getting in an infinite feedback loop there, because Bun is taking Tanidio's passion as encouragement.


Is he going to be encouraged to take Tanidio's clothes off though.

...It has occurred to Tanidio that if women are in charge on Bun's home plane Bun might not know what sex is. Surely he does. He's a doctor. That comes up in doctor school, right?


Tanidio's collar may be being plausibly deniably played with.

Not that he isn't fine if this stays as just making out. Apparently making out is very fun! He should make up for lost time.



Tanidio wishes he were telepathic but he is in fact telepathic and it didn't help.


He doesn't know Cheliax courtship! He doesn't know how to be forward without being pushy! Also he isn't entirely sure what he wants.

... Actually, he could take his own shirt off. Brilliant strategem, Doctor Bun.


Yes! Brilliant strategem, Dr. Bun! Now he can kiss down Bun's chest without strictly speaking escalating.

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