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Veron is a dungeon

When he wakes up, he is a room and a hallway.

No, that last line isn't a mistake.

He's in a clearly artificial cave made up of a single room and a hallway, both walled, floored and roofed with raw yellowish-brown dirt that somehow manages to stay stable under its own weight. The hall's about thirty feet long and ends with the powerful glare of the sun illuminating a short flight of stairs. The room is almost perfectly square, about 16 feet to a side, and in the middle sits a simple granite pedestal, barely more than a stone cylinder with a square tile on top. There is a little grey sphere about the size of a tennis ball hovering about a foot above the pedestal, glowing with a light of its own. It's the only source of light down there.

His name is written on that pedestal: Vernon.

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He's pretty sure he just died, though? Since he's not, you know. In any kind of hospital of any kind, which he definitely needed. He could be on some amazing drugs right now? God, how would he afford those, though, actually could they just let him be dead instead. That sounds better than debt collectors. Also this is a really shit drug trip, to be honest. Just bizarre, not even interesting. Maybe this is purgatory of some kind? He wasn't religious or anything, but this seems so. ... Purgatory shaped? He guesses?

He's so confused. How can he... be a room and a hallway. How is he seeing the room and the hallway.


The source of his awareness is a point floating about five feet above the floor right in front of the pedestal with his name on it. He has full 3D 360-degree vision from that point of awareness, from which he can see his surroundings with about human acuity except without any falloff in acuity at the edges of his vision, since he no longer has those.


If this is the afterlife, he wants a refund.

Can he move his, uh. Spot of awareness?


Yep! In any direction, in fact, and no sense of gravity to stop him. The mental action is as intrinsic as moving a limb, and he can move in whatever direction he wants.


Cool, cool. He'll just uh. Float around the room, he guesses. Yep. It's a room. With a light in the middle. With his name on it. Fascinating stuff.

Does he have some ability to speak or something? Maybe call out for help? If God's leaving him hanging it's kind of a dick move.


He can... talk... and all, but this doesn't actually produce any sounds inside the cave. Whatever medium his words are travelling through, it is not the air there.


Well, might as well try it. He guesses.

"Hey uh, is. Anyone there at all? Am I supposed to be here??"


Nnnope. No response.



Well! Down the hallway to the apparent sunlight, then.


Down the hallway there are stairs, and up the stairs there is a hole in the ceiling, and through the hole he can see the morning sky and...

...a desert. The outside is a desert.

Once his awareness is all the way outside, all he can see with his 360-degree vision is desert. Dead plants and brave living plants and maybe the kind of tiny amounts of movement that indicate there may be a scorpion over there or something.


That's. That's so great. Wonderful, even. Oh wait, no it isn't, he's very confused and none of this makes any sense.

He hesitates to go wandering off into the desert too far, but he will do a little circuit around the hole in the ground and see if anyone can hear him yell "Hello?!" Silently.


His voice continues to make a not-sound that does not seem to exist in the physical world he is embedded into. Also, once he's about ten feet away from the hole in the ground he finds that the action of continuing to move in that direction ceases to be available. It's not that he can go there and something stops him, he just... cannot.


So.... probably purgatory? Sorry God, he guesses.

How about up, how far can he go up? Since he doesn't seem to have a body of any kind.


The weird barrier is a perfect approximately-10-feet-radius hemisphere around the middle of the entrance hole.


Okay. So, stay in his hole with the hallway and room and glowing light he guesses?

He goes back into his hole in the ground. Can he.... do literally anything with anything in here.


Hmmmmmm... yes, he has the ineffable sense that he can do literally anything with anything in there. In particular, whenever he gets closer to the boundaries of the room and hallway or to the pedestal with his name that sense gets heightened.

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