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Ellie in lyingverse

One of the kids has decided she doesn't like her life situation and apparently thinks blowing up the power plant is an appropriate way to express this.  At least Ellie assumes this is the reason for the array on the floor of the least-used storage closet, and she thinks her reasoning is pretty sound, given Patty's general attitude and the books Ellie's seen her poring over.

Terrifying as it is, this is one of the kinds that can only be safely disassembled from the center, so she gingerly steps in, clutching at one of the sets of shelves that the array runs under to assure her balance.

Something feels horribly wrong once she reaches the middle, even more than she expected, and before she can remove any of the central corundums or even just step back out of the circle she falls unconscious.

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She is in a city. It has cars going by and a school over there and a police station over there and houses and trees and sunshine.


. . . Well that's not - she pats her body in a few places to assure herself it exists, as if she would be having anything resembling this sensory experience and somehow not have one.

She will - run to the police station??  - Nope; she'll try running to the police station and then stop and take a second to clench her teeth and try very hard not to throw up, and then walk there as fast as she can which isn't very.


The police station doors open to admit her! Inside there are police.


"Excuse me, I seem to have just been teleported here from the Londinium power plant.  Someone's set up an unauthorized array there that might - uh, actually it might not blow up the place, since it teleported me, uh - sorry I need to think - it's likely to be mostly safe on its own but if the person did more than one she might've done the rest the way she meant to and those could still be really dangerous - do you have some sort of special urgent police communication you can use or - actually even if you do I should still probably use a regular phone to call some other people - "


"Wow," says a police, "you teleported? I didn't know people could teleport. What's Londinium?"


"I didn't either.  It's a city on Britannia, in the Roman Empire."  The uniforms here don't look Roman at all.


"I thought the Roman Empire fell hundreds of years ago."



"Sorry, where is this?"


"Houston Police Department."


"Where is Houston."


"Texas. This conversation is more annoying than I was expecting based on the teleportation part."


" - Sorry sir.  May I please use a phone so I can call someone who might be able to prevent the plant from exploding?"


"Yeah, over there." Point.


She dials fewer digits than phone numbers here use.


The phone does not attempt to connect. It waits patiently.


Ellie hangs up after a few seconds and tries again.

"This phone seems to be broken, is there another one?  Or, again, do you have some sort of official channel, please, it's very urgent - "


"Oh, you have to dial 9 to get an outside line."


Nine plus the plant staff line!!


Still doesn't work!


"It's still not working!"


"- okay, what's the number," he says, sighing and getting up to cross the room to the phone. "I'm irritated but I couldn't cope with it if a power plant blew up because I didn't want to make a call."


She lists it, all in single digits and enunciating carefully.


"- phone numbers have seven digits. At least."


"Not where I'm from.  Is there some sort of international prefix - "


"...not for the Roman Empire. That I know of."

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