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Bonesaw and Lucy in the Neath

Bonesaw's favorite part about being on the run is that she never has to clean her room - she can make a big mess and then move on to a different clean room. Sadly, this means sometimes she looses things in the mess and has to find them in a hurry. This means she is distracted by searching for her lucky wish bones when a piece of stolen tinkertech malfunctions. Still, she would have been able to hear it, were it not for the screaming sounds coming from the pile of discarded dolls she was searching under. Her scalp tingles and a blinding flash of green fills her vision before she can react at all. 

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Her immediate surroundings are dark. 

Not totally dark. There are street lamps a little ways off, and stars? overhead. 

The architecture of the buildings she can see in the same direction as the streetlamps is vaguely antiquated. 

A spider the size of a dinner-plate and holding a human eye in its chelicerae scuttles over her foot. 


Oh no, this isn't her room anymore! The spider seems friendly though - she flips it over with her foot and checks the belly to see if its a familar species. 


The spider is mostly a soft green, a few shades too light to be pine-green. A complementary red forms three triangles at the beginning of its abdomen, almost like a skirt or a crown, and the eyes are a red of the same shade. It chitters agitatedly around the eyeball but doesn't drop it. 


That's not any sort of spider she's seen before - also she's pretty sure that normal spiders don't carry around eyeballs, even if that is obviously a really cool thing to do. 

So she's probably far away from her Uncle Jack and the rest of her family - so she should find a nearby adult. She idly puts the spider in one her fluffy coats zippered pockets and goes searching for someone to make a friend with. 


The spider wriggles around for a bit then settles down sulkily. 

The lamp-lit streets are bustling with figures the height of human adults, not all of whom are. A fellow with a squid face in a suit walks past. A woman with gold eyes doesn't shed heat the way a human being would. One lumbering figure is either covered with or made of unfired clay. 

Below adult human eye height, a pack of rats scurries past on their hind legs, holding little rat-sized tools. 


Bonesaw looks around wide eyed at all the exciting people! This city is sort of like someone was trying to make art but was scared of doing things that were really exciting. She's sure she can help them go the extra mile. but for now she needs to study more. She keeps looking for someone she can corner in an alleyway or an otherwise empty shop.


There aren't really empty shops, at least not in the immediate vicinity. The streets, though dark with a night not fully chased off by the antiquated streetlamps, are bustling with activity. People exchange odd pearls with light and dark parts for fabric, and ingots of metal for pots of honey, and wine for artwork, and all sorts of other things. 

There are plenty of alleys. Some of them aren't even being watched by anyone she can see right away. 


Bonesaw tugs on the sleave of a passing man who looks nice (and also human),

"Mister, could you help me get my doll out of the hole it fell into?"


"Where is it?"


"Just around the corner over there," Bonesaw says, pointing towards an empty alley. 


...He gives her a flat look. 

"I wasn't born yesterday," he informs her, tugging his sleeve out of her grip. 


She scowls but lets go - it's really sad when people are so cynical. 

She'll go searching for an opportunity to catch someone alone - from a less busy street or someone entering a house she can sneak into.


Less busy streets exist, although none nearby that have exactly one person within view. 

Houses to break into are much more common. 


She'll pick one she sees a human enter, walking in a minute after they do as if she lives there too.


There is only one human in the house, bustling about with candles and food. A cat sits on the bed, watching the scene silently. 


Bonesaw walks into the room tentatively "Hi, I got seperated from my family and I'm lost and it's all so confusing"  - the words spilling out of her - "do you know where this is right now?"


"--London?" he says, bemused. "Elderwick?"


Bonesaw scrunches up her face in confusion.

"Oh I've never been to London but I think I would have heard if there were so many monster people walking around? Are they Case 53s?"


"Monster people? Do you mean Rubbery Men? What's a Case 53?"


"A Case 53 is what we call a monster cape in American, you call them something different? I'm guessing the rubbery men arn't Case 53s if there are multiple of the same type of monster, who made them?"


"What's a cape?"


"Someone with powers, I thought they were called that everywhere."


"What kind of powers?"


"Parahuman powers?? Like how legend can go vvvvvv from his hands," she says, miming shooting a laser.


"I don't have any idea what a parahuman is or of anyone who goes by 'Legend.'"

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