Bonesaw's favorite part about being on the run is that she never has to clean her room - she can make a big mess and then move on to a different clean room. Sadly, this means sometimes she looses things in the mess and has to find them in a hurry. This means she is distracted by searching for her lucky wish bones when a piece of stolen tinkertech malfunctions. Still, she would have been able to hear it, were it not for the screaming sounds coming from the pile of discarded dolls she was searching under. Her scalp tingles and a blinding flash of green fills her vision before she can react at all.
"Oh no that sounds terrible, I'm lucky I have you to let me know if anyone is trying to take advantage of me"
Bonesaw nods.
"That makes sense, I'm sure you'll be very helpful while I get used to this strange new place."
"Oh I don't think you could take me from my family, you'll just help me out while they aren't around."
Bonesaw walks towards him slowly as she says this.
Bonesaw might be small, but she's fast - inhumanely so. She stabs him with a needle coated in a quick acting paralyzing agent before he makes it out of the room.
"It's rude to leave so quickly, we were just getting to know each other."
Bonesaw sighs, "I don't have most of my tools on me, so we'll have to make do with whatever you have,"
She skips over to the kitchen and looks through the cutlery.
Bonesaw returns to her paralyzed friend, carrying a silver spoon, a weirdly warm cup, and as many knives as she can carry. She dumps the cutlery next to his head.
"Now, I don't have time for anything really complicated, but I can just add a few connections between your amygdala and your olfactory nerves so I can use scents to make sure you know when you're doing a bad job at being helpful."
She sits on his chest and hefts the largest knife she brought.
"You should probably be worried, this is going to hurt a bunch."
Bonesaw chatters throughout the impromptu surgery, informing him why she makes each cut and why this bit of the silver spoon was inserted in that place and how she always carries a bit of clear thread to stitch back wounds so they don't show when she doesn't want them to.
After she's finished he looks the same as he did before, at least on the outside.
"There, that wasn't so hard now was it?"
"Oh, you're right! I forgot to test it, silly me."
She clenches her jaw an almost imperceptable amount and breaths out, a not especially notable smell permeating the room. For a few seconds it fills the man with fear, intense and overpowering.