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wen ning is the erogamer
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"You should tell them you're immune to STIs."


"I'm not sure that would be believable?"


"Ask for a magic spell that gets people to believe true things."


He's going to try and direct thought beams at the manual to that affect.

Manual // Spells // The Invention of Lying

Active. While under the influence of this spell, people will be unable to lie, either through omission or commission. People will tend to share salient aspects of their experience, even if it is socially inappropriate or embarrassing to do so. This spell does not prevent people from using metaphors or making honest mistakes; it does prevent them from writing fiction. At your current level of ability, spell duration is ten minutes, and people will be aware that their behavior is unusual. You may cast it on yourself.

"... That wasn't what I expected. I have a spell to stop people from lying now?"


"Well, that's not what we wanted. Want to try it out?"


"You or me? --Or both of us?"


"I'm up for it and I feel like you might be too scared to say all the things you're thinking."


That is a fair assessment. And Wei Wuxian gets the spell casted on him.


"You're really pretty and I like you and I want you to think well of me. --Whoa this is weird and kind of freaky and I am not used to this level of self-awareness and really hate it. I think it was important to my psychology that I was zero percent aware of anything happening in my brain."


"Uhhhh." Confirmation that Wei Wuxian liked him too is nice, but at what cost. "I appreciate that? And also you'll only have to deal with 10 minutes of this?"


"See, now I'm scared that you don't like me after all and are just letting me down gently. Wow, I really hope that I'm safe to drive in this condition. I wonder if this spell makes everyone like this or if I'm just really ADHD. Do you think dolphins are assholes? I'm really scared that dolphins are actually assholes and our whole trip is going to suck. I think I've been in love with you since I was fourteen."


"I want to have sex with you? I'll remember everything you do for me, even though I forget lots of other things! You're great! I like you. I love you? I want you. I don't want to leave you. I-- whatever you. I want to have sex with you every day. At least once. I want to slam you up against the wall and kiss you-- uh, is one of these the right button to press here, which of these is the love confession--"


... This makes no sense.

This makes no sense because it is exactly what he wants.

Words are not working right now and kissing him on the mouth while driving would probably be dangerous, so he kisses him on the cheek.


"I like to think that I'm coping with my internalized homophobia from my fucked-up upbringing but it turns out that walking around in rainbows and being in-your-face bi isn't scary and kissing a guy is."


At least they didn't hit the curb or anything? "Sorry about that. --in the sympathy way, not the regretting kissing you way."


"Are you going to use me for sex now? I would totally consent to it but I would be secretly miserable the entire time and make a lot of jokes about how I'm a playboy who's using you for your body in order to hide my embarrassing longing for love. Probably I would kiss you on the forehead while you sleep and then refuse to admit to myself why I want to do that."


... "--I would like to have sex with you, if you want to? But I do. Uh. I do also, like, like-like you? I thought you wouldn't be interested."


"a-Ning, you are very stupid. I have been hitting on you for twelve years."


"I thought it was a joke!"


"I joke about everything that is most important to me! Like you!"


"I thought you did that because you were sure we were friends so it-- didn't matter? Though also I feel very silly now."


"To be fair to you, that's also why I thought I flirted with you. Very mysterious how I never had a crush on anyone. Only fictional characters. Probably it was because I was very picky and not because I was afraid of romantic relationships."

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