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in which danni learns what it means to be a sith (she's pretty sure it's friendship)
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Though, when Elesse meets them on the landing platform to board the Senator's ship, it's not Palpatine wearing the guide of the Senator of Naboo. It's the woman previously introduced to Elesse as Ravrí (though of course basic courtesy (and probably common sense) demands Elesse not draw attention to that). 

"Padawan Vendar," she says, voice identical to what Elesse's used to hearing from the Senator. "We are glad to have you with us."


"The pleasure is mine, Senator."

Seems that they are taking this at least somewhat seriously. And Elesse herself is window dressing, as expected.


That's where they seem to be positioning her - at least, window dressing conveniently placed to respond to threats to the Senator's party. They're competent, even if they didn't think they'd need her. 

"The handmaidens with me for this trip are Vení, Kaishrí, Shaní, and Lylí," she says, gesturing around subtly. "Shaní will be your primary liason on security arrangements."


Shaní nods to Elesse slightly, though she doesn't murmur a greeting like the others. (She feels alert, almost wary, and unusually tightly wound in the Force. Elesse has never met her before, even though she at least recognizes the other three handmaidens.)


Including Lylí - who's worn the Senator's mask the majority of the times Elesse has met the Senator - and who greets Elesse with a soft hello.

(And who should feel as vaguely bland as ever in the Force, but there's something... Oddly significant about her. Portentous, like a storm on the verge of breaking. Something that draws Elesse's attention, an unusually insistent nudge like a strong headwind pushing her on.)


...Something to think about later. At length, possibly.

"Handmaidens," she nods at everyone.


"Padawan," they chorus, tones mostly friendly - Shaní alone sounds clipped and distant. She regards Elesse, then: "I have done a thorough scan of the ship for threats. I will not object if you wish to do your own, however."


"Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not earning my keep on this trip."


"It is good to be useful," Lylí says, quietly. 



She'll go check around, then.


It looks like Shaní's done an extremely thorough job - and possibly like the Naboo Senator doesn't bug her own ship. There aren't even security cameras, let alone subtle microphones in guest areas. Unusual, that.


Makes it easy for Elesse to report her own all-clear, then.




Lylí steps up once Elesse has reported, as the Senator is being escorted onto the ship. "I can show you to your quarters," she says.


"I would appreciate that, handmaiden."


Into the ship, then.

It's clearly not meant for hosting those not from Naboo - the corridors and rooms are small and private, and the only larger room - a conference room Elesse is assured is essentially public - has several dividers woven from dyed reeds native to Naboo. Elesse's room is similarly small and quiet, the walls a soft blue-green like the rooftops of Theed, with furnishings in various tones of a gentle, burnished gold.

"I'll be piloting," Lylí says. "You're welcome to spend time in the cockpit, or any of the public areas."


"All right."


"Will you be needing anything?"


"Not right now, thanks. I packed well enough to get through the first hour, anyway."


"Alright. You can let any of us know if you do need something."


"I will."


She'll leave her to it, then.


Elesse will settle in to meditate for the first couple hours, emerging once they're well underway.


Most of the handmaidens seem to be resting. Lylí is in the pilot seat, alone - with her mask off, staring out into hyperspace with a pensive expression. 



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