lornell in green
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"Huh, okay. I guess that makes sense but it's harder to imagine than a magically acquired skill just staying put for some reason." He dishes up the noodles into two bowls and hands Lornell one.


"It's reasonable that you'd think so!"  Lornell tucks in.  "It's really cool that you can just play music without anyone having to make it at the time.  - I wonder - hm - no, the singer doesn't seem to count as a person I can borrow from."


"That makes sense, since she's not here," giggles Chirun.


"I wasn't sure!  I know you can copy better from someone standing in the right spot in an amphitheater; it might have been like that."


"Huh! Better how? Is it like - acoustics somehow?"


"It works even if they aren't actually making any noise.  But you can feel someone come into range even if they're walking away from you, and it's the same place that you would be able to hear them better from.  This play I saw one time did some really cool stuff with that.  - Or actually I saw it twice, with different friends."


"How does that react to normal acoustic tricks - there's a weird thing with acoustic dishes at the museum, do you want to go try it out after dinner -"


"Yes!  Also maybe the TV, in case it's just that I have to be able to see them too?"


"Sure!" Chirun eats a bit faster and then turns the TV on to a music video channel.


"Apparently not."  They bounce a little about how cool it is anyways, though.  "Hm, was this recorded in the past?"


"Probably? I think even live stuff has a delay so they can tweak which camera angles are used and stuff."


"That makes sense."  They're kind of enthralled.


When they have both eaten - on reflection Chirun wants a pudding after dinner - they can head out to the museum and check out the acoustic reflector dishes that it has out front.


These turn out to affect Lorn's range!


"That's so weird," Chirun says. "Why would it work that way!!!!"


"Why wouldn't it?"


"It's weird enough that you can do magic at all, but it's especially weird that it works by acoustic principles without any soundwaves being involved!"


"I wonder how it works with various . . . sight-improving technologies, that Citrelia doesn't have yet.  - Citrelia is the name of the planet I'm from."


"What, like - telescopes or something?"


"Yeah!  And live cameras."


"Well, my phone can do live camera-ing, though I only have the one so I don't know how you'd see it without seeing me..."


"Hm, if there's - okay, there is - maybe the zoom would give me more range, even still seeing you?"


"Yeah, okay, go ahead and yoink how to operate my phone camera?" Chirun hands over the phone.


Lorn does this and sprints away.  They jog back after fiddling with it a bit and declare, "It doesn't make a difference."


"Oh well!" Back in his pocket the phone goes and back to his apartment he goes.

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