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lornell in green

The wilderness here adjoins a road, with a bus trundling one way or the other every five minutes, and a moped or truck less often than that. White chevrons indicate which way each lane of traffic is to go; there's a sidewalk, with a railing, but it doesn't look like it sees much use.

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. . . This is not like any road Lornell has ever seen.  - That is not like any vehicle Lornell has ever seen, either.


They'll take off running after it, they suppose, for lack of a better method of picking a direction.


The truck eventually pulls over and the driver sticks her head out to see what the fuck. She yells something in a language Lornell has never heard of.


Lornell cannot currently copy the whole language at once, but they can probably snatch enough to say, "Please, moment!" and then aim for what was yelled?


Apparently she yelled "are you CHASING me?"


"Sorry, no!"  They hop the railing onto the sidewalk to make that more clear??  "I just very confuse."


"No shit!" she yells back and then she drives off.



Lornell gives her a minute of lead time before continuing on.  They're not nearly as fast as the weird unpulled vehicle even if they were to regularly copy not-having-sprinted from the person inside (which seems . . . unwanted . . . ), so at least they don't have to intentionally hold back while running in order to avoid making things awkward.


After about one and a half more miles the road and surrounding cliffy wilderness, the terrain flattens out, and there are farms and hiking trailheads and suchlike fanning out from the highway. After another mile a town proper comes into view, lots of houses and apartments and shops. The highway veers off to circle around the town and to reach the town Lornell will need to take an exit.


That is also not like any town they've ever seen!!  The exit they shall take.


The townsspeople... basically ignore him! He gets some looks but mostly from people checking him out. There's a big park over there, with some kids doing chalk drawings and running around and swinging; there's a grocery store there, two stories under a stack of apartments, advertising a sale on various colors of cauliflower.


The looks are kind of weird and the people here are more varied along certain axes and much, much less varied along others than Lornell is used to, but it's convenient to be left to acquire the language before needing to speak to anyone.  Hopefully no one minds that the way they'd apparently maybe mind something more personal?  Lornell can't find the public officials here and so just pulls from a higher number of people than they normally would bother with for something like this, just in case.  Partway through they get antsy and start doing acrobatic tricks off the trees and park equipment.


That attracts an audience, especially of small children who want him to do this one or that one again again again.


Adorable!!!  Lornell knows so very many acrobatic tricks (some of which might be locally record-breaking) and is delighted to do them as many times as the tiny children demand.


People are taking video now. The crowd increases. The tiny children are DELIGHTED.


Lornell ends their next set with a flourish and pauses, gesturing at the cameras.  "What are those?"


...somebody turns theirs around so he can see the front.


. . . ???? ?? ???

They bob around, tilting their head and looking at the screen from different angles.


This seems to be amusing. "It's a phone, silly!" calls a child.



"Does any person mind if I - " (where's the word for - ) "download?  Their knowledge about phones.  Also more of this language; I apologize, I have been pirating it.  I hope this unoffenses."



"What?" says the person who turned their phone around for him.


"Backtrack: something very mysterious has been happening at me.  Where is this, what country?"


"Loza!" says a child.


"May I download from some person a map of where is Loza."


"Not if you don't have a phone?" says the phone-displaying adult, sounding bewildered. (Other people are starting to wander off now.)


"A phone cannot download a way I mean; where is your word for - to a person?"

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