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greener on the other side
lornell in green
Permalink Mark Unread

The wilderness here adjoins a road, with a bus trundling one way or the other every five minutes, and a moped or truck less often than that. White chevrons indicate which way each lane of traffic is to go; there's a sidewalk, with a railing, but it doesn't look like it sees much use.

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. . . This is not like any road Lornell has ever seen.  - That is not like any vehicle Lornell has ever seen, either.


They'll take off running after it, they suppose, for lack of a better method of picking a direction.

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The truck eventually pulls over and the driver sticks her head out to see what the fuck. She yells something in a language Lornell has never heard of.

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Lornell cannot currently copy the whole language at once, but they can probably snatch enough to say, "Please, moment!" and then aim for what was yelled?

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Apparently she yelled "are you CHASING me?"

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"Sorry, no!"  They hop the railing onto the sidewalk to make that more clear??  "I just very confuse."

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"No shit!" she yells back and then she drives off.

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Lornell gives her a minute of lead time before continuing on.  They're not nearly as fast as the weird unpulled vehicle even if they were to regularly copy not-having-sprinted from the person inside (which seems . . . unwanted . . . ), so at least they don't have to intentionally hold back while running in order to avoid making things awkward.

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After about one and a half more miles the road and surrounding cliffy wilderness, the terrain flattens out, and there are farms and hiking trailheads and suchlike fanning out from the highway. After another mile a town proper comes into view, lots of houses and apartments and shops. The highway veers off to circle around the town and to reach the town Lornell will need to take an exit.

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That is also not like any town they've ever seen!!  The exit they shall take.

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The townsspeople... basically ignore him! He gets some looks but mostly from people checking him out. There's a big park over there, with some kids doing chalk drawings and running around and swinging; there's a grocery store there, two stories under a stack of apartments, advertising a sale on various colors of cauliflower.

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The looks are kind of weird and the people here are more varied along certain axes and much, much less varied along others than Lornell is used to, but it's convenient to be left to acquire the language before needing to speak to anyone.  Hopefully no one minds that the way they'd apparently maybe mind something more personal?  Lornell can't find the public officials here and so just pulls from a higher number of people than they normally would bother with for something like this, just in case.  Partway through they get antsy and start doing acrobatic tricks off the trees and park equipment.

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That attracts an audience, especially of small children who want him to do this one or that one again again again.

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Adorable!!!  Lornell knows so very many acrobatic tricks (some of which might be locally record-breaking) and is delighted to do them as many times as the tiny children demand.

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People are taking video now. The crowd increases. The tiny children are DELIGHTED.

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Lornell ends their next set with a flourish and pauses, gesturing at the cameras.  "What are those?"

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...somebody turns theirs around so he can see the front.

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. . . ???? ?? ???

They bob around, tilting their head and looking at the screen from different angles.

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This seems to be amusing. "It's a phone, silly!" calls a child.

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"Does any person mind if I - " (where's the word for - ) "download?  Their knowledge about phones.  Also more of this language; I apologize, I have been pirating it.  I hope this unoffenses."

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"What?" says the person who turned their phone around for him.

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"Backtrack: something very mysterious has been happening at me.  Where is this, what country?"

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"Loza!" says a child.

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"May I download from some person a map of where is Loza."

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"Not if you don't have a phone?" says the phone-displaying adult, sounding bewildered. (Other people are starting to wander off now.)

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"A phone cannot download a way I mean; where is your word for - to a person?"

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Blank staring. "...what's your native language?" offers phone-adult.

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When this turns up no search results, they go back to mostly just being confused. "Where do they speak Cretari?"

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"...where's that?"

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". . . . What if you not-download from me my map."

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"I don't know what you're even talking about." The adult pockets his phone and collects his corresponding kid to head away from Lornell.

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People here are very strange.

Are there still other kids around who want to see more tricks?  Lorn will resume providing if so.

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He can quickly re-attract an audience if he goes back to doing tricks!

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- Actually they're going to take a break to think for a minute.

There's some chance that Lornell has committed a pretty great wrong against several people here, if everyone mostly wants to keep themselves to themselves or something.  Lorn has never heard of such a place but that doesn't mean there isn't one, and that's - probably a reasonable way to be, somehow, even if it seems obviously terrible on its face.  And even if it is unreasonable it's still not Lorn's right to disrupt it.  So it seems like they shouldn't take any more of the language or anything until someone specifically assents.

(They start fidgeting in a way that's somewhat indistinguishable from intentional showing off, though it's composed less of fancy flips and more of ridiculous numbers of consecutive one-armed handstand pushups.)


Also this is the first time they've ever interacted with adults who weren't guaranteed to be nice, and that's something they should really come up with a game plan for.  Hard to know where to start, though.

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Some of the kids start trying to stand on their hands too. None of them can.

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- None of them?  Not even with Lorn giving them a few (admittedly sub-fluent) pointers?

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Nope! They fall down and giggle. One of them gets frustrated and runs away to his mom.

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That's not . . . inherently . . . child abuse . . .


"How would you all like to be when older?"

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"I want to be an ASTRONAUT," yells one.

"I'm going to be a musician!" says another.

"I want to have SEVEN kids and make us all a CAKE, EVERY DAY," says another.

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"What is an astronaut?"

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* Not a gendered term, but this is the right precision and register.

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(Having to either ask what words mean (multiple times) or just keep on not knowing them is awful, wow.)

"To be a spaceman, how you need to be like?  What kind of person?"

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"You have to practice not throwing up! And you have to be okay with doing lots of exercise so your bones don't fall apart! And you have to have science to do in space."

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"It's a job with aloneness?"

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"Noooo," giggles the kid.

"Job with aloneness!" repeats the would-be musician. "Job with ALONENESS! ALONENESS. ALONENESS."

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"May I be helped by any you for being better towards words?"

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"I know lots of words! Like... cytesine!" says the one who wants to bake cake for seven children.

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"May I take some but yet you have them?"

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"I am USING my cytesine for my hair and my nails," she informs him.

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"Words, not cytesine."

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"I also know words like BIOME and ZIRCONIUM and SUNKENMIDDLEOFACAKE*!"

* Literally something like "valley" but an archaic form now fossilized to mean only this property of baked goods.

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". . . Maybe example.  Us all go go go go at there - " they point to a tree waaay over on the other side of the park, "Person who, for a moment, is an only person there, is best?"

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The kids puzzle over this for a minute.

"You want to race them?" suggests an adult who's been reading on a bench nearby.

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"I don't know what are words!  May I or n't know what are words!"

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"I'm not going to tutor you in Lozan, why are you looking for Lozan tutoring in a park?"

"I'M GOING TO WIN," hollers the astro-child and off he runs for the tree.

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Lornell starts back-handspringing after astrokid.

. . . That's still not slow enough to lose automatically?  Even with the head start??  They incorporate greater numbers of backflips until their pace matches.

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The kid is clearly running as fast as he can! He tags the tree and then sprints back to the other kids.

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Lorn jogs behind on the way back and isn't out of breath by the time the two of them return.

"You want not," they illustratively breathe heavily for a moment, "this?  You may take of me!  What is a word of that."

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Astro-child giggles. "You talk funny!"

"Make SENSE," says the musician kid, less amused.

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"May may may may what is a word of that?"

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"May may may may may," repeats the musician. "May may may may may may may may..."

Cake kid is getting bored and wandering away.

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Does bench adult seem to have any sort of opinion about this.

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Bench adult is ignoring him.

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Excellent.  Sigh.

In Cretari: "Does anyone here speak Cretari?"  In Bloudelake: "Does anyone here speak Bloudelake."  In Fareregnite: "Why did the shopkeeper not come back to work after the seasonend?  Because winter autumn spring summer."  (It's a pun.)  In the conlang built for that one play Lorn went to go see two years ago, did it have a name Lorn thinks it probably didn't: "In time of old, when heroes cultivated their own bravery and less was the price of sobriety . . ."

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Musician kid apparently likes the Fareregnite word for summer and says it 24 times.

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Lornell keeps trying languages.  "'You may value neither your life nor your face, but I, one - may I keep it?'  'The hunted, weary souls cling dear to their hope like a thrashing trout.'  'Forcing you to use both halves of your brain at the same time, a capella.'  'My friend Nara went to Sairus once, and came back with the most interesting hairdo made out of precisely-copied cowlicks; it was really cool.' 'You can't just slow down in the middle of the road, y' . . . know . . . .'"

. . . Lorn notices that they don't actually expect this tactic to work.

In Lozan again: "Sorry and may - ah, please? - where is a persons of words, of where 'something very mysterious has been happening at me', of where person offenses in mysterious country?"

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"Mysterious country mysterious country," chants musician kid. Cake kid is building a cairn out of rocks now. Astro-kid says "Do you hafta go on an emergency vacation?"

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"What is an emergency vacation?"

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"It's if you get overwhelmed about your whole life and not just like a room," says astro-kid, "and you go to a hotel for a few days and decompress."

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"And . . . are there a person of something very mysterious has been happening at me?"

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"...maybe? I dunno."

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Lorn does a walkover into an elbow stand and then drops their head and starts running their hands through their hair.  Sighs.

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"Did you use to be in the circus?"

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"What word is a circus," they ask into the grass.

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"It's where people do tricks like that, and animals do too, and it's a show."

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"I think no."

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"Maybe you were in the circus, and then you forgot, and now you need an emergency vacation about it," says astro-kid.

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"There is not forgot-space for a circus in me."

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Musician kid is in stitches over this sentence.

"Where'd you learn to do all that stuff then?" asks astro-kid.

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"This one I where-is-your-word-for from a friend Binla."

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"Is Binla in the circus?"

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Shrug.  (Their whole body bobs instead of just the shoulders, from this position.)

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"Summer summer summer summer," murmurs musician kid, "summer summer..."

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Eventually Lorn somersaults into a crossed-legs sitting position.  "Where is an emergency vacation."

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"My auntie went to the Four Hills Resort," says astro-kid.

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"Where is the Four Hills Resort?"

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"It's up in the hills!"

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Lornell checks for hills with ¿buildings? in them visible from where they're sitting.

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There are some hills thataway, with a few buildings between the trees.

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They point at one of the buildings.  "Four Hills Resort?"

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"...that's just somebody's house, I think."

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"Please where is the Four Hills Resort."  They stand up.

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"I don't know how to go there," scoffs astro-kid.

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". . . Thank you, sorry, goodbye.  You may all live nice lifes."

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"Lifes," says musician kid, "lifes lifes. Summer summer lifes lifes."

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Cute kids.  Maybe once this all gets sorted out Lorn'll come see them again.

In the meantime they run for the hills.  If anyone they pass has the vibes of being particularly interruptable or official or willing to explain things, they'll stop; otherwise they'll just head up there and start looking around.

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Phenomena passed include:

- somebody giving out free samples of six flavors of beverage
- a dog-walker with 8 dogs in tow
- a streetsweeping truck, preceded by a team of dogs that are wielding pooper-scooper devices and picking up trash in the road ahead of it
- a festival of some kind in a large town square, with henna painting, hair braiding, fudge and fruit and beignets, dancing to live music, a bouncy castle, and children chalking the whole area of pavement
- somebody putting up signs advertising her ability to train corvids to do various things

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. . . real quick check on whether the job-having dogs are people?

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The dogs are not people.

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Aww.  - Ooh a festival!  That's not really the vibe Lorn was searching for but it's not like they're in a hurry except insofar as fixing this will help everything else.  They marvel for a bit at the bouncy castle and then join in on the dancing, assuming it's the sort where random people seem encouraged to participate.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yup, it's a freeforall in the dancing zone. Kids are bopping around spinning each other by the elbows, that couple over there is swaying back and forth vaguely while making out, those people have formed a ring of joined hands and are traipsing around in a circle about a blushing friend of theirs.

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It's so weird how Lorn is the only acrobatic person here but the attention will maybe hopefully eventually be helpful?  They find an emptyish spot and do tricks in time with the music.

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This eventually causes a bunch of people to be clapping rhythmically while supervising him, as though to egg him on.

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It's really hard to not copy a state of rest off a bunch of people when they're standing right there, and Lorn almost does it once by accident.  Eventually, though, they run out of breath, and finish with a curtsy to - wow, to go sit down for a minute, actually.  And is there any obviously-public water around?

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Yup, paper cups and water dispensers that way.

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Paper cups are, objectively, definitely not the most interesting and weird thing here but they're still pretty weird.  Why are they paper?  Why is the paper that they are that texture?  Lornell has so many questions and has no inroads on getting any of them answered, so probably -

Actually, climbing up into a random direction of hills looking for a particular building that could be anywhere is a spectacularly dumb idea.  Is anyone still paying attention to them?  Failing that are new people (ugh) continuing to seem visibly attracted to them.

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People mostly lost interest when they took a break to drink water, that being a reasonable activity but not really a spectator-friendly one. There is a lady in her thirties over there checking him out.

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Lorn has no idea what fashion markers people use to signal their actual age here.  They put on their friendliest smile and approach her.  "Hello!  Something very mysterious has been happening at me.  Please where is a person of an unmysterious?"

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She loses interest immediately. "Dunno what you're talking about. Are you having a stroke? Need an ambulance?"

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...yeah okay she's just going to call him an ambulance and take him by both arms and usher him to sit down over there on a bench while they wait for it.

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Lornell doesn't resist.


"What is an ambulance?"

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"A car to take you to the hospital for your stroke or whatever happened to you. You were fine a minute ago, did you hit your head dancing and I didn't see -?"

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"I remain body-fine, but that something very mysterious is happening at me."  They illustratively roll off the bench into a one-handed cartweel, replicate one of their more impressive tricks from before, and sit back down.

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"You shouldn't do that if you might have hit your head or had a stroke. I'm pretty sure."

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"I remain body-fine.  No person has says I may I-did-not-find-your-word-for their words; I have as many as I-did-not-find-your-word-for'd until I had realize maybe I may not.  Sorry-sorry if I may not."

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"...I don't know what you're supposed to do when you're talking word salad but I'm pretty sure it isn't cartwheels." The ambulance arrives quickly, though it has to slow down to let the festival crowd part. His helper stands on the bench and waves them over. "I don't know what happened to him, he was dancing like a regular acrobat and then went to get water and then came up to me and started talking nonsense."

"Sir?" says one of the paramedics. "Can you tell me your name?"

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I also had talking nonsense until dancing."

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"Oh dear. Lornell - do you have any other names?"

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"Do you know what day it is, Lornell?"

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"No, in this language."

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"Do you know what day it is in another language?"

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"Is that the language or the language's word for this date?"

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Lorn holds up two fingers.

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"I don't know what that means. I can put you down as not knowing what the date is. Do you know where you are?"

(The other paramedic brings over portable diagnostic equipment to figure out Lornell's vitals situation.)

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"Two options, the two one: a word for this date?  Loza."

What are they going to try to do to Lorn with the diagnostic equipment.

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They have a blood pressure cuff and a pulse oximeter and a light to shine into his eyes and an ear thermometer.

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. . . . Okay, Lornell will bemusedly cooperate with this.  Eyes and ears are fine, pulse is very slightly elevated, blood pressure's pretty much normal.

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They usher him into the ambulance and close it up and drive him hospitalward.

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Lornell does not like this cart but okay, sure, fine.

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The ride is very short. They try him on other tests of cognitive function - can he repeat digits back to them forward and backward?

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Yep, easily.

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Well, they're going to check him into the hospital anyway. Since he doesn't know what day it is, what is the last day he remembers? Does he need an interpreter for whatever other language he speaks, what was it again?

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"Cretari.  There is not forgot-space in me!  - Or, at times I sleep?  Until four days past, when I sleep, there is not forgot-space in me."

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"You haven't slept in four days?"

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Well in that case they're going to give him a theanine and put him in a dark soundproofed room and firmly instruct him to SLEEP.

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"No??  No thank you?"

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"It is VERY important that you sleep," says an orderly very seriously. "It's important to sleep every day. If you're having problems it's very likely this is related to not sleeping. If there is something in this room that would stop you from sleeping we can probably change it, but you really, really have to sleep."

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". . . No.  I - obtained sleep?  Not far past.  No one here wants obtained-from, fine okay, I sleep here.  Later.  I so so so so so sad if I sleep now, and leave instead."

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"I STRONGLY advise you to get some sleep as soon as you possibly can, but if this isn't a sleepable place for you, we're not going to insist that you do it here. But I don't think you can get better until you sleep. If you try to operate a nyoom without having slept in four days that's against the law. Do you understand?"

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"What is a nyoom."

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"A vehicle that has a motor."

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"What is a motor?"

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"...you REALLY need sleep. Where are you going to sleep?"

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"Please, a Cretari interpreter?"

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"We don't have one of those. I don't know where we'd even get one online, no one here has heard of it and we tried six spellings and didn't get anywhere."

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". . . Please a drawing mechanism?"

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...yeah sure. Pad of paper, pencil.

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They very quickly sketch out and present to their minder:

A hand-drawn map of a continent, with one internal border drawn and sloppily shaded and the point of a bay circled.

"Today, before: here, Telerta."  They tap-tap-tap-tap the circled bit.  "Creta."  A gesture at the shaded area.  "And now?  Where."

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"You're in Loza at the Sarind Memorial Hospital." He squints at the map. Pulls up one of his own. "Where's your island on here, do you know?"

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 - Lorn adds two squiggly horizontal lines across the top and bottom of the page, running across the highest bit of land and matching up with the bottom edge of the shaded area respectively.

"Ice."  Tap in the upper area.  "Ice."  Tap at the lower.  "Surprise world-opposite continents?  Maybe.  I had not ever seen."

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"...That's not a real place."

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"Yes.  Something very mysterious has been happening at me."

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"I'm pretty sure that has something to do with you not having slept for four days. Please go to sleep."

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"I am not feeling must-sleep and will be so sad and want that I leave, and am less old than can have drugs for sleep.  - In Creta I am less old than this, but if the needing is less old here I must to remain Cretari.  Is there a small time that will not make me so sad, that I attempt sleep and you believe me a little more, when I do not sleep and remain words-like-this?  Until tomorrow where I sleep more and remain-remain words-like-this and you believe me entire that my mysterious happening is very."

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"If you're not going to sleep today there's nothing else we can do for you, there doesn't seem to be anything else wrong with you."

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"I attempt sleep now, exit a sleep room when sad of this or when sleep finishes, you believe me a little more?"

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"...if you don't sleep then it will continue to be the case that you have not slept in four days, which is very unwise and can cause all kinds of mental effects."

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"I attempt so sincere.  I have a mandate to want to move always and be sad when not, but attempt sleep so so sincere.  And if I correct and attempt but can't sleep, maybe you believe me a little more that sleep is not my very mysterious happening?"

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"There is no way," says the orderly with very forced patience, "that not sleeping for four days is okay for you. That is not a way people work. If you can't fall asleep with theanine, we can get you something stronger."

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"I am less old than it is legal."  (They look to be in their early-mid twenties.)

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"In Loza it is legal to take a drug that a pharmacist prescribes you."

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"I have not ever leave Creta to know well about citizens acting in other countries' laws."

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Sigh. "I have never heard of Creta. In Loza, if a pharmacist prescribes you something, it is legal to take it."

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". . . In Creta, it is a way people work that sleep is never needed.  We have good public officials and obtain - or download, pirate, take, copy; I did not find your word - sleep.  Many times I had not my own sleep in four days, five days, weeks.  Most long with no my-own sleep: two months, fine!  No mysterious happening!  Four days?  Not long, very recent.  In Creta."

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"My professional recommendation is that you go obtain some sleep in the room we set aside for you. I can't make you, but I don't think we have another way to help you here."

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"Where can help me?  A child had say the Four Hills Resort."

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"...Four Hills Resort is a vacation facility. You can sleep there if you can afford it but they don't have any medicine to help you sleep better there."

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"I have no - uh, uh, affordances?  I don't know that word, I missed it."

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"Yes, I can tell that you don't speak fluent Lozan. Please go to sleep."

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"You had not say you believe me more if this doesn't work even though sincere attempt."

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"Right. If you don't in fact sleep, you will still be in a state of not having slept for four days. Sleep deprivation is very bad for your ability to keep track of what's true and what isn't, and your ability to make yourself understood. If you do in fact sleep then if you're still confused we can try to help you from there."

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". . . . . If there is no person anywhere here who wants or allows that I obtain more good Lozan from them, I will attempt a prescription."

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"If you don't have any money you can't pay for language tutoring."

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"Is money affordances."

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"I have no money.  In Creta obtaining is not money and drugs is money?"

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"Lornell," says the orderly, glancing at his chart for the name, "as far as I know, Creta does not exist and you made it up by staying awake for four days. Please. Go to sleep."

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"But is drugs money, that I have no of."

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"No, you do not have to pay us for the hospital stay or the drugs."

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"Okay.  Drugs and sleep."

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The orderly takes off at a run, which isn't very impressive by Lornell's standards but does suggest that he's very concerned Lornell will change his mind before he comes back with the pills.

He's back a couple minutes later with a cup of water to accompany the sleep drugs.

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Running is obviously just the natural state of human locomotion but Lorn is still there when he gets back anyways, frowning and doing handstand pushup-jumps.  They flip upright upon the orderly's entrance and would like assurance and possibly documentation that a pharmacist was involved, and for him to answer several factual questions about the content of their previous conversation.  But if the drugs seem legal and it doesn't look like the orderly was replaced with someone else then yes, Lornell will down the pills.

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He can see the pharmacist's thumprint on the bottle label. The orderly is the same guy.

Dark quiet room now, yes?

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Yes.  Ugh.

Lornell makes a heroic effort to lie down and be still, and is pretty fidgety while they wait for it to take effect but ultimately manages to stay in bed.  (It is the most comfortable bed they've ever tried, which is interesting but doesn't actually help very much.)

They sleep as much as someone who is legitimately not tired at all can be made to on this dose of this drug.

Permalink Mark Unread

Theanine doesn't help that much but it'll help keep him calm.

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In that case they last less than half an hour.  "That did not help at all," they declare upon relocating the orderly, "because I need no sleep yet, but maybe you don't even a little more believe me so what now."

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"I can get you something stronger," says the orderly, raising an eyebrow. "Or you can come back when you're ready to sleep. Or you can try longer."

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"I will be so so sad if I try longer and I have no knowing of other places here."

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"I'm not imprisoning you. You can leave if you want. But this is a hospital and what we have for people who haven't slept in four days are various drugs to help them sleep and quiet dark rooms."

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"Where else, that persons - people - will try to help me even a little, with no money?  In Creta, anywhere and any person!  Here, only you which I know.  So more drugs or where is a place or a person like that, please."

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"I'll go see what the pharmacist wants to try you on next," sighs the orderly. He goes and gets a stronger sleeping pill.

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"Thank you."  Lornell takes it and sleeps as much as it lets them.

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This one is pretty heavy-duty. He Will Sleep.

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Okay good!  And they feel exactly the same, which is just what they expected but probably they still would have expected that even if they were wrong.  Is their orderly still findable after however long that was?

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Nope, there's been a shift change, but he's greeted by a different orderly! "Hi!" she says. "Are you feeling better?"

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Chipperly: "No!  Just the same because I was right and sleep was not my mysterious happening please believe me."

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"You were out for a solid few hours there, it you're still not feeling right probably you weren't just tired! What else is bothering you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel fine except that yesterday I was in the city of my whole life, normal normal, until a very big moving mirror appeared, and passed over me and me through it and: suddenly here!  In a woods.  And sorry but every person here yet is so confusing and unhelping."

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"What's confusing about us?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I couldn't find your word for the important thing and no people here seem to use it but there must to be an euphemism at least even if you hate it, and no person tells me whether you hate it for them or for me so I am stucked about this fluency of Lozan and I don't know if it was awful-terrible that I had take this much.  So sorry if I am awful-terrible but please tell at me a way or other."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...usually people learn Lozan, or other languages, in schools or from tutors, sometimes from teaching themselves online or from books or television..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, and what is the name of when not that, when just take it from a person - and they still have it also - all at once or slower but still much much faster than learning it out?  I knew no Lozan yesterday, now: this much!  After a medium time in a park.  Maybe awful-terrible of me, but the word is . . .?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

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"May I look at you with the sense auxiliary to my there-is-no-word-for."

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"...I don't know what that means either. You may look at me, you're looking at me right now."

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"Not with my eyes, with - " they gesture noncommunicatively.  "If you have or don't have this thing, I may tell by not-eyes looking; I had refrain here before out of politeness."

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"Does this involve touching me at all?"

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"Then if it would make you feel more comfortable you can 'look'* at me."

* This scare quote is rendered in Lozan with a prefix perhaps best translated as "ish" or, in certain dialects, :bug:, where scare quotes are unavailable.

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So what's the deal with this person??  - Is she even a person or does she just look and move and talk like one  -

Permalink Mark Unread

She speaks Lozan with native fluency and knows a few words of ten other languages. She has various medical skills, practiced during busy times when she was taking over stuff that is not technically her job from the real nurses. She is in tolerable shape but has an iffy shoulder and a pulled tooth and a lot more cellulite than most people Lornell's familiar with would carry. She slept for nine hours and only woke up two hours ago. She can play the harp but not well.

Permalink Mark Unread

And she can't - ?  No, okay.




"Where is my map?"

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"Your map?"

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"Before, I drew a map.  Could do another if it's nowhere."

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She finds it after a minute's rummaging.

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"Okay."  They tap the page along with their descriptions.  "Ice.  Ice.  Telerta, my city.  Creta, my country.  Citrelia, my planet.  Everyone - everyone - every person on Citrelia, has an ability.  Different versions, yes, growing and changing, yes, some with very little for a time to learn more, yes.  Some with philosophical objections, and don't use it?  Maybe.  But everyone on Citrelia has it.

You don't."

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"...okay," she says, waiting to see where he's going with this story.

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"So I am not on Citrelia."

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"Citrelia is definitely not a name I have heard used to refer to any place around here, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . May I take more of Lozan from you?  It will feel like nothing and leave you with no less."

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They nod.

"I think I'm a slider."

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"Because you remember being from - Citrelia?"

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"Yes.  In great detail, and I don't know what so many things here are.  Like motors."

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"- you're talking better now," she observes.

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"Yes.  I was - not fluent in Lozan, but an amount of fluent in it, and much less than that an amount of . . . being fluent in being fluent in it.  It isn't integrated yet.  So borrowing from another person all the time helps.  Until I've - sorted through it better."

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"Sliders are... fictional... but if you can do that with other things I guess you could convince me?"

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"I could grow out my hair some based off yours?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- sure."

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A section of Lorn's hair near the front starts getting longer (from the ends or possibly the middle, not the roots) and acquires the same texture and color as the orderly's.

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"- yikes. Okay. Uh, are you actually sick or did you just get dropped here because nobody knew what to do with you?"

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"The second one."

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"Okay. I guess I'll... discharge you?"

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"Where will I go?"

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"- well, I don't know. I guess you could go to a House of Truth and prove it to them and see what happens once people believe you."

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" - Okay.  May I borrow your knowledge on how to get to one of those and what it is."

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"That still doesn't do anything to me, right? Why do you even have a custom of asking?"

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"It doesn't and I don't, I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here.  You're all - very different from the sort of people I'm used to."

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"Well, if it doesn't do anything to me I don't mind if you pull directions to the House of Truth."

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"Okay."  What's the deal with the House of Truth?

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It's a quasireligious institution where people work as notaries, witnesses, reporters, inspectors, and similar due to having taken a very culturally weighty stance in favor of absolutely never lying even slightly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh, okay.  "Do you think anyone at all will mind if I borrow their Lozan while talking to them?  Because of - privacy, maybe, or something else?  Or would it be moral to do it without asking."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- is there something private you get in addition to just the language?"

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"I get their knowledge of it and not anyone else's?  People think about things in different ways."

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"I guess it would be polite to ask as, like, a hypothetical, if they don't believe you, but probably you should go to the House of Truth and prove it with the hair thing and then ask once they do believe you."

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"I mostly meant for on the way there but maybe it won't come up.  Do you want this?"  They produce a small knife from a pocket in their wrap-vest-thing and start sawing near their scalp at the lock of longer hair.

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"...no, not really. Trash is over there." Point.

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Hair gets tossed.  Was the House of Truth pedestrianable-to on a reasonable timescale?  Also Lorn is getting kind of hungry, how was the orderly on having recently eaten?

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The orderly had breakfast an hour ago! The House of Truth is a thirty minute walk.

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"Do you mind if I also borrow your lack of hungriness?  And then I'll leave."

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"Uh, go for it."

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"Thank you for everything.  Do I need to do anything to be discharged?"

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"No, I've got it, you can just walk out."

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"Okay.  Have a nice life."  And they're off.

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Nobody bothers them on the way to the House of Truth.

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Running there would normally be time alone in Lorn's head, and in other circumstances they might start to panic about the moral emergency potentially implied by an entire planet of people who can't - do they die - quite possibly they have other solutions in place and Lorn is not going to freak out yet and they're going to achieve that via running as fast as they can manage the whole time even though they're not copying unrunning off of anyone.

Is it obvious with the orderly's knowledge where to go once inside?

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The orderly would follow the signs! There are signs, with arrows pointing in various directions and listing room numbers for:

- Records Room
- Notary
- Ceremonial Hall
- Committed Dormitory
- Classrooms
- Press Offices
- Inspection Offices
- Dressing Rooms
- Photography Studio
- Meeting Rooms
- Witness Pool

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. . . . Lornell has not yet picked up how to read Lozan.  Whoops!  Is anyone around?

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Yup, there are people in uniform (floorlength white dresses with bishop sleeves and mandarin collars, and long vests of various colors with various pins on them) and some people not in uniform, going to and fro.

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Lornell approaches the most interruptable-looking one.  "Excuse me, a moment?"

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There is one sitting on a bench over there looking at her phone! "What is it?" she asks, looking up at him.

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"I'm a slider.  Who do I talk to to prove this?"

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"How do you propose to go about proving it?"

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"I have magic that lets me copy traits and things from other people."

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"Such as?"

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This is slightly outside what Lorn prepped grammar for but that's fine - "Hair, physical traits general . . . ly, skills, knowledge.  Not episodish memory."

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"It sounds like you probably want a registered photo series."

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"Okay!  Where?"

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"The photo studio is on the floor below this one, and I can see a stairwell in that corner." Point.

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"Okay!"  Presumably none of these rooms are Obviously a photo studio, given that Lorn doesn't know what that is, but they can hope?

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The rooms are labeled!

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That's a no, then!  It's fine, they will ask yet another person.

What's the deal with the photo studio; does it look like they should wait outside the door, is there someone to talk to . . .

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The photo studio is further subdivided with paper accordioning barriers. He does get a super weird look when he indicates he can't read.

In the photo studio there is a uniformed person at a desk working on his computer. He looks up at Lornell. "Hello, how can I help you?"

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"I'm a slider, I have magic that lets me copy traits and things from other people - like generally physical things, skills, and knowledge, but not episodish memory - and an upstairs person recommended me a registered photo series."

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"Can you demonstrate that now before we set up?"

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"Yes."  They repeat the hair trick.

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The person behind the desk's eyes go very wide. He gets up and comes around. "May I?" he asks, reaching for the altered hair.

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"Yes.  - Or, you may touch the hair.  Please without pulling or caressing it."

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"I would like to check if it is growing directly from your scalp. I will not do this without your permission but if you don't let someone inspect it closely we won't be able to certify much about the photos."

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"Don't be - checking-me-out-like, or hurt on purpose?  Otherwise fine.  I just want avoid miscommunication and upsetness."

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"I'm not particularly attracted to you," he says. "I might want to pull out one or two hairs. Is that all right?"

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He comes closer, sifts through the hair, tugs one free.

"Amazing," he murmurs. "What is it you need the photos specifically for?"

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"I don't know; an upstairs person said so.  I would like help.  People in a park did not help; people at Sarind Memorial Hospital did not help despite I let them drug me for hours.  Where does a slider go?  No one has said."

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"Well, as far as I'm aware you're the first slider ever to come here. What kind of help do you need?"

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"I don't know.  I don't know anything about here.  Can learn, once there is someone it's okay to learn from.  Probably not you, if you are important and know secret things.  But I have no apartment, no money, no life, no friends.  In maybe a week or less I will urgent need a friend, person who likes talking with me, or I will be very sad and want to do no things.  If that and if permission from very skill people, I do anything, another best in the world apparently, very helpful a credit to Loza!  But how to start."

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"...I don't know secret things, that's not really a House of Truth thing."

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"What we can do for you is confirm that you seem to have magical powers, and people will believe us because we don't lie."

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maybe Lorn will be very sad and want to do no things about not having any friends here yet RIGHT NOW actually

"Okay.  Should I borrow your knowledge of things instead of asking questions?"

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"If that won't do anything to me."

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"It will not."  What are photos, what's a registered photo series specifically, how will they help?

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Photos are a way of recording images, and the House of Truth does photos and then keeps verified records of when and under what conditions those were taken, for example for ID purposes.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's pretty nifty.

"Probably I should look however I expect to want to long-term here, in these?  - Or can I come back for another set later."

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"They... do cost money. My statement doesn't and will probably be about as good for your purposes."

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"I will come back when I have any money and take a statement for now, please."

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"Okay." He goes back behind his desk and types something up and prints a thing and gives Lornell the printed thing. "That will let anyone you show it to look up my statement on our website."

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"Thank you so much."  Lornell scoops his knowledge of what a website is and then will . . . hang outside and memorize what's on the sheet?  Still without being able to read it; they should probably prioritize picking that up at some point.

They honestly have no idea what to do next, does anything conveniently present itself during that time?

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Eventually another one of the uniformed people exits the House of Truth and approaches him! "Are you the guy who's apparently a slider?"

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"Can I see? I mean I saw the statement but I would like to see myself if that's okay."

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"Sure!"  Lorn completes their hat trick of hair tricks.

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"Wow! That's super cool - um, anyway, I have a spare room at my place, if you need a place to sleep -"

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"Yes, please, I would be so grateful, can I do anything for you?"

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"I mean probably something will come up but I don't have anything in mind right now, I just think it's super cool that you're a real slider."

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"That is more an expected reaction than everyone else!  This world and its people are very different than my."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- it seems likely that most people didn't believe you, and anyone who might have believed you was probably not listening too closely because you have an accent?"

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"I can have no or smaller accent if I may borrow your speaking.  No effects except on me."

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"Yeah, please, it'd be much easier to talk to you."

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"Oh.  I didn't realize it was that inconvenient for people.  I'm not very special at home but here probably everyone here is much worse at everything . . ."

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"If you can all just copy off whoever's best at everything I bet!"

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Lorn nods.  "Do you have things you want to stay private or can I take basic knowledge about this world from you."

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"I... don't think you'd get anything private if you were looking for basic knowledge, like, that doesn't seem like it'd include my sex life or anything?"

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"I will definitely avoid everything at all about your sex life."

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"Then yeah, go ahead."

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Lornell sinks their head into their hands and clutches a little at their hair.

"You have so many exciting and marvelous things here.  I hoped maybe one of them would be a way to fix aging."

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"- no, we don't have that - fixed - it doesn't seem like it'll be a problem for you specifically?"

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"Not for a while.  But there's the rest of you, and - it took my society a long time to figure it out; it's very complicated, people would look young but still mysteriously die, eventually, until we found all the little tiny things you have to keep track of.  And I don't know them all because I'm only - " scoop the local calendar system, math math math math "fifteen or sixteenish."

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"We know some things about aging, but we don't have magic. If we did we'd probably have it solved like your people by now."

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"Yes.  You've figured out so many things for people who have to learn everything on their own."

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"Maybe we do more in parallel than you? - have you eaten, do you need to eat, I was about to go home and have dinner -"

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"I sometimes eat but mostly not, and I just borrowed fullness a little while ago.  Food is - wow, a lot cheaper here.  Probably I'll eat more in general now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- huh, I guess if you mostly don't need to eat you wouldn't have economies of scale - well, anyway, you can come over to my house." He leads the way through the streets; apparently he walks to work.

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"I appreciate that so much!"  Maybe if Lorn concentrates really hard on doing a nice-looking job of sawing off their two new pieces of hair, walking won't feel so unbearably slow.

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"Do you need anything?"

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"At some soonish point, before my picture series, I would like to find some people my age who I can use to look younger.  And think about other changes I might want now in a world where people are mostly expected to look mostly the same from season to season.  And get information from lots and lots of people so I can find the very best thing for me to be doing here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've got a downstairs neighbor who's fifteen. Why do you want to look younger?"

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"Right now I look this old because I like having this general physicality and it was more convenient to match the face to that, and at home I can signal how old I really am with my hairstyle and clothes and things.  Here everyone is just the age they are and people have been - looking at me.  Romantically.  And in general I just don't want to give an inaccurate impression."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, gotcha. Yeah, we can ask my neighbor, if a fifteen year old who otherwise looks nothing like you will do."

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"I will probably want to borrow from multiple fifteenish year olds and also research whether there are other cultural appearance markers that I'd care about."

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"We can usually tell where somebody's from more or less, or where their family's from at least."

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"Oh?  How?"

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"People look like their parents - uh, and then stay that way - so if people stay in one area for a long time and intermarry they all kind of resemble each other. Like - that guy, over there, driving the pedicab, he looks like he's from Africa*, I can tell because he's got really dark skin. If I were more familiar with different ethnic groups I could maybe be more specific but it's also possible he's from Islandmost**."

*No, they don't call it Africa.
**Australia. Because it is the most island.

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"Hmm," hums Lorn as they scoop geographic information out of their new friend.  - Are any of the countries here full of nicer people, not the same way Creta is back home, obviously, but maybe aiming for something similar given the resources they have?

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His escort is not aware of a country that is attempting institutional systemic niceness.

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . Any stereotypes about populaces?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a country where their tourists are always complaining about the lack of train service and don't like riding buses! There's a country where they're particular sticklers about not trying to have a conversation through an accent barrier and will just write everything in their cute color coordinated dedicated devices for that purpose that aren't sold around here! There's a country where they flee from the rainy season to here sometimes and they do tipping, which is a barbarous custom but does make them popular among service staff!

Permalink Mark Unread

Why is tipping barbarous?

Permalink Mark Unread

Because it makes it impossible to guess how much money you'll make from your work in advance, and furthermore incentivizes excessively pandering and obsequious behavior beyond the normal level of professionalism you want in service staff just from their background expectation that any customer may be a spy.

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Huh.  "I haven't noticed a particular place I want to seem like I'm from."

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"All right, well, you can pull random bits and pieces and look like a mutt, that's fine."

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"Okay."  They finish sawing their hair and pocket it (and their knife) and make it about a dozen paces before they switch to hopping with their feet together in order to match the pace of their companion.

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"Why are you hopping?" said companion inquires.

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"I'm not used to strolling.  It feels very slow to me."

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"Oh. Well, we're almost there."

A block later they reach the apartment building where Lorn has been invited to stay and the apartment within it that contains the promised couch. "I forgot to ask your name. I'm called Chirun," says his host.

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"Mine's Lorn or Lornell, either one is fine.  I'm very grateful for your hospitality."  Hey Chirun's brain what's all this stuff in here?

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That's a TV! That's a microwave! That's a sink! That's a refrigerator! That's a sofa! That's a window decal of a snowflake! That's a cat, variety Goldeneyed Flatcat*, black and curled up on the windowseat. The cat's name is Enoby**.

Chirun sets his bag down beside the sofa. "That's the spare room," he says, pointing at one of two doors leading out from the open-plan middle of the apartment.

* This means "you keep it in an apartment (flat)", not "it is flat (in aspect ratio)". I translated it this way because I think I'm funny.
** No, it isn't literally "Enoby", that's a cultural translation. It is a comparable rearrangement of a word that actually means "black pepper". But it is a reference to a silly work of fiction with a lot of weird spelling.

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Oh wow.  Lornell gets sucked into a bit of a wiki walk about the TV and and the microwave and - huh, there's something different about the way the cat is thought of than they expected, too -

Apparently they're at least somewhat better at standing still than walking slowly; they stare off in Chirun's general direction.

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"- Lorn? You okay?"

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"Hm?  - Yes, I'm fine.  The technology here is much better then we have at home; I got distracted. Do you want me to go in the spare room now?"

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"Not if you don't feel like it, but you might want to make sure it looks like you'll be able to live with it, I don't know if you're allergic to my detergent or anything."

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"I'll take a look at it!"  Lorn goes to take a look at it.

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It has a bed made with goldenrod sheets lightly printed with paler spirals, and a window with the curtains closed over it, a nightstand, a dresser, and a closet with spare linens. Also it has a large cardboard box, which Chirun drags out of the room apologetically.

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"This is lovely."

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"Thanks! Don't mind the box, I store stuff in there sometimes - I need to return this -" Chirun moves the box to near the apartment's exit.

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Lorn double-checks that 'thanks' is not rude in this dialect; okay cool.  "I won't; please don't worry about it.  - Do you need something ran somewhere?  That was my job, yesterday."

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"- oh, sure, if you want to return it for me that would be convenient! I was going to borrow the neighbor's wagon but you can probably just haul it, can't you. It's already reboxed, just needs to be dropped off at the depot."

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"Sure!  Right now?"

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"I have till the end of the month but no reason not to do it now!"

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"Okay seeya!"  Lorn scoops the box and the location of the depot simultaneously and heads out.

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The depot is three blocks away and there is a clearly marked conveyor belt to put returns and outgoing packages on.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's easy enough then.  Back to Chirun's!

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Chirun has turned on some music and is fixing dinner (looks like noodles and veggies and chicken). "Hey! I'm making enough for two but if you don't like this and would rather just yoink being fed it leaves over fine," he says. "What do people who eat even eat where you're from?"

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"It looks delicious!  I'm very excited to eat more often - hm, it looks like a most of our very basic ingredients are the same, chicken and specific plants and stuff; there are a few differences but not too many - you have a lot more spice-ish things and stuff that you can just eat right away without being a good cook."

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"Yeah, some people lean a lot on convenience food. I'm trying to graduate from frozen stuff to stuff I just put in a pan so it looks like I'm really cooking, and it's going pretty well so far, but my dad is a great cook."

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"At home I like to eat often enough that I have appliances for it, and I keep on top of being a good cook but sometimes by recopying it instead of practicing myself."

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"Huh, you have to re-copy it? It doesn't stick?"

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Quick check to make sure that people don't just keep skills forever here - "I mean, the same way that if I didn't do any acrobatics for a long time I'd get worse at them, or if I didn't exercise at all I'd start to lose muscle?"

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"Huh, okay. I guess that makes sense but it's harder to imagine than a magically acquired skill just staying put for some reason." He dishes up the noodles into two bowls and hands Lornell one.

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"It's reasonable that you'd think so!"  Lornell tucks in.  "It's really cool that you can just play music without anyone having to make it at the time.  - I wonder - hm - no, the singer doesn't seem to count as a person I can borrow from."

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"That makes sense, since she's not here," giggles Chirun.

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"I wasn't sure!  I know you can copy better from someone standing in the right spot in an amphitheater; it might have been like that."

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"Huh! Better how? Is it like - acoustics somehow?"

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"It works even if they aren't actually making any noise.  But you can feel someone come into range even if they're walking away from you, and it's the same place that you would be able to hear them better from.  This play I saw one time did some really cool stuff with that.  - Or actually I saw it twice, with different friends."

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"How does that react to normal acoustic tricks - there's a weird thing with acoustic dishes at the museum, do you want to go try it out after dinner -"

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"Yes!  Also maybe the TV, in case it's just that I have to be able to see them too?"

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"Sure!" Chirun eats a bit faster and then turns the TV on to a music video channel.

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"Apparently not."  They bounce a little about how cool it is anyways, though.  "Hm, was this recorded in the past?"

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"Probably? I think even live stuff has a delay so they can tweak which camera angles are used and stuff."

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"That makes sense."  They're kind of enthralled.

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When they have both eaten - on reflection Chirun wants a pudding after dinner - they can head out to the museum and check out the acoustic reflector dishes that it has out front.

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These turn out to affect Lorn's range!

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"That's so weird," Chirun says. "Why would it work that way!!!!"

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"Why wouldn't it?"

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"It's weird enough that you can do magic at all, but it's especially weird that it works by acoustic principles without any soundwaves being involved!"

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"I wonder how it works with various . . . sight-improving technologies, that Citrelia doesn't have yet.  - Citrelia is the name of the planet I'm from."

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"What, like - telescopes or something?"

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"Yeah!  And live cameras."

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"Well, my phone can do live camera-ing, though I only have the one so I don't know how you'd see it without seeing me..."

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"Hm, if there's - okay, there is - maybe the zoom would give me more range, even still seeing you?"

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"Yeah, okay, go ahead and yoink how to operate my phone camera?" Chirun hands over the phone.

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Lorn does this and sprints away.  They jog back after fiddling with it a bit and declare, "It doesn't make a difference."

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"Oh well!" Back in his pocket the phone goes and back to his apartment he goes.

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Lornell skips along beside.  "How much time is there before you need to sleep?"

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"Uh, threeish hours at this point, why?"

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"I didn't know when was normal and it seemed sociable to ask as a segue into what activities you want to do now or whether you want me to leave you alone for a bit!"

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"Huh... oh hey, do you like card games? I can't get most of my friends to play with me because I'm good at card games and they never win but you can just be as good as me."

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So they can spend the evening playing all of Chirun's favorite card games, including a ferociously overcomplicated trading card game where they are dueling and a less ferociously overcomplicated game where they are building competing zoos with fantasy animals. There are many huge stacks of different cards involved.

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Lornell is not quite as good as Chirun at the more complicated ones, to start with, but they improve over the course of playing the same game a few times and can keep equal pace right from the start of the ones that are more like what they're used to.  They remain consistently bad at anything that requires bluffing.

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These games do rely on hidden information (what cards you have on hand, mostly) but not bluffing so much.

After somewhat past Chirun's usual bedtime he is ready to pack up the cards and go to sleep.

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"May I borrow a book?"

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"Sure, go right ahead. Uh, top shelf is stuff I would not normally recommend to fifteen year olds, like, you can look at them if you want, but I don't want to interact with that fact if you do."

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"I will avoid it.  Goodnight!"

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"Night!" And Chirun retires to his bed.

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Lornell does not even glance at the spines on the top shelf.  What's the rest of the selection like?

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A fictionalization of the card game duels; Collected Parables of Truth; a bunch of series about sliders and aliens; a few pop history books; a cookbook; a small selection of kids' books on the bottom shelf, perhaps for visiting children.

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It seems good to have a better sense of what kind of expectations the people here are going to have about Lornell; they pick up one of the slider books.

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These sliders have magic, but completely unlike the copying thing; instead they can do interesting tricks with magnetism and the author has put a lot of thought into all the implications those would have for conflict, industry, and everyday utility. It's also got a romance A-plot.

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Neat!  Lorn will keep going through those until Chirun's up, frequently from strenuous positions and occasionally relocating to avoid the cat if that proves necessary.

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The cat is not interested in Lorn at all although it does spend some of the night awake.

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Good kitty.

At Lorn's casual reading pace they'll probably get through another book and the start of a third before interrupted.  All on the subject of sliders.

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In the morning the cat has a job to do! It leaps onto the counter, starts the coffee machine, puts an instant oatmeal in a portion of the coffee machine that will fill it with hot water, wakes Chirun up and receives breakfast for this task, and then settles down to eat while Chirun takes a quick shower.

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Huh!  "Good morning," greets Lorn once Chirun seems reasonably unoccupied.

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"Morning," yawns Chirun, sitting down in his bathrobe to eat his oatmeal and drink his coffee. "Do you want an oatmeal? Or something?"

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Lorn finds the yawn contagious.  "Yes please.  I'll pay you back once I earn some money."

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Chirun sticks another oatmeal in the coffee machine. "No big, oatmeal's cheap. I guess it would be nice if you paid rent at some point but no rush."

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"I don't expect it to be particularly hard for me to get very rich here."

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"I guess, yeah, though it might be people with super rare skills would object to you copying since then they wouldn't be super rare any more."

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"Hopefully not all of them.  I would be surprised if I couldn't find anything very very useful to do."

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"Oh, me too, it just might be the first thing you try doesn't work. What do you want to do?"

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"I don't know!  I haven't even had a proper career yet; I just ran around delivering enough packages and messages to pay for necessities and occasional food and theatre tickets and stuff.  I guess I don't want something where I'd have to make big changes to who I am in order to avoid being very lonely."

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"Were you always this extroverted or did you pick it up for some reason?"

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"Pretty much always.  Or . . . I think - there was an aspect of me that was always there, that mixed with other things I picked up in a way particular to me.  And other people picking up the same thing wouldn't have quite the same results about it."

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"Huh. Anyway, probably you could pull in a lot in performance art? And mingle with the audience after. But possibly you want to look fifteen before you do that."

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"What sort of performance art?"

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"Oh, any, you could sing or dance or whatever, people would want to come see you just 'cause you're a slider once word gets around. Do you know songs from your world? Those would be cool and keep you from competing very directly with any singers you copied off."

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"I do know some!  And I might be good enough at dance-ish things already.  I kept attracting crowds yesterday, not even on purpose."

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"Oh, what were you doing?"

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"One kid thought I was from a circus."

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"Huh. Usually a circus has a lot of short acts, not one long one, so it would be less good if you want to operate as a solo act - it's interesting to watch somebody walk on their hands or something for a little while but not a long one."

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"I bet I can be more interesting than someone who can't reset their stamina.  But I can also do flips and things and probably learn how to make it more dancelike."

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"That would be neat. I took today off work, do you want help finding some music that would go well with a set?"

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" - You did?  That's so nice - and sure, that sounds like a good idea."

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"Well, I get a float day off every week, and I didn't have plans for this week." Music time! Chirun's taste runs toward the instrumental with heavy percussion.

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It's certainly a danceable-to genre.  Lornell finds a track they like, listens to it twice through, and realizes: " - Can we take this outside?  I want to try a few things that might risk breaking something in here."

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"Oh, sure." Chirun picks up his portable speaker and pipes the music to it instead and leads Lornell to the back courtyard.

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In which Lorn can perform a mostly-improvised routine somewhat in time to the music!  Most of it doesn't particularly follow the tempo but they do stick landings right at the beat drop and on the final note.

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"That's very cool," applauds Chirun. "I don't know that I'd watch it for half an hour but it'd work as part of a longer thing?"

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"What other sorts of stuff are usually in this kind of longer thing?"

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"If you're a solo act? I don't know, it would be kind of weird as a solo act - that's why someone suggested a circus, probably, lots of people rotate in and do three minutes of their coolest thing that wouldn't stretch to the whole showtime."

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"Hmmmm.  - Oh, also at some point I really want to meet the smartest animals here and see if any of them are people."

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"Okay. Enoby's not very smart but crows are, and parrots."

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Lornell positively wiggles.  "Maybe if I get really really rich I can pay people to breed them smarter if they aren't people already - wings - "

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"- well you wouldn't be able to - would you be able to just turn into a crow?"

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"Not as effectively as I would if my entire society were here but eventually I think!  Or just take the wings - I'm not sure I'd be able to get them big enough to fly by myself but it's still very cool and I'd be awfully motivated - "

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"How would you get them bigger than the crow you took them from? That doesn't seem like copying?"

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"Maybe if it was a baby crow I could get them to grow . . . humans aren't people until older but maybe - something to do with eggs??  I'm operating on wishful thinking a bit."

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"Huh. Well, probably one of the neighbors has a crow, I've seen a couple going in and out of windows."

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"I would love to meet your neighbors' crows.  - Hm, I know sometimes copying arms or something scales them to you instead of exactly the same as the other person - I wonder if I'd have to replace my arms with them or if I could get six limbs.  And if I could then turn those to arms, just have an extra set . . ."

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"It'd be really cool, everyone'll be jealous of you anyway but that'd really be the sauce on the steak there if also you could have wings."

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Bounce bounce bounce bounce.  "I bet a lot of people would want to see flying acrobatics; I'd have to learn everything myself but I can probably manage that.  - Is there a reason I should in fact be aiming for a larger show all by myself instead of just joining an existing one in a smaller chunk like you said is normal?  Obviously it would make less money but maybe it would be worth it anyways."

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"It might make sense for you to join a normal circus! I don't know much about how they work on the back end."

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"Me either!  Mostly I would like to be able to stop circusing quickly if I find something that's very obviously much more useful.  I don't know whether that would be harder with a group, because I was making a commitment to other people, or by myself because there wouldn't be anything left of it without me."

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"Yeah, I don't know either. You can borrow my old laptop if you want? And look for... circus... websites?"

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"That would be very kind of you!"

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With borrowed expertise on how laptops work Chirun's laptop is straightforward to use! There are many different circuses, differing in emphasis (animal acts, gymnastic showoffery, ridiculous stunts, stage magic, comedy, puppetry, musical performances timed to match the acrobats) and whether they are stationary attractions in big hub cities or traveling ones that use event stadia or pitch tents.

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How's the state of the art on gymnastic showoffery and ridiculous stunts?  Is Lornell better than everyone else here already or is there anyone objectively more skillful?  Any cool technologies specifically pertaining to those?

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Lornell is better than everyone else here at pure athleticism, though some people have Lorn beat on individual subskills they've obsessively worked on, but they're also doing stuff with costumes and exact timing and interpretive dance. They have aerial silks and trapezes and human cannons and stuff. They're generally working over nets when they fling themselves through the air.

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There are Citreliac aerial silks and trapezes but wow!  Human cannons!  Lorn'll try and stay away from the obsessively practiced subskills because that seems really unfair to the people who had to obsessively practice them.  The costumes here are really really cool!  It would be nice if either Citreliac designers could access these sorts of fabrics or if Green designers could see enough of Citreliac fashion to have a go at it, but that's really the very least of the reasons Lornell wants the entire planets to be in contact with each other instead of just them so it's best not to dwell on that.

Are there any of the stationary kind nearby?  (And how big is this town in comparison to others, for that matter?)

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This city has about six hundred thousand people in it. Big enough to be on a few cross-country train routes but not big enough for a stationary circus. There's a city of one and a half million four train stops north and that has one.

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Wow okay that's almost three times bigger than the Creta's capital and that's the biggest city on Citrelia Lorn is pretty sure.  They suppose they came in from the wilderness and probably aren't seeing the densest parts.  Or maybe Greens just don't live as densely in general since they wouldn't be as advantaged by it.

How long does the train ride to the bigger city take?

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Just an hour.

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That's not bad!  Maybe Lornell should visit the relevant circus, except for how according to Chirun's computer knowledge they should instead and/or first contact it digitally.  Is 'lornell' already taken as the identifying part of anyone else's email address?

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Yes. There are billions of people on Green.

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That's a lot!!  How about 'lornellcretari'?

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That one is wide open and all theirs.

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Great!  Now that that's sorted is there anything on the circus's site about whether they're looking for new members?

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The website is aimed almost entirely at prospective attendees but there is a Jobs link that divides into applications (for support work like selling concessions) and auditions (for adding an act).

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Does it mention or imply anything about how much of a commitment auditioners are making if they're accepted?  A minimum number of shows or a timeframe, anything like that?

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Right now they don't have any open slots at all but will Keep Your Videos On File.

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Well, that doesn't seem like they're operating on a scale of time that's very useful to Lornell.  Any travelling ones swinging through nearby?

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There will be one in town in two months! You can still get tickets!

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Well.  "Chirun?  I don't think it makes sense for me to join someone else's circus right now instead of just finding something useful right away or starting my own act.  Maybe with singing and stuff too."

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"Well, if you don't book a venue you're just busking, which can be fun but makes incredibly little money because people can free-ride."

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"I would probably want to book a venue, then, unless it's too expensive to be worth it!  If it's only a little expensive I could probably sell hair or something, it must be worth a lot more than at home . . . unless that means you just don't use it for anything here?"

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"What do you use it for at home?"

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"Fabrics and rope, that sort of thing."

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"Oh. Yeah we don't use human hair for that at all. I think it might be used for... wigs?"

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"- Oh, I can see why those would be a thing that exists here.  Well, maybe I can sell hair for wigs."  Does the internet think this is financially feasible?

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You can sell a healthy long hunk of untreated hair for about a week's worth of rent especially if it is in a rarer color.

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Lornell shows Chirun the page of requirements.  "Do you know anyone with hair like this who might be willing to go halves with me on selling it?"

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"...I think the reason it's so expensive is that people with hair like that want to keep theirs... oh, I guess they wouldn't cut theirs?"

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"No, I could just keep copying it and chopping it."

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"Then yeah, my mom's got long hair."

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"Great!  When is she normally free?"

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"If I want to see her I usually, like, schedule something, but we can drop by her place whenever and wait for her to show up if you want."

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"If that's not rude!"

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"Would be without me but not with me!"

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"Then that sounds like a good idea!  Maybe we could visit your neighbor with the crows or the one who's fifteen first if you think they might be free and your mom might not be?"

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"Sure, we can stop at those apartments on the way out."

Knock knock, crow neighbor. "G'way," squawks a crow.

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Not a person.  Lornell sighs.  "Okay, thanks for your time."

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"G'way! G'way!" says the crow. "Nobody home."

The fifteen-year-old is home and indeed answers the door herself.

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"Hello!" greets Lornell.  "I have a very weird request, are you up for that right now?"

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"...if you'll fuck off if I say no, sure, hit me."

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"Sure.  I'm a slider with the ability to copy traits from other people and I usually look older because I prefer to be as athletic as an adult is but I'm around fifteen of your years and I was wondering if I could, without changing anything about you, copy some of your looks-fifteenness so that people will have more-correct information about me based on how I look."

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"If that doesn't change anything about me, uh, sure? I guess?"

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"Thanks!"  Lornell brought along a handholdable mirror borrowed from Chirun and uses it to make small changes.  Between the neighbor and Chirun and Lornell's original face, they end up with something they're pretty happy with that doesn't look too much like either of the Greens.

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"I think that'll just about do it."

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"Okay, cool, you're welcome I guess." She shuts the door.

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Well.  "I could do the registered photo series now but it's probably better to have my own money to pay for it, so I think that points to continuing with plan 'wait for your mom'."

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"Yeah. It's a subway trip."

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What's a subway trip oh that's a subway trip.  "I could always run it since I've got to do most of my own exercise now anyway.  But yeah."

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"Oh, yeah, sure, let me pull up the map and you can run it." Chirun finds a map and picks out a route.

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Which Lornell runs!  Whether they get there faster than the subway depends mostly on if the trip is long enough for the train to make up for times at stops.

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Lornell gets there sooner mostly because Chirun has an unusually long wait for the elevator. Once he comes up he spots them and waves.

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On the way Lornell remembers that copying off exertion interferes at least partially with keeping the benefits of exercising, so they're still out of breath when Chirun spots them.  Ughhhhhh they're going to spend so much time out of breath from now on.  Wave wave.

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"Whoa, are you okay?"

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"I assumed when you suggested you'd run the whole way that you were, like, in condition for that, did you accidentally copy someone who's more sedentary?"

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"I think the fittest person on the - on either planet can still exert themself if they try for it?  Normally I take not-having-exercised off someone else but I think that would counteract the point of exercising at all.  Maybe.  A couple of my friends spent a while as public officials for fitness and stuff; I'm just going off a few things I remember them saying."

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"...is 'public official' definitely the word, that sounds so weird..."

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"Oh, 'official publics' maybe?  They're people endorsed by the government as having certain traits; there are squares for them to hang out in so everyone can walk by and copy the most common or important things they need from them."

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"I might go with 'official examples' or something."

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"Noted."  Is it going to render Lornell's run pointless if they take thirstlessness off someone; surely not, right?  Right.

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Anyway there's Chirun's childhood home. He walks up to the door and punches in the code. "- does your thing let you get passcodes? Like, don't do it, but could you."

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"There might be people in countries other than the one I'm from who can do that sort of thing but no one in Creta would work on letting people get at anything so personal."

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"It'd need working on? I thought you just... had it?"

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"I think it's more like, I have a body, and I can exercise it to change it in different ways?  Or I have a mind which I can use to learn different skills.  But it gets more complicated than that because you'll get one person trying to get their version a particular way, and other people will copy them because it's useful, but then of course the thing they're using to do that is different and you run into the problem of trying to measure the volume of a bucket using only that bucket.  Or so I've heard; I'm not a developer.  - Of the thing that I have."

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"Might want to just loanword it. Mooooom? Mom are you - oh, hi, Pling, can you get me Mom?" Chirun says, this last bit addressing a cute fawn-variegated rat who has approached on the elbow-height molding that lines the walls. It chirps and about-faces to scurry away.

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These people sure do like their animals.  Lorn takes a step back on impulse but doesn't otherwise startle.  And adds figuring out an appropriate amount of animal liking and finding someone to copy it off of to their mental to-do list.

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Pling returns on the shoulder of an older lady who resembles Chirun and hugs him. Chirun gives Pling a treat out of a fingerprint-unlock little box attached to the wall. "Mom, this is Lornell. Lornell appears to be a slider. Lornell, this is my mom, Hiannji."

Chirun's mom Hiannji blinks at Lornell, apparently having expected sliders to look different.

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Okay they'll take a little slice of animal liking right now actually.  It's normal to have a rat on your shoulder yes it is (at least in this world) and okay sure it's actually kind of cute.  Much better.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!  I'm from a planet where everybody can copy traits from everyone else, and Chirun and I thought that if I could copy someone else's hair and cut it off my head a bunch of times and sell it, that would probably be a good way for me to make enough money to start doing something useful with.  And he suggested that you might be a good person to copy sellable hair from?  You can have half the profit, of course."

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"It won't do anything to you, Mom," Chirun clarifies. "Lornell just wants to make his hair as long as yours, cut it off his head to sell, repeat. You can sit there and embroider."

"Sounds too good to be true," Hiannji remarks.

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"I'm - not . . . uh.  Nevermind for now."  Lornell is HOMESICK and kind of upset but no one else here is so it's only for a moment.  "Will it sound an amount of good that could be true if I demonstrate being able to copy your hair?"

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"- sure. Do you need me to let it down?"

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"Nope!"  Hair hair hair hair hair.

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Hiannji's hair is ankle-length, very slightly wavy, dark brown.

"Whoa!" says Hiannji.

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Oh that's a lot more than it looked like put up.  And it's so heavy and swooshy!  Lornell had long hair for a while when they were smaller but not this long even compared to their then-shorter body.  "Half sound fair?" they confirm.

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"More than, yeah."

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Then if Chirun will help with keeping the hair clean and organized and possibly with cutting it, the room can be filled with quite a lot of hair in quite little time.

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The website suggests having it ponytailed, so Hiannji has to send Plink to get her hair ties. "I'm not sure how much the market can actually absorb," Chirun remarks after the tenth batch.

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"As in it goes for a lot less money or as in it won't sell at all?"

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"Both. You might want to grab a different color, that would probably help."

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"Know anyone else with convenient hair?"

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"Who else is home, Mom?"

"Well, there's Jamase and Nikyakea but their hair's about the same color as yours. Miu will be home the day after tomorrow, she's got lovely red hair... you could knock on Brialle's door and ask after her toddler, he's got that white-blonde."

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"A lot of it?  Some people from my home can mix and match traits like length and color but I can't - " (right now?  no, not right now anymore; they're stuck with basically this for probably ever) " - er, do that."

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"Oh, no. In that case, no, I don't think there's anybody with really long hair in this neighborhood besides me. I guess you could go visit your aunt Shion."

"Bit of a hike."

"It is. How long does it need to be?"

"The website wants sixteen inches of ponytail."

"Oh, that's not nearly as much as I thought, in that case Brialle herself is probably plenty, I think it hits her waist. Not white-blonde, but blonde."

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"Great!  Thanks."  Lornell determines which door is the one they should knock on and knocks on it and runs through their pitch again assuming that a person who seems interested in hearing it answers.

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Brialle is interested in being paid to sit there and do nothing, sure.

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Yay!  Hair hair hair, hair hair hair.  Of less length and therefore more rounds of chopping, is probably the way to do it.

"Do you want to keep half of the hanks themselves, or for me to sell them and bring you the money later?" Lornell asks the proxy donors once the harvesting's done.

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"Oh, I don't want the hassle, just have Hiannji give me my cut later."

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"Okay!"  (Double check to make sure that 'cut' in this context means of money and not of hair: yes.)  "Thanks!"

And Hiannji wants about the same deal, not to keep her extra hair?

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Okay!  Then it's time to follow the next steps the website listed for getting the hair to someone who'll give Lornell money for it!  (After a brief detour to get in a couple handstand-pushups and trim off and sweep up all their little blond ends.)

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The hair needs to be put in plastic bags one per braid and then sent in with an ID number written on the box and on a card inside so they can associate the hair with the website account and pay out. Chirun will let Lorn use his account.

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Chirun is really really helpful and Lornell is so glad he found them.  Bag bag box box mail mail.  After how long should Lorn expect to receive money, does it say?

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It says that they will make the deposit four to six days after the hair arrives, which will depend on how fast a postal method they chose.

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Alrighty.  "Is there anything else we can think of that it seems like I should do today while you're still off from work?"

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"Probably if you're going to take up eating on the regular we should go grocery shopping on the way home."

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"Ooh, sure!"

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There is a Harvest Joy right by the subway stop nearest Chirun's house. It has so many foods.

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That's SO MUCH food.  Lornell had figured there would be more food than they'd naturally expect, and probably even more food than they'd expect to expect when accounting for that, and even given both of those attempted calibrations this is still so much food.

They're willing to mostly go along with what Chirun likes, since worse comes to worst they can also start liking it, but insofar as they're stating preferences before they can pay for any of this themself it's mostly in favor of foods not available back on Citrelia: unrecognizable-to-Lorn kinds of fish (which is most of them) and fruits and vegetables (not as many), anything that needs high-tech equipment to make, that sort of stuff.  Though only a handful of items get elevated to the level of Lorn expressing wanting Chirun to actually buy them today.

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Chirun picks up baby spinach and some fish, and curry sauce and frozen chopped onions and toum, and passionfruits and prechopped peppers and couscous, and ice cream and cheese popcorn and sandwich sausage slices and a loaf of bread.

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Some of these are already known to Lornell and some aren't but all of them are exciting!  The fish is the only thing Lorn hasn't seen before (and of course they've seen fish, just not tuna specifically) but the presentation and the shape of everything and the way it's packaged is all very sci-fi.  Is it coming up on time to eat any of this or is it all for later?

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When they get home Chirun is going to throw some of the onions and spinach and peppers and fish in a pan and start the rice cooker.

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Does he want any help with that?

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No but he will show Lornell how to empty the dishwasher for future reference.

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Lornell is happy to help!  They like washing dishes but only because that's a convenient way to be; this is objectively much better.

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"Wow, so I can just find people who like any chore and you can grab that, that's amazing. If only I knew someone who enjoyed litterbox maintenance, Enoby's box is getting a little janky and the bag sometimes jams."

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"That seems kind of intrinsically rewarding!"  (Or it probably will once they like animals a little more.)  "I'd like to get a better understanding of how some of your technology actually works anyways, and to some extent I can just copy that and to some extent I won't really get it until I actually interact with the mechanisms."

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"Sure, why not, I'll go take apart the box now and see if it's accumulated any problems since last time Enoby hassled me into fixing it."

The litter box is pretty complicated but all the parts snap together and unclip from each other, the problem is there's a bit snapped off from an important plastic section which means bits of litter can wind up in places they're not supposed to be and snag the bag or induce it to twist.

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Snapped off as in broken entirely or just out of place?

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Broken entirely. It isn't absolutely indispensible to the machine's functioning but it sure does make it work much less smoothly.

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Does Chirun's knowledge think there's anything practical to be done in terms of fixing it or getting a replacement part?

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Probably there is some form online where you can order parts but it would be annoying.

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Likely to be more annoying than fixing the box regularly or just more concentrated annoyance?

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Not even more concentrated annoyance, just more activation energy than Chirun applies when not being harassed by a cat.

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Seems like a valuable category of thing for Lornell to practice.  "Would you want an unbroken this," point "if I tried to do all the ordering steps?"

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"- sure, go for it."

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"Great!"  First Lornell is going to . . . look for a label?  Or check any label that they already came across for brand and model information.

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The plastic casing on the outside of the machine is stamped Alldry Catbox - Shorthaired Batear. (Local knowledge informs Lornell that the shorthaired batear is a kind of cat and that in context that's probably the model of catbox produced by brand Alldry.)

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That's a start!  Do any forms make themselves evident if Lorn types that into the computer along with some keywords that're broadly the sort of thing Chirun would intuit as appropriate although not necessarily the exact same ones he would have chosen?

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If they search for alldry catbox shorthaired batear replacement parts they can find one.

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And is the information it wants mostly information Lorn has?

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Do they know Chirun's address and payment information?

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"Hey Chirun, it wants your address and payment information."

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"Yeah, can you get that or do I have to get up, I have kind of a headache."

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"Oh, I'm sorry."  Headaches are bad enough when you can get rid of them as soon as you notice them.  "It can wait till later, or I can bring you the laptop to fill out the payment information while I run outside to check the address?"

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"Computer might automatically fill in my paynumber, you want the one that ends in 55, you can bring it over for me to fingerprint. Address is," yawn, "Loza, Perqua, Upper Pond, Curl Road #70, Waterhill Apartments, Chirun."

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Type typity type type.  Select.  Fingerprint?

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Fingerprint. Burrowing into the couch.

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Aaaa there's someone physically suffering right there in a way that Lornell's presence doesn't automatically fix.  They head into their room so their thinking calisthenics won't bother Chirun.

Lefthandstand:  There's got to be so much suffering in this world, all the time, and Lornell can't do anything directly about it.  People are dying, in pain, in the presence of other people, just because they can't fix themselves.  Probably at some point someone is going to do this in front of Lornell?  Or at least be in significant pain, if they've only been here this long and already there's an incident with Chirun.  They can take some understanding of appropriate ways to react to that from Chirun and whoever else but it might also be worth reading explicitly about, if it's the sort of thing anyone on this planet even writes on.  And medicine is a technology; they should pick that up and maybe start carrying supplies.

(Medicine is a technology - the hospital - this place is - at some point they'll have to make a decision about whether it makes sense for them to keep their Cretari disposition or try for something more local.  Just a touch if so.  For the most part they like who they are and don't really want to become a completely different one even if it means getting the short end of every stick.)

A few dips.  Hand switch.  As for less drastic changes: animals.  They're kind of everywhere here and Lornell isn't terribly attached to being completely uninterested in them.  Probably a good calibration method is to . . . actually interact with one?  They lean their legs to one side until feet are on the ground and hand isn't.  Is Enoby visibly around?

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Enoby is clutching a cord attached to a carpet sweeper in her teeth and trotting it around the apartment, but she's almost done.

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Well, that gives Lorn a chance to pick up basic norms for initiating animal interaction off Chirun.

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Chirun wouldn't interrupt Enoby when she's working except to give her treats when she's doing a good job, but might pat his lap to encourage her to come hang out when she was between tasks, and then pet her like so.

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Well if she's almost done Lornell can wait for her to finish and then try that.  Though if it looks like it's gonna be more than a few minutes they'll go back to their room.

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Enoby puts the carpet sweeper back in the closet and then runs madly around the apartment for no reason. "Yeah, Enoby, you tell those imaginary mice," mumbles Chirun.

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Mood.  Will she come over after that?

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Sure, if Lorn pats their lap.

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That's the plan.  "Hi, Enoby," they don't quite whisper, aiming not to disturb Chirun.  "I'm Lornell."

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"Mrrt?" says Enoby, sniffing them thoroughly.

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Sniffing can happen.

Scritch scritch?

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Yes Lornell has heard they do that.  There can be a few minutes of ear scratching and spine rubbing and holding their hand up for her to rub her face on and then Lornell is going to do whatever the polite thing is to ask a cat to get off you.

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It's actually really impolite to do that to a cat. Enoby maybe lives here now.

(If they seriously need her off they can point to a notlap location and she will probably go there.)

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Yeah okay she will hop off the lap and be over there. Then wash a paw like this was all her own plan.

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That's a lot more respectful than animals Lorn is used to (as far as ones that are friendly at all), which is a good start.  It's plausible they might just end up liking animals an appropriate amount on their own, if left to it long enough - though, hm, is it common to keep lots of other kinds of vermin, copied from Chirun?

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The commonest working animals are dogs (by a long shot, mostly because they are the most emphatically domesticated), then cats, rats, horses, various birds (corvids and parrots being the most common as service animals, though many kinds of birds are kept as decorations in sufficiently elaborately decorated households that don't have butterflies or fish instead), and goats. People also sometimes keep their own chickens, for eggs, though these are not generally trained to do tasks. More rural areas have more megafauna. Some places have relatively new domestication programs underway for things like raccoons but the domestic raccoons are still expensive and not very refined as lineages. Pets that are not especially trainable include assorted rodents, other birds, snakes and lizards, and various inconvenient exotics who may or may not found their own domestication programs.

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Cats are fine; rats they already grabbed a little cute-thinkingofness for but they might want more if there are going to be a lot of them; horses Lorn has only ever seen from a great distance but they seem cool; birds are alright; goats are fine.  Dogs . . . Lorn is going to have to meet a local dog, probably.  Clearly they're going to be at least somewhat better, but it's hard to tell if that'll make them appealing or just unobtrusive - not that Lorn really needs them to be appealling instead of unobtrusive, per se . . .

Are there any games or activities more exciting than petting that one can do with cats?  Specifically with Enoby and specifically quiet ones?

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You can get cats to chase things. There's a fishing-rod-style toy for Enoby over there.

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That seems pretty likely to be less quiet than is ideal for headache-havers!  - Maybe not pretty likely.  Somewhat likely.  Lorn's not going to risk it.

But they will reach down and give Enoby a parting friendly forehead-and-spine scritch if she seems like she'll in fact find that friendly?

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