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happy days increasing the universe-conquering capabilities of Lawful Evil
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Keltham's reflexes out of Civilization do not particularly call for him to walk places to talk to emergency responders during mental health emergencies!  That's what phones or Security are for!  He'll start striding quickly towards the classroom while asking Security to have Maillol meet them there.  Is the situation in the classroom currently stable?


...yes, Asmodia happened to be nearby and took temporary responsibility for Tallandria.


(...he would've guessed Ione, failover to Pilar, especially since Asmodia had already handed in her work.

Slightly confusing but not obviously important, possibly indicates something along the lines of 'Asmodia asked Security to keep a lookout for anything she could impressively assume responsibility for handling'.  No obvious Conspiracy correlates.

Keltham is noticing it simply because he is trained to notice confusion.)


DON'T LIE to Keltham don't even ambiguously lie to Keltham!!!!! We don't have protocols for 'mental health emergencies' because even alter!Cheliax doesn't have those!!! Asmodia seems to be trying to be helpful to Tallandria, fine, Asmodia DID NOT follow some established taking-responsibility procedure!!!! 




Security clarifies, in case Keltham was getting the wrong impression here, that Cheliax doesn't actually have any standard procedures like Security is sure Civilization has, and Asmodia isn't trained in anything like he's sure Civilization does.  Security doesn't particularly know what to do either when somebody bursts into tears but isn't violent.  It's not really a Security issue per se.


Yes, thank you, it wasn't very much of a ray of hope but it was hope and something needed to destroy it.


Carissa, snap horrible decision before they get there, does she think Tallandria is still worth hiring?

Tallandria would've been on his list as a tier-2 even if she'd completely failed the exam, tier-1 if she'd done okay on it.  But at least in Civilization, this would be a symptom of somebody who ends up requiring tons of emotional support, and being a distraction, and it would be a famously bad idea to have her in your high-pressure startup.  'You mostly can't improve people, you can only filter them,' goes the proverb out of dath ilan.  Mainly if somebody can't handle the pressures of Civilization you want to encourage them to go to a Quiet City, or the Future, depending, and not have more kids who can't handle Civilization.  But somebody in Governance thought Tallandria would be a good pick for the Project, for some reason, presumably, and she did do well in chemistry.


"I think you should not hire her, because she started crying in the middle of an exam. This project already started a godwar. It's - not a reasonable expectation of people who are emotionally fragile, to handle the sort of things that are going to happen well. And - it'd plausibly disqualify her from taking the Worldwound oath, if it'd happened before that, and that's the - benchmark our society has, for people who can handle really really serious things..."


That's what he figured.

Nobody tell Tallandria that she didn't even need to pass the exam, unless it somehow seems like a very good idea for her to learn that fact.


Message to Korva:

Tallandria, I've been informed that Keltham is sending Maillol in to escort you out.  That's going to happen here exactly the way it would in alter-Cheliax, even without Keltham present, so everybody can see it and have the same story inside their minds.

Keep in mind that you're useful to me, even if to nobody else.  I don't intend to let you end up as a paving stone, ever, if you serve me well.


Why the fuck would Maillol escort her - well, if Keltham thought that was a reasonable thing to do, then sure, but why the fuck did Keltham think that that was a reasonable thing to do. Why did people even tell Keltham.

- not the point. She'll go. She's not crying much anymore, although her makeup is messed up and her face is still kind of red and puffy, and her heart rate might be spiking despite the assurance.


Ferrer Maillol will enter the classroom, wordlessly looking sad and grandfatherly, and hold out a gentle hand to Korva Tallandria.  His body posture indicates without words that it's time for her to go.

Possibly Lady Avaricia has Sense Motive high enough to see through his Bluff.  Definitely nobody else, even with everybody in the entire classroom getting the bonus from knowing with certainty it's a bluff.


Korva is mostly confused about why everyone (including Keltham, apparently), has decided that this is worthy of a crown fucking trial. In places that aren't Cheliax people do, actually, cry in only moderately stressful situations sometimes.

She'll go with Maillol just fine, though, and try to stay very firmly in the mindset of her alter-self, who is also confused about why people are having a crown trial about this, and is additionally really embarrassed. As opposed to her real self, who would probably be terrified if she were allowed to have emotions right now.


Asmodia picks up Korva's exam paper - Keltham will no doubt want to see it, it's data about what sort of person fails like this - and follows Korva out.


Damn, Alexandre wishes he could lie like Maillol. Well. He'll get there some day. (Lord Asmodeus willing.)

Goodbye, Korva Tallandria, down in flames and no one to blame but yourself. One day when you're a paving stone in Hell, Korva, you may know that Alexandre Esquerra once thought of you as his most formidable rival. Briefly. Now to see how the rest of the class burns out.


Keltham is here in case Korva Tallandria has anything she wants to say to him.  Otherwise, she can go with Maillol.


Well, she's in the middle of being escorted away by Maillol, for some reason, so it's not going to occur to her that Keltham might want her to interrupt that to say anything to him, especially since a student breaking down in tears isn't a big deal, and he probably has more important things to deal with. But she'll wipe her eyes, smile, and half-laugh at herself, sadly, because that's what she intuitively feels like she would do if she were moderately embarrassed about being a crybaby in front of Keltham in a situation where the stakes for being a crybaby aren't actually that high.


It'd be more reassuring if he knew the likelihood ratios from different internal states of possible mental health emergencies to an 'eye wipe, smile, and half-laugh'.

He'll nod at her in reply, and watch her go.


Fun fact!  Dath ilan has zero customs whatsoever against somebody leaving in the middle of a math exam, if they notice they're about to burst into tears but are otherwise still able to act as an agent in the world!  Who would even be able to stop them?

Obviously Korva Tallandria was too disabled to leave under her own power.  Or didn't trust herself to do that, and waited for escort while staying where other people could see her, despite knowing that would cost them in distraction and possible emotional distress of their own.

Just saying, here.


"How does this affect Tallandria's hiring chances?" Asmodia asks, because obviously nobody's told her anything about anything.


"Negatively.  Why do you ask?  Also, any particular reason you were called to assume temporary responsibility there?"


"I'd been tutoring Korva up until that point and thought she had a lot of promise."

"I want to hire her myself, same arrangement as you made with Yaisa.  Well, different job, obviously."


"Common wisdom out of Civilization would say that you're possibly getting sucked into somebody else's emotional spiral of doom, shouldn't try to fix people unless you are personally an actual professional people-fixer, and that there's a dozen obvious traps here that I wouldn't expect anybody in Golarion to understand.  Those include the most compassionate workplaces implicitly defiltering to get the most dysfunctional people who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, and compassionate people training people to malfunction by rewarding them with support and companionship when they do."

"I'm not going to veto directly.  Talk to Maillol, though.  I predict he'll be against it, and if he says no you'll have a constipation of a time persuading me to say yes."

"I suppose I should ask what you'd hire her to do, though."


"Possibly, help put my math lessons into a form where people who are neither Keltham nor Carissa Sevar nor Asmodia can understand them.  I had that thought even before her breakdown over math specifically."


"You could potentially hire, say, Jacme, for that, and not risk getting sucked into somebody else's emotional spiral of doom."

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