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happy days increasing the universe-conquering capabilities of Lawful Evil
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Right, okay, then.


He does want the nondisclosure agreements in the case the project fails arranged first.




Also he would absolutely LEAVE if that was POSSIBLE but he's not going to say that.


Keltham will work up a nondisclosure agreement shortly, they can stick to public knowledge about alchemy until then.  Most of them this afternoon are going to be working on completing the spectroscope as equipment.  Can Keltham turn him over to Lady Avaricia, so Lady Avaricia can introduce to him the basic concepts out of Civilization, and he can see if his public knowledge works for helping her to complete her project on relating Golarion concepts to dath ilani ones?  Again, it'll seem like Lady Avaricia hates him, but it won't be anything personal, and he doesn't need to be guarded or tactful around her either.


- yes, he can do that. Is it her husband's title or her parents'?


Parents, Keltham thinks, something about a county she's heiress of.


- right. He appreciates the clarification, such as it is, and would be happy to work with the Lady Avaricia on the spectroscope, if it pleases her.


Literally nothing's going to please Lady Avaricia until the Project scales to the point of distributing artifact headbands with +6 intelligence, to people who were otherwise nearly the smartest innate prodigies in the world before then, whereupon they may begin to barely meet Lady Avaricia's standards.


"Just get over here and assist me already, I don't prefer you standing around."


....great. He'll do that. He's so looking forward to being part of this fascinating project.


Message to Lady Avaricia:  Guy seemed slightly weird, please observe and report back if he seems even more horribly incompetent than you'd expect from the next-best alchemist to pass their Security screen.


She's desperately curious what specifically about that Keltham thought was weird, but doesn't ask. 




They'll almost get a spectroscope working before Keltham calls it a day!


PL-timestamp:  Day 24 (20) / Evening


Martial arts practice.  It's getting a little psychologically easier each time, as his mind accepts that injuries to himself and others just are not permanent.

He can't feel about pain what Carissa feels, he doesn't think.  But there's a triumph in making it through, walking away healed and less afraid, step by step becoming somebody who's Been In A Fight.

...the thought of fighting Meritxell at all, let alone Meritxell transformed into Carissa, still seems flinchy.  He might possibly need to equip Meritxell with a dagger, or something else that makes her look more dangerous, and be attacked by her first, before he'll feel okay about fighting back.

It'll probably go away, that hesitation, after the first time.  Things like that are usually like that.  Right?

Using Bull's Strength and Cat's Grace to train martial arts is like soaring.  Keltham would say, like flying, but eventually he'll be able to Fly - or cast it from scroll - and probably that'll be a totally different sort of soaring experience.

At 4th-circle, Keltham can't sustain those enhancements through a whole training session - nor would he, he should also train fighting unenhanced - but Keltham begins and ends with them, each time.  Because elementary hedonics.


He'd thought to date Ione, tonight, but ended up feeling not in shape for it, after martial arts practice.  It's by far the most mentally strenuous thing he's done repeatedly since he came to Golarion.

He summons Yaisa instead.  Tells her to be slow and gentle, to make him feel cared-for, and lets her do all the work.

He should probably talk to Meritxell soon, if she's amenable, fight her soon, and get that part over with.


PL-timestamp:  Day 25 (21) / Morning Lectures


All right, Keltham knows this is probably going to be a bit stressful, but...


The new researchers are coming up on the end of their trial week tomorrow.


Keltham, in retrospect, has not been stress-testing them to the same extent as he stress-tested the current researchers before they got hired.


They've now been introduced to the simplest of inductive Law-fragments, the Rule of Succession.

Armed with that, they should be able to figure out how you'd go about deciding whether two different sources of LEFTs and RIGHTs had the same frequency, or a different frequency, if the datasets weren't so different as to make it obvious at a glance.

...and say what it is that an experimentalist out of Civilization would say, and not say, in their report summarizing their data.  It's not going to be, "I decided these two sources were the same" or "I've started betting these two sources are different."

...and maybe talk about a certain general symptom of error that might appear, abstracted beyond just the Rule of Succession, if two different experimenters had ended up performing different experiments with different properties, without anyone realizing that earlier, when somebody went through the reports out of Civilization side-by-side.

If they can keep going, and find even more to say, they're welcome to do that.

Split up and try it on your own.

Everyone should have been told earlier this morning to prepare one Fox's Cunning and one Owl's Wisdom; you may use those at will.  Researcher-candidates will also get an additional Fox's Cunning supplied by staff.

You've got until lunchtime.


Note, this test does not completely determine your final relationship to Project Lawful.

Keltham has been watching them this whole week, not just now.  Keltham doubts his saying this will affect Lady Avaricia in any way, so he will mention, for example, that Lady Avaricia could completely blow this one, and still get in on the strength of her chemistry work.  People can also end up rising or falling in tier over time, if they're hired.

So don't stress out too much over this one test...

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