(Fact: According to Sal, Sano ended the performance of the King in Yellow, which, Inaaya doesn't actually have evidence that it's cursed and nobody should read it or see it but it sure didn't feel like something people should be exposed to.
Hypothesis: to whatever extent there's something not-conventionally-held-to-be-possible going on, Sano is probably more aware of it than anyone else Inaaya talks to.
Corollary: Oscar Latz is not. Like, extremely not, ridiculously not, makes up absurd stories out of thin air to justify how conventionally-held-to-be-possible things have to be. She doesn't know what to do about this. If there are codes for letting people know that you also know about magic, Inaaya doesn't know them. But there's got to be something there, right?)
In the meantime she smiles extremely sincerely and thanks him. She has, in fact, missed chai.