"I'm good. Thanks."
Ginger is a sweetheart. And the assignment isn't bad. He can write about ... technology and religion? Too easy. Extended adolescence? No he hates that shit. Individuality versus mass production, okay, and -- sterility? consumerism? -- where is Mr. Teegarden, shouldn't he be proctoring -- bathroom, probably -- right, individuality versus mass production and consumerism, that works well --
-- oh, god, is he in the bathroom like that, it's not like passing periods are enough time, right, teachers must need to use the other stalls too --
-- consumerism! Okay citations citations he has to say something about the centrifugal whatchamacallit, and about the surnames -- does that really tie in with consumerism though -- but there's something to be said about Marx -- that's a paper not a paragraph -- the clothes, the obsolescent clothes and the obsolescent people and Mr. Teegarden in the bathroom, one hand on the wall and his pants unfastened, head hanging down, breathing a little heavy -- focus -- everyone belongs to everyone else --
-- he could just change something for a minute, some rule that would let him go make himself useful, something like the PSP, he could go help Mr. Teegarden in the bathroom and then he could change it back and it would never have happened, no one harmed, no one would know --
In Huxley's Brave New World, says his paper, and then a blank expanse.