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Theo and Sadde in the Buffyverse
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"I mean, I noticed they were sharp, but it didn't occur to me that they could be supernaturally sharp until you basically maimed Brad."


"I... That was a total accident. But, uh, good point. I'm not sure nails usually do that, at least not that easily."



Eva excuses herself from her friends and makes her way over to Sadde, Theo and Willow. Sitting down, she places her bottle of water on the table and says, "Hi there!"


"Hi. ...a-are you lost?"


"Nope!" she says, brightly, then proceeds to ignore Willow in favor of Theo. It wouldn't do to look too friendly.

"So. You're new? I heard you're already on the football team – congratulations!"


"Uh, it's actually the soccer team, but thanks?"


"Oh, right. So, what was that fight about?"


"Fight? ... Oh, you mean with Brad? Nah, I just tripped."


She gives him a look.


Okay, she's more used to this.


He watches the interaction quietly. And eats his lunch.


Theo just smiles.


"Well okay then," says Eva, showing just how much she believes that. She looks around to make sure she won't be spreading gossip, and then asks, "Was it anything to do with... you two? As a couple?" She indicates Sadde and Theo, then turns to Willow and says in a stage whisper, "They're together, you know." Wink.


"Uh, yeah, I wouldn't describe one night as 'being together.'"


"And in spite of that, I've been made aware of at least four different things that happened during that one night over the last twenty minutes."


Eva laughs at that. Maybe she's not ignoring Willow that much, whatever.

She looks at Theo and raises an eyebrow, then gets serious. "Yeah, I know that. He called you two fags," she starts, then points at Sadde. "He's been bullying you for longer than I realized." Her hand goes down again. "And he's 'creating disharmony in my bubble.' Is there any chance you guys can just stay away from him?"


Theo doesn't know what that look was about, but he doesn't like it. "You think we provoked him into doing it?"


"Well, I kinda did, but I don't think I'm going to stop, when he thinks I'm getting off on the stuff he does he's way less likely to do them. I would know, I've been keeping track. For what it's worth, he's not strictly correct in saying I'm a fag, not only am I bi but also I'm frequently a girl."


Eva gives Sadde a look, this time. "Yeah, I'm not blind, I realized that." She sighs. "Look, I'm not trying to be mean here, it's just that it's probably easier to get you guys to stay away from him, rather than vice versa."


"I don't think you get how this works."


"Well obviously it's not a perfect solution – I'm not stupid – but it's better than him eventually getting annoyed enough to beat you to death, isn't it?" she says, eyes (metaphorically) flashing. Then she realizes she's a bit too 'enthusiastic', and falls back on a smile.


He sporfles. "Oh, he only hurts me as much as I let him. I've faced worse things than him. And in any case, that doesn't work, he comes after us. Me, anyway."


"I didn't mean he'd beat you to death," she says to Sadde, then looks to Theo and back.


"Who did you mean? Theo? Pretty sure that won't happen, either."


She looks at Sadde, then squints a bit, then looks over at Theo, and back at Sadde. "... Right. Of course. Just what I needed."

She grabs her drink and gets up to leave.

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