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Theo and Sadde in the Buffyverse
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Bye, Theo's dad!

"Your dad looked confused about my existence."


"I hadn't mentioned making any friends, let alone any that were good enough friends I'd stay over their place the third day of the semester."


"Oh, you didn't mention almost being turned into dinner by a vampire? Why?"


Theo gives Sadde a look. "Are you serious?"


"...yeah? I mean, telling everyone and causing a panic and possibly causing the Men In Black to come won't help, but at least giving him some holy water, a crucifix, and a stake ought to help."


"... Okay, wow, that's actually a good point, why did I not think of that. I'm sure he'll be fine until tonight, though, right? I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to him."


"Vampires do get burned by the sun, so he probably won't be finding any during the day, and it's statistically unlikely he'll find one on any particular evening."


"Yeah. Okay. Well, that's gonna be. Fun. 'Hey, so, dad, vampires are a thing. Can you just carry a cross and a stake so you're safer? Thanks.'"


"I can come with, show him some magic, might be easier to believe vampires when you see teekay."


"Yeah, that'd be nice, thanks. I guess I can show him my puncture marks too."


"Oh, they'll probably be gone by tonight."


"Okay, well, I can take a photo and hope he doesn't think it's 'shopped and maybe hope he remembers it. ... Actually, do I really want my dad to know I got bitten by a vampire? I mean, knowing about vampires, sure, but. I don't know."


"I dunno, he's your dad. Might impress on him how dangerous they are, might do it well enough that he decides to move and I'll never see you naked again."


"Are they only in Sunnydale? That would be kinda surprising."


"They're disproportionately in Sunnydale. Ever wonder why property prices here are this low?"


"Because this is a small town? ... That has vampires, and demons, and so much other stuff. Why is it disproportionately in Sunnydale?"


"Some of those books mention something called a 'mouth of hell' or a 'hellmouth' depending on the translation. They don't outright mention Sunnydale, but side effects of having a hellmouth in your town include various demonic activity, increased numbers of the undead, and the ability to affect causality in order to attract weird magic stuff. Like, say, part-demons with sexiness as their power." Pause. "I wonder if you're part incubus or something." He sniffs Theo.


"Y-" He looks at Sadde. "What are you doing?"


"Checking to see if you're an incubus, the book said incubi have very strong pheromones, if I'd gotten a boner upon sniffing you that'd be conclusive evidence."


Theo raises an eyebrow. He's apparently doing that quite a bit, lately. "... So I'm guessing I'm not an incubus then?"

He hasn't actually, y'know, checked. It's just the way that Sadde phrased it.


"My genitals are unaffected by your scent, however rugged and manly it may be."


"Why thank you."

Oh, look, they're now at school. What fun.


And first class: bio!

They arrived at school together, so of course on the way to class—


—people notice.


People do.

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